by Tawny Taylor
“And that excites you?” Wrath whispered in her ear. “Having two men fuck you?” His breath tickled her neck, adding more shivers to the harder shudders quaking through her body.
“Yes, very much.”
He touched her again, her nipple. Thankfully, his touch was harder. Not painful, but not the light teasing brush his touches had been in the past. How she ached for him to close his hot mouth around her nipple and suck. Hard. “Why? Why do you want two men, Fallon?”
She rocked her head from side to side. When would the tormenting end? Did they have any mercy at all? “I never did before. But I just do.”
“And that is why we’re asking you now.” Like Wrath’s, Fury’s touches were growing bolder and more deliberate. And she was extremely thankful. He kneaded her trembling thigh. His fingers brushed her labia and a moan slipped up her throat and between her lips before she could stop it.
“We gave you no permission to moan,” Fury rumbled. Immediately, the hand that had been caressing her leg lifted. She pressed her lips together, trapping a plea to return it.
“Remember, Fallon. Silence.” A fingertip pressed against her lips. She slipped the tip of her tongue out, tasting it. Salty. Man. “What if we told you we weren’t going to fuck you today?”
She curled her fingers around the chains securing her arms. Cool metal against searing flesh. “I guess nothing. I have no right to expect any such thing. You’re not prostitutes.”
“Don’t you think a lot of women have fantasies like yours? Wondering what it might be like to have two men. Or fantasizing about being tied up and fucked,” Wrath said. “But they don’t look for ways to live out those fantasies. Why are you taking it a step further? What does this mean to you?”
“I-I don’t know.” Behind the blindfold, her eyes burned with gathering tears. Why were they asking her these things? Why weren’t they just fucking her? Wasn’t that what this was supposed to be all about? No-strings sex. Experimentation. Exploration. If they weren’t going to play by the rules, why should she? “Do you ask all the women who come to you these personal questions? Is it a game? Or do you genuinely want to know. Because I feel so fucking vulnerable right now. You already have me tied up. Naked. And now you want me to bare all my emotions too?”
The bindings were removed from her ankles and wrists. After one of her Masters helped her sit up, the blindfold came off.
They stood before her, arms crossed, eyes dark. Expressions firm.
Wrath went to a closet and pulled out a blanket. He wrapped it around her. “We had talked about this, Fallon, during our consultation. Our brand of domination and submission calls for not only bodily involvement but also mental. Let me make something clear, this is a subject we always discuss with new subs. It’s not an unreasonable question. We need to know the answer. You agreed to abide by the rules.”
“Yes,” she said, snugging the blanket tighter, “but I thought you meant sexy talk. Not…not anything this deep. Besides, I thought we covered this ground.”
Wrath shook his head. “The answer you gave in the consultation was too vague.”
Maybe it was weird that she was willing to share her body with two men but not her wishes, her most secret thoughts. But that was exactly where she was. Long ago, she’d learned to separate physical intimacy from emotional. As a result, she’d had her share of lovers, but never real love. For some reason she had yet to figure out, she just couldn’t let herself become so vulnerable. “It probably sounds crazy, but I don’t know you. You’re asking things I’m not comfortable answering.”
“But that’s exactly what we meant when we’d said we’d test you.” Fury smoothed a hand down her arm. “There’s so much more to this than whips and chains. A lot more. Most of it here.” He pointed to her head. “And here.” His finger dropped to her chest. “We want you to come back again. Next week. But there’ll be no fucking until you’re ready to answer our questions. Honestly and completely.”
She nodded. “I think I understand now.”
Her two Masters helped her to the ground. Fury handed her her dress, Wrath her g-string. Then they murmured goodbye and left her to dress.
* * * * *
“So?” Brin jumped to her feet before Fallon had navigated the hallway. Since she’d had those awful shoes on the entire time, her toes were beyond numb. Between her sexual frustration and confusion, she was ready to scream or cry. She maintained her dignity, however—at least, as much dignity as a girl could hold on to when she was literally hobbling like a drunk. “Hmmm. It wasn’t what I expected.” She motioned toward the front door. “I need to get out of these shoes.”
“What part wasn’t what you expected?”
“Everything after the first five minutes?” She smiled a farewell to the butler or whatever he was as she passed him. “They asked me to come back next week.” Clinging to the railing, she slowly descended the front porch stairs. The instant she reached the bottom one, the shoes came off.
“So, are you going to come back?”
“I’m not sure yet.” The cobblestones felt like shards of glass under her abused feet. “I tell you what, if I do, I’m absolutely certain I won’t be wearing these objects of torture again. My feet won’t ever be the same.”
Grinning, Brin crossed her arms over her chest. “Okay, so outside of the shoes, are you going to tell me anything? I want to hear all the nitty-gritty.”
“No.” Fallon opened the passenger side and sank into the seat. Comfort at last.
“Not even a little something?” Brin turned on a trademark pout as she slumped into the driver’s seat. “I can’t believe you don’t want to talk about it.”
“Believe it,” Fallon said flatly as she tried to rub the circulation into one of her feet. She felt herself wincing. “I don’t want to talk about it. I mean, did you? After the first time?”
“Well, no. But that’s because I didn’t have anyone to share with.” Brin gave her one last pleading glance then, when Fallon didn’t dish on the details, sighed and started the car. “The offer’s always open. If you need to talk, I’m here.”
“Fair enough.”
“Will you at least tell me if you thought they were good-looking?”
“They were wearing masks. But I have to say, their bodies were beyond perfect. And Wrath has the sexiest tattoo.”
Brin gave her a knowing smile. “I thought you’d feel that way.” She poked the power button on the radio, and the car filled with Prince’s “Little Red Corvette”. “I’ve got the perfect outfit picked out for next week,” she shouted over the music. “You’d be insane not to come back.”
“Can I ask you something?”
“Sure!” Brin’s face lit up. “Anything.”
“Do Wrath and Fury take lots of women in their dungeon?”
“Honey,” Brin took her hand and gave it a squeeze. “As far as I know, they haven’t had a woman in that dungeon ever.”
“Ever? Then why me?”
Brin shrugged. “Because you’re special?”
“Heh. Righttttt.”
“Seriously.” Brin’s expression matched her tone. “I’ve known those two guys for years, and although they are uber-private, I know for a fact that they haven’t been in the local scene. I don’t know why they decided to invite you. But I have to admit, I’m a little jealous.”
“Who are they? In real life? Will you tell me?”
“No way. They’ll let you know when the time’s right. Just enjoy the mystery, sweetie. It’s all part of the game.”
Before Brin had pulled into Fallon’s driveway, Fallon had practically made up her mind. She could go back. Maybe once more. She wanted answers.
Chapter Four
Fallon always followed the same ritual when she’d prepared for a date. Shower, shaving various body parts, sunless tanning lotion, hair, makeup. But her preparations this time, for her fifth visit to her mysterious Masters, had been even more detailed.
For the first
time ever, she shaved her pubic area completely smooth. It made her feel clean and so sexy. And yesterday, she’d paid a visit to a salon for long hair extensions, which made her look uber-feminine. The ends of her corkscrew curls skimmed the small of her back.
Brin brought an unbelievably gorgeous black dress for her to wear this time, and a pair of shoes to match. Anticipation making her heart skip the occasional beat, she dressed, slipped into the shoes and hurried into her living room for the big unveiling.
Brin looked absolutely stunned. “You look unbelievable.”
“I feel unbelievable. I gotta admit, this has been really good for me. I’d been having some insecurities lately.”
“No reason to be insecure anymore. You look like a model.”
“Thanks.” Fallon gave her friend a hug. “I owe this all to you. I didn’t know what I needed. If you hadn’t pushed me to take the first step, I’d still be in that miserable rut.”
“No need to thank me. That’s what friends are for. Besides, you were the one who had to make the final decision. You took a chance, even when you weren’t so sure in the beginning.”
“Yeah,” she agreed, recalling her reaction after the first session. She hadn’t been prepared for what had happened that first day, even though she had read over the pages her Masters had given her. Not that that had been their fault. She’d simply read into their words what she’d expected them to mean. She was now extremely happy she’d decided to go back for a second visit. Because that session and the ones following it had been a little less uncomfortable. At least mentally. Yes, her Masters continued to ask very personal, deep questions. But they didn’t push her as hard to respond. As Fury explained, they wanted her to think about certain things.
This weekend, however, would be different. Wrath had warned her. They would not be content with her silence. She’d have to talk, to share, to open up and allow herself to be vulnerable. They had waited long enough.
Talk about pressure!
On the bright side, it might be the first time she’d actually have sex with her yummy Masters. She was more than ready for that.
“Now go and have fun,” said Brin. “Ready?”
“I’m ready. But you don’t have to drive me this time. I’m going alone.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. I’m sure. You’d probably get a little tired of waiting. I’m…staying for the weekend.”
“You’re what?!” Brin’s exuberant squeal echoed through Fallon’s entire house. She grabbed Fallon and hugged her tightly. “I knew it!”
“You knew what?”
“That you’d fall in love with them.”
Whoa! Love? She’d said nothing about that. “Hey. Time out. I wouldn’t go that far. It hasn’t been that long, a little over a month. But I’m ready to take the next step.”
Brin shook her head. “You’re so full of bologna.”
“Talk about full of bologna. Girl, you’ve got it coming out your ears, mouth, nose…everywhere,” Fallon teased, emphasizing the last word. “Come on—shoo! It’s almost seven. You’re going to make me late.”
“Don’t want to do that,” Brin said over her shoulder.
“Out, out, out.”
“Should I call you Sunday, to make sure you’re okay?”
“If you want to. I’ll be home sometime in the afternoon.”
“Will do. Have fun.” Brin gave Fallon a quick kiss then hurried to her car. With a wave, she was gone. Fallon grabbed her overnight bag and followed her out, locking the door behind her.
Even after going to see her Masters the past five weeks, Fallon still got a case of the jitters when she headed to their opulent home. This week, thanks to the additional stress of knowing what kind of subjects they’d be talking about, she was in even worse shape.
Her palms became sweaty, her nerves on edge, her heart raced as she drove across town. Things went from bad to worse when she pulled into their long, winding driveway.
She still had learned very little about her Masters—who they really were, their real names, what they did for a living, if they had any hobbies that didn’t involve leather whips…those kinds of mundane things. She understood they lived together in the house, as friends and perhaps even lovers. They were obviously very close, not just physically but emotionally.
She also got the impression that they were, as Brin had said, very private. Not once had she seen any sign of visitors. They hadn’t let her wander the house freely, but she’d been in the bathroom, kitchen and dungeon.
This time, she sensed, things would be a little different. She’d be sleeping in the house two nights, giving her a more intimate glimpse of her Masters’ personalities, and hopefully their faces.
Eddy, Wrath and Fury’s valet, greeted her at the door with a friendly smile, if not a little stiff.
“Good evening, Fallon. Masters Wrath and Fury are awaiting you in the dining room.” He motioned to her suitcase. “May I take your bag to your room?”
“Thank you.” She handed him her luggage and purse, knowing she’d need neither until much later. Then she clacked down the wood-floored hallway. Even though she’d never eaten a meal with her Masters, she knew where the dining room was located. She’d seen it when she’d been escorted to the bathroom during her last session.
As a kid, she’d grown up in a single-parent household, in a working-class neighborhood. The house where she’d spent the bulk of her childhood had been roughly the size of her Masters’ attached garage. Not hardly what a girl could call domestic extravagance. And now that she was an adult, and currently holding down an okay-paying job, she wasn’t mixing with the caviar and champagne crowd. Thus, she’d never had a meal in such an austere and formal setting.
The table could easily seat twenty. It was an intimidating stretch of polished-to-a-sheen cherry. An enormous floral arrangement sat in the center, the colors playing off the deep taupe walls and soft gray-blue draperies. The chairs circling the table had very tall backs and padded seats. Three settings, complete with far too many forks and spoons, sat huddled around one end of the table.
Wrath was in the seat at the table’s head. Fury at his right. As they had every time she’d visited, they wore their leather masks, hiding their faces. That fact disappointed her slightly. They’d told her they’d be removing them this weekend. It was only fair, in her opinion, considering the kind of openness they were demanding from her.
Both men stood when she entered. Wrath stepped to the left, pulling out her chair for her to sit. He kissed her cheek as she stepped in place and settled into her seat. Her heart did a little hop in her chest.
The expectation that things were going to progress this weekend, from uncommitted exploration and discovery to something deeper and more emotional, weighed heavily upon her. Granted, each session had included an emotional aspect. They’d certainly given her a lot to think about each week when she returned to her day-to-day life.
Her conclusion—she still didn’t know what underlying reason she had for seeking out a relationship with a Dom. Whatever the reason, it had to have come about in her childhood, since she recalled having fantasies about dominant men even then. Did it really matter? And the other question—regarding if she could love and accept two men in her life, as friends, lovers and more—was slowly being answered. By her heart.
Whether she’d planned, expected or wanted it, she had started falling in love with them. Both of them. Wrath for his strength. She knew she could always count on him. And Fury for the loyalty he’d shown to Wrath, and to her. Maybe she didn’t know a lot of facts about her Masters, but she’d grown to know their hearts. And they were honest, and sincere and trustworthy.
The corners of Fury’s mouth lifted into a shadow of a smile. “You look lovely tonight.”
“Thank you.” Nervous, she fiddled with the cloth napkin, folding it into a little cotton tent.
For the first time ever, she found herself not knowing how to act during a meal. Did they expect her to bring th
e submission thing into the dining room? Did they expect her to play the role of submissive the entire weekend? “I’d like to know how this weekend is supposed to go. Will we be living like Masters and slave the entire time?” She glanced at Wrath.
He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest, stretching the snug black knit shirt over his shoulders. “Fury and I talked about it. Because this is the first time you’re spending the weekend, and because you haven’t told us what kind of long-term situation you want, we’ve decided that we will leave those aspects of our relationship for the dungeon. At least for now.”
“Perhaps later you may decide you’d like to try a 24/7 Master-slave relationship,” Fury added. “We don’t want to push you. Not about this. It’s much too important a decision. You need to decide what’s right for you.”
She felt the tightness in her chest ease. Air moved in and out of her lungs a tad more freely.
“That’s not to say we won’t test you during our session in the dungeon,” Wrath warned.
That, she’d been prepared for.
Eddy entered from the kitchen, a tray balanced on his right hand. With his left, he plucked up her napkin, shook it to unfold it and placed it on her lap. He then set a small dish with something Fallon didn’t recognize before her. He did the same for Wrath and Fury before disappearing once more into the kitchen.
Neither man lifted a fork. Taking their cue, Fallon folded her hands in her lap. “Am I permitted, then, to see your faces?”
Her Masters swapped glances. Wrath cleared his throat and lifted his fork, piercing a piece of whatever sat on the plate. “We expected you to ask tonight, and we’re prepared to remove our masks. But we’d rather wait until the end of the night.”
“We believe the mystery behind our identities adds an element to our play, and we’re afraid there may be a sense of loss on your part if we unmask at this point,” Fury added.
She didn’t want to admit it, but Fury probably had a point there. How much of that edge—the dark thrill—would be lost as she became more familiar and comfortable with her Masters? Admittedly, she’d never enjoyed sex as much as she had with these two, and they had yet to have intercourse with her.