Dragon of a Problem [A Dragon's Growl 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Dragon of a Problem [A Dragon's Growl 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 2

by Marcy Jacks

  Seth stopped. That was a good point. He pulled out the key cards.

  “I got these earlier.”

  He turned back to Micah, who had just admitted he was a friend of the bleeder upstairs. “Will these work?”

  The poor omega looked torn and frightened. “You…you need a password. The keycards don’t do anything for those rooms.”

  Fucking great. But he might have something else at least.

  No son of Varrick would open the door at the threat against a bleeder, but another omega might.

  Micah stayed frozen when Seth grabbed him by the back of the neck.

  “Hey!” Stefan snapped, following after him. “What are you doing?”

  “Leverage,” Seth answered, growling at his friend and not stopping his stride toward the stairs. “I thought you didn’t like this omega.”

  Stefan’s eyes flew wide, color blooming across his cheeks as he growled all the way up the stairs.

  “I just think there has been enough killing for one day without dragging an innocent into this, even if he is a filthy bleeder.”

  Micah made a small, frightened choking noise.

  Seth smirked.

  Perhaps now he understood what was up Stefan’s ass. Sometimes when a male became affectionate toward another, he didn’t know how to show it other than through frustration.

  “I won’t hurt him, so don’t get your panties in a bunch, but the ones in the safe room don’t need to know that.”

  Stefan blinked at him, as though only now understanding what Seth was getting at.

  He shook his head. “Whatever. I’m going with you.”

  “Suit yourself.”

  It might help if there was another dragon in the room to scare those two out.

  It wasn’t difficult to find the master bedroom. As it happened, it was on the outer corner of this massive home and one of the few rooms that did not have a hole in the ceiling.

  That explained how the pair had managed to get into the safe room to begin with.

  They were likely calling for help at this very moment. Most humans didn’t know of vampires or dragons, but private companies could be somewhat knowledgeable.

  Or they could have called for Varrick.

  And wouldn’t that be delicious?

  When they entered the room, which was more of an apartment than a bedroom, Seth immediately started looking for a camera and a wall that could possibly lead to the safe room.

  Most likely the wall at the far end of the home. An illusion of sorts.

  There was no camera that Seth could see, but there was a small hole in the far corner where the wall met the ceiling.

  A hole that did not look as if it should be there.

  “Don’t come out!” Micah shouted.

  Seth slapped his hand over the omega’s mouth.

  Right. He now had his entrance to the safe room.

  He and Stefan looked at each other. Stephan went to the wall and began feeling around it. There was a coat hook, again, something that also looked out of place on that wall, and the bookshelf didn’t look exactly as if it was touching the ground.

  Stefan pulled against the hook and bookshelf, and the entire wall began to move, swinging outwardly revealing a thick metal door.

  Seth grinned. “Now we’re getting somewhere. Sorry about this,” he said to Micah, just before digging his claws into the man’s shoulder until he shouted beneath Seth’s hand from the pain.

  “Come out now, or I will kill your friend in front of you. You have three seconds.”

  “What?” Stefan asked, his voice deadpan.

  Seth ignored his friend. He did not have the ability to calm him right now.

  He clenched his fingers hard into the barely there muscle and bone of Micah’s shoulder, listening as he cried out his pain beneath Seth’s palm.

  “Two seconds!”

  The door hissed and slowly opened. A young omega with orange-and-black-tipped ears pushed himself through the crack in the door before it had the chance to open all the way for him.

  “Wait! Stop! Please!”

  Stefan grabbed the door before it could fall shut on him again, and he pulled it open while the omega ran to him, stopping right in front of Seth and staring up at him as though hypnotized by what he saw.

  And Seth, well, getting kicked in the balls, stomach, and head would have felt better than this, this sudden icy shock that hit him in the face the instant he caught sight, and scent, of the man in front of him, the brave little omega that rushed out into danger to save a friend.

  Varrick’s bleeder.

  Seth’s mate.

  Chapter Two

  What was this? Miles couldn’t stop staring at the tall, naked man in front of him.

  It wasn’t just that he was tall, either. He was huge. He had to be well over six feet, which meant Miles had to crane his neck up in order to look at him.

  He almost fell back a step. Something about looking up that high, past that rounded chest and that mound of muscle on his abs…

  Okay, he wasn’t that tall, but holy shit. He was a tall naked man standing in front of Miles with long red hair around his massive shoulders.

  Miles thought he could almost be a Viking. Definitely a warrior.

  Was this what all dragons looked like?

  Miles reached his hand out. He had to touch. He had to feel the texture of this man’s tanned skin for himself, to know the heat of it.

  Before his fingertips could make contact with the man’s skin, with some of those scars that looked deep and mean, Miles yanked his hand back.

  Holy fuck. Holy Mother of God, what was he doing? Micah was still in the arms of this dragon, being threatened, and Miles had just about fallen under some sort of spell just from looking at the man.

  Worse than that, it was only now that Miles could hear the sounds of Sorin’s screams as his master was pulled out of the darkness of the safe room and into the second-hand light of the master bedroom.

  The light that made it in through the hallway wasn’t much, it wasn’t even making Sorin smoke up, but he was clearly panicking as the other dragon cruelly yanked him out of his safe zone.

  “No, no, please!”

  Miles turned back to the dragon, grabbing him by the shoulders, trying and failing to pull him off.

  These dragons…they might actually be stronger than Miles’s vampire masters.

  “Don’t hurt him! Let go of him!”

  Miles had to stop the dragon before he threw Sorin into the sunlight. He couldn’t let that happen.

  A growl sounded behind him. Micah cried out, and something hard and powerful grabbed Miles by the back of the neck.

  It hurt, but then he was yanked to the powerful chest of the red-haired dragon. Maybe it was because he had red hair, but Miles’s body turned to fire at the man’s touch, and he moaned, his blood coming alive in his veins in a way that never happened even when he offered his blood to Lord Varrick or Sorin.

  “Don’t you touch him, that filthy vampire,” growled the voice in his ear.

  The dragon’s breath was warm, but Miles still shivered, as though that voice pushed a cold deep within his body.

  And now his heart pounded, as though it might just explode within his chest if he didn’t get it to calm down.

  Oh God. He was getting hard. He didn’t want his cock to harden. He didn’t want to show that sort of a reaction to someone who was just going to kill him and his friends.

  Miles struggled through this strange lust he felt, the need to beg for his life overpowering his need to keep his dignity. “Please, let him go, let us go.”

  Again, that voice snarled hotly in his ear, like an animal issuing a warning. “You would defend him? A vampire?”

  “He’s my friend,” Miles said helplessly.

  He raised his eyes, looking to Sorin. The silver-haired dragon holding him was no longer trying to drag him out the door to the master bedroom. He looked more disgusted than anything else.

  And Sorin looke
d hopeful, and something else Miles couldn’t name.

  “Vampires have no friends. They take and they steal.” Another heavy growling noise. “Varrick kept you from me.”

  Miles didn’t understand, but there was something about those words that meant he couldn’t question them either.

  This dragon wanted him? This dragon…sounded possessive over him.

  And for some crazy reason, Miles liked the sound of that. Liked wasn’t even a strong enough word to describe it. He positively adored that this alpha would sound so possessive over him.

  He wanted more of that possessiveness, and when he felt the dragon’s cock stiffening behind him, Miles’s breath caught in his throat, and he swore he nearly came to his pleasure right then and there.

  Which was ridiculous because the dragon hadn’t bitten him or touched him. This shouldn’t be happening.

  Miles could hardly speak through the pulsing pleasure rushing through him. He had to. He had to do whatever he could to keep them from killing Sorin like they had the others in the house. “Please don’t hurt him. I’ll do whatever you want me to. Just don’t hurt my friends.”

  This dragon clearly wanted him. Miles had no idea why that was, but he also didn’t care. He wanted to use it to whatever advantage he could to keep his friends from getting hurt.

  The dragon growled hard in his ear. Miles felt the man’s warm breath and his lips.

  He cringed, expecting a painful bite. Oh God, this dragon was going to bite his ear clean off. Dragons were violent creatures, everyone knew that, and Miles had just mouthed off to one and begged for something he had no business begging for.

  The painful dragon bite did not come. Miles waited and waited for it, but nothing happened, and then those warm, molten-lava lips left his ear, and the dragon looked to his friend.

  “Cover that one with a sheet and get downstairs.”

  The dragon with the silver hair jerked back, his eyes widening and his mouth dropping before he seemed to collect himself.

  Miles didn’t blame him for being shocked. He needed a minute to hear that again, as well.

  The silver-haired dragon shook his head when he apparently pulled himself together enough. “No. No! You have got to be fucking shitting me! This is Varrick’s son!”

  “And I will do whatever the fuck I want with him when I am ready for it,” said the red-haired dragon. “Take the two of them and get out of here. Wait for me downstairs. We can take inventory of the property and damages later.”

  “Oh, great, and what the fuck are you going to be doing up here with him while we’re all downstairs?” Those silver eyes narrowed suspiciously.

  And the red-haired dragon growled a low, menacing noise that made Miles think arguing was the last thing this dragon should be doing.

  “I’m going to claim my new mate in my bedroom. What else do you think I’ll be doing?”

  Silver Eyes went slack-jawed real fast at that. Miles thought he felt the floor drop out from beneath him.


  That didn’t make any sense. He was no one’s mate. He was a servant. He gave his blood and his body to his master. Nothing more and nothing less.

  How could…

  Oh, Miles understood. The dragon was attracted to him. That much was evident from the firm press of the dragon’s cock sliding against his backside.

  As much as Miles liked it, and wanted it, he knew better. Sex was used as a tool to control, and this alpha, likely knowing that Miles had been Lord Varrick’s favored bloodletter thanks to Micah, wanted to take his revenge against Varrick by stealing his toy.

  There were worse ways to be used, he supposed. At least this alpha was attractive. Now Miles had to hope he would not be too harsh with Miles’s body in bed.

  “Are you serious?” asked Silver Eyes.

  “Yes,” growled the red dragon. “Let the others know, and tell them to start picking out their rooms. We’re going to live here after all.”

  He said it with such a happy tone to his voice. He could have been a child on his birthday.

  The dragon with the silver eyes still looked wildly unconvinced by any of this, and uncomfortable, but he shrugged all the same.

  “All right, whatever you say, Seth.”

  Seth. That was his name. At least now Miles knew it.

  And it was a nice name. He kind of liked it.

  If it was any of his business to judge a man’s name, which it was not.

  Micah and Sorin, however, looked horrified by the decision that had just been made, and then the silver-eyed dragon yanked Sorin to a closet, pulled out the first thing he found, and covered him with it before dragging both Micah and Sorin out of the room.

  Sorin panicked again. Miles didn’t blame him. Micah looked torn on whether or not he should struggle against his new masters or call out to Miles.

  Miles smiled softly at the man on their way out.

  He wanted Micah to know they were still friends and that nothing short of death would stop that, but he didn’t dare say anything, and it was almost a relief when the door slammed shut behind his friends.

  Strange how Miles could breathe only then, only when the dragon who held so tightly to him turned him around, held him by his ears, and leaned down to crush their lips together.

  And it was…explosive. That was the only way to describe the heat and the intensity behind his eyes and in his body. Miles thought he would come from this. He expected it, but it did not happen, despite the strain in his groin and testicles. Despite how much he wanted it now, it eluded him.

  As though his orgasm was specifically waiting for something to happen before giving Miles what he was desperate to have.

  He reached out, touching his new master’s shoulders, sliding his hands behind that strong, thick neck and pushing his fingers into the long, wavy red hair simply because he could.

  It felt nice. He loved to touch it, and he loved the taste of the dragon’s lips and the way his wicked tongue slid nicely into Miles’s mouth.

  Miles moaned, pressing his body up against the dragon’s in ways he’d never done with his vampire master.

  He didn’t have to pretend he wanted this man the way he had to pretend with Lord Varrick. This was natural. This was just what was, and it was the most glorious sensation he’d ever experienced in his life.

  So this was what real lust felt like.

  Suddenly, cruelly, the dragon pulled his mouth away from Miles’, just as he was starting to enjoy himself, as well.

  “Tell me your name,” he said.

  Miles blinked, and he honestly had to think about the question and the answer.

  “Miles Dehtant,” he said, his heart pounding, his breath short.

  The dragon nodded curtly. “He didn’t lie, good.”

  Miles blinked at that. Was he talking about Micah?

  Well, the question didn’t matter in the least because then Miles was being kissed again, and he was able to let himself get lost in the sensation of it once more.

  It seemed that whenever this alpha kissed him, Miles’s brain had a habit of short-circuiting on him.

  No, wait, this dragon male knew Miles’s name, but Miles didn’t know his. Even through the pleasure of the kiss, that was unacceptable to Miles. Something had to be done about it.

  He pushed against the dragon man’s chest, expecting more resistance from him than he got, but after a few seconds, he allowed Miles to break off the kiss.

  Something that no one else would have ever allowed Miles to do and something Miles would not have done if he were not currently drunk with desire.

  “Tell me your name,” he gasped. “Your whole name.”

  Using the small amount of air to get those words out when his body felt so depleted was enough to make him lightheaded.

  “Do you need to know it?” asked the dragon.

  He probably didn’t, realistically, and this was his new master, so he didn’t have to provide anything he didn’t want to, but Miles nodded.

sp; He might not need it, but he needed it.

  If that made any sense. “Yes, please tell me. I have to…I have to know.”

  That seemed to please his new master.

  “My name is Sethraghck Dimitriu, and you are mine from this day on.”

  Miles moaned as he allowed himself to be kissed again.

  Chapter Three

  Seth kissed the smaller man, as if he wouldn’t be able to breathe if he didn’t press their lips together. The craving in his body was harsh, and he couldn’t control it. He couldn’t hold it back, and now that the day was won, he didn’t see a reason to bother with trying.

  Adrenaline surged hot and swiftly through his skin. He and his men had taken the mansion, it was theirs now, and on top of their hard-planned victory, this fox-tailed omega belonged to Seth.

  Belonged to him. Mated to him, and Seth could not stop kissing him, even as his hands began to move and his fingers touched those black-tipped fox ears. He slid his tongue into Miles’s mouth, tasting him, taking in the sweetness of him.

  Like cranberry juice. That was Seth’s absolute favorite thing in the whole of the world.

  His mate tasted like Seth’s favorite thing. That could be no coincidence.

  Seth couldn’t comfort himself by simply touching Miles’s ears either. His hands moved sloppily all across the man’s body, desperate to learn anything and everything he could about his mate, even if it was just the shape of his body, for now.

  He pushed his hands beneath the smaller man’s shirt. It fit him well and was of good material, despite him being a slave. Varrick must have really favored him.

  Seth forced the thought out of his mind. He wouldn’t allow that bastard to ruin this by letting him enter Seth’s mind when he was in the middle of taking what rightfully belonged to him.

  What should have been his from the start.

  Seth ripped the material from Miles’s body. Any clothes Miles wore would be clothes that Seth provided, nothing that came from this house.

  Miles released a soft, choked noise of pleasure as his body was exposed. His heartbeat increased in tempo.

  “I love that sound,” Seth growled.

  Miles blinked widely up at him, his eyes dilated, as though Seth’s kisses were intoxicating him.


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