Brothers - Pack Special- Complete Set (Books 1 - 8)

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Brothers - Pack Special- Complete Set (Books 1 - 8) Page 23

by M. L. Briers

  Callum splattered a chuckle against the bottle and returned his hand to rest against his thigh.

  “But you know what?” Morgan asked as she sort of slipped sideways towards him on the sofa and rested her shoulder against his. Then her head slowly lowered down towards his shoulder to the sound of a gentle growl.

  “What’s that?” He asked, liking the fact that she was comfortable enough with him now to do that.

  “At least I know you’re too tired to try to shag me,” she giggled a little to the sound of another low, deep growl.

  “Please, God, don’t make that a challenge, I think I’ll die or fall asleep before I get to the main course.”

  She snorted laughter, closing her eyes to the cabin around her, and letting his warmth wash over her body. Then she felt him move, shift in place, and that hard muscled pillar went missing, to be replaced by another, hard muscled pillar as she slipped down a little more, but she was too tired to force her eyelids back open.

  “Sleep, sweetheart, I’ve got you,” His deep tones were above her head, and she could hear the steady boom of his heart beating. She guessed that her head was against his chest, and then she felt his arm wrap around her, and then… she slipped off into sleep.




  Connor strolled into the alpha’s cabin and eyed Justice as the man sat perched at the kitchen counter. His shoulders were slumped and his back sagged, and for a young man, he certainly looked a lot older tonight.

  “Wow, you look dog tired,” Connor announced and the alpha shot him a dark look from under his eyebrows. “Excuse the pun.”

  “Normally I’d beat you to within an inch of your life, but seen as you’ve been so damn helpful tonight – beer or scotch?” Justice growled back. His body ached like a man who had run to the damn moon and back a couple of times.

  “I think I earned the scotch today,” Connor announced with glee as he strolled over to the counter and slipped his backside onto a stool. “The good stuff, not that crappy malt that you palm off on me when you think I’m not looking.”

  “I guess thanking you is becoming a habit lately.” Justice said as he reached up for the good stuff that he had stashed in the back of the cupboard. Palming his best glasses at the same time.

  “Since you got witches it is.” Connor shot back.

  Justice poured them both a drink before he slumped back against the stool backrest. The healing spell that the witches had performed on Mari had drained him, and yet, he knew that all he needed was a good night’s sleep to get right back on the horse, at least, he hoped it was that simple – Janette had said it would wear off pretty fast, but this wasn’t fast for a Lycan.

  He’d had Mari taken to Tania’s cabin once he knew that she was going to be alright, and he’d checked on the injuries to his pack, and even had cause to check with the alpha of the bear clan – they’d taken some injuries themselves when the bears had turned on each other, and they had three dead.

  Justice was glad that it had been the bear clan and not his own pack that had lost lives, and yet, he still felt the loss for the clan. A life lost was still a life wasted in his book, and it was a needless loss.

  “You ever get the feeling like you’re never going to find your mate?” Connor’s words broke his reverie and made him feel even worse.

  “That’s not funny man,” Justice growled.

  Now was not the time to remind him that three of his brothers had now found their mates, all damn witches to boot, and his was still in the wind. It didn’t exactly fill him with the warm and fuzzies.

  “Not meant to be.” Connor informed him. “I last got that feeling about a hundred and fifty years ago, you, of course, won’t live that long-”

  “Look, if you’re trying to make me feel better – just shoot me, and get it done with, it’s kinder. If not then shut the hell up and drink your Scotch.” Justice growled.

  “Touchy, wolf.” Connor chuckled as he raised his glass and savoured the fiery burn all the way down the inside of his chest. He’d certainly earned the good stuff.

  “Seen Tyler?” Justice asked, sidestepping the moment and going to neutral ground.

  “Nope, he’s skulked off somewhere.”

  “So, he’s alive. Think he’ll come back?” Justice asked and Connor drew a deep breath in.

  “The man’s probably hurting. I told him it was magic, but you know that bear…” Connor left it hanging.

  When he finished with Justice then he’d go and have a nose around to see if he could pick up the bear’s scent. Other than that there wasn’t much either man could do to help the bear if the bear didn’t want to be helped.

  “Thanks for tonight,” Justice raised his glass and Connor nodded.

  “Goes without saying, man.” Connor took a long sip. “But, you know me, say it as often as you like.” He grinned.




  Morgan dragged herself awake with the feel of the soft mattress beneath her body, the soft pillow beneath her head, and the warm, heavy limbs draped over her. She was confused as to how she’s gotten into bed, but she wasn’t confused about whose bed it was.

  She slowly turned her body around so that she could get a good look at him as he slept. Her heart was pounding a tune inside of her, and there was a warmth that had spread to every inch of her body that didn’t come from him – not the physical him, more the excitement of his presence.

  He looked so damn sexy as he lay there still with his eyes closed. That muscled chest rose and fell with each long breath in and out, and she had the itchy feeling in her fingertips like she needed to trace those muscles…

  Boy, did she want too.

  The cover that was pulled up over her naked body was pushed down low over his hips, and there was a gap between his skin and the sheet where those proud muscles that ran along his hips sat. The dark hair pointed downwards into the darkness like it tempted and teased her, and try as she might, she couldn’t stop her eyes from searching for sight of his hard length. She even stretched her neck up and twisted her head to one side, but still she couldn’t quite make it out…

  Morgan tentatively reached out and used the end of her fingertip to lift the sheet slightly and get better view. She would have used magic, but she wanted to rest that power within her and allow it to replenish…

  “Looking for something?” His deep tone scared the heck out her, and she gave a small shriek, jumping in place, and dropped the sheet as her eyes snapped to his.

  He was staring at her with the biggest smirk on his lips and a twinkle in those dark eyes, and she felt the rush of embarrassment.

  “Jerk,” she snapped back, miffed at getting busted checking him out.

  “Hey, I’m not the perv that was-”

  “Perv?” she hissed back, turning her nose up at the idea.

  “If you want to look, baby,” he fisted the sheet and pushed it downwards.

  Temptation abounded inside of her but she looked everywhere else but at him.

  Her eyes practically burned within her face with the need to flick them at his manhood…

  Her brain was on fire within her skull with the need to take in the sights…

  Do it…


  Just look…

  You know you want too!

  “I don’t,” she hissed out as much to herself as to him, rolling over onto her side so that she wasn’t tempted for a moment longer.

  Callum’s arm tightened around her and he yanked her backwards on the bed. The hard press of his body against her back and down her legs was nothing compared to the hard press of his length against her backside.

  She almost groaned…

  “You want to feel then?” He teased, his voice was deep and velvety against her ear.

  “I do not want to feel, thank you,” she hissed once more.

  Busted and busted again as her backside wiggled a little, her brain’s way of checking him out for size and shape, and all
without a conscious thought on her part.

  “You don’t have to thank me, it’s my pleasure,” he whispered, and her eyes practically rolled back in her head, mortified.

  Stupid is as stupid does, and boy have you been stupid. She berated herself.

  You want to look, just admit it.

  You want more than just look, you know you do.

  Just go for it.

  Take matters into your own hands, so to speak!

  “I’m sure it is,” she ground out.


  To hell with pride, he’s my mate.

  “Oh, it is, and when you wiggle like that-” Callum rubbed himself against her and she really wanted to groan.

  “I…” she tensed her frame. He was right, she was still damn well wiggling! She huffed in annoyance.

  Busted again.

  “Go ahead, deny it, but we both know what happened to that curious cat…” he chuckled.

  “So, you’re saying you’re penis is going to kill me?” She shot back.

  “What?” Callum shot up onto his elbow, narrowing his eyes, confused. “Nooo.”

  “But the cat died because he was curious. I’m curious, or you think I am, so ergo, I’m going to die by penis.”

  Callum reached up and scratched his head.

  “I thought the cat died because he was curious, not because he followed through on his curiosity and…” Callum growled to himself. “Damn it, now I’ve lost the damn plot.”

  “Well, it’s understandable, you are male and thinking with your todger-”

  “Todger? I don’t really like that word for it,” Callum grumbled. “Makes it sound small, like a pup’s.”

  “Sword of steel? Pole of iron? Cucumber dick?” She offered and he snorted.

  “So, you did get to see it then,” he grinned and she shot him a look over her shoulder.

  “Sure – todger,” she offered back to a deep scowl from her mate.

  “Don’t make it a challenge,” he chuckled, shaking his head slightly, and she snorted her amusement.

  “I don’t think you can make it grow any longer,” she snorted a giggle.

  “Actually,” he knew that he could. Sure, it was hard now, but if he got to loving her then every last bit of damn blood from his brain would end up right there. “All you have to say is three little magic words,” he wiggled his eyebrows at her.

  “And what would they be?”

  “I…” he counted them on his fingers, “want… you.”

  “I…” she shook her head. She’d almost repeated them and that might have been like waving a damned bunny in front of his wolf. “No… chance.”

  “Actually, I kind of like my chances,” he leaned in and whispered the words against her ear.

  Morgan felt his hot breath like a caress against her skin. The shiver that wracked her body was worth a thousand words. She didn’t just damn well want him – her body practically wanted to devour him…

  She knew why. She knew the reason that her body was already so damn interested in his, because she’d slept within his arms. She’d had the man wrapped around her like a vine, and that mating pull had time to do its dastardly best, or worst, depending on how you view it.

  If ever there was something that deserved to be zapped and zapped hard, it was now, and that thing was fate.




  Morgan knew that she was lost – not confused, not unsure – she’d never been more certain. She was lost to him. She could run, but she couldn’t hide, not from him, not from the life that they would have together.

  Her goose was cooked, her duck was stuff, and she was the three course meal that he would devour, over and over until they both had their fill.

  Excitement reigned supreme, and why wouldn’t it? The man was made for loving her – in more ways than one, and one of those ways was pressed against her backside and making her womb limber up for what was to follow.

  She could deny him and move on to a life full of regret… but there was no way in hell that she would turn down the chance of being with her one true love. Mr Growly Pants. Mr Super Sexy Shifter with the growl that could melt her heart and turn her legs to jelly.

  “You know that I’m a sure thing, right?” She turned to give him one hell of a sultry look over her right shoulder and he almost choked on the growl that caught in his throat. “Ah, that’s so cute.”

  “I’m not cute,” he growled harder, deeper, and she felt it rumbling through her bones.

  “Too cute, words can’t express,” she gave a little shrug and a teasing smile.

  “How can you call a grown man with claws and fangs cute?” Callum knew her game. She might have taken him by surprise but he was on to her now.

  “I haven’t seen the claws and the fangs, but I’ve seen the needy side of you-”

  “Needy?” Callum grunted in annoyance. She very well might have been playing him, but it didn’t help his pride any to know that.

  “Very.” She moved to turn back over and he had to pull back to let her do just that. Under the covers, her hand found what she was looking for – fisting his hard length inside of her hand as best she could… she almost giggled when the top of his head nearly exploded…

  Callum growled in pleasure. He growled with delight. He growled because he could, because he had too, because he didn’t know what the hell else to do in that instant that she’d taken matters into her own hand, so to speak.

  He’d been ready to woo her. Slowly. Gently… and here he was being stroked by the woman that he wanted more than life itself.

  Callum went to lean in and claim her lips, but her other hand came up and she placed her index finger against them. His eyes narrowed, and then he flicked them towards the bedroom door, wondering if she’d heard something.

  His beast was torn between growling at the intrusion that it didn’t know was there or not, and trying to push forward and take control to claim her.

  When Callum didn’t hear a sound except for both of their hearts hammering out a tune, he reached up and snatched her hand into his. She stroked down hard on his length and he growled again…

  “What is it?” he asked, flicking his head towards the door.

  “I’m no expert but I think it’s called a penis,” Morgan offered back on a whisper before her eyes flared with amusement.

  Callum rolled his eyes to the ceiling – she’d played him again – and as he rolled them down again, he saw her slipping beneath the sheet and she wiggled her way down the bed… now he was paying attention.

  He felt her breath against the crown of his cock and gasped in a breath in hopeful anticipation… she stroked her hand down his shaft – and then he felt her tongue against the slit of his cock and he almost convulsed with just how damn good that felt…

  “Morgan,” he growled out. Reaching for the sheet and flipping it back just in time for those bright blue eyes of hers to flash with desire as she closed her lips around his cock and pushed down… “Oh….!” He bit off a curse, and it was a damned good one.

  Callum had never known the meaning of being in heaven and hell at the same time, but now he did. His mate was playing a damned tune on his cock – sucking – licking – nipping – up and down his damn shaft like she couldn’t get enough, and he loved it, hell, he couldn’t have loved it more if he’d given her a play-by-play map to follow… but there was a deep need burning within him to touch her, to taste her, to bury his length deep inside of her and feel her inner muscles convulsing around his length as he took her over the edge again, and again, and again…

  When she ran her finger down his balls, heading towards his ass, he couldn’t take anymore. His balls were practically strangling him with the need to empty his seed down the back of her throat and there was no way in hell that he was going to do that the first time he was with her…

  “My turn,” he growled out. He tried to push up from the bed and found that he couldn’t move a damn muscle. His body felt as if
an invisible force was sitting on the length of him, and for the life of him, no matter how hard he tried to push up… nothing worked…

  “Magic, shhhh,” she whispered against the crown of his cock, and he growled long and hard in annoyance.

  “Magic? Now?” he grumbled and growled, but what she was doing to him was turning those growls into groans… “Morgan…” he shook his head. He wanted her, he needed her…

  Then she pushed right down until the head of his cock was in the back of her throat and she swallowed hard… Callum cursed at the tight restriction her throat provided… No woman had ever been able to take him like that… it was insane… it was pure tortured madness of the best kind.

  She gasped in a harsh breath down the length of his cock as she pulled back up, and he cursed again, but not as hard as he cursed when she did it again, over and over until his mind was numb and his balls ached to explode…

  “Stop before I…” Callum growled… but she was like a dog with a bone. She wasn’t letting go, and she wasn’t giving up until he did…

  And he did…

  A second before she took him down into throat she pulled back her magic and allowed him to move, but it was too late for him to stop the explosion inside of her. His hands reached for her hair and he fisted it, guiding her now, back and forth as he gave her his seed, growling, groaning, grunting, and grumbling his pleasure…

  “That wasn’t…” he shook his head, gasping for breath.

  “Good?” Morgan offered as she climbed up his body.

  “That was the most amazing…” he growled then. His eyes snapped open and his hands wrapped around her upper arms. A heartbeat later and she was on her back with him on top of her…

  “Something I said?” Morgan teased him, a sparkle of amusement and mischief in her eyes.

  “Something you did,” Callum growled out.

  “So you didn’t like-?”

  “I loved it, but-”

  “Ohhh – there’s a but,” she wrinkled up her nose. Callum growled.

  “I wanted to be inside you when I came…” he explained.


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