Devoted (Angel Academy Book 1)

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Devoted (Angel Academy Book 1) Page 26

by Emery Skye

  “Where’s Zeke?” Nathan shouted.

  I stared at Nathan, confused. Zeke? I thought Nathan only had one brother?

  “Oh, yes. Zeke,” Lucifer frowned. “His decisions got him killed.” He sounded almost sad about it. Almost, but not quite. Zeke, must’ve been Nathan’s other brother. There was something to this that wasn’t connecting.

  Nathan’s whole body tensed and fell simultaneously. His breathing stopped. The muscles in his chest and arms bulged. He clenched his teeth. He shook as small tremors tightened the cords in his arms. A tic worked his jaw and his eyes widened. I’d never seen that look before. It was like Nathan had just switched off any humanity he had.

  Anger coursed through my veins. I’d never felt anything like it. It was the epitome of betrayal.

  And to think I loved him. And, he brought my sister to death. I fought against whatever kept me locked into this chair.

  “Have you felt the Darkness in you yet?” Lucifer smiled.

  He had no idea just how I dark I felt.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I gaped.

  Nathan’s chair groaned as he fought against the restraints.

  I glanced back at him—the frothing of foam, at his now bloodied lips, unmistakable.

  “You do. Any uncontrollable outbursts, yelling, anger?” Lucifer asked.

  I froze. I had been acting strange: I had blown up at a professor, gotten into fights, and enjoyed killing the Abayllon demon…was something happening to me? Was I changing?

  “You are going to die,” the guttural snarl escaped me.

  Lucifer smiled.

  “You’re so much like your father,” his smile deepened. “So much Darkness waiting to be released,” he purred.

  “What the hell do you mean?” I jerked in my seat. My tattoos were white-hot.

  “You didn’t know your father turned from Him?” Lucifer’s eyes sparkled with pleasure.

  My mouth fell open. What he said couldn’t be true, but I couldn’t deny the possibility.

  “Yes, you see. Your father was one of the Grigori you think so little of—a very important Grigori,” he paused, thinking. “No, you’re not a Nephilim. You’re more than just a Hybrid.”

  “What am I?” I whispered, desperately wanting answers.

  “You’re the key,” he said, a bit too cavalier.

  I jerked forward with every bit of strength in my body—the time for talking long passed. Lucifer would kill my family and me.

  Regardless of whom my father was, Amalie was and would always be my family—joined together more than just blood.

  “Enough! Your death will only be the beginning,” Lucifer smiled a genuine smile of the darkest sort. He would only have my blood if I took some of his.

  “You said you wouldn’t kill her!” Nathan shouted.

  A piercingly, sweet narcotic and floral scent filled the air. The strength of the smell distracted me from the sounds of screaming around me.

  I watched as the muscles in Nathan’s arms tensed and his eyes changed. I’d never seen anything like it before.

  Nathan’s eyes turned black and the veins a menacing red, he didn’t look like an angel. No, he looked like a demon. What happened? Confusion laced my vision as I stared at the angel’s black eyes.

  In moment’s, Nathan jumped to his feet. Five demons charged in to restrain him. They weren’t experiments. No, these were Dark Angels; the ones that chose to fall. Dark Angels… I would never choose to be Dark. Yet, it appears the decision had been made for me.

  Battle sounds ripped through the concave room.

  The demons clamped down on him and wrestled to gain the advantage—anything to restrain him. Five wasn't enough. He slayed the angels before our eyes with a strength and power I had never seen an angle possess.

  It gave me time to brace against the pain of my invisible chains. I glanced at Lucifer, who had armed himself and closed in on me quickly. He was still the epitome of calm and it drove me nuts.

  He stabbed me in the side. The blade sliced through flesh and muscle; I felt every cord snap. I bellowed. It hurt, but no lethal damage. It pissed me off.

  My scream echoed from wall to wall, getting louder until it drowned out all other noise. My blood boiled. The chains disappeared and I had no idea why. I attacked Lucifer. I attacked the devil, growling like a rabid wolf. I pounced on him.

  “It can’t be!” he growled back. “You can NOT break those chains!” A bewildered look twisted his features, and I got the wind knocked out of me as I traveled into his eyes. I saw my mother, holding a baby, and a tall man in a nicely tailored, modest suit with wavy, blonde hair standing over her.

  Lucifer snapped his eyes shut. The door closed, knocking me several feet into the air.

  Nathan grabbed Alyosha, Taylor, and Amalie. They were still entranced. Nathan’s eyes still black… he whispered words in a language I didn’t know. I fought against a Dark Angel who fought with a lethal fist.

  My strength waned and I knew it was only a matter of time before the Dark Angel got the upper hand. My time in the Dark World had done a toll.

  “Nathan,” I shouted. “What the hell are you doing? Help me!” The others were so far gone I didn’t even try.

  He whispered a few more words. Two more Dark Angels approached me. I knocked the first to the ground.

  In my peripheral, I watched Lucifer’s lips twitch. I think he smiled.

  Wind rushed at my back and I turned just as Nathan grabbed me by the back of the dress.

  He tried to pull us through a portal that had created a swirl in the air.

  Lucifer glared at Nathan and grabbed me by the arm with unbelievable strength. I scram as I heard a snap. An unfamiliar pain exploded through my arm. My screams echoed through the corridor and stars filled my vision.

  “Anna is mine,” Lucifer growled. My head felt light and my thoughts fuzzy from pain.

  Nathan said something that I didn’t hear. He rushed Lucifer.

  My face was wet… with tears, I suppose.

  “Nathan,” I whispered.

  Lucifer stared me in the eyes. “You will make me greater than He,” he slithered.

  “I would rather die,” I cried.

  “And, you will. But first, you’ll destroy all allegiances.”

  I didn’t know what he meant and I didn’t care. Pain ruled my senses and something cold ruled everything else. I spit and Lucifer smiled. “The best part will be when you realize your legacy. You’ll break, mea filia, and it will be glorious.”

  I swallowed. Lucifer made little sense, but his smile disconcerted me.

  “We’ll win,” I said. It wasn’t big or bad. My words were probably pretty pathetic actually, but I spoke them like I would win every war against the world, because that is what I had been taught.

  “This is not over. I will see you soon, mea filia. I will see you soon,” he purred.

  “Anna,” Nathan shouted. “Hold on.” Fire grew around us. The heat sizzled my arm hairs as the flames licked closer. Until now, I hadn’t noticed the smell of sulfur, because the smell of Jasmine had been so strong. I hadn’t seen the flames spreading across the room, floor to the ceiling. I had been consumed by something other.

  “The Darkness will claim you. It’s already starting, mea filia, can’t you taste it?” Lucifer’s voice was the last thing I heard before silence overcame me, and I stepped through the wavy air.


  It had been three days since we returned to the Academy. Nathan had avoided me like the plague, which was good, since I wanted to kill him. He may have gotten us out of hell, but I couldn't, wouldn't, forget who had endangered my sister.

  I sat in the library and gazed down at the myriad of leather-bound books sprawled before me. I’d searched tirelessly for any information about the spindly, peach-white colored tattoos lacing my hands and found nothing.

  The tattoos appeared after fighting with demons.

  I had also searched for information on Immogen (
the only other documented angel with powers like mine).

  I’d found nothing.

  My thoughts drifted back to our adventure. Ha. If you could call a trip to hell an adventure, then sure. It was one hell of an adventure.

  In the beginning, when we walked past the academy gates—the threshold between the safe and the unknown—I had been...idealistic.

  I was filled with confidence, determination and purpose. My journey into darkness changed me. I wanted revenge. By angelic standards, revenge was personal. Personal agendas were unacceptable under the Law.

  "You have to talk to Nathan sometime," Amalie said. She sat across the table and I'd almost forgotten about her. "It wasn't his fault. I know you're mad about what happened, but come on, Anna. Don't you think it's been long enough?”

  I glanced at my sister, who I had learned from Lucifer, was my half-sister. Amalie’s chocolaty, chestnut hair fell straight down her back. Her bangs swayed across her forehead in a way that brought out her iridescent blue eyes and contrasted slightly with her ivory skin.

  She spoke too kindly about the man who'd almost gotten us killed.

  "I know how long it's been, Amalie!" I seethed.

  She forgave too easily.

  I, on the other hand, wasn’t so forgiving.

  "You have no idea what it was like or what happened," I told her. "You were in some sort of trance," I shivered as I remembered her blank, lost, blue eyes. "Will you please back off?"

  She had been bugging me to talk to Nathan since she first woke up. Amalie didn’t know Nathan is the one who almost got us killed.

  I had no intention of saying anything.

  If I told her why I was angry then she'd ask more questions. She'd find out that Lucifer wanted me dead. Then she'd ask why. I didn't know why. Lucifer told me I was the daughter of a Watcher and said something about me turning Dark.

  If she knew I was a Watcher then she'd discover we’re only half-sisters.

  To avoid the downpour of questioning, I withheld some of the truth.

  I told her Nathan and I had an argument.

  She assumed that Nathan had kept me out of the loop in terms of our escape plan and that it upset me.

  If only she knew the truth.

  Secrets grew legs around here. I didn't want this one walking to the Light Council, never mind The Powers. I wasn't Nathan's biggest fan, but the thought of him in prison or with his wings clipped, sent shards of worry through my heart and conspiring with the Devil would sure put him there.

  "Hey guys, what's up?" Alyosha strolled up, his posture lazy.

  I didn't like him much.

  The Patron agreed not to expel us.

  He said the Powers would know about our infractions and we'd get our due then. Until then we lived in the library catching up on class work We also spent a good amount of time in the gym cleaning mats (the color always changing) and in the cafeteria scrubbing floors. In no way did we get off easy, but it was better than expulsion.

  I remembered the Patron’s angry eyes as he stared at me with his lips curled in distaste.

  We were also sworn to secrecy. The rumor mill worked overtime. Angels liked to gossip... a lot. Plus, angels didn't break the Law and we had.

  The Patron had yet to fully question us about where we went and why, but our story was solid. Alyosha left to deal with his emotions from his parent's deaths and the disappearance of his younger brother.

  We learned that Nathan and Alyosha had another brother while we were in the Dark World. Amalie wanted to find Alyosha. Taylor and I couldn't let Amalie go alone. Nathan and Lucas left right when they heard more noviates disappeared to search for us.

  Explaining Lucas' disappearance proved problematic. We talked through several scenarios before deciding to say he'd been killed in battle. I hated the idea of a despicable demon on Lucifer's council getting an honorable death.

  I wish we could have outed Lucas for the demon he truly was, but the less everyone knew about the truth the better. The Patron would be skeptical, especially since he hated me.

  "Are you coming by later? You know, so we can talk." Amalie asked, glancing at my hands. Shortly after returning to the academy, I discovered another tattoo. I wasn't sure when it'd popped up. The black circle on my right ring finger baffled me just as much as the others.

  Only this one was black; creepier than the others.

  "I suppose."

  Alyosha and her locked fingers and trotted off. They shared an intimate look. I almost turned away.

  Nathan once looked at me like that—lovingly. I missed it. It died in Lucifer's dining room. I didn't think it could be resurrected.


  Three hours later, after pacing a few miles, I walked to Amalie’s room.

  I knocked tentatively.

  "Come in!" Amalie shouted.

  Taylor sat on a plush, pink beanbag chair. Alyosha sat on Amalie's bed with his back against the wall. Amalie’s was sitting in his lap. I froze.

  Amalie smiled, "Come on in."

  Taylor snickered. "She's probably repulsed by the love-fest. It's nauseating."

  Taylor glared at them.

  It wasn't the love-fest that stopped me.


  Nathan leaned against Amalie's desk.

  It's not fair.

  I'd aged ten year, was ten pounds lighter and pale as a corpse. Nathan emerged from hell unscathed. In fact, he appeared better than I remembered.

  Maybe missing him made him more handsome. Either way, there he sat in all his rugged glory. His five o'clock shadow was perfectly sexy. He stared at me. I should have felt anger, but I didn't.

  I’m not sure what defines a soulmate, but I’m sure he’d be mine. His perfection balanced my imperfection. His tan compensated for my paleness. We were both competitive to a fault and stubborn. We were imperfectly perfect. Both of us would do anything for our siblings. He was even willing to trade me to the devil.

  I couldn't trust him.

  It wasn't his fault.

  We follow the Law. Love is not fundamental to the Law. Not romantic. Not familial. However, we both broke the Law for our siblings, but he must not have thought I was as important. I'm not sure. That's probably not fair.

  I don't care.

  He believed I was capable of doing the same thing when it came to Amalie. I hadn't believed him, but he could be right. I understood his decision, but I still questioned his feelings for me.

  I turned to leave. This group of angels in the same place scared me. It spelled disaster. It didn't matter how much I cared for them or what we had been through together. Dangerous things happened when we were together. Especially since we'd successfully escaped Lucifer.

  "Anna! Wait! Please!" Nathan pleaded.

  I sighed and stopped. I would not turn around.

  "This," I made an all-encompassing circle with my right arm, "is not happening." I paused. "You, Nathan, will stay away from Amalie and me. You too, Taylor." She was silent.

  Taylor had changed since we got back. I almost missed her totally bitchy old self. She still had flare, but her fire had dimmed. She had circles under her eyes and her skin was slightly too tight on her skeleton.

  "This is important," Nathan promised.

  "Awesome. Tell someone else," I packed as much anger into my words as I could.

  I imagined running into his strong arms and listening to his heart beat as he held me.

  "Anna, please," Amalie said. She climbed off her boyfriend. There closeness irritated me.

  "The Powers demand your presence." Nathan said gravely.

  Taylor gasped.

  I observed sadness.

  My heart skipped a beat. "How do you know?"

  "I heard the Patron speaking with a woman in his office. He was pissed." Aloysha said. Alyosha was the campus spy. The boy knew everything that happened around here.

  "Why haven't I heard about it?" I snapped.

  "You will," Nathan answered.

  "So, what? I'm seventeen. I
missed my pronouncement. I can't continue my training until I hear from them. Wouldn't they need to see me?" I asked. My voice cracked in fear.

  "That's what I thought!" Taylor interjected, adding insult to injury. She knew before I did.

  "If that were true, wouldn't Taylor have to go too?" Amalie asked, quieter than usual. Since we'd been back, she’d been pit-bull protective.

  Taylor's faced softened. She said, "Maybe I’ll be summoned to. Technically, we both missed our pronouncement."

  I was grateful for her attempt to settle my unease, but there was something weird going on.

  I glanced at Nathan for support. He nodded. I was seriously pissed at myself for needing him and admitting it. I mentally slapped myself.

  As much as I wanted to, I couldn't tell them that my father was a Watcher. I couldn’t tell them Lucifer thought I was some key to a locked door, and that he wanted me dead because of it. At least, I assumed he wanted me dead. I would only do that when it was absolutely necessary.

  I couldn't imagine how they'd take it. What would Amalie do when she found out I was her half-sister. To me she would always be my sister, but what if?

  There were so many questions. I knew the someone I'd have to see for the answers. My mother. But, with the news of the summons, she would have to be dealt with later.

  I turned to leave, but Nathan caught my hand on the doorknob. The skin of his palm over the crook of my elbow sent tingles of joy through me. I jerked my arm back, just as there was a knock at the door.

  The boys scrambled to hide. It was past curfew, and this was... bad. I opened the door with Amalie and Taylor flanking me.

  A boy with unruly red hair and freckles stood on the other side. He held two envelopes in his hand.

  "Hey Micah, what's up?" Amalie asked calmly.

  "Not much. I got a couple of things to drop off. Your sis wasn't in her room, and these are top priority. Good, Taylor's here too," the boy said.

  Taylor squinted at Micah. "What do you want?"

  Amalie elbowed her in the gut.

  "Here," he shoved the envelopes at us. The writing was formal calligraphy. It was swirly. It was pretty. One had Taylor Rachiel written on it and the other had Anna Hasdiel.

  We each gulped as we opened the letters. The crinkling paper was loud.


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