The Trinity of Heroes (I Will Protect You Book 1)

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The Trinity of Heroes (I Will Protect You Book 1) Page 10

by Mason Jr. , Jared

  “Yes, I know. I want to give my life to serving Haile, and to seeing the lands of Forme and all of Veronicia. Lawrence, I’ve never traveled much outside of Haile, and the Knight Guard gives me a great opportunity for a life of adventure. Think about it, being the captain of the Knight Guard, I can think of no greater honor,” Benni said, raising his arms to emphasize his point.

  In Benni’s mind joining the Knight Guard wasn’t an option. It was a mandate, not from any other person, but from Sora herself. Giving his life to Haile’s defense, and the defense of her people, was the ultimate sacrifice. If he were to become a great Knight he would be immortalized in the Hall of Heroes where a grand portrait of him would be hung for all to see for eons to come. As a captain of the Knight Guard, his stature amongst the people of Veronicia would be legendary. Every child, from the capitals of Haile in Forme to Forstwood in Melde to Embrydge in Creyshun to the small villages in between, was told the stories of the greatest victories of the Hailian Knight Guard, and everyone knew the names of the legendary captains like Sabre Grey and Bryce Maxwell. Jerreth Sanctus’ victory over Ghast in the Great War had immortalized him throughout the lands. Benni craved that sort of recognition himself.

  Chapter 11:

  There isn’t much a good bandage can’t fix. I must say, however, that Jerreth had an awful gash today. He’s a tough old bastard, though. Hopefully it’s nothing a good cauterization and a few stitches can’t fix. We’ll just have to wait and see.

  - Journal of Harold Numidor, Healer of Haile

  Elsie and Razzius burst through the gates of the castle and raced toward Mayor Flint’s door. Without knocking, they opened it.

  Flint, undisturbed by his door being opened without warning, exclaimed without looking up from his manuscripts, “For the love of Sora, mind your manners! I’m very busy!”

  Elsie composed herself. “Father, you must come with me right now. Something terrible has happened. One of the Knight recruits, Lawrence Sanctus, has been violently attacked and he is in need of a healer.” Elsie made this statement in a firm, assertive tone, so that she would get her father’s attention.

  It worked. Flint put down his quill and lifted his head. “What in Veronicia are you talking about, Elsie? I’ve heard nothing of this. But, then again, we were wondering why Lawrence wasn’t at training today.” He shifted his glance to Razzius. “Can you confirm this, Razzius?”

  “Yes, sire,” Razzius affirmed, nodding. “I was just at Lawrence’s house and he is gravely injured.”

  Flint, figuring it couldn’t be false if both his daughter and a Knight trainee had told him otherwise, continued, “Well, does either of you know how Lawrence was injured?”

  Elsie proceeded to tell her father the entire story of how she discovered Lawrence’s bloody body on the road and had spent the night at his home helping dress his wounds. She made it clear to her father that Phillip Galexia had been the perpetrator of those attacks.

  Flint seemed more concerned now, having stood up from his desk. “Why would Phillip attack a Knight trainee? He knows that will get him banished from the castle. In any case, I will not have a Knight trainee attacked in the city of Haile by anyone while we are at a time of peace. I will get to the bottom of this. Elsie, you must take me to Lawrence’s home. Razzius, go find Healer Numidor and lead him to Lawrence’s house immediately.”

  Razzius nodded his head and left Elsie’s side at once to search the castle for the healer.

  Elsie and her father moved swiftly to the stables where they summoned their carriage. They rode through the streets of Haile, intent on reaching Lawrence’s home quickly. The ride provided Elsie a moment to catch her thoughts. She was angry at Phillip. This wasn’t him treating her like a possession, this was evil. He attacked a man in cold blood with the intent to sever his abilities to be a Knight. Elsie swore to herself, as she sat on the carriage with her father, that she would never trust Phillip Arcel Galexia again.

  As the carriage approached the ramshackle Sanctus home, a melancholy look came over the face of Mayor Flint. He pointed at the rundown shack and asked in bewilderment, “Is this where Lawrence lives?”

  “Yes, Father.” Elsie’s voice hinted at relief. This picture of the Sanctus home was more convincing than she could ever be. “Lawrence’s mother is gravely ill. After Jerreth abandoned them, she had no source of income to maintain a decent home. Lawrence and she live in poor conditions. This is partly why I was so mad at you when I found out that you had promised me to Phillip for the money to fund the Knight Guard. You can’t tell me there was no other way.”

  “Well, now dear, not everyone is as fortunate as us. I’m sure they aren’t that bad off,” Flint responded.

  “Go inside and have a look, Father. Then tell me that the Sanctus family hasn’t been affected by your actions.”

  Flint and Elsie descended the carriage and rapidly made their way inside the Sanctus home. Flint’s worst thoughts were confirmed when the door opened. He looked inside and saw a scene that would haunt any decent man of faith. The house was small, dark, and smelled musty like mold. Hunching over a kitchen table was a frail, feeble woman. She struggled to carry chipped pots and pans from the old, dilapidated cupboards to the warped table. She looked at Flint, her eyes full of years of sadness and longing.

  This isn’t Jerreth’s wife, is it? Flint thought to himself. I remember her so vividly as a lively, outgoing companion. They loved each other so much.

  Benni was doing his best to help her, but even he couldn’t do much with the poor equipment and broken utensils in the home. Flint switched his gaze to the beds in the center of the room. They were short and covered with but a few raggedy, torn furs. Another young boy sat on one, hunched over like an exhausted journeyman.

  Flint was still trying to comprehend how this was possible when Benni pleaded, “Sire, please, Lawrence is in desperate need of help. He was brutally attacked last night by Phillip Galexia. We need a healer immediately to properly dress and disinfect his wounds.”

  “Yes, Benni, I understand. I have already asked Razzius to find and bring Healer Numidor. I cannot believe that this has happened. Mrs. Sanctus, you have my word that we are bringing help immediately.”

  Elizabeth smiled and nodded at Flint who walked over to Lawrence and looked at his back. He immediately lurched away in disgust. The wounds were as severe as Elsie had described earlier, and Lawrence was hurting badly. “Lawrence, you have my word that Phillip will never be allowed in the castle again. In fact, after this travesty, I promise you that he will never be allowed to enter or live in Haile ever again.”

  Lawrence lifted his head slightly at hearing these words and whispered, “Thank you, sire.”

  Flint turned to Elsie. “In Sora’s name, what have I done?” he asked in utter disbelief at how he could leave any member of Haile, much less one in the Knight Guard, live in these conditions. Flint was angry not just at Phillip, but at himself as well. He felt betrayed. Phillip’s actions weren’t just an act of violence toward a person, but also an attack on the Knight Guard and the city of Haile. If Phillip could do this to a member of the Knight Guard, what would he be capable of with Elsie? Flint never took his daughter’s accusations about Phillip’s snide remarks and coarse behavior seriously, until now. He immediately regretted funding Arcel’s newest venture over the Frozen Mountains. But he would have to deal with that later. Flint loved his only daughter dearly, and would gladly lay down his own life for her. But he knew he couldn’t protect her forever. Deep down this was a fear that plagued him. He wanted Elsie to be cared for, protected, loved and cherished every day of her life. He remembered rationalizing, when striking the deal with Arcel, that Phillip came from a rich family; he had privileges others could only dream of. Certainly he would provide for Elsie, love her, protect her, and serve her honor. It would be a marriage of two of Forme’s most powerful and most elite families. But now Flint knew better. He wondered how he could have been so foolish as to wager his daughter’s future for mo

  A door opening pulled Flint from his mental struggle. Razzius and Healer Numidor burst in and rushed for Lawrence. The healer hurried to unpack his tools and helped dress Lawrence’s wounds. Razzius comforted his friend, and then went to help Benni and assist Mrs. Sanctus.

  Elsie pulled her father to the side of the room and spoke quietly, “Father, I think we should invite Lawrence and Elizabeth to live in the castle with us. Clearly this house is unsanitary, and Lawrence’s wounds could become infected at any time. Besides, Elizabeth can hardly care for herself, much less her incapacitated son.”

  Flint immediately liked the idea. He had been trying to come up with a way to set things right, and relieve his own conscience of the weight of the consequences of his past decisions. “Yes, Elsie, what a grand idea! Our servants can assist them, plus the healer can be at their side at a moment’s notice.”

  Flint looked at Mrs. Sanctus and said definitively, “Madame, I would like you and your son to come and be guests of mine at the castle. We can provide you both with proper care. There is no reason that you should be living in conditions like these.”

  Tears came to Elizabeth’s eyes. She always considered herself a strong, independent woman and was not one to beg for help from others. Under the circumstances, however, she wasn’t about to refuse this kind gesture. “Oh, thank you, sire, so very, very much. I cannot tell you how grateful my son and I are for your kindness. I don’t know if we could survive without your help.”

  Razzius and Elsie carefully helped Lawrence to his feet. They helped him put a loose-fitting tunic on, knowing it would not be easy getting him into the back of the carriage. Flint and Healer Numidor guided Elizabeth into one of the two carriages, and then went to assist the others in helping Lawrence.

  The ride to the castle was agony for Lawrence, every bump in the road shook the carriage, adding to his discomfort. Lawrence was thankful for those bumps though, because they meant he was alive, they meant he had survived. He believed he would recover, that he could recover. He had to.

  The carriages approached the castle’s gates, rushing their patients to the assistance that awaited them. Flint knew what needed to be done, and he knew where to find Phillip. Flint wanted to confront Phillip alone, but Elsie would not be denied her chance to see Phillip get his just desserts with her own eyes. He entrusted the care of Lawrence and Elizabeth to Razzius, Benni, and the healer as he and Elsie rushed to the Knights’ training area. They spotted Phillip down in the courtyard, interfering with Captain Maxwell and the Knights’ exercises. Bryce looked annoyed by Phillip’s presence, but there was little he could do. Elsie and Flint approached the area calmly, intending to make a scene so that all the Knights could bear witness.

  “Phillip, can you come over here for a moment, please?” Flint bellowed, thoroughly interrupting Captain Maxwell’s instructions to his Knights.

  Bryce stopped his instructions, a glare of annoyance crossing his face. Bryce usually took interruptions in his training exercises as personal intrusions, but he sensed something was amiss simply by the tone in Flint’s voice.

  “I want everyone to stop what they are doing and gather ‘round for a moment!” Flint shouted, ensuring that all Knights, even those at the far back of the courtyard, could hear him.

  Phillip sauntered over, a wry smile on his face. “Flint, Elsie dear, how may I help you today?”

  Elsie approached Phillip, never taking her eyes off of him. She didn’t hesitate. She cocked her hand, and turned her body, bringing the full force of a slap right across Phillip’s jaw.


  Everyone heard it, and an audible gasp fell over the entire Knight Guard. Phillip was stunned. He and Elsie fought constantly, but she had never laid her hands on him before. He had hit her plenty of times, sure, but it was the highest of insults for her to strike him, especially in public. The sting of the slap had faded, but the damage to his ego was unfading.

  “You little bitch!” Phillip snapped, grabbing Elsie’s arm. “How dare you put your hands on me!”

  Before Phillip could say another word, Flint stepped in and backhanded Phillip, sending him crashing to the floor. “How dare you put your hands on my daughter!” Flint roared with a vigor that echoed throughout the castle. “We know what you have done, Phillip. Your relationship with my daughter, and your days in this castle are over!”

  Phillip smiled, half-heartedly denouncing Flint’s threats. “What in Sora’s name are you talking about, Flint? You make no sense.”

  “What I’m talking about is your assault on Knight Guard trainee Lawrence Sanctus last night!”

  This accusation caused a stir in the assembly of Knights and it caught Phillip off guard. He hadn’t expected Lawrence to survive. “What are you talking about; I didn’t do anything of the sort to that miserable excuse for a Knight.”

  “Check his sword, Father,” Elsie said, still not taking her eyes off of Phillip.

  Flint motioned for Phillip to hand over his sword.

  Phillip knew he was cornered. He took a step back, realizing that in his inebriation the night before he had forgotten to wipe Lawrence’s blood from his blade. Like any snake he was going to try to slither his way around these allegations. Phillip unhooked his longsword and threw it to the ground.

  “Fine, take it you old bastard!” Phillip seethed. “I would have you remember who you are dealing with! Before you do anything hasty, don’t forget, my father basically owns these barracks and training facilities.”

  Flint reached down to grab Phillip’s scabbard. He drew the sword and confirmed his worst fears about Phillip. The sword was covered in dry blood. The man he had promised his daughter’s hand to, was in fact, a criminal. “Phillip, I should have you hanged for this. Due to your actions against the Knight Guard, you will not be welcome in Haile any longer. The punishment for returning to Haile, under any less than an escorted royal summons, will be death!” Flint decreed in front of Captain Maxwell and the entire Knight Guard. He then addressed the contingent of Knights. “Take a good look at this man. After today, if any of you see this man in the city limits, you are to kill him on sight!”

  “You’ve got to be out of your mind, old man! Do you have any idea who I am?! I am-”

  “It doesn’t matter who you are!” Flint cut him off. “For placing your hands on my daughter, and for assaulting a member of the Knight Guard, I hereby banish you from the City of Haile for life! Escort this criminal out of the city. Now!”

  A handful of Knights began to close in on Phillip’s position. “Flint, be reasonable. Surely you and I can make a deal,” he offered. “There’s no reason for this animosity.”

  “Not a chance, you miserable bastard,” Flint retorted. “I see clearly now the error of my ways and no amount of money is going to change my mind. Guards, take him away!”

  The group of Knights grabbed Phillip and dragged him away, kicking and screaming. “I’ll get you for this, Flint Pyre! When I return, I’ll see this city ruined!”

  Elsie stood there, proud and victorious. Her greatest demon had just been banished from Haile. She watched intently as Phillip was unceremoniously dragged out of the courtyard. She couldn’t remember a happier day in her life.

  Her father turned to her and said, “Elsie, forgive me for what I have done. I used you as a bargaining chip in a game of politics and favors. I only wanted you to be happy. I wanted you to be loved and cared for. I thought that Phillip would have felt the same way about you. I was so wrong to place my own needs before the needs of my people and my family. I swear to you that I will never do that again.”

  “I do forgive you, Father. Thank you for making things right. I know that your intentions were good and that you couldn’t possibly have thought Phillip to be this kind of monster.” Elsie couldn’t hold a grudge against her father, he had been too important in her life. She knew he had realized his past failures, and that he had tried to rectify them. Even Elsie didn’t expect or believe that Phillip could have this evil ha
tred inside of him. She sincerely hoped that she would never meet another member of the Galexia family again.

  Chapter 12:

  Clang! Clang! Clang!

  “The ironworks’ cry is never silent. It continues day in and day out like a banshee in the wind. I swear I can even hear it in my dreams.”

  - Jackson Jonah, Ironworks Foreman

  The guards roughly and unceremoniously shoved Phillip out of the West Gate of Haile. Phillip straightened his jacket, wiped his face, and looked back at the guards with a menacing stare. The guards did not budge. Phillip knew this was not the time; he could not defeat an entire city by himself. He swiftly turned and began his walk back to his village of Green Bryre. Phillip’s steps grew faster and faster, his pace deliberate and accelerating. He stopped momentarily, pointed back at Haile, and scoffed to the winds, “Someday, you will all burn.”

  As he walked, clouds of dust puffed underfoot and the warm southern winds embraced him. Phillip seethed in anger, for the first time in his life he had been told “no.” Phillip knew his way back to his home village of Green Bryre, which was southwest from Haile, and he used the lonely walk to brood and plan. Green Bryre was a beautiful town just northeast of the famous Galexia Ironworks. Since its creation around one hundred years ago, the Galexia Ironworks had provided the Galexias, Forme’s wealthiest family, with all the money they could ever need. Phillip planned to use that money to buy himself an army of mercenaries and watch Haile burn as he marched upon it. He would have his revenge on Flint, Elsie, and the Knight Guard.

  Phillip stopped at the outskirts of Green Bryre, a quaint village he had not seen now for some time, and took in the sights. To his left was the town grocer, run by two brothers, second generation owners, and expert salesmen. To the right was the armory, run by an old man who always had a story for his patrons. In fact, sometimes he talked so much that customers would walk away in the midst of a sale. Phillip looked to the center of the village where he could see it, the famous Galexia effigy. The statue towered high over the village square and depicted the glorious form of Mervin Steele Galexia, the first man to strike ore to the south. Phillip hated that infernal statue of his late grandfather. Phillip was proud of his family’s accomplishments, but being a Galexia brought with it a certain expectation from the townspeople. Phillip was only sixteen years old, but did not have the reputation for success that his father and his grandfather had garnered.


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