Mage (The Elemental Magic Series Book 2)

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Mage (The Elemental Magic Series Book 2) Page 12

by Michael Nowotny

  The Father told them how they, as priest, were required to make reports of marriages, deaths and any magical findings. When he’d found out that Alec had power he had sent the required messages as well as one to the dean at the school. He told them that while being trained they’d been told that there were priests who were trained to handle magic users that got out of control and that a magic user with too much power was a threat to the gods and man.

  He told them that he may have inadvertently told his superiors that Alec had a large amount of power and very fine control. He said he was afraid such notes in his report may have caused some of his problems but doubted that the temple would go so far as to hire killers to do harm to him.

  Father Thomas apologized to Alec for any trouble he may have caused and promised to contact his superior in order to straighten it out.

  Alec was thankful Father Thomas wasn’t in on his assassination. It made him feel better about his life that he hadn’t been deceived.

  When they left Alec decided to stop by Jake’s parents hoping to find him there. Ralph left them as they walked toward the edge of the community.

  Alec asked Christi how she wanted him to introduce her to his friends. She told him that her name was Christi and they could call her by it.

  Alec laughed at her joke and asked her again saying that he could call her his girlfriend or his fiancé to be. She squeezed his hand as they walked and said girlfriend was fine, for now.

  Alec knocked on the door to the Butcher’s house and was surprised when Jake’s mother, Carrie, pulled him into a strong hug. Alec introduced Christi to her and was told Jake would be back shortly. They were ushered into the house and sat side by side on the sofa.

  Carrie asked how he liked life at the school. Alec told her of the people he’d met including the fact that Christi’s mother had come with them so he could be formally betrothed to Christi. At the news of his coming betrothal she jumped from her chair and gave Christi a hug telling her that Alec was quite the catch.

  Alec heard the backdoor open and close followed by Jake’s voice asking where his mother was. As Jake entered the living room the two of them grabbed each other in a hug.

  Stepping back Alec said, “It’s about time you got back. We were thinking you’d gotten lost, troll.”

  “Hey, ghost boy, I wasn’t that long. I just went to grab my boots,” he said.

  The two of them grasp forearms again. Jake was the first to notice that Alec had grown taller and put on some muscle and told him he wasn’t a runt any more. Alec introduced Christi as his girlfriend to his best friend and Jake asked her if she was sure she wanted to be with a guy who couldn’t take a simple tan.

  She nudged Alec in the ribs saying she could always use her makeup on him. Jake threw back his head laughing then slugged Alec in the shoulder saying that he liked her. Carrie led Christi to the kitchen saying they would give the boys some time to catch up.

  Alec and Jake talked for a while each telling the other what had happened to them over the last few months till Carrie brought Christi back out saying it was getting close to supper and that Alec and Christi were due at the manor for supper with James as his guest. Alec promised them to be over bright and early with his things for the big day.

  Alec took a circular route back to the manor holding Christi’s hand. He pointed out several homes of people he knew and was friends with. Walter Butcher was just locking the door to his shop when they came close and Alec called out hurrying over to him. He got a hug from the man who was still a giant of a man even with the growing Alec had done. Introducing Christi to him they hurried off so they weren’t late.

  They were let in by old Jimmy and shown to the dining room. Alec sat across from Christi and made eye contact as she played footsie with him under the table. Alec repeatedly jumped each time her bare foot would start sliding up his leg. After the wonderful meal Alec asked Jessica if he could take Christi for a walk through the park and that they would be back before full dark. Teresa said she would accompany them as chaperone and Jessica agreed to it.

  Karen took him off to one side and told him she had his betrothal request done and she would give it to Jessica as soon as they left. She held it out for him to read.

  It was nice and simple stating his full name and his most redeeming qualities. It went on to say that as his legal guardian she would like to make the request on his behalf. He signed the bottom where she told him to and motioned to where Christi was waiting with Teresa.

  Alec led Christi and her aunt through the park and told small stories of what the different times of year were like growing up there. He didn’t know if Christi suspected his aunt was presenting the request tonight, if not then it would be a surprise for her when they got back. As they came to the big pond Alec told them that they were going to throw his friend in it tomorrow and why. The irony of the situation was that Christi was a sorcerer and was not lost on her.

  When they got back they were led through the manor to the sitting room where everyone was seated. They all stood when Alec entered with Christi’s arm through his. James spoke up in a loud voice saying that in accordance with their traditions and those of their guest it was his pleasure to announce the formal betrothal of Alexander Carter and Christina Morton.

  Christi turned and gave him a kiss with a huge smile on her face before running to her mother and hugging her. Peter and James led Alec off to one side giving him their congratulations as Christi was shown the letter by her mother.

  Alec spotted Karen sitting back in her chair looking like she’d just done something no one else ever could. She was very satisfied with herself. Alec went over and gave her a hug thanking her for helping him so fast.

  As they settled down Jimmy passed out glasses of wine to them Alec declined and asked for fruit juice instead. Karen told him that if he was old enough to be betrothed then he was old enough to drink some wine. Christi put a hand on his arm and explained to Karen that Alec had The Waking Sleep. She went on to explain what it was. Alec received his glass of fruit juice and took a large drink. Christi didn’t stop with the explanation, she went on to tell Karen that while all the things she had listed in the letter were true and with them she was assured a comfortable life he had other new talents that could make him very noteworthy.

  This information got Karen’s attention and she looked to Alec for details.

  He proceeded to tell her that with the loss of his powers he had joined Master Stalle’s knights. She turned a little pale and he knew that she didn’t want him following directly in his father’s footsteps. Alec hurried on telling of how he met Jimmy Hawkswing and the start of his apprenticeship under him. He told her that as his chosen apprentice, he now had a second last name and would be known as Alec Hawkswing. It was a name that James and Karen obviously knew by their facial expressions. Finally he told her of their research and his ability to slow time. Jessica broke the news that as a Palstar Alec would be considered a noble and might have titles and land.

  The evening went on with the four women making plans for the wedding, where it would be and how the ceremony would be conducted. Alec tried to stay out of it as much as possible unless asked specifically for his opinion. He was more interested in the restrictions of their betrothal.

  After a lengthy discussion Alec got his answer. Seeing as they were both at the school and it would be next to impossible for a chaperone to be with them, one would be waved while they were there. Allen and Bill would be told to keep an eye on them but that it was their responsibility to behave. Karen made a point to look Alec in the eye as it was explained. When traveling and in Kingston they would have a chaperone seeing as that was how things were done in the city.

  The next morning Alec woke in a sweat. The dream of being burnt and electrocuted with lightning by the gods played through his head. He gathered his suit and made his way to the Butchers house.

  He found Jake ready to go meet with Father Thomas. They were both dressed in leather pants and a long sleeved shirt
and would change into their finer things later. They met him at the edge of the park and Alec waited while the Father questioned Jake on his suitability to be a husband and Father then knelt with Jake to pray to the gods with him. When they were done Ralph led several of the community’s men out of the trees and Alec helped them get their hands on Jake. It was part of the tradition for him to try and make a break for it as they led him to the pond. He didn’t try too hard knowing it was tradition.

  As they stood before the pond Alec asked the ritual questions. Do you love this woman you’re about to marry? Are you being forced in to this in any way? After answering Alec helped lift Jake above their heads and walk into the pond. They proceeded to throw Jake out into the deeper water and watch as he came up sputtering to the surface.

  Making their way to the shore Alec asked again, do you love this woman you’re about to marry? Jake always the comedian spoke out, saying, “Help me, I’ve been bewitched,” to the roars of the men. One of them brought over a towel and put it over Jake’s shoulders saying they were all bewitched eventually.

  As they made their way back young boys ran before them asking if he was spelled. Entering his mother’s back door the two of them stripped out of their wet things and handed them to his mother. They went up to Jake’s old room and changed into their good clothes and then down to the living room so Carrie could make any last minute touches she wanted.

  Walter was already there being fussed over. Alec and Jake both had their jackets straitened for the tenth time when it was time to go. Alec led Jake and his parents to the temple.

  He grasped the door handle and thought for a second that he felt a slight vibration to it. Writing it off to the number of people inside, he held the door for Carrie and Walter to enter. Pushing the door closed he turned to Jake, he was white.

  Alec talked to him trying to get him to calm down saying that the people inside were only the people they’d known all their lives. As the people inside settled and quieted Alec told his friend take a few deep breathes and patted his shoulder when the color started to come back to his face.

  Alec grabbed the door again and felt the vibration again, throwing open the door he stepped in. Jake was supposed to be right behind him but Alec saw he hadn’t moved. He reached back and grabbed Jake’s hand giving him a yank. The two of them walked up the aisle between rows of seated people. When they made it to the front he shook hands with Father Thomas and moved Jake over next to him. Alec then turned and looked out at the people he knew.

  As he looked at the familiar faces they seemed to change. Why are they wearing uniforms and carrying weapons. There had to be at least fifty of them staring at him like they were waiting for him to say something.

  Alec shook his head and looked out at the faces again. He spotted Christi and her family sitting next to his aunt and James. Alec raised his voice and told them, “It is with great pleasure that I introduce to you my friend Jake Butcher as the groom. Having known him his entire life I can tell you he is an honorable man with a quick wit and can provide for his future family.” Alec turned to Father Thomas and gave his oath. “I, Alec Carter, swear to help my friend Jake and his family, should he ever need it to the best of my abilities.” The Father nodded his head accepting his oath and there was applause.

  Alec shook Jake’s hand before going over to the front pew and sitting next to his parents. Carrie dabbed her eyes as she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

  It wasn’t long before they heard the bell at the front of the temple ring out. They all stood as Sarah’s parents went before her down the aisle. She was dressed in a flowing light blue dress that accented her figure and had a band of dried flowers on her head. When they got to the front her father lifted them off her head and handed them to Jake with a firm handshake.

  They then took their seats on the front pew opposite Jake’s parents. Jake and Sarah knelt before Father Thomas with clasped hands.

  Father Thomas spoke of the power of the gods and their need to honor them just as they should honor one another. He went on telling them that as they were born apart they would become whole with one another. He placed one of his hands above their heads and raised his other to the ceiling. He asked for the god’s blessing on these two children that they could live with pure spirits.

  There was a pulse of light. Alec felt as though it wanted to kill him then he heard a light feminine voice in the back of his head urging him to run. As quickly as it happened it faded.

  Father Thomas nodded to Alec and he walked over to stand in front of the new couple. Alec raised his voice and announced them as Jake and Sarah Butcher to the applause of those assembled. Alec turned and congratulated his friend and his new wife before leading the way to the door.

  Alec felt as though he really needed to get outside the temple. As his hand brushed the door he felt a shock that seem to go through his whole body. Once he was outside the feeling of dread was lifted from him so he turned and waited for Christi and the others before heading to the common hall.

  The rest of the day was a blur, full of good food and dancing. As evening approached many made their way home to take care of their own chores and responsibilities.

  Alec found himself led by Christi to his aunt’s old room and saw Peter and Karen waiting for him. They both were grinning at him as he entered.

  Peter asked him to have a seat while he explained. Alec was reminded that Karen had power but had been unable to unlock it when she was at the academy. He nodded remembering being told that at some point.

  Then it dawned on him. They were going to try to use his aunt’s power to restart his and told them so. Peter agreed that it was the plan and being so closely related it had a good chance of working.

  Peter proceeded to draw power from Karen and store it in a stone. He told Alec that when he found the center of his well he would hand the stone to him and he would push the power in it into his well. It would be Alec’s job to enter the power and make it his own, there by restarting his well.

  Alec closed his eyes and worked his way down till he found his well. What he found made him snap his eyes open and his jaw dropped.

  Peter asked him what was wrong.

  “It’s already back,” Alec said in disbelief.

  “What is? Alec what are you talking about?” Christi asked him.

  He told them that when he’d checked on his well last it was empty but now it was full of power and that he didn’t need it restarted.

  Peter quickly took his hands and closed his eyes pushing his senses into Alec. When he opened them again he just stared at him before saying that he was right.

  Christi gave a shout that brought her mother and aunt running. As she explained that Alec had his power back Peter said it still had to be reawakened. He then asked everyone to leave the room while he spoke to Alec and helped him.

  With just the two of them in the room Peter turned to him and asked if he knew what this meant. Alec told him it meant he was a Mage and received a shake of the head and smile in reply. Peter sat down and said only a Mage’s power could return like his had.

  Alec asked if that made him a Mage then. Peter said it did, if he could awaken the power again.

  Peter told him he didn’t know a lot about the reawakening process. For a sorcerer that meant that rather than being pulled into the center of his power he would have to fight to get in according to his research.

  Alec closed his eyes and felt for his well, he stayed at the edge and felt his way around it. Whereas before it had been large it felt like it was enormous now.

  Alec began pushing his way into it. It was like moving through thick maple syrup on a cold day. As he neared the center it got harder and harder. He knew the power was around him but couldn’t feel it, just a resistance that felt wrong to him.

  Alec was about to try to push his way in to the center when he noticed a slight swirling pull. Not sure if he could even force himself into the center, he let go allowing the swirl to pull him along with it.

he found himself going around his well he noted that he was also getting closer to the center with each pass. He came close to it a couple times and could almost reach out and touch the center of his power. When he finally managed to touch it, all the power in his well seemed to jump and then be sucked down into the very center of the well.

  He allowed himself to be sucked down with it and felt the power being sucked through him as he stayed in the center. When the last bit of power was pulled through him he slumped in defeat thinking that was it and the power was gone again. Standing in the middle of his well he could barely sense the distant edges of his empty well.

  In defeat he was set to open his eyes when he felt it. It was a feeling of being over full and about to burst. Something wanted out. Slowly at first the power started to seep out of him. As it continued it gained in flow rushing through him. He could feel every bit of power that passed through him till his well was full to bursting.

  Alec felt himself fade and pulse and the familiar feeling of euphoria rushed through him just as it had when he’d unlocked his power the first time. He had his power back.

  He felt something then and again. He opened his eyes to find he was lying on his back with Christi and everyone else standing over him. He smiled through the pain on the side of his face.

  Christi looked at Peter and said, “You can’t say it doesn’t work!”

  Alec laughed realizing she had slapped him again. Peter helped him to his feet saying he was glad he’d had an easier time waking his power.

  Alec was asked if it worked and in response he pulled a little power and pushed thoughts of a flame into it. Holding out his hand the flame appeared above his hand and he let it go.

  They reentered the party and Alec proceeded to really enjoy himself.

  Robert and Sherry pulled their horses to a stop. They were only a day and a half form Kingston when they felt the pulse of power to the south. It faded for about an hour then slowly built becoming stronger and stronger.


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