The Private Club 2

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The Private Club 2 Page 4

by Cooper, J. S.

  “I hope they find someone special for me.” The other girl spoke wistfully.

  “I’m sure they will. You’re great, Jenn.”

  “I want a husband as well.”

  “I don’t know if it’s a husband waiting for me.” The other girls voice was low. “In fact, I think that...”

  Greyson slammed his fist against the wall and a loud sound reverberated around the room. I heard the girls scream and one of them cried out, “Is anyone in here?”

  Greyson looked at me pointedly and I flushed, annoyed. “It’s just me.” I finally called back to them, and Greyson looked pleased.

  “Oh, okay.” The first girl called back, and I could hear obvious displeasure in her voice. “Are you alone?”

  I paused for a second, wondering if I should say something. And then Greyson started moving inside of me again. My legs clenched around him and I leaned back against the wall, heart beating fast and mind already drifting to the pleasure he was about to give me again.

  “Answer her,” he commanded me as he pushed me back against the wall harder and slid in and out of me slowly. His hands pinned me back against the wall and he moved in so that my breasts were crushed against his chest. “Tell her.” He whispered into my ear and increased his pace.

  “Yeah.” I gasped out. “I’m alone.”

  “Okay.” Her voice sounded unsure. “We’ll come back.” I heard her whisper something to the other girl and I listened as they walked toward the door quickly. I wasn’t sure why they were leaving already, especially since I had said it was only me.

  “Why did you stop her from talking?” I looked into Greyson’s eyes and held onto his back tightly.

  “She had no business talking about what was happening to her.” He looked angry. “I don’t know what Patsy was thinking.”

  “What do you mean?” I gasped and then moaned as his hips started gyrating against me and he grabbed my ass, pulling me into him harder. I felt the weight of his hard cock nestled inside of me, working its way in and out as if he already knew every part of me. The familiarity with which he treated me made me feel heady and intensified the pleasure I was experiencing. Greyson was no fumbling love, unsure of his actions. He was strong, powerful, and in complete control. The way he touched me in just the right spot and kissed me at just the right time. The way his fingers exerted pressure in just the tight spots intensified the climax that was building up inside of me. My entire body quivered as his long hard cock took control of my body.

  Greyon’s lips crushed down on mine and his tongue slid into my mouth, mimicking the movements of his cock down below. Our bodies were soapy and wet and the sensation in my nipples as they rubbed back and forth against his chest made my clutch him tighter. Every part of my body was tingling, and I didn’t want the feeling to stop. My body wanted to become part of him. It wanted to mesh with his so that I could feel this pleasure forever. But my brain was screaming at me to push him away. A part of me wanted to demand he tell me what was going on. And a part of me was dying inside, even though another part of me was experiencing the most exquisite pleasure. I was experiencing the most intense pleasure and psychological pain that I’d ever felt at the same time, and I was starting to feel like I was having an out-of-body experience.

  “Mind your own business, Meg.” He groaned and increased his pace. He was breathing heavily and I knew that he was close to an orgasm.

  “I don’t want to mind my own business.” I screamed. “I want to know who I’m fucking.”

  “You’re fucking Greyson Twining.” He grunted and his body shuddered against me as he climaxed. I wrapped my legs around him tighter and I felt myself joining him as an orgasm wracked though my body. I gripped his shoulders as my body shook and he continued to fuck me hard as we both came. A few seconds later he fell against me, panting and we stared at each other with stars in our eyes. I slowly unwrapped my legs from around his waist and he let me down to the ground. He turned on the water again and let it wash over us before picking up my body wash again.

  “I guess it’s time to wash our sins away.” He poured some body wash into my hands and then started scrubbing down his own body. I rubbed my body gently, not looking at him and feeling slightly hurt at his words.

  “What’s your game, Greyson?” I whispered to him.

  “You don’t want to know, Meg.” He shook his head, his eyes bleak. “I’m not a man you want to get to know.”

  “You can’t just say that. That’s not an answer.” My voice rose and I could feel myself getting angry. I was starting to feel slightly ashamed of myself for what I’d done. I needed to know what was really going on.

  “It’s done, Meg.” He shook his head and looked away from me. “Leave it alone.”

  “Why is Brandon Hastings coming tomorrow?” I said the only thing I thought would get a reaction from him. Greyson didn’t look surprised at my words. In fact, he seemed to expect what I was going to say.

  “He’s coming because he’s a sinner.” He shrugged and turned off the shower. “He’s coming because he started the club with me. He’s coming because we have business to take care of.”

  “What does that mean?” I looked at him with wide eyes.

  “You don’t want to know. You should go back to your room now.” And with that, he stepped out of the stall, leaving me alone and vulnerable. I was no closer to knowing anything. All I knew now was that I was capable of making bad decisions. Very, very bad decisions.

  Chapter 4

  I walked back to my room in tears. I felt like a part of my soul had been torn out of my body. I decided to go back to the study to try to call Katie again. I needed to hear her voice. She was someone familiar and trustworthy, and I needed that right now. I felt like I was in a pit with snakes and dragons and I didn’t know if either side was good. I looked around to see if I was being followed this time. I thought it was strange that Greyson had seen me go into the study and hadn’t asked me why I had gone in. It was also strange that he had come to find me and had been following me. He’d never said why. I opened the door to the study slowly and walked in. What did it all mean? Why had Greyson come to find me? David had made it clear that I shouldn’t expect to see Greyson until tomorrow. What did it mean that he had come to find me this evening?

  I hurried to the desk and picked up the phone. I dialed the numbers quickly and held my breath. I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to get through the night without sobbing my eyes out if I didn’t get to talk to Katie.

  “Hello?” Her voice sounded tired, but I didn’t care.

  “It’s me.” I whispered into the phone.

  “Meg!” she screeched, and my heart warmed as I smiled. How I loved Katie! She was more than my best friend – she was like my sister. “What is going on? Where are you?”

  “I’m still at the club.” I spoke into the phone softly and looked around the room, paranoid that someone was spying on me somehow.

  “Why are you whispering?” She sounded concerned. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. Look, I need to ask you something. Where is Brandon?”

  “Brandon, honey. Meg’s on the phone!” Katie sounded loved up as she whispered to Brandon and I wanted to shout at her. I heard him saying something to her, but I couldn’t quite hear what he was saying.

  “Katie!” I said her name, loudly this time.

  “Yes, Meg?” This time, she sounded confused.

  “Can you get away from Brandon for a moment?”

  “Yeah? Why?”

  “I need to talk to you. And I need to make sure that Brandon isn’t around.”

  “Oh my God, what’s going on?” Katie sounded slightly panicked. “Hold on, Meg. Brandon, I need to talk to her first.”

  “What’s going on, Katie?”

  “Brandon, she needs to tell me something.” Katie’s voice was sharp and I could hear something akin to fear in her tone. “What’s it about, Meg?”

  “Katie, I told you I didn’t want Brandon to know.”

>   “We don’t have secrets.” Katie’s voice was petulant and I wanted to scream. She hadn’t seen the man in seven years and already she was taking his side over mine.

  “Tell him I know about his ‘college fiancée’ Maria.” I spouted out.

  “Maria?” Katie sounded confused. “How did you hear about that?”

  “You know about Maria?” It was my turn to be confused.

  “Didn’t I tell you? He was only dating her because her dad used to work for him. I told you that Maria and Matt and Will are all related, right?”

  “Wait, what? Are you talking about the new Maria, or his college fiancée Maria?”

  “Why would I be talking about his college fiancée?” Katie sounded confused, and then I heard her gasp.

  “Meg.” Brandon’s voice was smooth and firm as he spoke into the phone. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “How are you making this call?”

  “What are you talking about?” I feigned ignorance.

  “You need to leave the club right now, Meg. I told you that you shouldn’t be there.”

  “How did you know that, Brandon?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Does Katie know that you started the club?”

  He was silent on the other side and so I continued. “Does Katie know the truth about Maria? Does she even know that you’re planning on coming here tomorrow?”

  “Meg, you don’t understand,” he pleaded. “Please.”

  “Please what?” I screeched. “You and Greyson are freaks.”

  “You don’t understand.” He sighed. “Greyson isn’t like most men.”

  “What does that mean?” I sat down on the chair. I couldn’t stop myself from gripping the phone tightly. I wanted to know more about Greyson, even if it was from Brandon.

  “What is going on, Brandon?” Katie’s voice was loud and she sounded angry. I knew that she had finally figured out that there was more going on here than met the eye.

  “Meg, I have to tell you that whatever you heard, it wasn’t my fault. I didn’t know.” His voice was bleak.

  “But you lied about...”

  “We were both heartbroken when she died.” He whispered and then the phone disconnected. I sat there feeling numb and whispered into the dead phone. “But you lied about dating Maria in college.” It was obvious to me now that Brandon had snatched the phone from Katie because he’d been worried about a much bigger problem. Maria was dead? And was his Maria also Nancy’s Maria? How had she died? What role had Greyson and Brandon played in her death? My mind was bursting with questions and for the first time, I was scared. Really and truly scared. I didn’t want to leave the study to go back to the room. I didn’t want to see Nancy or David, I didn’t want to see Frank and Elizabeth, and most of all, I didn’t want to see Greyson. My heart ached as I thought about him and the way I had given myself to him so easily. At the time, it had seemed natural. Our attraction was great, but a part of me had thought that there was something else there. Some deeper magnetism that couldn’t be explained, but had been felt as soon as we met. But I knew I was fooling myself. Greyson was just a sexy, older man who had filled me with lust, and I had succumbed like a two-bit whore. I jumped up and put the phone back on its charger. “Stop it, Meg.” I muttered angrily at myself. I hated it when I grew self-deprecating, which I was prone to do when things didn’t go well in my life. I was not going to allow myself to feel cheap just because I had slept with Greyson Twining. I was a woman, a twenty-first-century woman, and if I wanted to sleep with a man because his very glance made my panties wet, then I wasn’t going to ridicule or beat myself up for it. I could be my own worst enemy sometimes. I exited the room and looked down the corridor before deciding which way to go. I wasn’t sure if I should try to explore what was going on or if I should just go back to the room.

  I decided to head back to the room as I was feeling tired and depressed. I needed a good night’s sleep so that I would be refreshed in the morning. I needed to know why Brandon was coming to the club. I prayed to God that Katie was questioning him about whatever suspicions she had. I only wished that I had been able to speak to her for a little bit longer before Brandon had taken the phone. I turned the corner and walked to the room, and was surprised to see the door open.

  “Don’t make me look like a fool again.” David’s voice was loud and angry as he spoke, and I froze.

  “Leave her alone, David.” Nancy’s voice was urgent. “She’s nice.”

  “She can help us.” David’s tone was lower now. “If we want to get them, we can do it through her. She’s our best shot. We can finally get justice.”

  “I don’t know.” Nancy sounded worried. “I just think that...”

  “What they did.” David’s voice broke. “Justice has to be served for what they are doing to these women.”

  “But...” Nancy said something else, but I couldn’t hear. I quickly backed away from the room since I didn’t want them to know that I knew David had gone back to the room. So I’d been correct: David knew Nancy, and from I could tell they were very well acquainted. I tried to think about the other facts I knew. Elizabeth seemed to know Frank and Nancy had said something about Frank as well. So, maybe all four of them knew each other. But it didn’t really add up. And who were the two guys I’d seen in the hallway? I was now thinking I’d seen Frank and David talking. That would make the most sense. But then who were they talking about? Nothing was adding up. Was Frank also an undercover cop, then?

  I rounded a corner and heard some music playing from a room at the end of the corridor. It sounded like an old Edith Piaf record my uncle used to play when I was growing up, and I walked toward the music to see what was going on. This was a part of the club that I’d not been in before. It seemed more residential and homey. There was no office or dorm feel to this section, and I suddenly felt uneasy. This was a part of the club I was pretty sure I wasn’t meant to be in. I pressed my ear against the door to see if I was correct in my musical guess and almost jumped a mile when the door opened.

  “Hello, Meg.” He looked at me with closed eyes and a short smile.


  “Came to beg me for some more?”

  “Some more what?” I asked dumbly, staring into his vivid blue eyes.

  “You know what!” He looked me over and ushered me into the room. “Want to come in?”

  “I was going to my room.” I shook my head and mumbled. “Sorry to disturb you.”

  “Your room is nowhere near here. How’d you wind up down this corridor?”

  “I thought I had someone playing Edith Piaf.”

  “You listen to French music?” He looked at me in surprise.

  “Not really. But I did growing up. My uncle used to play her records a lot.”

  “That makes me feel old.”

  “You’re not old.”

  “I’m too old for you.”

  “Is that something you’ve been thinking about?” I asked hopefully, allowing my emotions to get caught up again. Maybe this was something special and out of the ordinary for him as well.

  “Not really.”

  “Oh.” Disappointment filled me and once again I felt like a bit of a fool. That emotion was becoming too familiar to me, and I hoped that it wasn’t going to continue.

  “Come in for a bit and have a drink.”

  “I thought we weren’t allowed to have alcohol.”

  “Most of the girls aren’t.” He nodded. “But you’re a special case.”

  “I am?”

  “You know that already.”

  “Why, because we...” My voice cut off. I couldn’t bring myself to say “fucked,” and I knew that what we had done wouldn’t be considered making love.

  “Come in and have a seat.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the room. I looked around eagerly and was surprised to find myself in a room that resembled a comfortable living room.

  “Do you live here?”

p; “Sometimes.” He smiled and pointed me towards the couch. “It’s not my only home, but I spend many nights here.”

  “It’s nice.” I sat down on the couch. “This is really comfortable.”

  “Isn’t it? He laughed and sat down next to me. “Can I get you a drink?”

  “No, thanks.” I shook my head and watched as he picked up a glass off of the table and took a sip.

  “Want some?” He handed me his glass and I shook my head. “It will warm you up, I know how easily you can shiver.”

  “I’m quite warm as it is, thank you.”

  “Are you always this combative?”

  “I’m not combative.” And then I laughed. “Well, not normally.”

  “Have a sip of whiskey.” He tried to hand me his glass again, and I sighed.

  “This is peer pressure, you know.” I made a face as I took the glass and sniffed it. “I don’t really like whiskey.”

  “That’s not surprising. It’s more of a man’s drink.” He smiled. “Now drink.”

  “Are you trying to get me drunk, Mr. Twining?”

  “I don’t think that I need to.” He looked into my eyes then and gave me a small smile. I shivered at the truth of his words. He was right, of course. He did not need to get me drunk in order to have his way with me. Shoot, at this point all he needed to do was touch me and I would become putty in his hands.

  “So you like Edith?” I questioned him, changing the subject.

  “I do.” He nodded and leaned back into the couch. “My mother was French.”

  “Oh, cool.” I thought for a moment. “Did she pass away?”

  “Yes, when I was young.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. It’s not your fault.” He shrugged.

  “Still, it must have been hard to lose your mother when you were young.”

  “Is that code for ‘that’s a possible reason why you’re fucked up, Greyson’?”

  “No, no.” I shook my head. “Of course not.”

  “I was going to say that you’re probably right.” His eyes glittered at me and he moved closer to me on the couch and took a large sip of his whiskey. “My life was never the same after my mother died.”


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