Rough & Ruthless (Notorious Devils Book 4)

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Rough & Ruthless (Notorious Devils Book 4) Page 23

by Hayley Faiman

  “Anything, Mary. I’d do anything for you,” I mutter like a pussy-whipped fool as my hands drift up her bare back.

  “Want to see a picture of your baby?” she whispers as her lips brush mine.

  “First, I want you to ride my dick. Then, you show me pictures,” I grunt.

  I watch as she leans back, and then I let out a moan as her small hand wraps around my semi-hard cock and she strokes me. I slide one of my hands up her thigh and over to her sticky slick center, resting on my lower stomach. I then start to play with her pussy. Her grip tightens on my dick when I gently press against her clit.

  “Slide on, sweetness,” I instruct as I lift my hips.

  Her hand disappears and she scoots down before she grabs my base again and lines it up with her center. Her eyes lift to mine once the tip of my cock is inside of her, and then she slowly lowers down on me, taking me inside of her.

  I wrap my hands around her hips before she can move, squeezing her and shaking my head once. I want to touch her. I missed the feel of her skin.

  “Let me touch,” I murmur.

  My hands gently roam over her body, touching her everywhere, and yet, nowhere she wants. She whimpers and clenches her pussy around my dick every so often.

  Then, I cup her tits in my hands, rubbing my thumbs over her tight nipples. When I do, she throws her head back on a long moan, and she starts to move. I let her ride me, setting her own sweet, torturous pace as I continue to touch, caress, and tug on her gorgeous nipples.

  “Fuck me, Mary, come all over me,” I grind out through gritted teeth.

  She nods before she slams down on me. It feels so fucking good. When she does it again, my fingers wrap around her tits, and I hold onto to them, probably too tightly, but I could give a fuck. She doesn’t complain as she throws her head back with a moan and continues to rise and fall, hard, grinding her clit against me and making the headboard beat against the wall with her powerful movements.

  “Mary, you need to come,” I try to demand. It comes out as a plea.

  “You feel too good,” she whimpers above me.

  I slip my hand between us and start to rub her clit, quick and with purpose. It doesn’t take long. Two strokes, maybe three, and she cries out with her release, her entire body freezing.

  I watch for a second before I flip her on her back and drive inside of her with all of my strength. I pound into her tight cunt with everything I have, unable to stop, unable to do anything but chase my climax.

  When I come, it’s with a roar that I’m sure every person within a ten-mile radius fucking hears. I give not one shit as I fill her pussy with my cum until I’m sure it’s leaking out of her.

  “Now, you wanted to show me a picture?” I ask, looking down into her lazy, blue gaze.

  “In a minute, baby,” she whispers.

  In the end, I don’t see the picture. At least not right then. We fall asleep shortly after, wrapped in each other’s arms, and it’s the perfect end to the day.

  My woman wrapped around me, her body pressed so tightly to mine that you can’t tell where she ends and I begin. Fucking sublime.

  “What’s this?” Max asks.

  We’re lying in bed the next morning, after another round of screwing. I’m not sure what we did this morning would be considered love making. He pushed my legs aside while I was sleeping on my stomach, wrenched my hips back, and drove inside of me while I was still asleep. Then he kept going, hard and fast, until I woke up, and caught up.

  I came twice, and now we’re snuggled up together and I’m showing him the picture of the ultrasound that was taken at my first doctor’s appointment.

  “That’s the head,” I explain.

  “Is it deformed?” he asks, turning his head to the side to try and get a better view.

  To be honest, it looks like a blob—a baby blob, with like five things sticking out of it, nubs really. The doctor told me they were arms, legs, and a head. I didn’t second guess him, but it’s freaky looking.

  “I don’t think so. I think it just takes a long time to actually look like a baby,” I say. “Didn’t you have one of these when you had Fury?” I ask out of curiosity.

  “No, not back then. They only used the machines if they thought something was wrong. We were so young, they said there was no reason to. Not that I remember much. I don’t think I went to one appointment,” he shrugs.

  “Not one?” I ask in surprise.

  “I wasn’t around much; too busy with the club back then,” he says.

  “Will you come with me to mine?” I ask nervously.

  “As many as I can, sweetness,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to my nose. “You ready to go home now?”

  “I am. I’m so ready,” I admit with a grin.

  “Let’s get your shit, say goodbye to the families, and get the fuck home.”

  “Oh, no, tomorrow is Jelena’s party. I promised to help with everything,” I remember.

  “Okay, no rush, Mary. We’ll stay a few days,” he shrugs.

  “That’s okay with you? Really?” I ask.

  “Of course. Why wouldn’t it be? She’s my niece, too, and my grandkids are gonna be there.”

  “She’s your niece?” I ask in confusion.

  “To the club, we’re as good as married, that means she’s my niece.”

  My mouth opens in an O, and he chuckles before he tackles me and gives me a long, wet, deep kiss.

  “You want to make it legal for everyone, Mary?” he murmurs against my lips.

  “I—no, we don’t have to,” I say shakily.

  “I think my sweetness wants a ring,” he whispers, placing a kiss on my nose. “I think she wants a pretty dress,” he murmurs, placing another kiss on the center of my chest. “I think she wants to be a family in the eyes of God, the state, and the world,” he finishes, placing a kiss on my stomach.

  “I don’t have to have those things, Maxfield. I have you, and really, that’s all I’ve ever wanted,” I say, tucking some of his long hair behind his ear.

  “You have me, Mary, but you’ll also have those things, too. You almost lost me, and I pushed you away, almost losing you in the process. I think I can give you a party, a dress, and my last name. Especially since you’re giving me so much more than all of that combined.”

  “I am?”

  “Yeah, sweetness. You’re giving me a lifetime of happiness by being mine. You’re giving me another shot at more kids. Fuck, I never thought I’d have more, and here we are,” he whispers.

  “Maxfield,” I say as my eyes water.

  “We don’t get up and get moving, I’m going to fuck you again, Mary. Neither of us has showered, and we’ve screwed at least five times. I’m guessing I smell pretty fuckin’ awful by now,” he chuckles.

  I wrinkle my nose, not because he smells, but because I know that I totally do.

  “Happy birthday, dear Jelena, happy birthday to you,” we all sing.

  I watch as she attempts to blow out her little candles. Stella gets irritated, rolls her eyes and blows them out for her, earning her a look of death from Brentlee and a chuckle from Bates.

  “You look settled,” Kentlee says as she cuts the cake and places it on little crown shaped, pink plates.

  “I am,” I nod as I hand the cake filled plates to passerby’s.

  “And the baby and everything?”

  “He’s happy. He knows it’s his. He was just being—.”

  “A gigantic fucking dick,” she says with a grin.

  “Yeah, that,” I laugh.

  “You two look good together. I’m glad you’re going to be my mother-in-law,” she giggles. I roll my eyes.

  “Don’t be a bitch. I’m the one that handles Christmas presents from now on,” I say with a smile.

  “Oh, fuck you,” she grumbles before she bumps me with her hip.

  Max and I spend the day with our family, our very intertwined, interesting family. When the party ends, we all go out and relax on a big outdoor sofa that Brentle
e and Bates have, as the kids are being gathered and wrangled up to head to bed, before the adults can fully chill out.

  “What do you think the teachers in school will say when it’s time for all these kids to draw up a family tree?” I blurt out.

  Max doesn’t make a sound for a beat before he throws his head back in laughter.

  “What’s so funny?” Fury asks as he hands his dad a beer.

  “Mary was wondering what the teachers were gonna think when the kids have to draw up a family tree for their classes,” he says through his laughter.

  “Shit, I never thought about that. Fuck, they’re going to think we’re fuckin’ incestuous,” Fury hisses which only makes Max laugh louder as I start to giggle.

  “One of us will have to write up a letter of explanation, photo copy it, and just keep it handy,” I suggest.

  “Fuck,” Fury clips.

  “Lighten up,” Max announces.

  We spend the rest of the evening talking and laughing with the people we love. It’s calming, and I’m so at peace that nothing in the world could rattle me.

  Nothing at all.

  Pulling into our driveway has never felt so fuckin’ good. The normal twelve-hour drive turned into a forty-eight-hour road trip. I didn’t feel right making Mary ride on the back of my bike for twelve hours straight. So, we split the trip into two days and saw a little of the middle of nowhere while we did it.

  Now, we’re home, and I for one couldn’t be happier. My body is still sore from the gunshot wounds I suffered, and riding this long on the bike makes it all even worse.

  “Our bed. I can’t wait to fall into our bed and sleep for a week,” Mary sighs as we walk into the house.

  We no more than take one step inside when my cell phone rings. I look down and am surprised to see that it’s Torch.

  “What’s up, brother,” I grumble as I close the door behind us.

  Mary scurries upstairs, probably to shower, and I make my way up to follow her, much fuckin’ slower, as I’m a goddamn old man.

  “My wife’s gone missing,” he announces.

  “You’re what?” I ask in surprise.

  “My wife,” he grunts.

  “I’m going to need some more information, brother.”

  “I’ll be by your house in ten minutes,” he announces.

  I shake my head in confusion and tell Mary, who is already rinsing the road off of her, that Torch is coming over.

  “I’m just going to go to sleep,” she calls out.

  “Yeah, sweetness, you get some rest. I’ll slide in next to you soon,” I say before I walk downstairs.

  Torch is already on my front porch by the time I open my door. He rushes past me and starts to pace in my living room. He’s on edge, agitated, and concerned. All three emotions I have never seen from him before in the years I’ve known him.

  “Explain this shit,” I say.

  He looks up at me, his eyes glassy, and he curses.

  “I’ve been married for twelve years,” he explains. My eyes widen in surprise, but I don’t say anything. I wait for him to continue. “I haven’t seen her for eleven years. I found her, and just like that, she’s gone.”

  “Did she just run away from you? What are you telling me? What aren’t you telling me?”

  “I don’t know. Her clothes are in her closet, her car’s in the driveway, and her fuckin’ purse is on the counter. Nothing is out of place except for the fact that she’s fucking vanished,” he practically yells.

  “Let’s do some digging. I know a guy,” I say as I pull out my phone.

  “You calling the Russian’s?” he asks.

  “Yeah, Oliver,” I nod.

  “Good, fuck, yeah, he’s good,” Torch nods.

  “We’ll find her,” I tell him as I wrap my hand around his shoulder and give him a shake.

  I explain what I can to Kirill who tells me that he’ll relay the message to his man. I walk outside before I ask him if he’s heard anything new about The Cartel, wondering if this could be related. He tells me that everything’s been quiet, but he wouldn’t rule them out at this point, not at all. That doesn’t make me feel at ease, not with my own woman upstairs, pregnant with my baby.

  “Go home, get some rest. When I hear something, I’ll call you,” I tell him. Torch nods before he walks away. I don’t know what to say to him. His demons are in the forefront of his mind, that much is true— they’re dancing in his eyes.

  I lock down the house before I go upstairs and take a shower.

  “Everything okay?” Mary asks as I slide into bed and wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her back closer to my chest.

  “I hope it will be, sweetness,” I whisper into the dark before I kiss her temple.

  Mary’s out like a light a few seconds later, but I’m not. I lie awake and just stare into the darkness. Wondering, hoping, and praying that this isn’t more bullshit with those filthy fucking bastards.

  This shit needs to be done and over. I can’t sit around and wonder, waiting for them to strike; and if they have? God rest their fucking souls, because I’m going to torture every last one of those cocksuckers.

  Enough is e-fuckin’-nough.

  The mood in the air is weird, almost charged with something like electricity. I stand outside of my little white house and just look toward the street, wondering what on earth is making the day so—weird.

  I hear the rumbling of a bike, and I watch as Max pulls into the drive. He was gone when I woke up this morning. Not that it was really morning, since it was well past noon.

  I watch as he swings his leg off of his bike and walks toward me. The blood starts to pump through my veins, and I heat just at the sight of him.

  I feel like tackling him right now. How did I go three whole weeks without him? I’ll never know. It all seems like a distant memory today. It all seems like a bad, terrible nightmare.

  “Get inside,” Max grunts as he makes his way closer to me.

  My eyes snap to his, and I read that his mood is charged as well—just as live as the air around me. There is something definitely wrong. I turn and hurry inside, waiting by the door for him to walk through. I aim to find out exactly what’s happening.

  As soon as he walks through the front door, he closes it and locks it into place. I open my mouth to ask him what’s wrong, when his eyes snap up to me.

  “Don’t speak,” he orders.

  He’s pissed and I don’t know why. I wait. I wait for him to say something, but he’s just standing in front of me, looking at me, looking angry and something else, maybe even worried.

  “We’re in a war. A quiet war, but a war. We have been for some time, but it’s yet to touch this club. Usually, when people fuck with the Devils, they pick the smaller clubs, not mine. Not the original charter. This time, however, they’ve fucked with us. It’s going to be bloody, it’s going to be messy, and innocent people will probably lose their lives. You’re a main target. You’re my woman. I’ve claimed you, therefore I’ve made you a bright, shiny target for all to see. I did it, knowing exactly what I was doing. I did it, because I’m a selfish prick. I gave not a single fuck because I wanted you at my side.”

  I don’t say anything. I’m not sure what he’s actually telling me. So I wait. He runs his hands through his hair in what appears to be frustration before he speaks again.

  “Torch has a wife. Nobody knew, and now she’s gone. Nobody can find her, not even our tech guy can find her,” he announces.

  “Who has her, Max?” I ask taking a step toward him.

  “We don’t know. I suspect one group, but in reality, I don’t fucking know. The fucker of it all, it could have nothing to do with the club. We just don’t know,” he exhales, closing his eyes.

  I take the opportunity to press my body against his and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him down slightly, so that his face is closer to me. Then I press my lips to his.

  “Everything will be okay, Max. We’re safe; you keep us safe,” I whisper
against his lips.

  I shudder when his hand wraps around my small belly and his forehead rests against mine.

  “I didn’t think I’d be this worried about you, the two of you,” he murmurs.

  “The three of us are going to be just fine, Max. You cannot worry about the unknown, not like that. You don’t know if this girl just wanted to run away and not be found,” I say with a smile, not truly believing my own words.

  If she didn’t want to be found, I’m sure, whoever their tech guy is, could probably find her anyway.

  “Just to be safe, you’re not on lockdown at the clubhouse, but you’re on lockdown just the same. You don’t leave this house without me or one of the brothers at your side,” he grunts, taking a step back from me.

  “Seriously? What about if I go out with the girls?” I ask.

  “Then some boys tag along.”

  “Yeah, okay, fine. I don’t even have a car. I don’t know why I’m even acting upset,” I shrug with a grin.

  “We’re gonna fix that shit too, sweetness,” he announces.

  “What’s that?”

  “A car. You need one, just in case I can’t take to you an appointment or something. You need your own wheels,” he murmurs.

  “I can drive your gigantic monster machine.”

  “Uh, no,” he snorts. “You can have something you can handle. A car, an SUV, something like that.”

  “What do you mean, something I can handle?” I ask as I cross my arms over my chest.

  “Get your shit,” he chuckles. I roll my eyes before I find my purse.

  I’m already dressed for the day, in a pair of jeans that, fortunately, have lycra in them so they stretch where I need them to. I can already tell that they’ll be unbuttoned the second I try to sit down. Luckily, my shirt is loose and drapes around me, so nobody will even be able to see my unbuttoned jeans beneath it.

  Max helps me climb inside of his monster machine, and we drive toward town. I’m not paying attention to the roads, just the scenery, wondering how on earth I went from loving the beach and needing that ocean air every day to being the happiest I’ve ever been in the mountains surrounded by trees. I shake my head once, already knowing the answer to that—Maxfield.


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