Mr. Right Now: Vol. 4: The After Party That Never Ends

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Mr. Right Now: Vol. 4: The After Party That Never Ends Page 6

by Bellus, HJ

  “Morning, sexy.”

  Kam punches Cole in the gut for that comment, and the other two brothers laugh. Another light knocking on the door distracts everyone.

  “It’s Chloe.” Birdy hops up. “I get the baby first.”

  Eli wasn’t joking. Chloe was not in a good mood. The anger covering her face is clear as she walks in, grabs the bag of doughnuts, and asks Jett where her room is. Birdy scoops Martha from her arms, and the four girls walk down the hall. Kam follows them, peeking his head inside the room.

  “You girls good in here for a while?”

  Jett looks around at the other women and nods. “I think we’re good.”

  “Wait.” Chloe jumps from the bed. “Did you two bump uglies in these sheets?”

  “No, we did it on the couch and in the bathtub,” Jett points out.

  “And up against that wall,” Kam adds.

  “Thank god, that would just be wrong to sit on your sex-soaked sheets.”

  Kam shakes his head at Chloe. He’s known her since grade school and knows she can turn into one mean alley cat. It’s clear lack of sleep and motherhood are taking a toll on her.

  “I’m going to shut the door. Boys and I have business to discuss.”

  “Kick Eli in the nuts for me. I swear I’m never having sex again.”

  Birdy places a tender kiss on Martha’s forehead, swirling her hair around. “Why? It can’t be that bad being a momma.”

  “No, I like that part. It’s the ripped vagina and aching boobs wearing on me.”

  “And I’m leaving now.” Kam shuts the door, trying like hell to get the image of a ripped and bleeding vagina out of his mind.

  Man, he feels for Eli and what he must be going through at home. When Kam returns to the living room, he sees Eli on the couch with his feet on the coffee table and his head thrown back with a throw pillow covering his face. Kam’s very tempted to go get Chloe and show her where Eli’s sitting. She’d for sure rip his ass for sitting on a couch he and Jett fucked on.

  Dax is rummaging through Jett’s fridge since Chloe snatched the food. “Fuck, what does this girl eat? Steve, go find us food.”

  “Eli, is that okay?” Steve, who is standing by the door, turns to Eli on the couch.

  “He ain’t the fucking boss. If I say go get food, then you go.”

  “Fuck, Dax, diva much? Go get food, Steve. I’m sure no one will fuck with Chloe today with the mood she’s in.”

  Steve closes the door, and Kam wastes no time getting down to business. He’s a little relieved that Steve left. Fewer ears for what he’s about to say is the best.

  “The night of my OD, I saw Jett get in a limo with what I had assumed was another man. It sent me over the edge.”

  Eli sits straight up on the couch. “Why would it?”

  “I had been MIA a lot before that due to being shacked up with her. She kept our relationship secret.” Kam stands and begins pacing. “Actually it wasn’t a real relationship. It was a fuck-fest.”

  “You don’t have to do this, Kam. None of us hold anything against ya. Shit happens,” Cole says.

  “I fucking hated her when I saw her at Made To Sin the other night. Like a hatred I’ve never felt, and soon I realized it was a broken heart trying to mend.”

  “So you guys are a couple now? Get to the fucking point, bro.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Dax, I am. I don’t want Jett to know that you guys know, but her dad runs an escort service, and she’s been forced to work for him since she was sixteen. He found her again, and that night she was going out on a job.” Kam watches his brothers as they digest the information. He knows firsthand it’s not an easy thing to do. “He wants her back and won’t take no for an answer. Before I knew any of this, I gave Jett lots of money. She’d never tell me what it was for, and I even bought drugs for her.”

  “Jesus fucking Christ, Kam, have you lost your mind?” Cole is on his feet and in Kam’s face.

  “They were all to pay her dad off, but I didn’t know that then.”

  “I don’t fucking care. What about the club and our image if you’d been caught? I can see the headlines now. Sterling sleeping with a whore and buying drugs.”

  “Cole, chill the fuck out,” Dax says.

  “You’re a fucking idiot, Kam.”

  “Fuck you, Cole, Mr. Perfect.”

  Eli walks over to his brewing brothers. “Oh, he ain’t Mr. Perfect. He fucked Chloe’s doctor and her brother-in-law. Broke her goddamn heart.”

  Cole’s face drops in horror. “How in the hell do you know that?”

  “Chloe and Jax stay in contact.”

  Dax slams his fist down on the table, causing a couple of items to tumble to the ground. “Back to Kam. We’re all fuck-ups. Get over it.”

  “I’m going to set up a meeting with Jett’s dad and scare the fuck out of him.”

  “Holy shit, you’re really an idiot. Have you ever heard of fucking brains over brawn, Kam?”

  “Cole, you can either join or get the fuck out, because I’m sick of your shit right about now.”

  “Tell us your plan, Kam.” Eli sits ready to listen.

  “He thinks she’s staying at the hotel. I’m going to have Jett turn her phone back on and set up a meeting with him there, and when he and his goons walk in, the four of us will be there.”

  “I’m in. I need to fucking punch someone. I’ve been around women and diapers way too long,” Eli says.

  “The meeting will be set up for tomorrow morning at the hotel.”

  “I’ll be there, brother.” Dax pats him on his back.

  All eyes go to Cole as he’s still processing the whole plan. He finally steps up. “I’m in, but we are involving lawyers and detectives after you have your way with him. Sounds like he doesn’t deserve to be in business any longer.”

  Kam slumps down into a dining room chair, exhausted from his restless night. A bit of the burden is lifted from the support of his brothers. He scrubs his eyes with his palms. “I’m also going to ask her to marry me.”

  Silence surrounds him, making the room feel even smaller.


  Kam recognizes Cole’s voice.

  “Because I’m not going to let her live another day with her fucking last name. It was given to her by the monster who forced her to fuck strangers.” Kam raises his head and looks straight into Cole’s eyes. “And because I love her.”

  He’s shocked when Cole doesn’t argue at all.

  “One thing about us Sterlings, we keep shit interesting,” Dax adds.

  “That we fucking do, boys.” Eli smirks.

  Cole stands and makes his way to the window in the living room, pushing the curtains aside with his back to his brothers. “I don’t think there was ever a West Coast curse. I think it was Mom and Dad kicking our asses in gear. I mean, we are now uncles, and one of us is a father. Dax is in love, showing us miracles truly do happen, and Kam, you’re getting married. Mom and Dad really played their cards well.”

  The room falls silent with a huge elephant sitting in the middle, but not one brother dares to bring up the doctor and Cole. A knock at the door breaks the silence when Steve arrives holding several boxes of pizza and pasta. “Wasn’t sure what everyone wanted.”

  “Fucking food,” Dax growls as he takes the boxes from Steve. He doesn’t wait for anyone else before he digs into his favorite Hawaiian pizza.

  “Guys, don’t speak a word of what was just shared,” Kam says before going to retrieve the girls.

  His brothers nod back at him, and he knows they’ll keep up their end of the deal. When Kam pushes open the door to Jett’s room, he finds Chloe passed out on one end of the bed, while Birdy and Jett sit and coo to Martha. Neither of them sees him enter, and he can only stare at the picture before him.

  He’s never seen Jett in a truly relaxed state without fear and worry lining her face.


  And in unison they hush him and point at Chloe.

�Really? Do you think I’m blind?” He walks over to the bed and takes Martha from Jett’s arms, cradling and kissing her. “Food is here.”

  “Thank the good lord, I’m so hungry my little gut was beginning to eat my big gut. Or is it my big gut is eating my little gut?” Birdy bounces from the bed and makes her way down the hall.

  “Jett.” Kam holds out his hand while holding Martha with his other arm. She places her hand in his. “Come with me to Denver, please.”

  “Not now, Kam, with your family here.”

  “Please come with me to Denver.”


  He places his hand on the small of her back and drags her into him. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too. I pretty much told you yes last night.”

  “I don’t want a pretty much. I want a yes.” He tilts his head and sticks out his bottom lip.

  “You ass. This is serious, not a laughing matter,” she whispers, back to being conscious of the sleeping Chloe.


  “Yes. Yes, I’ll go with you to Denver.”

  Kam leans down, covering Jett’s lips with his, and when he slides his tongue into her mouth, Martha squeaks and scares the shit out of him. They begin laughing and leave the room.

  “Where’s Chloe?” Eli asks.

  “Dead to the world.” Jett grabs a slice of pizza and a bottle of beer before settling into Kam’s lap.

  “You look like a natural there, brother.” Dax waves toward Kam, who has Martha tucked safely to one side of his body while Jett sits on the other side.

  “Nah.” Kam smirks. “I need a lot more practice making these things.”

  “Really?” Jett looks down at him.

  “Really.” He reaches up and kisses her again.

  Settled in on the couch with baby Martha, Kam can’t help himself. “But I do want this with you. I want it all, Jett.”

  “Me too.” She places a gentle kiss on Kam’s cheek.

  Dax and Birdy plop down on an ottoman, and of course Dax fills the seat with Birdy in his lap. The two begin a conversation, not being discreet about it, and Kam finds it impossible not to listen and watch them.

  “I love that baby, Dax.”

  He gently kisses her forehead between bites of pizza. “I know you do, baby.”

  “I’ve never been angry or hateful toward Sue, but after being around Martha, I’m finding that I do hate her for taking that right away from me. I mean like really hate her.”

  For the first time, Kam notices the carefree and happy Birdy turn angry with a glaze of bitterness covering her features.

  “Look at me, Birdy.” He forces her gaze to meet his. “I’ll get you a baby, sweetie. There’s so many sweet babies who need a good home. My mother took all four of us in at different times in her life, and we ranged from infants to toddlers.”

  Birdy raises up, pushing off from his chest. “You would really get me a baby?”

  Dax chuckles, and Kam knows it’s from Birdy’s sweet innocence and the way she phrased her question.

  “I’ll get you a baby, my sweet Birdy.”

  She nestles back down into Dax, who hasn’t stopped eating. “I love you.”

  “I’ve lived here four years and have probably only taken two baths, and now within a matter of twenty-four hours I’ve taken three.”

  Kam smiles down at Jett soaking in the large tub of water.

  “You’re going to be sore. You’re not used to such a beast.” He reaches down and gropes his junk.

  “Little full of yourself?”

  “Ain’t nothing little about it.”

  “Hurry up.”

  “Can’t rush perfection, baby.”

  Jett laughs at Kam and watches him shave. He barely had a stubble, but it’s always been one of Kam’s deals. He washes the razor off and takes a second to rinse water around the sink to clear away his mess.

  “Jett, I’ll be gone when you wake in the morning. I have an early business meeting.”

  “Okay.” She swirls the water with her fingers.

  “I don’t want you to leave this apartment until we leave for Denver.”

  “Oh, joy.”

  Kam drops his towel from his waist. “I’ll be around plenty to play, baby.”

  Jett extends her arm out from the tub, tugging on the back of his thigh and pulling him closer.

  “What are you doing?”

  Jett doesn’t answer him. Instead she rises to her knees and leans over the edge of the tub. When her lips touch him, he’s unable to hold back a gasp.


  She moans around his dick, but doesn’t stop gliding up and down it with her mouth. He feels her hands in the mixture and can’t help but tug her hair. Pleasure sweeps over his entire body, and it’s a feeling he never wants to end. Kam reaches down and pulls Jett from the water. He loves the fact he can wheel her around so easily. Jett lets him move as she melts into his arms.

  He faces her back toward the tub, forcing her to bend at the hips. His fingers dig deep in her flesh as he enters her, relishing the sensation of her inch by inch. Kam has no idea how he’ll gain any sort of self-control when it comes to Jett. She begins to moan and move back on his cock.

  “Slow.” Kam throws his head back and closes his eyes. “Slow, baby.”

  “I can’t.”

  Jett moves quicker and moans louder when Kam leans forward, rolling her nipples between his fingers. He squeezes them as he nearly lets go.

  “Jett, I’m going to…” He’s unable to finish his words before Jett begins screaming her pleasure. But before he knows what’s happening, Jett lunges forward and faces him again, dropping to her knees and taking him in her mouth.

  “Fuck,” he growls. The sensation of going from her sweet pussy to her mouth and knowing she’s sucking her own juices off him forces his hand, and he’s spilling into her mouth within seconds.

  “Fuck, Jett, you’re going to kill me.”

  She chuckles as she rises to her feet, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

  “Now will you join me?” Jett sinks back into the water.

  Kam doesn’t answer her, but follows her movement and sinks in right behind her. He clasps his large hands together around her midsection as she lays her head back on his shoulder. Kam kisses her temple several times.

  “Marry me.”

  Jett’s head spins to face him. “What?”

  “Marry me.”

  “Are you telling me or asking me?”

  “Marry me.”

  “Why?” A little smirk forms on her face.

  “I want to give you a new last name, and I love you. It’s that simple.”

  “You’re crazy.”

  “Marry me.”

  “What’s it with you and bathtubs and serious questions?”



  “Marry me.”


  A broad smile now covers his face. “You little shit.”

  “I had to string you along for a bit.”

  He places a light kiss on her lips.

  “I’d love to become Jett Sterling, a.k.a. Mrs. Kam Sterling.”

  “Tomorrow morning at the club.”

  “Oh shit, I have to work tonight. I can’t stay home.”

  “Baby, you’re fired. I’m not allowed to touch employees.”

  “You are one bossy, demanding ass.”

  “You know you love me.”

  Jett whirls around in his arms. “I don’t think you’ll ever truly know how much I do love you. Thank you for saving me.”

  Kam runs his hand down the side of her face. “Thank you for letting me.”

  Her hips begin to move around in his lap, and Kam is instantly hard and ready again.

  “You know what happens next, right?” he asks her with one eyebrow raised.

  Jett lifts up again and lands right where she was aiming. She moans as she sinks down on him. “No, I don’t. Care to explain?”

��Jett Sterling, you’re going to be the death of me, woman.”

  “They’re on their way up, and there’s only three not four. Jett’s father is confirmed.”

  “Thanks, Steve.” Kam hangs up the phone and looks to his brothers sitting at the round table in the small hotel room.

  “They are here. Only three of them. He must’ve left a goon behind, so play nice, boys, and let everyone have a piece. Take your places.”

  Cole couldn’t help himself and called an old detective friend back home who owes him a favor, and pulled a few strings to have some cops at the hotel when everything goes down. Kam was pissed when he found out, but told everyone involved that as long as he can get a few good punches in, then they can move in and arrest the fucking sleazeball.

  The four men walk into the bathroom and shut the door but don’t latch it, and wait.

  “Kam, keep your temper in check,” Cole reminds him.


  The sound of the key card gliding through the slot fills the tiny room. Dax smiles at his brothers and waggles his eyebrows. “Playtime, motherfuckers.”

  The brothers wait for the other men to enter the room and shut the door behind them. Cole’s buddies will be waiting directly outside the room for Jett’s father after Kam is finished with him.

  Kam’s blood races at an all-time high as his heart beats furiously against his chest. He flexes his fingers, balling up a fist and then unclenching it while he pops his neck, craning it from side to side.

  “Jett, Daddy’s here.”

  And those are the three words Kam needs to hear. He’s primed and ready to kill. With thirsty knuckles, he throws open the door, slowly walking out into the room. The fat asshole before him is shocked, and his two bodyguards take up a fighting stance. He watches Jett’s dad throw his arm up in the air, halting the other men.

  “Is Jett here?”

  “Who are you?”

  “Her father, Gary, and who the fuck are you?”

  “I’m her fiancé, motherfucker, and I’m here to tell you she’s done working for you for good.”

  “Jett, get your ass out here.” Gary’s face boils to a deep red.

  “She sent me to give you a message, and I hope to make it very fucking clear.”

  “Listen, little boy, you don’t scare me. Where’s my daughter? She has work to do.”


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