Ruthless Rose: A High School Bad Boy Romance (Rosehaven Academy Book 3)

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Ruthless Rose: A High School Bad Boy Romance (Rosehaven Academy Book 3) Page 7

by Leila James

  I climb into my car, fire it up, and reverse out of the driveway. I am going to be late. I can feel it. When I’d stopped by Mrs. Jayson’s classroom yesterday morning, she’d told me Alora would be in touch with the details of the meeting. Then all I’d gotten from Alora was the cursory ten-in-the-morning comment that she’d thrown over her shoulder at me in the cafeteria at lunch.

  Crap! If Mrs. Jayson thought Alora was going to be at all helpful, it makes me wonder if I’m the only one who sees Alora for who she really is—a conniving, entitled bitch of epic proportions.

  I practically fly into the student parking lot, exit my car, and take off at a jog toward the building. I make my way down the long front hall, scanning each room as I go. Mrs. Jayson’s classroom is at the end of the hallway on the left. Three minutes late. Please don’t let this be a big deal.

  The door opens just as I approach and voices float out to me. “Alora, you’re in charge of ticket sales this week. Coordinate with the other members of the committee so they know when to assist you. Everyone should help with sales at least one morning. Next weekend, we’ll work on decorations. We’ve got a lot back in the storage room that we can use.”

  Alora’s annoying, sickenly sweet voice hits me square in the chest. “I’ll get going on ordering balloons and those stars we looked at. Farrah, Danica, you’re in charge of working together on the archway at the entry. Hanna, stars. Cindi, you can help her with that. When they come in, we need as many glittery stars as is humanly possible to be strung and hung from the ceiling. If we’re doing A Night Under the Stars, it’s got to feel like a starry night.”

  I swallow. There’s more indistinct murmuring from different members of the committee—a committee I’m supposed to be a part of. But I know Alora told me ten.

  Mrs. Jayson appears at the doorway as everyone begins to file out. “Oh, Daphne, there you are. We missed you this morning.”

  “Um.” I glance at Alora who is wearing a smug grin, then back to Mrs. Jayson. My jaw tenses as I weigh my options. Call her out or take the high road? “I overslept. I’m so sorry.”

  “Okay, well, we meet at nine. Every Saturday until homecoming, including the morning of, so be sure to set your alarm next time. Have Alora fill you in on what you missed.” She smiles kindly at me and walks back into her classroom.

  Trying to keep calm, my eyes flick to Alora, who is whispering behind her hand to a few of the other girls on the committee—mostly her cheerleading cohorts. It would seem they are all having a good laugh at my expense. Keeping my voice low, I murmur, “That was a bitchy move.”

  “What, Double D?” Alora wrinkles her nose at me. “I don’t know what you’re referring to.”

  “You know you told me to show up at ten.” I fling my arm out toward her companions. “Half of these girls were right there when you said it.”

  “Your word against all of ours.” She presses her lips together, daring me with a steely glint in her eyes to argue further.

  “Whatever. I don’t know what flew up your ass, but I’d appreciate it if you and I could at least be civil toward each other. You’ve made your opinion of geeky me crystal clear. I have no clue why I ruffle your feathers.” I laugh uncomfortably, fairly certain I actually do know—Micah. I also hope she can’t tell that I’m actually really upset about missing the committee meeting, not to mention looking like an idiot slacker.

  But I am. Unlike most of these girls, I have to be here and need this committee for my application. I don’t have parents who can just pay for college with the swipe of a platinum card. The pressure is intense to earn the full damn ride. And right there in the middle of the hallway, with Alora and her beasties looking on, I beat myself up for being who I am all over again. For letting something that happened when I was in middle school turn me into this awkward, shy person, incapable of leading a normal high schooler’s life of parties and committees and clubs and … now I’m stuck faking this I’m-a-joiner persona and dealing with these hateful people just to have something to put on my application.

  I shake my head and walk away, unable to let go of what just transpired but also beating myself up for having to depend on these bitches. Who knew good grades wouldn’t be enough?

  I’m a little lost in my own thoughts when I whirl around to find Alora following me. “You couldn’t ruffle my feathers if you tried. He’s messing with you because he can.”

  I stiffen, but decide I can’t do anything but retaliate or she’ll think I’m weak. I channel Scarlett, which I’m sure would make her proud. “I thought you’ve always been fine with him touching other girls. So adding me to the list shouldn’t bother you.”

  Her eyes flare.

  Ah. Gotcha.

  “And lemme tell you something, Alora. If he were mine, he’d be only mine. You might want to think about that. Does he not respect you enough to be exclusive? Do you not want to be his girlfriend? Because right now, all I see—all anyone sees—is that you’re a convenient fuck buddy.”

  Steam rolls from Alora’s ears. “You don’t know anything, nerd. Nothing at all. Watch your back, bitch. If you thought I had it in for you before, you were wrong. You ain’t seen nothing yet.”

  Chapter 16

  Monday morning, I pull up at the back end of the parking lot, as is my habit. Heaven help me if I were to accidentally ding one of the uber-expensive cars some of my classmates drive. There is a disgusting amount of money tied up in the vehicles parked in this lot—there are luxury SUVs as far as the eye can see,

  Speaking of fancy cars, a black Cadillac Escalade honks lightly as it passes me, and through the tinted window, I can see Xander and Scarlett waving at me. I hop out of my banged-up sedan, throw my book bag over my head so that it rests on my hip, and cross the lot to greet them.

  Xander is out first. He gives me a hesitant smile, before his silky-smooth low voice rumbles out. “Hey, Daphne. We missed you at the party Friday night.”

  I glance at his SUV, where Scarlett is still fumbling with something in her backpack. I’m not really used to talking to Xander one-on-one—in fact, I used to think he was a complete heathen until Scarlett got ahold of him. Now he’s kind of like … Xander Lite. I stifle a giggle, smiling up at him. He’s still hotter than sin and intimidating to most people, but he’s proven himself to me by how much he cares for Scarlett. He’s a good guy. “Oh yeah? I just had some stuff I needed to get done.”

  He cocks his head to the side, studying me. “You haven’t ever been one to show up at parties, so I don’t know why Scarlett was up your butt about it, but … I wanted to say that you’re welcome to come any time. You know that, right?”

  A red flush creeps up my face. “Um, sure. Thanks.” I shrug. “I’m more comfortable in smaller crowds.”

  He bobs his head. “I get that.” He pauses, glancing at Scarlett, still in his SUV.

  “Micah wouldn’t want me there anyway.”

  His gaze connects with mine, and he doesn’t respond for several seconds. “I don’t know if that’s necessarily true.” He shrugs it off. “And listen, if any of Aria’s cheer squad is giving you trouble, you say the word, and I’ll say something to her.”

  I blow out a breath before I wrinkle my nose. “You and Scarlett have been talking, huh?”

  “Maybe a little.” He runs his hand through his hair. “I know you’re important to her and a nice girl. I don’t want to see you getting hurt.”

  I nod, but can’t stop myself from chewing on the inside of my cheek. What if it’s his buddy who is doing the majority of the hurting?

  “Alora has a nasty streak—especially when it comes to Micah.” He coughs behind his hand to hide a laugh. “I’m sure you’ve noticed. She’s not my favorite of Aria’s friends.” Funny, not one of my favorites either. I’d filled Scarlett and Max in on our verbal altercation when I got home on Saturday. I’m sure that’s partly where this is coming from.

  I eye him cautiously. “Aria herself wasn’t very nice to Scarlett either until recently.”r />
  He slides his thumb over his lower lip. “Yeah. She kinda did some of that as a favor to me, though. And all of that is over now.”

  “But Aria enjoyed doing it.” Just like Alora is now. What is wrong with these cheer bitches?

  He chuckles. “You might be right. They’re good now, though.” He clears his throat, all of a sudden more serious. “But I’d keep both eyes on Alora, if I were you.”

  I roll my eyes, nod, and look back through the windshield. I swear Scarlett’s doing this on purpose.

  My relief is tangible when she finally pops the door open and slides out. “Hey, Daphne.” She joins us, giving me a hug before she takes Xander’s hand, and we make our way up the sidewalk to the front doors of the academy.

  Once inside, I walk with Scarlett and Xander toward the hallway where the senior lockers are located. Normally, I’d go directly to the library for my study hall, where I act as an aide, to get a head start on any tasks the librarians assign to me. I’m also the one primarily responsible for reshelving books as they get checked back in.

  Today though, for some reason, I’m drawn down the wide hall with my friends. If I’m honest with myself, somewhere in the back of my head, I know why—I can’t help myself. I really want to know what Micah thought about his new spirit girl, and I hadn’t heard anything on Friday, but he also hadn’t yet seen the elaborate sign at his gym locker, complete with Hershey’s Kisses taped all over it. It had read Kisses for the Best Tight End Ever! Totally unlike me, but I figure maybe he won’t guess it’s me if I play it up like that.

  When we pass Micah and Alora at his locker, I hear something that has a little thrill coursing through me: they’re discussing his new spirit girl. Me—and they have no idea. Take that, you rotten, evil skank.

  Scarlett and I exchange a look and stop at her locker only a few feet away. She quickly spins the dial and opens hers so we can huddle behind it and listen to what else is said.

  “I don’t get it. I thought Jana caught mono and is stuck at home for like, six weeks. Who would have decorated your lockers?” I peek around the locker to see Alora huff before a pout graces her lips. “Whoever it was spent an awful lot of time drawing. Must be someone with a lot of time on her hands.”

  Micah shrugs. “I don’t know. I like it. And whoever took over makes fucking stellar chocolate chip cookies.” He pats his stomach with a grin. “I ate all but the three that Beau stole.”

  I duck back behind the locker just as Scarlett pokes me, eyes widening as we stare at each other. A smile spreads across her face, and she tugs me closer so she can whisper without being overheard. “He liked your cookies!”

  I roll my eyes, but can’t keep the grin off of my face. “Actually, those were your cookies, but thank you for helping me.”

  She eases back but bounces around a little bit on her feet, excited. “Xander mentioned how surprised he was by the sign on his gym locker, too.”

  Stealthily, Xander sneaks up behind Scarlett, crossing his arms over his chest and eyeing us both with a raised brow. His voice is low when he leans down close. “Wait a sec.” He nods in Micah’s direction. “That was you? You’re his new spirit girl?”

  My eyes flick up to Xander’s, and I catch my lip between my teeth, shooting him a pleading look. “You can’t tell him! I mean—please don’t.”

  He chuckles and draws his pointer finger up to his lips. “I would never.” He then shakes the same finger at Scarlett. “That’s what you were doing Thursday night, wasn’t it?”

  She clamps her teeth together, smiling. “Maybe.”

  Xander grabs her, tucking her body against his and kissing the shell of her ear. She squirms against him, laughing.

  “Okay. It was the two of us baking.” She peers up at him. “But seriously, don’t tell. Daphne wants to keep it a secret for now.”

  “But why? He loved it. It was a complete surprise, too. We didn’t think he’d get another spirit girl.”

  I look at him, a deer in headlights. “I just don’t think it would be a good idea. You know …” I eye Alora and Farrah, who are standing close to both Micah and Beau, about ten feet away. The girls wildly use their arms as they discuss who knows what.

  Xander shrugs looking back at me. “Whatever you say. I’m down with a little subterfuge.”

  “Thank you. Okay, I’m going to head to the library now.” I jerk my thumb over my shoulder. “I’ll see you guys later.”

  Scarlett and Xander wave at me as I turn to go. When I glance back at them, they’ve closed her locker and he has her pressed against it, his mouth hovering over her lips. She smiles up at him, their hungry gazes connecting. Her hands grip his shoulders, and she pulls him down until his lips take hers in a smoldering kiss. I release a pent-up breath. Wow.

  From there, my gaze swings to Micah, who is now alone, shoving a few books in his locker. What a weirdo I am, always wondering what it would be like to kiss him.

  I must be so wrapped up in my little fantasy world that I’m oblivious to my surroundings because before I know what’s happening, I feel something hard hit my ankle. Stumbling forward, I slam into the ground, just barely catching myself with my arms and preventing my chin from hitting the hard floor, but the wind is knocked out of me. I’m sprawled on the floor for a full count of three, totally in shock, before my brain kicks in again.

  That’s when the howls of laughter start. It’s also when I realize my skirt has flipped up behind me and my ass is on full display for everyone who happens to be walking by.

  “Oh my God, is that Baby Yoda on her panties?”

  “That’s fucking hilarious.”

  “Damn, Baby Yoda. Get some!”

  “Oh fuck, look at that!”

  “It looks like he’s pretty happy on her ass. Look at his big grin.”

  With my heavy book bag slung crossways over my body, I struggle to my knees while simultaneously trying to jerk my uniform skirt back down to cover me.

  Strong hands scoop under my arms and lift me off the floor.

  “Daphne, are you okay?” Scarlett’s standing right in front of me, but I barely hear her. Blood pounds through my head. Humiliation makes my cheeks burn.

  Feminine laughter grabs my attention.

  Alora’s eyes gleam. “You should probably watch where you’re going, Double D.”

  I shake my head, trying to clear it. Well, she warned me. She wasn’t joking. I’m too stunned to say anything.

  “And maybe wear some big girl panties the next time you want to flash them at everyone.”

  More laughter erupts.

  Everything is happening in front of my eyes, but I can’t quite comprehend any of it. Behind Alora, Micah’s jaw is tense. When I look over my shoulder at where his gaze is centered, I realize Xander is the one who’d picked me up off the floor.

  Micah spins on his heel and walks off in the other direction.

  Max frowns as he approaches, looking around at the people still snickering.

  Scarlett frantically whispers in his ear, and I can only assume she’s filling him in on what just happened. His entire body tenses as he surveys who is standing around watching us. When his gaze meets Alora’s retreating back, he pivots back to us, his face grim.

  He slips his arm around me, clearing his throat. “Okay, let’s get you to the library.”

  Xander edges closer. “Are you sure you’ve got her? We can come with you.”

  Max tugs me closer to him. “We’ll be fine.”

  For the last two minutes, I’ve been incapable of speech, kind of in a daze, and in total disbelief over what’s transpired.

  My lips tremble as I look up at Max. “Get me out of here, please.”

  Chapter 17

  Later, when the shock of it has worn off, all I’m left with is gut-wrenching embarrassment. I don’t know exactly who had been there to see it happen, who’d made the comments, or even how I’d tripped in the first place. And just my luck to have Alora right there to witness it all. That girl is becoming
the bane of my existence.

  For the millionth time in the last hour since Max brought me to the library, my cheeks flame red. I take a deep breath, thankful to be reshelving books in the stacks at the far end of the library. No one ever comes back here, and I can be alone with my thoughts.

  With my seemingly unending mortification.

  Trying to focus on the mindless work I usually find soothing, my brain can’t seem to do anything but flash images before my eyes of me facedown on the floor with my ass in the air.

  Everyone saw it happen. Everyone is talking about me and my freaking Baby Yoda panties, which aren’t Baby Yoda panties because that’s not even Baby Yoda, dammit. A low, drawn-out sound meets my ears and, belatedly, I realize it’s me—groaning.

  I huff out a breath and pull my earbuds out of my skirt pocket, plug them into my phone, and select an upbeat playlist in an attempt to distract myself with some music. As I push play, I see a notification of a couple of texts … from Daph’s Dream Dick. My eyes get big. Shit. Seriously?

  I quickly glance around to make sure no one is looking over my shoulder, which is silly because I’m in the stacks. Only library staff is ever back here, so without further worry, I tap the screen and open the text thread. Jeez, I still can’t believe he had the nerve to put that nickname into my phone.

  I also can’t believe I hadn’t immediately changed it, but that’s a whole different issue. There’s maybe a teensy tiny part of me that likes it being there. It feels … naughty. Very un-Daphne.

  Daph’s Dream Dick: Hey.

  Daph’s Dream Dick: I wanted to check on you.

  Check on me? I shake my head. Whatever. I don’t want to deal with anyone right now—especially not Micah. Shaking my head, I shove my phone into my pocket and get to work.

  A few minutes later, a hand lands on my shoulder, causing me to shriek. The book I was shelving flies out of my hands and hits the floor. I whirl around toward whoever is behind me and run smack into a solid torso. For a moment, we’re a wild tangle of limbs, trying to maintain balance, and my heart jumps up into my throat at the contact.


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