Forbidden Angel

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Forbidden Angel Page 9

by Sandra Lea Rice

  He’d cared greatly for Pricilla, but there’d been no risk of falling in love. Their union had seemed the perfect match, one that would have advanced both his plans and goals and her desire to become a countess. She’d been a biddable, somewhat timid woman, and he’d wanted to make her happy.

  Although Pricilla had indicated some reluctance to sharing the marriage bed, Adrian had considered her lack of enthusiasm just maidenly jitters, and planned on siring quite a few children by her. While she was busy having his children and acting as his hostess, he would press forward with his political career.

  With Angeline, the attraction was different. She was vivacious and innately sensual. He’d never been as driven or as lustful for any woman. Inordinately beautiful as she was, having children with her would be a natural consequence of his unquenchable desire for her. Her response to his caresses had been full of passion and augured well for their future.

  If she refused his offer of marriage, he would use passion to entice her into his bed and into marriage. The risk lay in his ability to avoid falling victim to that passion himself.

  Angeline leaned back against the soft squabs of the carriage and surveyed Adrian through her lashes. The kiss last night had both surprised and thrilled her. From the look on his face, he’d been as shocked as she at her response.

  His gaze met hers. The corners of his mouth lifted as if discerning her thoughts. She glanced away, suddenly occupied with the passing scenery and the plucking of a nonexistent speck of lint from her gown. Beneath the clatter of the horses’ hooves she heard him chuckle.

  Well, two can play at that.

  She tipped her head and sent a heavy-lidded look in his direction. When she swept the tip of her tongue along the edge of her upper lip, his eyes narrowed. The smile he sent her promised retribution. She thrilled at the thought of what that reprisal might entail.

  Although her plans had not changed, what harm could there be in a light flirtation? Admittedly, she found his about-face suspect, but she enjoyed the delicious feelings he could invoke with just a mere touch. And his lips . . . Her face heated at the memory.

  They arrived to find other carriages and buggies lining the long drive to the Johnson house. Many were already parked beneath the huge shade trees that dotted the grounds. Guests wandered through the gardens, visiting with each other and sipping various types of beverages.

  Instead of the stigma of attending a wedding in black or gray, Angeline chose a gown of sprigged muslin. Tiny blue flowers lined the neckline and hem and perfectly matched the confection of blue cornflowers encircling the brim of her straw bonnet.

  Adrian offered his arm and smiled warmly at her. “You look quite charming, Angel, but then you always do.”

  “Why thank you, Adrian.” She flushed with pleasure.

  “I’m only speaking the truth. It would be remiss of me not to tell you.”


  The gardens of the Johnsons’ home had been transformed into a fairyland for the upcoming event. Hundreds of lanterns hung from the large, oak trees, and continued to the lake below. The sound of music drifted through the afternoon air, adding to the hum of men and women’s laughter.

  Joel and Virginia were seated at one of the long trestle tables when Adrian and Angeline finally joined them. Mounds of pork sat in a place of prominence at each table, along with bowls of vegetables, beans, various fruits and cheeses and a selection of fruit pies. Loaves of fresh bread and tubs of churned butter had been placed at each end.

  “My goodness.” Angeline gaped at the feast set before them.

  “Choose what you like, but you must at least taste the pork.” Adrian took a tiny piece between his thumb and finger. Leaning toward her, he placed it against her lips.

  Surprised by the intimate gesture, she nevertheless opened her mouth to take the offered bite. Her lips closed around the tips of his fingers. His heated gaze locked with hers.

  Virginia coughed lightly.

  Her cheeks flaming, Angeline narrowed her gaze on Adrian. “You’re drawing attention to us and people are staring. You know what they will think.”

  An easy smile played at the corners of Adrian’s mouth. “Let them think what they will. Tongues started wagging the moment we arrived.”

  “Why should they?” Angeline asked with a frown.

  “My esteemed brother never attends any gathering in the company of a woman. You can be sure public speculation is rife,” Virginia explained. “And with that small display, gossip will reach epidemic proportions before we get back to town.”

  Angeline eyed him. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  He flashed a devilish smirk. “I would think that obvious, my dear. I’m merely stating my intentions.”

  “Don’t gammon me, Adrian. We both know that is not true.”

  Adrian raised a brow. “No? We shall see, my sweet.”

  “I do not give a fig for what people may believe. If you think to compromise me—” Angeline began, her ire rising.

  “Make no mistake, Angel.” Adrian leaned toward her, his voice lowering. “If my desire was simply to compromise you, you would find yourself flat on your back and most thoroughly and enjoyably ruined.”

  Virginia gasped.

  “That will never happen, my lord. And should you even try, you may find some of your most vital parts missing,” Angeline hissed defiantly.

  Joel choked back a laugh.

  “Both of you stop it this instant.” Virginia peeked over her shoulder at the curious stares of other guests. “You are drawing quite a bit of attention and I, for one, am not comfortable with it.”

  Angeline sent an apologetic look in Virginia’s direction. “I am so very sorry.” She drew in a deep breath. “My father always said I had an unruly temper for a female, and a tongue to go with it. But it seems to me that if men are allowed to strut around—”

  “We do not strut,” Adrian muttered.

  Angeline gave a little inelegant snort. “If they can swagger around, boasting about their conquests and what lies beneath their breeches—”

  Virginia’s groan silenced her.

  Adrian again leaned toward Angeline, his eyes glittering. “And what, pray tell, do you know about a man’s private parts?”

  “Enough!” Virginia almost shouted. “Now, I suggest that we finish our luncheon and talk about other things. Pleasant things.”

  “What I’m thinking now is most pleasant,” Adrian proclaimed, just above a whisper.

  He raised his hand in surrender as Virginia choked out, “Good Lord.”

  They ate the rest of the meal in silence. Angeline refused to even acknowledge Adrian. Which did not have the effect she’d expected. Slanting him a glance, she was surprised at the calculating gleam in his eyes.

  Her attention caught elsewhere, Angeline looked across the lawn at some men installing long, wooden planks. “What are they building?”

  “That will be the dance floor,” Virginia explained. “You’ve never seen one before?”

  “No. After my mother died, I stayed at Ashley Manor for most of the time. I did attend one or two country soirees with friends, but nothing in London. Although my father and Beth attended many social functions, I never went with them.”

  “Why ever not?” Virginia asked, obviously surprised.

  Angeline shrugged. “Elizabeth thought it best that I remain at home. When they first married, they entertained often, but Father asked that I stay upstairs for those.”

  “Did you meet many of the guests?” Adrian asked casually.

  Angeline shook her head. “Father didn’t want them around me. Later, he stopped allowing them at the house altogether. That was the only time I ever heard my father and Elizabeth have words.”

  Adrian exchanged a quick glance with Joel.

  Virginia held out her hand to Angeline. “If you gentlemen will excuse us, we’ll go and change for the evening festivities.” Together, they headed toward the large house where they could change and prepare for th
e evening.

  Adrian waited until the women were out of hearing.

  “I’m concerned that my youngest sister made friends with the wrong sort of people, and at Angeline’s expense.”

  “You’re probably right. Talk to Michael and see if there was something said that might add some insight.”

  Adrian found the suggestion of Michael being privy to more of Angeline’s life than he, quite unsettling. Suddenly, he realized how little he did know. He knew nothing of her likes or dislikes, or her favorite color.

  She enjoyed riding, but did she like the theatre or art? What other types of entertainments might she enjoy? All he had were memories, and impressions based on brief encounters.

  As the sun set, the candles in the lanterns were lit. A soft breeze set them swaying, and sent a show of light and shadows across the lawn. The lanterns above the dance floor cast a soft glow over the wooden planks. The moon was full, the stars bright in the evening sky, and a group of musicians played softly. Ladies in beautiful gowns, the kaleidoscope of vibrant colors adding to the gaiety of the evening, walked on the arms of men resplendent in evening wear or dress uniform.

  Adrian conversed with Joel and Michael, only half listening to the conversation, as he waited for Angeline. His mind searched for possible opportunities to be alone with her, to press his suit.

  About to flick the butt of his cigarillo, he froze. Virginia and Angeline wove through the crowd toward them. At his preoccupation, the other two men turned.

  Virginia, tall and slender, was dressed in red. Her blond hair, now piled atop her head in an array of bright ringlets, seemed to glow in the subdued light. Joel smiled proudly and went to meet her.

  But it was Angeline that Adrian could not take his eyes from. In a gown of deep gray, with an overskirt of silver tissue silk, she seemed almost ethereal as she came toward him. She would have commanded attention in sackcloth, for she had that indefinable something that made the eye follow her. Angeline was the sort of rare woman who carried her beauty instead of wearing it.

  The gown fell in soft folds down her body and showcased lushly rounded curves. When she moved, the light from the many candles caught the silver threads and seemed to dance over her.

  His gaze slid to the creamy skin and rounded fullness of her bosom, revealed by the deep décolletage of her gown. Only the capped sleeves held the bodice of her gown in place. His blood heated, his heart pounding in his ears.

  Angeline’s black hair was secured at her nape in a net of silver threads and crystal beads. Deep-gray gloves covered her hands and arms. He wanted to tear them off to feel the touch of her fingers. A silver locket hung from a chain around her neck, and settled in the valley between her breasts. He longed to replace it with his lips-and would at the first opportunity.

  When she stopped in front of him, Adrian almost reached for her. Instead, he bowed formally. She curtsied and smiled—a brilliant, heart-stopping smile—that almost brought him to his knees.

  “You both look very beautiful.” Joel gazed tenderly at Virginia.

  “Very lovely, indeed,” Michael added. His gaze traveled over Angeline, before it moved to Virginia.

  “You’re in uniform this evening, Michael.” Angeline smiled warmly at him.

  He nodded. “I almost always am. It would seem strange to me if I weren’t.”

  The first strains of dance music drifted through the night air. Joel held out his hand to Virginia. “May I have this dance?”

  “I would be delighted.” She offered a gay laugh.

  “My Lieutenant is beckoning. Save a dance for me, Angeline,” Michael said, rushing off.

  Adrian grinned. The Lieutenant did indeed look as if he might bolt at any moment. He extended his arm to Angeline. “Would you walk with me, or do you care to dance?”

  She slipped her arm through his and paced beside him as he matched his stride to hers. “A walk sounds lovely. The grounds are so beautiful. The decorations remind me of a book I used to read as a child.”

  “You could have stepped from one of Clairece’s fairytales.” He touched the nape of her neck, lightly tracing the tiny, heart-shaped birthmark with the tip of his finger.

  “My mother said the mark was an Angel’s kiss.”

  He wanted to run his tongue over the spot and taste her. Just then, the music changed, and Adrian bowed. “May I have this dance, my lady?”

  “I don’t believe I know it.”

  “It’s called a polka. The pattern is more a hop-step-close-step. Come, I think you’ll find it fun.”

  Angeline took his hand and stepped up on the dance floor, uncertainty in her eyes as she observed the swirling couples.

  He laughed. “Just follow my lead.”

  Within moments she seemed to give herself up to the music. She laughed and unconsciously moved closer. He certainly didn’t object to her nearness, though his heart began to pound and he felt his body harden. Heaven help me.

  “No closer, Angel, or I will most definitely embarrass us.”

  Her cheeks flamed and she eased back. After a few more turns around the dance floor, Adrian took her hand and led her away.

  Angeline flipped open her fan and waved it before her face. “You were right. That was quite exhilarating.”

  “Come with me. It’s cooler down by the lake.”

  They made their way down a short embankment to a stand of trees near the water. Although they could still hear the music and laughter of the others, they were completely hidden from view. The moon cast shadows along the curve of her cheek. The fullness of her lips and the delicate length of her slender neck were outlined in the soft light.

  He murmured, “You are absolutely breathtaking. I can, at times, see the girl who smiled at me from the top of the stairs all those years ago.” He cupped her cheek with his hand. “And in your lovely face tonight is the young woman who handed me her colors and wished me well. But right now, at this moment, I see the woman I want so badly I can hardly breathe.”

  Angeline’s eyes widened at his admission.

  He pulled her slowly toward him, giving her a chance to resist if she chose. She came willingly, settling her body against his. With his lips, he found the pulse that beat erratically at the side of her neck, then kissed the birthmark, flicking his tongue across it.

  “You taste like rose-scented honey,” he whispered near her ear.

  Angeline felt the roughened sweep of Adrian’s fingers skim across the bare skin of her shoulder. When he trailed wet, warm kisses along her collarbone, and his hand moved to caress the rounded slope of her breasts, she whimpered softly.

  “I love that little sound you make. It tells me I give you pleasure. I want to pleasure you.” His strong hands slid down her sides to cup her bottom and lift her to him.

  As the hard ridge of his desire pressed against her belly, she shuddered, spreading her thighs to cradle his erection.

  He hissed in a breath. “Ah, Angel, you feel so good.”

  Adrian took her mouth with a slow, gentle kiss, then his tongue slid between her lips, sending shivers of desire racing through her. The sensual intimacy of the act, combined with his body’s ardent reaction, took her breath away. Angeline stroked his tongue with hers, then caught it to suck gently.

  His body quaked. In one smooth movement, he turned and lifted her against a tree, sliding a leg between hers to rest her on his thigh. A burning desire, an aching need to be closer, suffused her. An arm curved around her back to keep the rough bark from scratching her while his gaze searched hers as he lifted his hand and caressed her breasts. Her eyes fluttered closed. She felt a gentle nip on the side of her neck, before his tongue caressed the hollow of her throat.

  The sound of applause drifted through the night air. The music had stopped. Adrian sighed and placed a tender kiss on her lips, then whispered, “We should return before we’re missed.” He lowered her feet to the ground.

  Wordlessly, she nodded. After straightening her skirts, she tucked her arm through his and let
him lead her back to the others.

  Adrian paused near the dance floor. “May I get you something cool to drink?”

  “Yes, thank you.” Even to her own ears she sounded breathless. She touched her lips with her fingers as she watched him walk toward the long table holding refreshments.

  Her enjoyment of the interlude was short-lived when a voice spoke smoothly over her shoulder.

  Chapter 15

  The familiar voice sent her heart pounding in her throat. She spun around.

  Charles Malcolm.

  Her eyes widened as her gaze slid over him, shocked by the drastic change in his appearance. Once a handsome man, the skin of his puffy face now held a sallow cast, and the buttons on his waistcoat pulled against the extra weight around his belly.

  Angeline schooled her features. “Sir Malcolm. I would have thought you had more pressing things to attend to at home.”

  His eyes narrowed. “As I’ve said before, there is nothing of more importance to me than your welfare, Lady Angeline.” He sent her a disdainful look. “Imagine my surprise when I returned to your home to find you gone.” He stepped forward and grabbed her elbow, squeezing as he spun her toward the trees. “I thought we had an understanding.”

  She tugged at his hold. “There was no such thing.” His grasp tightened, causing her to wince. “If, as you say, you’re worried about my protection, let me assure you I am well provided for here.” She stumbled slightly as he released her.

  “So I perceived just now with Windsford. If that’s the sort of attention you crave,”—he stepped to within inches of her—“I would be only too happy to—”

  The crack of her hand against his cheek echoed in the night air. “You bastard!” she hissed, sickened at the thought that he’d witnessed them together.

  He retaliated viciously. Angeline staggered at the blow he delivered to the side of her face. Her eyes watered. She blinked to clear her vision, swallowing the slight metallic taste of blood in her mouth. His hand tightened in her hair and jerked her head backward.


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