Mage (The Elemental Magic Series Book 2)

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Mage (The Elemental Magic Series Book 2) Page 21

by Michael Nowotny

  The entry door slammed open and Peter rushed through with a big smile on his face. He held out a piece of paper.

  “Tom got a message from your brother.” Christi took the message from him with numb fingers. “They are in the east, near the mountains.” He told her.

  Christi sat down and slowly opened the message. Someone had run a very sharp knife along the edge and sliced one corner almost off, Tom most likely. Allen’s handwriting jumped out at her from the page in neat flowing letters. She read it twice and was still confused.

  “Why go way up there? I don’t understand what he could be looking for.”

  “I haven’t the faintest idea. I’m sure Alec had some reason but he never said anything to me to suggest he had any interest in the area.” Peter told her.

  “But, are they coming back? Allen said he’d just found him and Alec can be very bull headed sometimes.” Christi said.

  “I don’t know. I’m sure they’ll come back as soon as they can, don’t give up on them yet.” Peter told her as he headed for the top of the tower.

  As Christi curled up on her bed she quickly drifted off peacefully knowing that Allen would persuade Alec to come back.

  Chapter 20

  Supplies gathered and packed securely in their saddlebags, Alec crossed off two more things on his list. Grabbing the last of his belongings from the loft, he headed for Allen’s room. The rain had finally slacked off to a gentle sprinkle and the clouds looked lighter. With at least an hour till lunch was served, he hoped to add his wards to Allen’s cloak.

  He realized now how stupid he’d been to run away. He’d let his own fears and those of others get to him. It didn’t matter that the goddess had fought with him just outside Kingston she could find him anywhere. He was ready to go back but for the insistent pull from the northeast.

  Setting his things in the corner of the room next to Allen’s, Alec stretched out the cloak Allen had worn the night before.

  “Is this the one you normally wear?” Alec asked.

  “It’s the thickest one I brought and keeps the rain off for the most part, why?”

  “Do you have a cloak you’d prefer to use if you didn’t have to worry about it being cold or wet?” Alec hung the cloak back up to finish drying.

  “Yeah, do you need it for something?” Allen dug toward the bottom of his saddlebag and pulled out a dark brown cloak.

  “You’ll see. Can I borrow it for a bit?”

  Alec laid out the cloak on the bed. It was well worn but not worn out and didn’t have any sort of liner inside it. The fabric was soft and hadn’t been oiled in a long time. Alec started at the bottom and pulled out his knife. Heating the tip he started scribing ruins along the seam, heat, then dissipating heat. Alec poured power into each ruin, adding them as he went. He strengthened the fabric so it wouldn’t wear out any time soon and added a thin shield right on top of the fabric. It wouldn’t hold up to a direct hit from a sword but should slow an arrow considerably.

  “Try it on, see what you think.” Alec handed the cloak over.

  Allen threw it over his shoulders and tied it under his chin. “Doesn’t feel any different?”

  “Outside.” Alec rolled his eyes. “It’s still raining and hasn’t warmed up much.”

  Alec followed him out and watched with satisfaction as the rain slid off the cloak without getting it wet. Allen held out the side of the cloak allowing water to pool on it, nothing dripped through.

  “This is great, I was wondering why you weren’t getting wet last night. Bundle up a little and I won’t need my other cloak.” Allen said.

  “You should stay nice and warm without extra clothes.” Alec smiled. “You could probably go naked under it and still be warm.”

  “You know that it will be almost winter by the time we get back right.” Allen said.

  Alec nodded.

  “I hope you don’t have any plans. My mother and Christi are both going to have you making several of these.” Allen laughed at the look of disappointment on Alec’s face.

  “Can’t we just keep this to ourselves?”

  “Oh, I won’t tell them. They will figure it out on their own within a couple days.”

  Taking seats at the back of the common room Charles brought out two servings of flat iron steak with peas and a baked potato. The steak was cooked almost perfectly but for the abundance of pepper on it. Alec looked around after hearing the guys at the next table over ask for more pepper, everyone seemed fine with the amount of pepper. Alec decided not to say anything, people had various taste and these people seem to like an abundance of pepper.

  With lunch out of the way, Alec led Allen out of the inn and headed down the road. He really didn’t want the mages anywhere near him but would rather have them in sight rather than watching his back. Robert and Sherry were waiting outside as they walked up.

  “I will allow you to accompany us only because I’d rather know where you are than not.” Alec crossed his arms. “I’m leaving at first light. If you act against me in any way I will shield both of you permanently.” Alec turned and walked away.

  Returning to the inn was almost comical. Several times Alec had to stop himself from walking off, following the pull. Near the outskirts of town Allen finally took Alec by the arm and nearly forced his body back to the inn. Alec spent the remainder of the afternoon searching for any possible trace of power or anything else that could possibly be out of place. He found nothing other than the two trails leading to the mages in the other inn.

  Alec tied a set of bells to the door so that if he were to try to leave during the night it would wake Allen. It was the best he could do other than to have Allen tie him to the bed. He was thankful the next morning to wake up still in the room. Both Charles and Charley met them in the common room with thick oatmeal. They didn’t say much other than that they were welcome back anytime.

  Riding out Alec felt the pull as strong as ever and barely noticed when Robert and Sherry joined them. The day was a blur, no stopping for lunch, brief stops to rest the horses and even then Alec found himself walking off down the road. It wasn’t until the sun went down that his head finally cleared enough that he could stop himself from wandering off.

  Climbing into his bedroll Alec had to insist that Allen tie him in. He was too afraid that he would find himself walking away at some time during the night. The next morning Alec found the rope tangled about him and an arm free.

  “Are you sure you got any rest? You sure know how to squirm around.” Allen started untying the rope.

  “The bad thing is, I don’t remember any of it.”

  “Let’s get you something to eat before you leave again.” Allen set a pan over the coals of their fire.

  Robert and Sherry joined them at the fire neither said a word. Allen continued cooking, it wasn’t the most tasteful breakfast but it was quick. Mid-way through the meal Alec felt the pull begin.

  It was like being slapped out of a deep sleep, Alec slid sideways and hit the ground hard, the pull was gone. Allen continued to argue with Robert about something and didn’t notice that he’d fallen.

  “Hey! We’re here!” Alec rubbed his arm.

  With the horses tied to a low hanging branch Alec started looking around. He’d strengthened his shield the moment he’d come to, he was ready to be attacked. Alec slowly started stretching out his senses. There wasn’t anything out of the ordinary with the area. It was actually a very beautiful place. The sheer cliffs of the mountains made up the backdrop to a small valley. A small stream fell from the cliffs to splash into the lake at the far end and then continued through to the north. He couldn’t see anything that would call him to the place other than its serenity.

  Allen had a small fire surrounded by small rocks going and was starting to unpack their supplies. Alec watched as Robert and Sherry turned and looked to the north and then felt it too, power huge amounts of power. Somewhere to the north someone was using massive amounts of power. The thrum of power surged and Alec reeled
as a crack washed through him like a hard gust of wind. It wasn’t a physical feeling but one he felt with all his other senses. Quickly walking over to Robert and Sherry Alec helped Robert back to his feet.

  “What was that?” Alec asked softly as he stared off toward the north.

  “The barrier, someone has broken the barrier.” Alec heard Sherry say.

  Alec looked over at her and started again. He could see an outline around the both of them. Sherry’s was a light blueish color and Robert was more of a green. They both kind of glowed.

  “What’s the matter, boy?” Sherry asked.

  “You have a glowing bubble around you, both of you.”

  Alec looked over to where Allen continued to setup camp, oblivious to the power that was used. He too had a slight glow to him, a faint light green color that stuck next to his skin.

  “You can see our power around us, like this?”

  Robert’s color intensified and Alec realized he hadn’t been seeing the colors with his eyes but with his other senses. Robert explained that the color he saw around each of them was their aura and that it wasn’t normally seen without casting a spell. Robert and Sherry started arguing in a sense. Robert would say “But if…” and Sherry “And if we’re right…” They seem to be reading one another’s mind and finish talking within their heads.

  Alec started to walk away and decided to ask another question. As he turned back Alec saw a flash of blue felt his shield nearly collapse as he was hit. A collage of images flew past his eyes, the turning of Robert and Sherry’s heads, Allen’s mouth opening, the soft white clouds over head. He opened his mouth to scream but met water as it rushed into his mouth.

  He didn’t know which way was up. Looking around under water Alec could see a faint light and swam towards it franticly. The impact with the water had knocked the breathe out of him and he badly needed another one. Bursting through the surface he took huge gulping breathes and wiped the water from his face. Allen flipped through the air and Alec watched as he landed in a heap. Alec scanned the area for Robert or Sherry, they had struck out at him and he would shield them for it.

  A flash of blue and Robert was thrown from behind the boulder he’d been hiding behind. Alec couldn’t see Sherry anywhere. Alec swam for the shore and set his feet down in the soft lake bed as soon as he could. Another flash of blue and the goddess Melanie appeared. Alec stopped, he was chest deep in a lake and he didn’t like the horrible smile on her face.

  “Welcome to my home, young mage.” She said casually.

  She walked toward the lake with another sword of ice. Alec shivered. He spotted Sherry helping Robert to his feet and head further down the valley.

  “I don’t suppose you’d invite me in for some warm milk and maybe a change of clothes?” Alec spotted his staff next to his saddle.

  “You are a funny one. Perhaps if you agreed to die peacefully I’d consider it but we both know that won’t happen.”

  She stood at the edge of the lake and slowly dipped the end of her sword into the water. Alec shivered again, he could feel the water growing colder and could barely feel his toes. Ice formed around the sword and grew outward from it. Alec moved closer to the shore until he felt resistance and looked down at the water. A thin sheet of ice blocked his way. Cracks sounded off the cliffs behind him and the ice took on a white color as it thickened.

  Alec changed his shield, pushing back on the ice and water and pulled the heat from the air into his shield. The ice continued to grow and slowly squeezed the shield around him. Melanie laughed as he was forced to reduce the size of his shield.

  Reaching down deep into the earth beneath his feet Alec pulled heat from the ground itself gathering the heat together. The ice continued to grow putting more and more pressure on his shield.

  “This is my home. The very elements in this place obey me.” Melanie taunted him.

  Alec placed his hands on top of the ice and started to climb up onto the ice. The ice immediately closed around his waist and Alec screamed in pain. The ice bit deep into his hips cutting through his belt and pants to stab at the skin beneath. Alec stripped the shield over his well and ripped heat from all around him. The air fogged and frost formed across the valley floor, small cracks appeared in the ground itself. He poured his power into the flames of their campfire and scattered it out over the lake. The fire hungrily ate his power.

  Alec continued pouring more and more power into the flames until the ice finally broke around him. Slowly he stood and started to walk over the ice as the flames continued to burn around him. He’d more than half his power to get free and could barely feel his feet. Melanie stepped back from the lake and Alec dropped through the thin ice landing in knee-deep water. Alec broke his way through the ice until finally he was out of the lake.

  Alec faced Melanie and called to his staff now that he was close enough to it. The staff shot toward him like an arrow as she advanced. He threw his power into the staff forming the wicked little blade on the end of it. He spun the staff and stopped her sword’s overhead chop. As she threw ice at him Alec threw its opposing force, fire. His toes tingled and he continued to shiver as she danced around him. Several times her blade struck his shield as he sluggishly tried to block. The cold had sapped both his energy and his strength.

  Melanie disappeared from infront of him only to reappear a fraction of a second later beside him swinging her sword. Alec spun his staff across his body as the sword pierced through his shield and drug its way over his ribs. Alec fell back and covered the wound with hand. He pushed power from his well to the cut and began healing it. She vanished and came back in front of him with an overhand swing. Alec brought the staff up with one hand and caught the blade at the last second. Melanie pulled back and then stabbed forward, Alec stumbled on his weak feet and felt the blade pierce through his shield. The blade lodged between his shoulder and collar bone only to be ripped free a moment later.

  Alec poured power into his shoulder trying to stop the bleeding as she appeared around him slicing through his shield. He bled freely from numerous cuts and he knew she was just toying with him now. He blocked what he could and healed the worst of the cuts. Cuts appeared on his back, thighs, chest and he heard her laugh as she cut him across the butt. Alec stopped healing the cuts, he could hardly feel them anymore. He spun the staff with dull feeling in his fingers and flooded power into his entire body. Melanie appeared several paces in front of him.

  “You can’t win. Why don’t you make it easy on yourself and I’ll make it quick and clean.” She smiled.

  Alec leaned heavily on his staff breathing hard. He could feel the various cuts on his body slowly close. His once light tan shirt was stained red from his blood and his pant legs hung down held in place only by a handful of strips of cloth.

  “You could always leave me be. I’ve never been a threat to you.” He tried to reason with her.

  “You would eventually. You have too much power for a mortal. You are an abomination.”

  “I know how you became a god, you were once mortal too!” Alec cut her off.

  “Die as a mortal then! I’ll kill what’s left of your miserable family and friends then destroy this pitiful little nation.”

  She appeared in front of him and swung her sword. Alec barely got his staff in place in time. Having strengthened his shield, it flared with power being tied directly to his well. The sword could pierce it. The goddess jumped around him anticipating the movement of his staff. Alec concentrated on the forms Allen had taught him and knew it was only a matter of time before his shield exhausted his power. Taking the last of his power he pushed it through the staff. The blade of fire slowly turned from a reddish orange over to blue. As his well refilled he added that power to the blade as well. The blue slowly dimmed to white then that too faded away.

  Alec spun and twisted trying to ignore the burning sensations from numerous cuts that hadn’t healed correctly. The number of strikes to his shield became fewer and less powerful. Alec still saw the
flashes of blue each time she reappeared slowly changing his pattern. Instead of bringing the staff around his waist he bought it up around his shoulders then down and spun it backward around his back.

  The blade swung out in front of him and he felt it drag. Quickly bringing it back through that same area he felt it drag even more. Melanie appeared. A cut bled as it ran from her shoulder to her waist but she held her stomach just below the ribs. Her sword tipped and fell to the ground as she dropped to her knees.

  “How? You can’t. I was in the spirit realm.”

  A gush of blood fell out from under her arms as she fell to the side. Alec gaped and collapsed to his knees. He’d killed a god. The goddess was dead and he’d killed her. There was a tearing sound and an explosion of power. It washed through Alec’s blade causing it to dissipate and then took his shield too. Alec shook his head trying to clear it as darkness narrowed his vision and he collapsed.


  His head hurt. His whole body hurt. Alec rolled over and let out a small gasp. It felt like thousands of needles poking him everywhere. Next to him, Allen sat watching the fire. It was dark out and Alec spied three other forms lying on the ground.

  “Water?” He barely managed a whisper.

  Allen held his head slowly tilted a water skin to his lips. It felt wonderful as the cool water ran down his throat. Alec shifted beneath the warm blanket covering him and closed his eyes into sweet oblivion from the pain.

  He was cold and felt movement then something hard on either side of him. Alec opened his eyes, squinting against the brightness. The pain was still there but greatly diminished. He watched as clouds rolled by overhead before trying to sit up. He was on a stretcher being pulled by Fleetfoot. Sitting made him dizzy as the stretcher swayed back and forth with the horse’s gait.


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