Brothers - Pack Special- Complete Set (Books 1 - 8)

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Brothers - Pack Special- Complete Set (Books 1 - 8) Page 49

by M. L. Briers

  “I’m not bloody hurt,” she protested.

  “Then what is it?” Justice growled back, pulling her back down and getting more and more worried the longer that she didn’t tell him what was wrong.

  “You know that I’d never…?” She shrugged and grimaced.

  “I know,” he grinned like he was proud of himself or something.

  “Oh, now you’re smug, last night you were all Mr – Growly – Moody – Pants about it.”

  “Was not,” he shot back.

  “So was…” She shook her head and he bit down on his frustration.

  “Could you please just get to the point before my head explodes?”

  “Which one?” She looked own between them at his half-mast and he growled.

  “Sophia.” He frowned. “You’re deflecting.”

  “I’m a little nervous about telling you,” she offered back. “It’s not like I forgot your birthday or something.”

  “You don’t even know my birthday, woman, will you please, for the love of-”

  “Fine. Virgin sex no birth control, you figure it bloody out!” She grimaced then as his eyes went wide and his mouth opened without words or a sound. “I should have vetted that.” She went to move, but one hand stayed on her face while the other shot to the small of her back, a heartbeat later and he’d rolled them over, coming down on top of her, his eyes intent on hers.

  “That’s what you’re worried about, getting pregnant?” He asked gently.

  “I’m not, but you-” She shot back and a gentle growl rolled through him that made her stop talking as she stared at him.

  “Don’t you know that I’d like nothing more than for you to carry my pup inside of you, watch your belly swell, knowing our kin was inside there?”

  “No.” She swallowed down hard. Blinked twice. “But when you put it like that…” her voice went up a pitch or two. Justice grinned, a small chuckle on his lips.

  “I’d be so proud, sweetheart. Proud that we’d made a pup together.” He assured her. “But, if you’re not ready to take that step-”

  “I…” she frowned, considered it, and then gave a small shrug. “Fate is fate, Justice. I put my trust in fate and in you, and I’d do it again.”

  Justice felt a huge knot inside of him melt away as the tension left his body. He dipped his head and brushed his lips against hers.

  “You honour me.” He breathed out, feeling his heart swell with the love that he had for her already growing inside of him, filling that empty ache that had been there for so long.

  He’d waited what had felt like forever for his mate to find him. For fate to lead her to his door. Now that he had her in his arms, in his life, he was going to worship her with everything that he had within him.

  His love was unconditional and it knew no end – he wanted her by his side more now than he’d ever dreamed before he knew her.

  Life was better than good. His life was complete.

  The End.


  Pack Special




  Copyright © 2016, M L Briers

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced whatsoever without written permission of the author, except for brief exerts in reviews. Any unauthorised reproduction or distribution of the material herein is illegal and may result in criminal proceedings. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded to the internet or distributed via electronic or print without prior consent.

  Note from the Author;

  All names, places, and incidents contained herein are purely fictional and have no basis in actual events or linked to actual Humans, Witches, Vampires, Werewolves, Lycans, Werebears or persons living, dead or undead.




  Dexter knew that every now and again he had no choice but to come back to pack land and touch the hallowed ground of his birth that his wolf hankered after. The trouble was the man himself didn’t want to set foot on the mountain again, not while Justice was still the alpha of the pack.

  But a wolf shifter without a pack of his own was in danger of going rogue if he stayed out of the community for too long, and Dexter felt as if it was getting to be that time when he had to centre himself and his beast again. Finding a new pack hadn’t been plain sailing, his beast had never really felt like it belonged anywhere else but on the mountain of his birth.

  He’d be grateful for the chance to run wild and free for a time without the added burden of not knowing the pitfalls of a new area, and trying not to get his furry backside caught on camera or spotted by a human or shot by a farmer for that matter. He’d also be grateful for the time and tools to do some proper repairs to his motorbike and not just the running repairs and making do that he’d been undertaking of late.

  Dexter turned the bike and backed it into a parking space out front of the town’s bar. Climbing off; he stretched out his body from the long ride back and turned his eyes to the rows of pickup trucks parked in the lot, a sure sign of how many shifters were inside… and that was a lot by his count.

  With a sigh in his throat and a clenched fist knotting up his stomach, he took a slow stride towards the building. The familiar sounds of a rowdy crew inside signalled he was back in the land of the shifters.

  One thing his kind could do well was to tie one on, and he could use a drink now, preferably before he faced his brother, and alpha, and requested a bunk for a few nights until he felt his equilibrium settle in again. Then he’d be off once more, for how long this time only fate had the answer to that, and he was hoping that she’d be kind enough to lead him down the path to finding a pack where he could rest this time.

  Dexter felt like a virgin on a promise at prom. Inside he hesitated, took a steely breath for whatever was to come, and hoped that he didn’t get the urge to try to rip Justice’s head from his shoulders this time. Outside; he was the epitome of cool, calm, and calculated shifter male with a chip on each shoulder and a bad mood attitude to rival the best of them.

  Here goes nothing. He told himself as he pushed on through the doorway and was greeted by the scent of sweat, shifters, alcohol, humans, and the log fire that burned like the Devil was having a barbecue.

  Too damn hot.

  The noise died down to a low chatter as eyes turned towards him. He scanned the faces right back.

  Humans, and bears, and wolves, oh my!

  It seemed not a lot had changed since he’d been away…

  “Dex?” Rowan pushed up to his feet and came right at him. Stalking the distance from the woman that he left at the table in a few long strides that eat up the floor in no time at all.

  “Where’s Justice?” Dexter pushed the words out of his mouth and Rowan ground to a halt right there in front of him, blocking the view with his big head, and grinning like he was still a pup or something.

  “Hello to you too, brother.” Rowan chuckled, reaching out a hand and slapping him on the shoulder like he wanted a punch in the face.

  Dexter was willing to oblige. His beast was a little too riled for small talk.

  “Who’s the woman?” He nodded his head towards Kiri, but kept his eyes firmly on Rowan.

  “My mate, Kiri. Come and meet her.” Rowan offered back as he stuck his chest out with pride.

  Well wasn’t that a kick in the pants. Maybe not everything was just the same with the pack.

  “A woman stupid enough to let you woo her, no thanks.” Dexter’s growl rumbled in his chest, and Rowan’s smile dropped.

  “Watch your mouth, Dexter.” Rowan growled back. “You know I live in hope that one of these days when you come back you’re not going to be an asshole.”

  “You always were a dreamer, Row.”

  Dexter didn’t want to butt heads with his brother, any of his brothers. He just wanted to settle his beast once more and be on his way again. That was it. Nothing more and nothing less, and if they left him in peace to do it,
all would be fine.

  The trouble was, shifters were fighters, and it didn’t take much to set one off. Unless that had changed too.

  “You know, sometimes I don’t know why I bother hoping you’ve changed.” Rowan turned on his heels and stalked back to the table. So much for the happy family reunion…

  “Me either.” Dexter bit out as he stalked a path around the rows of tables to get to the bar.

  His eyes flicked left as someone pushed a chair back with the backs of their knees and stood up. His nose picked up the human scent and he dismissed the guy, but most of his attention was centred on the right of the room and the clan that was gathered around two large tables – all eyes were on him.

  He guessed that much hadn’t changed.

  He noted the woman that was serving behind the counter and scented the Fae essence in the air. He scented something else too – his brother Maverick’s, scent mixed with hers. His eyes flicked to the very edge of the mark that had been bitten into the skin of her shoulder and his beast clawed within him once more…

  Another damn mate, and by the scent of her, Maverick’s.

  Things had taken a turn for the worst since he’d left and he had to wonder just how many of his brothers had found their mates and how happy Justice would be to let a near rogue onto pack land with all that entailed.

  Dexter hesitated just as he reached the bar and she turned her attention towards him. Maybe he should just turn the hell around and get out of there now. It would certainly save everyone the damn trouble of fighting it out…

  “Dexter?” Janette asked and snatched him from his thoughts. He took that last couple of steps and placed the palms of his hands down on the counter top, his eyes locked with hers, questioning… “It is, right?”

  “How the hell…?” He didn’t like witches. He didn’t like this one – not if she was one of those damned gifted ones with the power to see things… some things should never be known.

  “I’ve seen pictures. Maverick’s got one of you on the bedroom wall.” She grinned and he let out a breath that he didn’t know he’d been holding… not some psychic freaky witch then… just a damned nosy amateur sleuth.

  “I’m sure that makes for great conversation when he’s screwing you.” He saw the look on her face, a cross between surprise and annoyance, and winced inwardly at just how crappy his words sounded, even to his own ears.

  This witch wasn’t just some one night stand – a fuck you and thank you – she was a mate, and not just any mate, his brother’s damn mate. He didn’t have much respect for the world at the moment, but maybe he should show a little more respect to her.

  “Oh yeah, you’d be surprised.” She offered back with a sultry pout and a wiggle of her eyebrows, and Dexter almost laughed… almost, but not quite.

  Trust Maverick to find himself a saucy, sexy, and feisty mate. She wasn’t his type – she was mate material for a start, and a witch to boot – but as long as his brother was happy.

  He shot a look back over his shoulder to where Rowan was sitting with his mate – he guessed he might have a fence to rebuild there too… He had to remember that he wasn’t out on the road anymore. He wasn’t out there facing the world alone – not when he was back on home soil.

  He needed to get his head on straight, maybe then he could do the rounds of apologies.

  “Look,” he leaned in towards her and lowered his voice a little. “I’m not trying to bust you ball… chops.” He corrected himself. “If Mav’s happy, I’m happy for him.”

  “Good, because I don’t much care about this, growly, hard as nails, tough boy exterior that you’ve got going on. I’ve seen that up close and personal, more than once.” She gave a nod towards Rowan.

  “I’m sure you have, but it’s not an act, lady. My brothers are the nice ones in my family. The easy to get along with kind…” She snorted a laugh at that one.

  “Then you must be a real asshole.” She shot back and Dexter’s eyes narrowed on her for the longest moment as he bit down on the rush of anger that swept through him…

  If she’d been a man, one of his brothers, he would have hauled her over the bar and beat her until she couldn’t stand up on her own two feet…

  “Some would say.” Dexter said at last.

  “Yeah?” Janette nodded as she considered it. “But would they be right?”

  Dexter twisted his head on his neck and tried to make her out. The woman questioned him with her words and her eyes, and yet, those eyes also shone with amusement and mischief.

  Damned witches… and who would put a damned witch behind a bar…?

  Talk about your cosmic head screw.

  “I bet you’re the type of woman that would tell me to suck it up, aren’t ya?” He saw that amusement spread to a smile.

  “Oh yeah,” she nodded. “I’m Janette.”

  “Dexter.” He growled back.

  “I know.” She whispered, before turning, reaching for a glass and a bottle of the best Scotch in the bar, and poured him a double. When she slapped the glass down on the counter in front of him – he frowned.

  “On me, welcome home, bad boy, Dex.” She chuckled to herself as she strolled away down the bar.

  Dexter reached for the glass and fisted it. They called it Dutch Courage, but he wasn’t lacking in courage – he just didn’t want things to get out of hand again and maybe this time kill one of his damned brothers.




  “If it isn’t Mr Happiness and Sunshine come back into the fold to spread joy in his path.” Connor stalked towards the bar and eyed Dexter.

  “There a point, Connor, or haven’t you tired of hearing your own voice yet?” Dexter hadn’t bothered to turn to face the vampire. He knew Connor and the man had never attacked anyone without a damn good reason – Dexter couldn’t see that changing now. Plus Rowan was still in the bar and if the vampire had gone all fangs and claws, Row would warn him.

  “When there’s so much I still have to say?” Connor’s voice was droll and he sounded less than impressed that the pack’s favourite bad boy was back in town to cause more mayhem than any of the witch mates had.

  “I’m sure you believe the world needs your wisdom. I can assure you I don’t.” Dexter lifted his glass and drank like he was dying of thirst.

  “Ah, you missed me.” Connor baited him.

  “I see you still have that strange sense of humour.” Dexter offered back and Connor’s mouth lifted at the corners.

  “You mean the one where I’m hoping you live up to your heritage and become a functioning member of society? Yes, I suppose I do.” Connor caught the evil eye that Janette was offering him from down the bar and ignore it.

  “Don’t hold your breath. Not that it would matter much.” Dexter shot a look at him then – he didn’t know why he’d expected him to change, the man was Peter Pan after all, stuck in his late twenties with an attitude to match.

  “I know your mother taught you to respect your elders.” Connor offered and Dexter snorted a chuckle.

  “Well maybe if you acted your age-”

  “I’d be dust.” Connor offered back and Dexter grunted.

  “I’m sure that would be such a loss to humanity.” Dexter growled.

  “I’m wounded.” Connor shot back dryly.

  “Not yet, but there’s always hope.” Dexter finished his drink, tossed another look at the man, before motioning to Janette that he needed another.

  “Getting drunk before going to see Justice isn’t going to win you any favours.” Connor informed him.

  “Nope, but it might help me stomach going to see the man.”

  “He’s your brother,” Connor bit out with something of a sigh attached to it.

  “Thanks for reminding me, sometimes he makes that hard to remember.” Dexter accepted the drink from Janette and reached for his wallet.

  “Pot – kettle – black, and when I say black, I mean like the sheep of the family.” Connor bit back.

  “Don’t you mean grey wolf?” Dexter turned his eyes on the vampire. “After all, that was always a problem between me and my brothers. I was a genetic throw back, a grey, not a white wolf-”

  “Oh get over it, already. Your grandmother was a grey and I never heard her complaining.” Connor rolled his eyes and reached for the glass of Scotch that Janette had supplied.

  “A female grey-”

  “And you still believe you lost out at being the alpha because Justice is a white wolf?” Connor scoffed, snorted a chuckle into his glass, and then tossed the contents down the back of his throat.

  “Look, I’m just here to recharge my beast’s batteries, you understand,” he said, eyeing the man for a long moment.

  “Feeling a little twitchy?” Connor smiled.

  “Something like that.”

  “Then get a pack like a normal damn wolf,” Connor tossed back at him, keeping his voice to almost a whisper in the crowded bar. “Or are you waiting for Justice to die so you can challenge one of your other brothers for alpha?”

  “Yeah, sure. That’s what that is.” Dexter finished his second drink and got ready to leave. He tossed a note to pay for his drink on the counter top. He’d put things off for long enough, it was time to go home.

  “Justice has a mate, if you screw up, Dexter, I will put you down.” Connor watched the way the man’s shoulders tensed even more.

  “I’d expect nothing less.” Dexter didn’t bother turning to look at the vampire. His eyes were fixed on Rowan and Kiri, taking in the sight of his brother looking so damn happy that he could have been in some television commercial.

  When he got outside the door, Dexter stopped and stared at his motorbike. It held the promise to take him away, all he had to do was get on it and ride in the opposite damn direction to pack land…

  He bit down on a curse and stomped towards it. If he didn’t settle his beast then it would be the end of them both, and maybe a few humans along the way when he flipped and went rouge.


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