Brothers - Pack Special- Complete Set (Books 1 - 8)

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Brothers - Pack Special- Complete Set (Books 1 - 8) Page 8

by M. L. Briers

  Three things went through Janette’s mind as she witnessed the she-wolf’s change into her beast- Oh crap!- Beautiful wolf- And this is gonna hurt one of us.

  As the white wolf pushed off on her back paws and took to the air, so Janette was ready with another jolt of her magic to put her right back on her furry little butt again- but her chance never came, and she had to snatch her magic back against herself as another white wolf- bigger, meaner looking- came out of nowhere and took the she-wolf down under the power of its weight.

  Janette jumped back at the sight of the wolves, snapping jaws, snarling, growling at each other as they rolled over the ground… Her eyes caught sight of the streaks of crimson that were slashed into their fur, both wolves damaged, as the beasts continued baying for one another’s blood.

  Each wolf had managed to get in few shots at the other, but the larger wolf was surely winning as Mari’s beast seemed to run out of steam or the will to fight back…

  Janette’s attention was momentarily snatched away from the fight when Justice, the alpha, ran into the clearing- black eyes blazing with anger as he took in sight- but a pained yelp that was closely followed by a whimper had her eyes flicking right back to the wolves once more.

  The smaller she-wolf was trapped on the ground beneath the larger one- her head was back, neck exposed, as the male wolf held its jaws around her neck- its nose twitching as it snarled a warning to her…

  “Enough, Maverick,” Justice growled out.

  A wave of apprehension shot through Janette as she tried to drag her eyes back to look at the alpha, but couldn’t quite managed it. She’d kind of guessed somewhere deep within her that the male wolf was her mate, and yet, seeing him like this, in all his feral glory was something completely different.

  It was mesmerising- overwhelming by its magnitude- and so damn exciting that every inch of her body tingled.

  “Maverick! Stand the hell down.” Justice growled a deeper warning this time, and reluctantly, Maverick released the she-wolf from his jaws and padded a slow retreat as he growled a warning at her not to move.

  His beast was on the edge and it wanted nothing more than to kill her.




  Maverick’s beast paused, ready. The moment that Mari’s wolf pushed to its feet he went to strike again.

  Then the she- wolf roared in anger- her eyes turned to lock onto Janette’s like a warning- before she took off on fast paws into the woods.

  Maverick turned on his paws and slowly approached his mate. His bright eyes were locked on hers as if to give her reassurance, or maybe to sooth her into his approach, letting her know that she was in no danger from his beast- before he scented at the hand that she held at her side, and slowly brushed the side of his face against it…

  Janette turned her hand and let her fingers get lost within his dense fur… A blast of adrenalin and excitement shot through her body as that tingling feeling came back. She guessed that her body knew its mate without even trying.

  “You’ve made an enemy there,” Justice nodded in the direction that the she-wolf had taken as Janette brought her eyes up to his.

  “I’ll live,” she bit out- uncaring as she revelled in the wolf’s attention, affection.

  “What happened? Who provoked who?” Justice demanded.

  “It was a misunderstanding,” Janette lied and immediately Maverick’s wolf growled…

  “Liar,” Justice could sense her deceit too, but he wasn’t going to push her on it, not right Maverick’s wolf was still in protection mode. He didn’t need his brother losing control of his beast and have to put him down. It would be probably be easier to get answers for Mari but he’d need to hear both sides of the story.

  Male, mating wolves could be unpredictable at the best of times, and coming off the back of having to defend his mate from an attack- this wouldn’t be the best of times. It could wait until the wolf stood down and the man was back in control.

  Janette hadn’t denied her lie, but she hadn’t confirmed it either. What had happened between her and the she-wolf was, in some ways, a misunderstanding.

  The women believed that Janette had no place in the pack- she was mistaken- Janette was every bit a part of the pack now as the she-wolf herself, and if they had to butt heads a few times for her to prove that fact- then so be it, but she wasn’t about to tell tales after school to the alpha.




  “Your wolf’s beautiful,” Janette barely got the words out before Maverick had her backed up against the wall of their cabin.

  His urgency to scent her body, to check for her blood, a wound, to confirm that she was uninjured was clawing within him like a fewer that couldn’t be controlled. He pulled back far enough to strip her dress from her body and leave her naked for his eyes to devour every inch of her… a gentle growl rolling through his chest like distant thunder…

  “What are you doing?” Janette rolled her eyes as he twisted and turned her to his hurried gaze.

  He couldn’t scent her blood. His wolf hadn’t scented her blood, and yet the need to know that every inch of her was unharmed gnawed at him. The knot in his stomach was so damn tight at the thought of what could have happened to her that he was fit to explode…

  “I’m fine…” she tried to sooth the deep lines of frustration, desperation, and worry upon his brow, and yet he wouldn’t be soothed until he’d had his way.

  The moment that he stopped on a deep grunt of breath- she cupped his face within her hands and brought his eyes to hers.

  “I’m- fine,” she slowly assured him.

  “She could have…” he grunted again, not wanting to say those words aloud.

  “She didn’t. I could have, and I didn’t, it’s fine,” Janette assured him- finally seeing those lines cut into his skin above his eyebrows ease as his shoulders dropped slightly… the tension starting to uncurl within his muscles.

  “If she’d…” Those shoulders tensed again.

  “I think you need to take your mind off it,” she couldn’t help but chuckle.

  One very over protective shifter…

  “I just want to kill something,” he growled out, then winced as he searched her face for worry, scented the air to see if she now feared him for his admission.

  “No…” she ran her fingertips down the contours of his chest, that line of hair that pointed the way to his hard length, and she brushed her fingers up his engorged flesh and saw the look in his eyes soften. “You just need me to take care of you…”

  Her eyes lingered on the angry red welts that were healing nicely along his hip bone. She had a moment’s anger herself as she felt the need to tear that she-wolf a new backside…

  “You’re angry with me- I can scent it,” Maverick went to reach for her but she ducked away.

  “Not you, her, for hurting you,” Janette assured him, already dropping to her knees before him on the floor and staring up his naked hard body to see his eyes narrow on her- knowing what she was about to do, and growling in anticipation of her touch…

  Janette wasted no time. She opened her mouth and took his hard length down as he grunted in pleasure and half closed his eyes as she pushed the head of his cock deep… he cursed, grunted, and growled gently as she sucked back up his length…

  The more she worked his flesh, the more he felt the anger slip away to be replaced by need, want, and desire. His hand was resting against the back of her head, guiding her back and forth, but doing little else… he liked her like this, taking control of him, but it wouldn’t last forever- his dominant side would win out.

  Then she shocked the hell out of him by taking him down into her throat on a hard swallow- the tight muscles grasping him hard, and he almost lost his mind and his legs to the overwhelming feeling of pure pleasure…

  He cursed, fisted her hair, and lost himself to the feeling. He’d always thought that his cock was just too damn big to deep throat a woman, but hi
s mate had put paid to that idea…

  She was like pure pleasure and pure hell all in one package- torturing him to try keep his damn seed in his balls as long as he could, because he wanted to be inside of her, balls deep, and he finally had a mind to wrench his hips back and release his cock from her perfect lips, as his hands reached for her and he snatched her off the floor and backed her against the wall…

  “I can’t be gentle…” he growled out- yanking her body up against his and finding her wet heat with the tip of his cock… “I need to-”

  “I know,” she breathed out a moment before his length thrust into her, his balls slapped against her flesh as he hit home, and her head went back and to the side out of pure pleasure and pure instinct to open her neck to his beastly side, his feral side…

  He felt wild. Strength personified as his hips met hers, clashing over and over, causing a heady friction deep within her. She cursed aloud at the way her body responded to his…

  When his tongue found the claiming mark that he’d put into her shoulder, he felt her body truly open to his. He closed his lips around the soft flesh of her shoulder and sucked hard, resisting the urge to unsheathe his fangs and bite deep, claim her forever, bond with her and make her his…


  All of his fear- all of his anger at what had happened rolled up inside of him. He couldn’t get close enough to her. He couldn’t get deep enough inside of her, even with her legs wrapped around his hips and his cock buried balls deep within her tight body… he still couldn’t seem to get enough.

  The moment that she let out a cry as the intensity of the orgasm tore through her- so he hungered more. The feel of her inner muscles daring to try to claim his seed made him wrench his length out of her with a grunt of anger…

  He wasn’t ready for this to be over. He wasn’t done with the need for her that was festering inside of him…

  He stalked with her in his arms towards the sofa and turned her body away from his. A dangerous move considering he wanted to bite, to bond, but he needed this.

  Her feet touched the floor and she used the back of the sofa to hold herself up- her legs were weak, and the aftershocks of her orgasm were still rolling through her…

  He used his knees to push open her legs, to open her sex wide for him, and then he gripped her hips within his large hands, his fingers digging into the curvy flesh, and he thrust his cock home.

  His beast roared within him… demanding, clawing at him to bite at the sight of her back, at the feel of her body welcoming him as he took her hard, fast, and so damn deep that he could die now and never regret having lived.

  Over and over, he drove home like a mindless beast that craved her flesh…

  Janette was lost to him. His powerful body demanding her submission to everything that he was giving her. It was a heady mixture of the total loss of control, and yet, perfect clarity of both of their needs, wants…

  Maverick’s hand slipped up from her hip and ran over her ribs, finding the hard bounce of her breasts as he cupped it, and he finger and thumbed her nipple, pinching, twisting, and sending more jolts of pleasure right to her womb…

  She ground out one dirty curse after another as she felt her inner muscles tighten once more around his length and that tight knot building again deep within her…

  She palmed the back of the sofa and pushed upward, bringing her back against his chest and her shoulder dangerously close to his lips, as he wrapped one steely arm around her and locked her to him. His other hand left her hip and delved between her legs, finding her clit and working it hard- like she needed the extra encouragement to come for him again- she was close and getting closer with every hard breath…

  “Come around my cock,” he growled against her ear…

  “Bite, bond…” she ground out between clenched teeth as her body soared to new heights.

  Maverick’s beast needed no more encouragement than that to push forward. His fangs elongated, and he fisted her hair as his pelvis slapped against her backside, over and over like the tempting beat of a drum signalling the beginning of their new life together.

  “Now, before I come…” she ground out.

  His fangs bit down hard and fast into her flesh and the pain shot through her at the exact same moment as the pleasure tore out of the depth of her womb- clashing together- rolling into one- she lost her mind to the insanity, finding him there as he reached into her very soul and bonded his soul to hers, his life to hers- forever…

  Maverick’s beast roared within him at the bond. He released his fangs from her flesh and licked her wound as best he could. There was a fever that was driving him now to complete the bond, to plant his seed deep within her womb, and he became almost feral in his need for her.

  Every muscle in his body screamed as if it was on fire- locking up those muscles. His thrusts became erratic as the pulsing of her inner muscles demanded his seed.

  Maverick’s head went back on his neck and he howled with everything that he had at the intensity of the fizz up his spine and the hard clench of his own orgasm as he slammed into her, held, and delivered his seed to where he needed it to be. Over and over, buried deep inside of her as her channel drained him of everything that he had to give.




  Mari sat at the bank of the pools. Naked from the shift back into her human form, she’d pulled her knees up against her small breasts and held them in place with her arms wrapped around them as she stared into the depths of the water under the falls.

  Her beast was licking its pride within her over losing her fight with the witch and her beta.

  “She’s his mate and there isn’t a damn thing that you can do about it,” Justice growled out from where he stood watching her. His hip rested against the rock formation, and his muscled arms were folded across his wide chest.

  Mari had known that he was there for a minute or so. She might have been an Omega, but she was still all wolf, unlike Maverick’s damn mate, and she’d heard him coming, and then she’d scented him on the summer breeze long before he stood there in silence watching her.

  “Doesn’t mean I have to like it,” Mari ground out between clenched teeth.

  “No, but it does mean you have to respect it,” Justice informed her.

  “She’ll bring trouble to the pack. Witches always do.” Mari ground out.

  “Then we’ll deal with it when, and if, it arises. It’s that or you might as well kill Maverick now,” Justice reminded her of what was at stake. He saw her back straighten and the muscles tense beneath her tanned skin, eyeing the red welts of Maverick’s attack over her ribs as they healed.

  The way that her body had reacted to his words told him that she hadn’t quite thought that through, what it would mean for Maverick to lose his mate, when she’d attacked. He got the picture now- it had been Mari that had gone after the witch and not the other way around.

  “I didn’t want to hurt Maverick,” Mari repented at the thought of what might have happened should she have killed the damn witch.

  “No one expects you and Janette are going to be best friends, Mari, but she’s pack now- and you’ll damn well have her back against all comers.” Justice demanded on a low, deep rumbled that underlined his words.

  The sound of the mating howl pierced the air and Mari tensed her muscles once more. She closed her eyes to that sound and bit down on her anger and her fear for what that witch could bring to their door.

  “Sounds like I have no choice,” Mari said as she pushed up to her feet and strolled away from Justice in long, graceful strides.

  “Stay away from her, Mari.” Justice called after her.

  “I wouldn’t go near it with a damn barge pole,” she ground out as she disappeared into the woods once more.

  His brother’s happiness was all that mattered to him now. Mated to a witch in a lifelong bond had set the wheels of fate in motion.

  However this turned out would be fate’s decision.

; Yet there was an ache in his chest for what his brother had found. He wanted that for himself one day.

  As an alpha and leader of the white wolf mountain pack; he’d kind of thought that he might have found his mate first before one of his brothers or all of them had.

  Still, what was done was done, and now they would have to adjust to having a witch in the pack. Mari probably wasn’t the only one that would rally against it, but that was the way of things, and if people didn’t like it then they were free to leave.

  Justice took a long breath and sighed it back out as he stared at the way the sunlight reflected off the waters. Times were changing for his pack, and they needed to roll with it- all of them.

  Maverick was happy. He had a mate. He’d have pups. It was the way of the world for them. It was all that mattered.

  The End.


  Pack Special




  Copyright © 2016, M L Briers

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced whatsoever without written permission of the author, except for brief exerts in reviews. Any unauthorised reproduction or distribution of the material herein is illegal and may result in criminal proceedings. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded to the internet or distributed via electronic or print without prior consent.

  Note from the Author;

  All names, places, and incidents contained herein are purely fictional and have no basis in actual events or linked to actual Humans, Witches, Vampires, Werewolves, Lycans, Werebears or persons living, dead or undead.



  It was one of those days. Sometimes there were good days and sometimes there were days when you wanted to get the world to stop spinning so that you could get off… It was definitely one of those days.


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