First Aid for Fairies and Other Fabled Beasts

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First Aid for Fairies and Other Fabled Beasts Page 10

by Lari Don

  Lavender held the feather out again.

  Helen took it solemnly between her thumb and finger. “I will keep it and treasure it. And now that I have it, you don’t owe me anything at all. We’re friends because we like each other.”

  She threaded the feather into the strap of her watch and smiled at Lavender.

  “Right. Let’s look for change and fear and bears and bars of iron.”

  While Helen knelt down to check the lower shelves, Lavender flew back up to the top ones.

  “Having a fairy in the library certainly saves shifting the wheelie ladder around.” Helen tilted her head sideways to read the spines of the books on the bottom shelf.

  “What are all these stone heads?” Lavender asked as she skipped along the highest shelf.

  “Those are busts, statues of famous people’s heads and shoulders. They’re the former headmasters of the school, local poets and people like that. Don’t bump into them. I don’t want one to fall on my head.”

  “They’re all men!” exclaimed Lavender.

  “Yes. By the time women started running schools and writing poetry, people had stopped carving heads and had started taking photos.”

  It was fun having Lavender with her, but the fairy did keep asking questions.

  “What are the carvings on the ceiling?”

  “Coats of arms, stuff about battles. No bears or bars of iron. Keep looking for books of ballads or old Scottish stories, Lavender.”

  “Can you smell something? Something a bit pongy?”

  “No, Lavender, I can’t. People bring the weirdest things for packed lunches. Keep going along the shelves, please.”

  “Helen, it is common to have fairies on people’s …” but Helen interrupted her before she could finish the question.

  “I’ve found it! Lavender! Listen to this … A boy called Tam Linn was stolen by the fairies … bigger fairies than you, I think … and became the favourite knight of the fairy queen. He was the guardian of a wood for the fairy queen, and there he met a girl called Janet and they fell in love … ho hum … and she rescued him from his enchantment by holding fast to him when the fairy queen turned him into all sorts of scary things like … bars of hot iron and serpents! Then the queen went off in a huff and Tam Linn became mortal again. And Tam Linn married Janet and they lived happily ever et cetera et cetera.

  “That sounds right doesn’t it?”

  “Absolutely! You are so clever with these books! And the holding fast, that’s what we have to do when we find the Book or a clue!”

  “And the best bit is …” Helen flicked a few pages back in the book, “The best bit is that this isn’t some fairy tale like Cinderella that could come from any country. This one’s set in Scotland, in the Borders. The song and the stories mention the wood by name. Carterhaugh Woods by Ettrick Water, near Selkirk. That’s just a few miles from here.”

  She turned to Lavender, “Do your family live near there? Are the fairies in this story your people?”

  “Oh no. If Tam Linn’s fairy folk were forest dwellers and took human children, then they weren’t flower fairies like me. Fairy stories are very imprecise. You call my people fairies, and you have fairy godmothers and fairy folk in the forest. But we are all different. The forest folk would eat flower fairies like me in one mouthful, if they could catch us, which isn’t easy as they don’t have wings. But there aren’t any of them in these parts now, as far as I know. There is hardly enough true forest left for them.”

  Lavender sniffed. “There’s that smell again. Do books smell bad in big groups?”

  “Not usually. Never mind. We can go now, we’ve got the answer. Do you want to go in my bag again?”

  “Not really. It has lots of pointy things in it. I must get home now. My Aunt Lily needs me to make long-lasting lights for the Gathering.”

  “Can you let Rona and the rest know the answer to the riddle right now?”

  Lavender shook her head. “I don’t think so. We don’t all live in the same place, so we had planned to meet tonight in the wood. If you can come, we can all go to Carterhaugh. If not, I’ll tell them the answer and we will go without you.”

  “I’ll try to be there, if I can stop my parents fussing over me.”

  Lavender hugged Helen and flew through a broken pane of glass in a window that overlooked the overgrown school garden.

  Helen left the library and went to eat her packed lunch very quickly in the canteen, where fortunately no one seemed to be eating weird, pongy food.

  Chapter 13

  Mr Crombie raised his eyebrows hopefully at Helen as she walked into the chilly hall for the concert rehearsal that afternoon.

  She grinned at him. “When would you like me to play the solo I’ve been working on? Before the Christmas music or after?”

  “We’ll warm up with the carols first, then hear what you’ve come up with,” he replied smiling.

  So the band scraped and clattered their way through O’ Little Town of Bethlehem and the other carols they were starting to get bored with, before — finally — it was Helen’s turn.

  She took a few steps in front of the rest of the children and played directly to Mr Crombie.

  She played the tune that Rona had sung off the stone beach on Orkney the night before, which she and Rona had developed and strengthened together. The music that told of the loss of the Book, the quest to find it, as well as the fears and frustrations of their failures.

  She played it twice, once in a major key and once in a minor key. Then she lifted her chin from the fiddle and waited, wondering how the quest song had sounded to an audience who weren’t searching for answers or fearful of monsters. Would it mean anything to them?

  Everyone was silent for a moment.

  “Where did you find that?” Mr Crombie asked.

  “A friend and I wrote it.”

  “You wrote it?”

  “Parts of it. It’s not completely finished, but I’ll know how it ends long before Monday.”

  “It is very, very good, Helen,” Mr Crombie beamed at her. “A strong and mature piece of music. It will definitely be worth the director’s time coming to hear you play that. You have produced something totally original and extremely beautiful. Does it have a title?”

  “I thought maybe I’d call it Solstice.”

  “Lovely. Well, you obviously don’t need to rehearse it any more with us. I’m sure I can rely on you to find an ending by Monday, and as we’d all love to hear that ending please try not to lose yourself on our hillsides again between now and Christmas Eve.”

  Kirsty grabbed Helen’s arm as she was carefully packing her fiddle away.

  “So, who’s the friend that wrote the music with you, then?”

  “I can’t … I can’t really say.”

  “Why not? I know I’m not as good a violinist as you, but we did used to play together when we were first learning. Have you found some fancier friends now? Some other musical geniuses? Is that why you want to go to this summer school?”

  “No! This friend is different.”

  “Different how, exactly?”

  Helen considered her answer. “It’s just someone I’ve been chatting with recently at nights. You know, a bit like an online chat room.”

  “About music?”

  “Music and books and stuff.”

  “Not someone at a different school? Not someone that you’ll be pally with once we go to the High School?”

  Helen laughed. “Definitely not someone I’ll be pally with at the High School. You’re still my best friend, Kirsty. But just like you don’t bother to talk to me about football, I’m allowed to have friends to talk to about music and … you know … other stuff.”

  “I suppose so. Can you come to mine for tea then? Rather than chat to your cyber mates.”

  “Sorry. Mum wants me home and in bed like a good little invalid. Soon though. Very soon. After the solstice I’m bound to have more time.”

  “After the solstice? After the concert
you mean.”

  “Yeah. That’s what I meant.”

  Helen walked slowly out of the school hall and stood for a while in the shadow of the buildings. She should have been delighted; Mr Crombie was impressed with her solo, and she was confident that if she could come up with an ending, then the summer school director would be impressed too.

  But she had lied to Kirsty again, and was about to lie to her Mum once more, which didn’t seem right when she was searching for a Book about questions, answers and truth. Also her life seemed to be split down the middle into day and night, and she wasn’t getting enough sleep in either half.

  It was nearly dark already, as the weak winter sun was covered by thick grey clouds. She wouldn’t even have time for a nap before night fell. She started to walk slowly towards the school gates, when she realized that her Mum’s Landrover was waiting in the car park.

  “I thought you would like a lift home. Rest your bruised legs.”

  “Thanks, but don’t you have surgery just now?”

  “No, I cancelled it. I wanted to be sure you were okay.”

  “I’d like a nice big tea and an early night actually.”

  That definitely wasn’t a lie. She wasn’t going to get to sleep, but she did desperately want to.

  “I’ve made lentil soup and fresh bread. We’ll eat that, then you can have a bath and get to bed. How was the rehearsal?”

  “Great. Mr Crombie likes my solo.”

  “Really? Super. I can’t wait to hear it. When’s the concert?”

  “Monday. Dad’s written it on the kitchen calendar.”

  “We’ll definitely be there then!”

  Helen ate like a soldier about to march to war, then just as the sun was sliding from behind the clouds to behind the hills, she clambered into bed, watched carefully by her Mum.

  As soon as her Mum was out of the room, Helen got up and dressed as warmly as possible. Then she opened her bedroom window and looked down.

  This was the only way out of the house without being heard. Her Dad was reading Nicola a bedtime story in the living room, while her Mum was hanging washing on the pulley in the kitchen. There was no way out downstairs. She would have to leave by the window. And she didn’t have time to make a rope out of sheets, or a parachute from a duvet cover.

  Helen’s bedroom was above the front door, which was protected from the Scottish weather by a little stone porch.

  Whenever Helen had daydreamed about leaving the house unseen on a secret mission, she had always thought this porch would be a handy way out.

  Now, she squeezed out of her open window, sat on the sill and pulled the window almost shut behind her. She turned round and lowered herself slowly backwards until she was holding onto the sill by her fingers. Her toes just reached the sloping stone below her. She let go and dropped to a crouch on the porch roof.

  Now she was no higher off the ground than Nicola at the top of the climbing frame. She grasped the edge of the porch and swung herself down.

  The drop was a little further than it looked. Helen didn’t breathe for a minute after landing on the hard path, partly because she couldn’t and partly because she was listening for any reaction indoors. But no one came rushing out, so she hoped no one had heard her thump down.

  She stood up and waggled her legs. Everything still seemed to work, and she didn’t have any more bruises than when she had got out of bed. So she jogged up the hill, feeling underdressed without her green rucksack.

  It was fully dark by the time she reached the woods, but she followed a glow of fairy light. The friends were just settling down, Sapphire heating the air with her glowing open mouth and Rona handing round some small brown cakes.

  Helen took one, and nibbled it. It was a bit like a salty scone.

  “Seaweed cakes,” Rona said, “to give us all strength.”

  Then Yann announced, “I have solved the riddle.”

  “So have I,” responded Helen.

  There was a moment of silence. Then Helen smiled, “You first. Lavender knows what I found, so I’m not going to copy you if your answer is better.”

  “There can be only one answer, human child.”

  “True. I know what it is. And it’s not far from here. On you go.”

  Yann humphed, and put on his best declaiming voice.

  “The riddle refers to an old tale about a human who was privileged to join the fairy queen’s band, but was forced to return to human life by a local girl. The man was called Tam Linn, and the story ends in a battle at Tam Linn’s Well in Carterhaugh Woods, where he tried to escape the human girl’s clutches by turning into various loathly animals and a hot bar of iron. But the girl held fast and he could not escape and he lost the fairy queen for ever.

  “So we must go to Carterhaugh. Do you agree, healer’s child?”

  “I agree that we must go to Carterhaugh, but you’ve told the story all wrong,” Helen said indignantly. “Janet saved Tam Linn. He asked her to show courage and hold fast however the fairy queen changed him. He wanted to become human again and escape from the fairy queen.”

  “Why would anyone wish to be human — boringly, prosaically human — when they could live a life of stories, songs and magic with the forest folk? Janet was jealous of him and the fairy queen, and couldn’t let go of him, even though Tam Linn wanted her to.”

  “Nonsense! He was stolen away by the fairies, as children have always been, and was very lucky to meet a woman strong and brave enough to save him.”

  Rona broke in, “Hold on! You may not agree on the story, but you do agree on the answer to the riddle! You have both heard different versions of the story, of course you have. Helen has heard the one Tam Linn and Janet told their children, and Yann has heard the version the fairy folk told. And they are both true to themselves.”

  “If mine is the version Tam Linn told, it must be the truth,” Helen muttered.

  “Helen!” scolded Rona. “You two can argue about this anytime you like once we have the Book.”

  “Once we have the Book, we’ll not need her anymore,” snorted Yann.

  “We all need friends, Yann,” said Rona. “Now how do we get to Carterhaugh and can we get going right now?”

  Sapphire and Catesby suddenly got quite animated. Rona explained that both flying beasts used the various rivers running into the River Tweed —like the Ettrick Water, Gala Water, Jed Water and the Teviot — to navigate around the nearby hills. They could easily find Carterhaugh by using the rivers, even with clouds covering the stars and moon.

  Catesby immediately started drawing an incredibly detailed map on the ground that showed the sources and courses of all the rivers in the Borders. Sapphire watched for a moment, then snorted and wiped the bird’s thin scratched lines away with one sweep of her claws. Drawing a deep line in the ground, she showed the way from Helen’s village of Clovenshaws to Ettrick Water near Selkirk, then a simple map showing Tam Linn’s Well in a small patch of grass between a strip of woods and a narrow track, just one field’s length from the river. Catesby shrugged his wings.

  It was decided that Catesby would guide Yann, and Sapphire would carry the rest. The dragon’s party would get there a little faster and could lie low near the river to check that no one else was there, so they could go straight to the well when Yann and the phoenix arrived.

  Yann left immediately, but Helen delayed before getting on the dragon’s back. “Did I leave the first aid kit here last night, when I rushed out to stop the search?”

  Lavender threw out a few brighter light balls and they all had a quick look. Helen found the battered green bag by the tree stump she usually sat on.

  She waved it at the others. “Found it. Let’s hope we don’t need it!”

  Rona said, “Yann was wrong. We don’t just need you to help us find the Book. We do need you now because you have a knowledge of books that we can’t match but, when we find the Book, we will still want to meet up with you to chat, play music and take you on adventures.”

bsp; “Yann won’t,” Helen sighed.

  “Yann has spent all day with his father, and that makes him very grumpy.”

  Helen humphed, making Lavender laugh. “You sound just like Yann! He always makes horsey, snorting noises when he’s grumpy!”

  “I’m not grumpy. I think I might be scared. Do you think the Master is there waiting for us?”

  Rona reassured her. “He didn’t get the stone circle clue before us, did he? So they don’t know where we are going. Even if they have followed us here, they won’t get to Carterhaugh before we do. None of his creatures can move as fast as a healthy dragon can fly. I think this time we are ahead of him.”

  And so the friends flew off in a wide curve, to confuse any watchers on the ground, and headed for Tam Linn’s Well.

  Chapter 14

  The dragon, the fairy, the selkie and the fiddler stared at the stone wall and strip of woods round Tam Linn’s Well. They had been watching from a distance for fifteen minutes, and Helen had seen no movement: magical, human or animal. As they waited, drizzle started to leak from the clouds. Suddenly, a large shape loomed over them and Lavender gave a tiny squeak.

  “Shhh. It’s just us,” said Yann, his voice unusually soft. “Are we alone?” Sapphire answered with a rumble. “Then let’s not delay.” Yann’s eyes were bright. “Let’s go and get our Book.”

  Yann led the way over the bare field, through a small gap in the hedge and across the narrow track towards a semicircle of grass above the verge.

  Lavender created a couple of very dim glowing balls, giving little light and throwing lots of complicated shadows.

  Helen could see a rectangular stone trough against a curved wall. Water dripped into it from a stone spout above. All the stonework was covered with damp dark moss. She looked above and around her, constantly checking for movement. There was a hill rising beyond the wall, covered in old trees and bushes; all that was left of the fairy queen’s forest. One huge tree overhung the well; although bare of leaves for winter, its trunk was shiny with ivy.


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