One Size Fits All

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One Size Fits All Page 8

by Shari Ryan

  Again I look forward to hearing from you soon.

  Megan Rounds

  There is no way I’ll survive this. Do I bring my old toys, or do I have to purchase new ones? Never mind, I totally don’t need to answer that. I know I’m not showing my toys to anyone… I can’t even play with them in front of a boyfriend, much less explain to strangers what and how to have an orgasm with them. I snatch my phone from the cushion next to me and dial Ginger… She picks up on the third ring and before she can finish her greeting I start. “I’m so mad at you for this! I can’t believe you dared me to do this, what is in this for you? What are you going to gain by having me talk about sex, dildos, and anal plugs?”

  “Hello to you too, Charlie and for the record, nothing… This is to help you, not me.”

  “I don’t understand how this is going to help me, this is so embarrassing and Megan will fire me on the spot the first night.” I whine in to the phone.

  “She might, but she might not, Charlie. You need to put your all in this. I’m telling you that in the end it’ll be worth it. Just think how much more comfortable you will be about sex, and well, just sex. You always complained that you and Doug could never openly speak about your sexual activity so now is your chance to learn, vocalize, and figure out what you like.”

  “For the record I’ve stated my case, and I signed up. My starter kit will be here, oh let me see what my tracking says… Tomorrow. Happy?”

  “I’m very happy and I promise you’ll not regret this one bit,” Ginger says before she changes the subject and explains that she will bring pizza tomorrow night so we can go through my kit together. After we end the call, I do a little more searching online and call it a night. Tomorrow is another day.

  Chapter Four

  I managed to make it all the way to my floor without running into Cooper, or anyone else I’d embarrass myself in front of this morning. My afternoon isn’t going as smooth, with Cooper hovering over my desk and staring at the floor beside me. Finally, after what seems like the millionth time, I notice what he’s been staring at and my eyes bug out behind my glasses as I practically fall out of my chair. Scooping up the catalog that I was reviewing at lunch, I shove it back in my bag while trying to sit back up straight in my chair. My right hand grabs the mouse running my index finger up and down the side to take my mind off what he’s seen. There’s no question about it, he saw them… Cooper Fields just viewed all the highlights and stars that I’ve put next to sex toys. Oh my, I need to run away as boys, toys, and me don’t mix well together.

  He clears his throat, causing my chin to raise up towards him. I don’t want to fully make eye contact so I raise them up slightly and then back down to the keyboard. My feet start to twitch underneath the desk as I try to calm my nerves, but nothing’s working at this moment. Do I say something? Do I ignore the elephant in the room? Do I just print out my resignation letter now? All of these thoughts are racing through my head as I try to focus on the words coming from his sultry mouth.

  “Charlie, what I saw last night in your sketch book shows me that you have great potential. I wanted to know if you’d like to work on a project with me. This would be for the Dermot marketing plan, where we’re putting together the brochure for the new men’s line they have coming out.”

  I raise my head to fully look at him. I’m waiting for him to crack a smile or something since this has to be a joke. Who brings on an assistant to help with a major project for the company? I mean, if I screw this up it could mean the end of my employment here at Fields & Manner. I can’t even talk to him face to face, much less work with him on something like this. It’s a joke and I’m sure of this, but no, wait… His facial expression has changed from the perfect looking man to one that is waiting for an answer. The creases on his forehead have bunched up while his body shifts his weight from side to side.

  “Charlie, do you need some time to think about this, or maybe more information?”

  “No sir, I know the project well… But, I’m sure you can find more qualified people within the company,” I say, gulping down what little bit of self-control I have left.

  “This might be true, but only one of them seems to have a fresh eye and take on this. From what I saw last night in your drawing, you have a natural eye for this, and I’d be flattered if you’d join me. We’ll make sure that a temp is sent to cover your job now until we’re done with the Dermot project. This would require you to work a little later at times, and closely with me.”

  “Well… I… Um… Okay, I guess we can give this a try.” I mumble out the mixture of words that I’m pretty sure has him questioning his choice about picking me.

  “Perfect, I’ll make the arrangements and we’ll start tomorrow. When you arrive in the morning come on up to my office. I’ll have Janet, my secretary, set you up in an empty cubicle. This will be best so we can work on the project between meetings. In the meantime if you have any questions, feel free to ring me. You won’t be sorry, Charlie; I’ll see you tomorrow,” he says and waltzes away just as quick as he showed up. I’m pretty sure I will be sorry in the end, and now I wonder how this will work with my newfound night job. What’s going to happen if I have a show and have to work late, or race from here to the location? See, this is why I shouldn’t have let Ginger talk me into taking this new job; one more reason why I think it’s a disaster. Not to mention, I can’t even think around him. It’s not just his looks, it’s his everything… The way Cooper smells of a fresh rainstorm; crisp, strong, and with a feeling of newness. This is what my senses smell every time I’m near him. Cooper is my storm, the one that can bring me a fresh start or cause a thunderous hurricane if I’m not careful. He’s handsome, smart, grounded, and yes, beautiful. Most people would never describe a man as beautiful, but that’s the only word I can find for him. In my short time here, I’ve seen him in suits and ties, jeans and a simple button down shirt rolled up to his elbows, and slacks paired with a polo. With each look, he’s the same- beautiful. I’m twenty-six years old and never seen anyone like him, nor has any other man made me lose all coherent thoughts around him. I guess it might be a good thing that I have the night job for a bit as it might end up being my sole income after I screw up with Cooper. I’ll need to stay on my a-game and for the love of life find a way to talk to him.


  The rest of the afternoon went without incident, nothing new from Cooper and I was able to enjoy my ride home in a no-Cooper zone. Ginger had texted before I left work to state that she’d meet me at my apartment with the pizza. As I put the key in the lock to unlock my building I notice the bright neon green post it notes on my mailbox. ‘See the front office’. This confirms the fact that my package did arrive today. Butterflies swarm my stomach as I approach the landlord’s door. ‘God I hope it’s not marked!’ I think while knocking on his door. Today I’m thankful he’s not a talker as he swings the door open and practically throws the box out at me. It’s not huge, but big enough to make it awkward for climbing the stairs. My eyes examine the box, shoot down the hall towards the old dingy elevator and back to the box. Four flights of stairs with my arms full of cardboard, or dingy elevator that could kill me if I scratch myself on the metal doors? Nothing like today to start doing something new... I send a text to Ginger just to make sure she knows that if I go missing the elevator shaft ate me. After what seems like a year-long event I arrive on my floor and mange to carry the box to my door, sliding it over the threshold while thanking the elevator Gods for keeping me safe.

  A few minutes pass by and I hear Ginger call out to me as she enters with her own key. We gave each other keys to make sure that someone would be able to look for us if we ever went missing. Or in Ginger’s case, so I can steal her computer and trunk of sex toys with about thirty porn DVDs from her apartment. She’s made me swear on my life that I’ll never allow her mother, nor brother, to find them. With her tricks these past few days I should draw a map to them all and mail it to her brother and have him
start a treasure hunt. That would teach her, no it would only fuel her to do something just as evil to me. And since I don’t own a trunk of treasures I think I’ll leave it be. She would plant something here in my apartment to get me back, and that’s just something I don’t want to deal with.

  “I see your stuff arrived, and why haven’t you opened it?” Ginger ask as she tosses her purse down on the chair.

  “Because I just got home and haven’t had time,” I respond in a duh kind of voice.

  “Well, hand me a knife and let’s open this baby… I’ve been dreaming of toys all day long,” Ginger says and it kind of scares me, but I pull a knife from the drawer and walk over to open the box. My hands tremble a little as my nerves work through my body. It should feel like Christmas, but to me, it feels like I’m opening a box to reveal a missing body part or something. Ginger squeals as the flaps unfold to reveal a black tote. I shake my head at her, continuing to pull the black matte case from its containment.

  Immediately, she pulls it from my hands and starts to unzip the top to reveal the items. I allow her to be the first to open it because I get the feeling she’s having me do this for other reasons… I just can’t put my finger on it, yet. I stand and go to the kitchen to grab a few plates. Slapping a slice of pizza on them for us, and a can of soda pop. We’re now sitting crisscross on my living room floor, with different shapes, sizes, rechargeable, corded, and suction cupped dildos displayed for us to view. Ginger’s eyes are wide and glistening with excitement. I on the other hand, redder than an apple. My heart’s beating so fast in my chest that I’m pretty sure my neighbor can hear it.

  “How was your day?” I ask to break the ice and her stare from the floor.

  “It was boring, but it just got better. What about you?” she responds with a wide smile on her face.

  “Different… Something weird happened,” I say and ponder on how to explain this. “Yesterday, Cooper witnessed me drawing in my sketch book. Today he showed up and asked me to join him on a project for the Dermot marketing plan. He plans to have me work side by side with him, and is even getting a temp to cover my position until we’re done. Oh God, Ginger, I can’t do this,” I say as it hits me harder than before.

  “Why can’t you do this? Obviously he knows talent when he sees it, Charlie. This is your chance to show them what you can do, maybe get a promotion at the end of it.”

  “I don’t know. I turn into a complete idiot around him and today he saw my catalogue on the floor with all the toys that I found interesting circled or stared. Ginger this is not going to end well for me.”

  “Here’s what you need to do. You ready for this wisdom? Now, you’ll go in there with your head held high and picture him as Doug or someone else that makes you want to throw up. Think of this as a class project, and not that you’re working with your super-hot boss that you dream about every night.”

  “I don’t dream about him,” I state through gritted teeth.

  “Come on Charlie, I’ve seen your face when you mention him and I’d bet you fifty bucks right now you have masturbated to the thought of him, or dreamt about him at least once.”

  Ginger doesn’t get a response from me as I can’t even deny any of it, and she knows it. This only pisses me off even more and works my nerves up. “What are you wearing to work tomorrow?” she asks taking me by surprise.

  “Clothes, what else would I wear- a bag?”

  “No, I mean what outfit? You need to wear that black pencil skirt with the red silk blouse and your black cat eye glasses. It’s sexy as hell on you, and he won’t know what hit him.”

  “Ginger, I’m not going to work to be a sex kitten… I’m going to go in there with my head held high and do what I know how to do; draw,” I say with my shoulders back and my chest out as I try to convenience myself that I’m full of confidence.

  “That a girl, knock it out of the park like we both know you can.”

  “I’ll try, but you might need to send me a positive text tomorrow to get me through the day,” I say slouched over as I realize I’m only kidding myself.

  “You totally got this babe, and remember to just be yourself and don’t fidget.” As she says this I laugh because she knows I fidget about everything and anything, but I drop it so we can focus on the floor before us. Ginger explains what the items do, especially the ones I don’t recognize, and it makes me wonder if she owns them all in her trunk already.

  “When’s your first show?”

  “In like two days,” I state, scrunching up my nose.

  “You’ll do fine, Charlie; I know you will. Plus, Megan said she has a few shows for you to take over for her because she’s going to some convention. She mentioned today that she'll offer them to you Friday night. Just promise me you’ll put your all into this,” she stresses and I don’t know how I can deny my best friend that one thing- so I agree to put my best foot forward and do what I know I can do. After another hour, Ginger says her goodbye and I pack up the rest of the items. Tomorrow’s a big day and I need to be on my A-game.

  Chapter Five

  Just as Ginger instructed, I wear the black pencil skirt, with the vibrant red blouse and pair that with my black and red plaid heels. Oh, and let’s not forget the cat-eye shaped black glasses. I even throw my hair up in a low lose bun allowing strands of my brown curls to fall around my face, emphasizing my olive complexion. I have to admit that as I step on the elevator this morning, I feel I can conquer the world, taking it by storm. My hand reaches up to hit my floor on the panel and hovers as I have to remind myself that I need to go to Cooper’s and not mine. With a solid push to alert the elevator Gods, I push my shoulders back, straightening my spine, and take a few calming breaths to focus my energy on the task at hand. That just so happens to be taking one step at a time, one word at a time, and most of all one action at a time. I have to remind myself as I step off and head towards his office that he sees potential in me, and I need to show him that he isn’t wrong. This is my chance to prove what I can do, my opportunity to take the next step in my journey. I mean, do I really want to sell sex toys at night for the rest of my life? I had a dream last night that I was popping the trunk to a ratty looking car and hiding in a dark alley. That’s definitely not the future I’m praying for. Here at Fields & Manner is where I can imagine myself in twenty years, the core foundation of what we do here amazes me daily. We take others’ visions and create the best marketing products that only add to the value of the products. The creative mind, time, and energy put into each project is genius.

  My feet stop at the doorway to Cooper’s office and the sight before me causes me to swallow loudly; so loud that I wonder if he heard me. He’s seated in his chair, with his elbows perched on the desk while his head rests in his hands. Every so often he runs his hands through his chestnut hair, which might explain why it’s always a disheveled mess when I see him. It’s not even eight yet, curiosity making me wonder what’s causing him to stress already. Is he regretting having me on his team, is business declining, or could he be fighting with a girl-friend? All of this hits me like a ton of bricks as I knock on the doorframe. His head pops up quickly as he scoots his seat back and stands. The worry washes away from his once stressed demeanor as he moves toward me.

  “Morning Charlie, I hope you’re ready to jump in today with both feet,” he says but stops, allowing his eyes to travel the length of my body. Cooper opens his mouth and shuts it just as quickly while he takes me in once more. I interrupt his thought process before he can speak again. “Morning, Mr. Fields, and yes, I’m more than ready to get my feet wet.” I respond, but worry that might not have been the correct thing to say. My teeth drag my lower lip in as I start to nibble on it, fighting against myself to not say another word. No reason to correct what has already been spoken. No reason to make matters worse.

  “I’m glad to hear it. Have a seat,” instructing while pointing to the chairs in front of his dark espresso desk. I offer a quick nod and take
the seat closest to me. Seated with my legs crossed I lay my binder across my lap, ready to take notes if needed. I still have no idea what I’m doing, or how I’m to be of assistance which means I can’t prepare for anything. Well, anything should be used lightly in this instance. I bet money I’d give in to any gestures from him with the way my heart is pounding in my chest. The beats are so loud that my ears feel like they’re ringing. As my body starts to slump, I will myself to be strong and straighten my shoulders again, acting sure of myself as when I first entered his office. I’m refusing to be weak in his presence. That can happen later, once I’m back home in the safety of my apartment. With my mind drifting off, I try to regain focus on what he’s saying so I can jump in and move forward.

  “I’ll give you this morning to review the files, photos, and all former marketing material that we’ve combined for the project. Once you feel that you have a handle on the current direction, I want you to prepare a new one. Yes, I know it sounds backwards, but with you just coming in, you have a fresh new outlook. That’s what I want to see; new, fresh, vibrant, and some personality. Do you have any questions?”

  My eyes go wide; my lips squish up before I answer. I’m going over everything in my head quickly before I respond. “Nope, I think I can handle this,” I say with the upmost reassurance, and I just wish I believed it.

  “I know you can, Charlie. That’s why I asked you to join me on this one. You can head out to your left and you’ll find all your office supplies have been moved up and arranged like your old desk. If anything’s missing or you need something, let me know; we’ll make sure you’re taken care of.”

  I stand and offer a hushed thank you that I’m not even sure he heard, but that’s all I can say for now. My head feels light and dizzy with everything moving so quickly this morning, and if I don’t hightail my ass out of here now, I might pass out.


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