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by Maryann Barnett

  “No way. You just stick to your plans. I’m only along for the ride. I still think I should be working on getting Rick what he deserves though.”

  “A few days and you will be.” Brock drove off and turned out onto the main street. “He should be long gone from here by now, following the limo, so we’ll go.”

  Sarah yawned. “I’m so tired.”

  “There’s a bed on the jet.”

  She gave a sharp look his way.

  “You don’t have to share it with me, don’t worry. You can sleep as long as you want. We have a long flight with one refuel on the way.”

  “Okay. Thanks.”

  “Have you eaten?”

  “A few nibbles. But I’m not sure I could eat right now.”

  “Right. I’ll get the on-board chef to get some food sorted. Romeo and Juliet will enjoy breakfast with you.”

  “The dogs are coming too?”

  “Oh yes. I hardly ever leave them behind.”

  Sarah just grinned. This man was complex and confusing. But he always seemed to make her smile. He was a billionaire, but he wasn’t conceited and didn’t act entitled. However, he did have issues.

  “It’s an hour’s drive to the jet at my private airstrip. We’ll be cleared for take-off an hour after that. You can just sleep on the plane until we get there.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise. But you’ll need swimwear.”

  “Now you tell me.”

  “It’s okay. I think your boss has paid you, so you can afford a new set.”

  “Regular funny man.” Sarah gave a laugh.

  “I do try.”

  “You’ve got me for two days, Brock, and then I want to be back here to nail Rick’s ass to the wall.”


  “Also, I have a proposition for you.”

  “I’m living the dream.” Brock took the highway that led out of the city. “Tell me more.”

  “When we get where we’re going, I will.”

  “A woman of mystery. I like it.”

  “I do try.”

  Brock laughed and Sarah’s heart soared. He was important to her. She desperately wanted to make this work between them. But could she? This Brock driving the car was different to the uber-controlling sexual being he became as a Dom. This man here, she could take every second of every day. The other one, the jury was still out on.

  From one extreme to the other. Sarah sensed to get those two personality traits to merge into one man with one set of feelings and one whole personality was almost an impossible task. He’d have to want it to happen for starters, and she’d have to give a lot of herself to get a microbe of him.

  Plus he had a daughter, and presumably an ex-girlfriend to add to the mix. What did that mean? Where would Sarah fit into the mix?

  She was scared. Scared she’d break him even more than he already was. Scared she’d break herself. That they’d permanently break each other. But something inside wanted to give it a try. God help her. God help them both. Somebody had to.

  Chapter Five

  “Do you like it?”

  “If I hadn’t just walked across to the plane and stepped on, I’d think I was in a six-star resort.”

  “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  Romeo and Juliet came bounding up and nosed into his legs and hands waiting for some affection. He loved their greeting. No matter what, the dogs cheered him up and calmed him down when needed.

  Then, they waited patiently for Sarah to set down her bag before they moved in on her with bright eyes and wagging tails. Her smile and the way she sank to her knees to hug both dogs around the neck made Brock wish he was one of them.

  “I’ll just go and speak to the chef and the captain. Make yourself at home with this pair. Grab a drink of you want. There’s a fully stocked bar or plenty of non-alcoholic choices.”

  “Thanks. If it’s okay, I might make a cup of herbal tea and climb into the bed.”

  “Go for it.” That came out way calmer than his thumping heart made him feel inside. The very thought of Sarah Beaumont in the bed in his jet made him want to break every rule and get in there and make her body his.

  He took a step towards the kitchenette where she made her tea. Her long hair falling gracefully, her luscious curves, the lingering, sweet scent of vanilla and roses. He needed to kiss her. He wanted to feel her against him, needing him to rule her. Brock’s skin tingled, and his fists clenched at his side.

  He took a couple of steps towards her, fighting the incredible urge to bind her to that bed in there and make her come until she could come no more, pushing her body and soul to the edge. To own her mind and her essence.

  He knew he should stop, the tenure of trust between them was on shaky ground. After the events of the day, how could he even consider she would venture into anything sexual with him? But she was under his skin.

  It was so much more to him than asserting his dominance and metering just enough pain to bring her to sexual ecstasy to appease his own broken desires.

  Yet still he craved her. As if sensing him there, she turned and face him full on. Her large eyes connected with his, and he saw no fear. The passion between them crackled in the air, and he moved into her space and took her face in his hands, overpowered by his need to kiss her.

  Sarah didn’t fight the kiss; she kissed him back. Her soft, sweet lips moving under his as he explored her mouth with his. Her hands sought his body through his shirt, and her arms went around him, drawing him into her body.

  The closeness of her, even fully clothed, put fire in his blood. Brock let his arms surround her body, and he held her against him. She belonged there. He stopped kissing her then and just held her. All the tension of the day melted away.

  “Brock?” She sounded breathless.


  “Do you trust me?”


  “I signed an agreement to have sex your way. I let you dominate me. Would you sign an agreement written by me?”

  “You want to dominate me?”

  “No. I want to make soft, gentle, emotional love to you.”

  Brock held her away from him a little as he got lost in her eyes. “I’m not sure I know how to do that.”

  “I had no idea how to be submissive to you.”

  Her hands trembled in his. He’d have to say no. How could he pretend he knew how to make love to any woman, let alone Sarah? With her it was more than what was written on an agreement, and that scared him. Sarah and forever sounded great in the same sentence, but Brock didn’t have forever to give her.

  She deserved so much more than a series of contracts. There was so much that he didn’t have to give, but he knew he’d take whatever she had to give him anyway. “Sarah…I…” He felt out of his depth.

  Sarah got on her tiptoes and lightly kissed his lips. “Just a one-off contract, Brock. No obligations.”

  Brock sighed. When was the last time he’d just held a woman because it felt good? It was impossible. But she was right, she had relinquished control to him, he owed her that.

  “Think about it. I’m going to sleep. Then we’ll talk.” Sarah moved back from him and gave him a modest smile. “I know this is out of your comfort zone. All of you is completely out of my depth, but somehow I can’t seem to stop wanting more.”

  Brock nodded. “Yes. Draw up your agreement. You’ll have your way for twenty-four hours.”

  Sarah inclined her head toward him and gave that sexy close-lipped smile again. Then she went off towards the sleeping area which was sectioned off towards the back of the jet. Brock set off to get the pilot and the chef organized.

  His heart still raced, and he realized just then a thin layer of sweat coated his skin. He wasn’t just nervous, he was downright scared. Could he make love to her if he didn’t love her? The sweat went cold against his skin. Could he make love to her without falling in love with her? Maybe he was already in love. No, not possible. He didn’t do love.
r />   It didn’t matter; he owed her this much after what he’d put her through already. Every time he tried to make things better for her, he just made things worse. Yet Sarah kept coming back to him and offering him…what? What was it she offered him? Love? No, not that. She wanted all the bells and whistles. Friendship, loyalty, emotional support?

  He’d given up on those things long ago. When his father died and left him, when his mother wasn’t strong enough to be there for him afterwards, and when his stepfather had come into his life and made it a living hell. They lived like there’d be no tomorrow. Gambling. Living like high rollers until the money was gone and the debts piled high.

  Youth for Brock had been more down than up, apart from Heather’s birth. What a miracle. But the process was hard on Jodie, Heather’s mother. Very hard.

  Brock tensed his body, as dark memories seeped back. It had been so long since he’d thought about any of that. This is what emotions did to him. Letting control go meant he’d relive the threats, the beatings, the mental anguish he suffered when his mother was passed out from overindulging.

  As he saw his father’s hard-earned fortune syphoned away, Brock had just wanted it all to end and for his dad to be there again. A billion dollar business that took a lifetime of sacrifice and sweat was sold, and the money was gone in five years.

  It was only pure luck it lasted that long. His mother was still with that loser, almost living in squalor. Brock refused to help her while she remained a part of his stepfather’s world. She never chose Brock. Never once since his dad died had she ever chosen him first.

  Brock got a scholarship as the college account was empty. He practically begged for his spot, and he had the grades he needed. Since then, he’d worked every day to earn the scholarship out. It was the least he could do.

  As soon as he turned twenty-five, he received a very hefty trust fund left by his father that Brock had known nothing about. He’d already made his first billion by then. He funded twenty scholarships a year which he personally selected.

  Brock’s success came from a natural eye for investment and reading the trends before they happened, his father’s business acumen, and a savage determination that he would never be vulnerable to anyone ever again. Not in any way.

  Now, this spectacular woman who trusted nothing in life except her friend, Bella, trusted him with her life and asked for some trust back. The one thing he never parted with. Brock wasn’t sure he could do it even if he wanted to. Once he opened up, he may never stop bleeding.

  Sarah Beaumont was a foil to his perfectly planned life. Her lush curves and sweet mouth played constantly on his mind. But more than that the sharpness of her mind amazed him, too. Her attitude to everything was that of a tough warrior, yet she was so fragile inside.

  He wanted to make everything right for her. He wanted to fix all the things that sucked about her life, as many he could. To see that smile permanently on her face would be wonderful. But he knew that life couldn’t just be patched up like that and be okay.

  He knew he couldn’t have her for keeps. He’d ruin her. But he simply couldn’t leave her alone.

  Chapter Six

  Sarah awoke from one of the longest, deepest sleeps she’d ever had. She stretched under the covers and wondered where in the world she was—literally. Maybe they were still flying? Surely she’d have to be in a seatbelt for landing or something. The buzz of excitement had her out of bed and slipping her old, comfy jeans and t-shirt back on.

  She’d go find Brock and see where they were. As she pulled on her jeans and did them up, she noticed fresh flowers on the bedside cupboard. Also a writing pad and sleek, silver pen tied up with a huge scarlet-red ribbon that matched the bedcovers and décor in here.

  Sarah smiled. She undid the bow and smoothed her hand over the quality stationary. He really meant what he’d said. Now Sarah’s heart skipped a little faster. What was she hoping to achieve here? What was it she really wanted?

  Did she want to find a way to meld their opposite outlooks on love? Was she just wanting to exert some kind of dominance over Brock? Did she crave the deeply emotional type of love she’d spent most of her adult life avoiding?

  She craved Brock. His touch and his dominance sparked the sense of taboo deep inside her. Yet, she sensed in him his need to dominate because he was too afraid to let himself feel anything other than complete control. She liked him enough to want to give him that, even just once in his life.

  He could trust her with the hidden turmoil he strived so hard to hide, yet she saw it as plain as if it was drawn on the gift of paper in front of her. She picked up the perfectly-weighted, elegant pen.

  This agreement is for one time only between Sarah Beaumont and Brock Devlin. Brock shall relinquish his Dom and agree to let his emotions come forth in lovemaking with Sarah. For a period of twenty-four hours, Brock shall not control the sex in his own way and shall not restrain Sarah in any way, physically, mentally, or emotionally, nor shall he constrain himself in these areas.

  Sarah agrees to this being a one time, no strings attached, session. She asks that they remain friends and work colleagues afterwards.

  She signed at the bottom and picked up the pad and paper to go see what Brock was doing. This was by far the riskiest thing she’d ever done. She really was putting her own heart on the line. Brock had been there for her, supported her, and taken care of her. He’d been patient during her attacks, and he seemed to have mended her somewhat—though how she’d didn’t really know.

  As scared as she’d been in those moments to the soaring stratosphere of ecstasy, Sarah knew she wanted to try and heal him a little inside—as he’d done her. Then, her debt would be paid. They’d be even and could get back into work mode. Boss. Employee. And friends. She definitely wanted to be his friend.

  She padded out on the lush-piled carpet, her bare feet sinking into the beautiful texture. If anyone had told her a month ago that this would be her life today, she’d have called them a liar.

  Hell, she’d have had them committed. But here she was, and she was about to push the sexiest man she’d ever known so far out of his comfort zone that she had no way of predicting his reaction.

  Fair to say, the danger turned her on. Another thing she’d never have admitted a month ago. Even so, deep inside, she couldn’t compromise her own principles. She wanted to have a man who wanted a marriage—with ups and downs, in bad times and fabulous times.

  She wanted a man who was on her side and who believed in forever—with her. Sarah considered that Brock may be an important stepping stone to untangling the fear and anger inside her, and finally being free to love and to be loved.

  If she just didn’t think about Brock as forever, that would be the way to go. Then, when it was time to let this go, all the better. Perhaps they’d both be able to move onto the types of relationships that would fulfil them. Sarah carried the folded paper out to the lounge area.

  “Sarah. How did you sleep?”

  “Very well, thank you.” She saw him glance at the paper in her hand and then back to her eyes. She clutched it a little tighter. “How long have I been asleep?”

  “Almost eight hours. I’ll call the chef to bring out the picnic platters.”


  “Sort of. If you want it to be. There’s a selection of finger foods. Hot, cold, and desserts.”

  “That sounds perfect. I’m very hungry.”

  “Good, I waited for you until I ate.”

  “There was no need. I would’ve been happy to eat alone.” She smiled. “Here, you can read this. I’m going to freshen up a little before dinner.”

  He raised his eyebrows and took the slip of paper; his fingers lightly brushed hers as he did. The tingles went to her core, and she rushed away with heated cheeks. Her immediate reaction to him—every time—was damned embarrassing.

  When she came back, the table was a delectable selection. It was colorful and the aromas set her hunger on fire. How long had it been since she�
�d eaten?

  “You know it is breakfast time, but where we’re going it will be dinner time.”

  “Where are we going?”


  “Really? That’s amazing.”

  “We’ll get a little time to visit. What would you like to do?” Brock had left the paper folded on the table. Had he read it?

  “I’d love to see the Eiffel Tower.”

  “Done.” Brock’s dark eyes shone. “So you know about Heather.”

  “I do. Would you mind if we didn’t discuss that right now? I’d prefer to spend my time discussing my agreement. Did you read it?”

  “I did.” Brock looked away from her.

  Sarah sat opposite him at the table. The leather seat was incredibly comfortable. Had he signed it?

  Chapter Seven

  Sarah began to nibble at the food. It all looked and tasted fabulous. Smoked salmon, brioche, poached eggs, hollandaise sauce, sweet Danish pastries. Sarah made her version of Eggs Benedict and savored each mouthful. Brock ate as well but never spoke. She was dying to pick up the agreement and see if his signature was there.

  Paris…rather appropriate if he did sign over to making love her way in the City of Love.

  Brock pushed his plate away and gave the sort of sigh that comes from a stomach full of exquisite foods. His dark eyes locked on to hers, and she knew it was game on. She swallowed her food and wiped her mouth with the crisp, linen napkin. She fixed her stare back on him. “So? Did you sign it?”

  His intensity increased, and with his sexy half-lidded gaze, he replied, “Take a look.”

  Sarah picked up the paper and unfolded it. His flourishing signature was below hers in very large writing. Her heart raced in anticipation. This was it, she was going to make love to him her way. Teasing, testing, touching which would then culminate in a slow lovemaking which would get inside the soul.

  No backing out now. Her challenge was answered, and Sarah had to make the most of it. She wanted to see if she could be the one Brock would truly trust to handle his heart carefully—if only temporarily.


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