by Robert Spina
Peakreech—Peach dragon
Pinegrow deer—A species of deer that live only in Pinegrow Forest
Pinegrow Forest—A great pine forest east of Mirrimya Mountain. Xanorax makes his home here.
Pinitrill—The northeastern gate bordering Ugoria and the Ugorian Highlands
Pluange—An Erkensharie fruit that restores health and magical energy
Practu—Demon master of Wherlerria
Pryenthious—Purple dragon
Pryzill—An Erkensharie magic user
Pyramid Pine trees—Great tall pine trees forming pyramids as they grow
Quadrapierce—Four armbands each with a magnificent dagger that can instantaneously become excellent long swords
Ragbrise—Red dragon
Razcour—Mountain Creek Dragon
Regalamda—Eebil’s wife
Retention Barrier—Magic used to conceal someone or something
Richterblen Realm—This is where Logantrance lives known only to him and Vegenrage
Rifter—A Glaborian dwarve
Rillbillbus—A Glaborian dwarve
Rimsharben—A bison-like herbivore with small very powerful hind legs. It has a large overgrown skull used for ramming.
Ring of Magic Absorption—Absorbs all magic applied to the wearer
Rippencore—Green dragon
Rollbolis—A Ugorian magic user
Romtellow—A Mountain Creek Dragon
Rosepilst wood—A soft wood used for the handle of each Lavumptom sword
Rose Unbar Key—A magic item that releases the world of Wherlerria back to its original world of Kronton
Rothglon—A humanor
Rowann—First lieutenant in Mournbow’s army
Rowgen—A commander in Bastrenboar’s army
Ruin of Altrar—This is where the Altrarian people lived.
Salcendreepe—A very large cross between a salamander, centipede, and iguana
Sand Marshes of Smyle—The lush sand hills and carpeted valleys between the Glaborian Mountains the Smildren Sea and Mountain Creek Hillyards
Sapphirewell—The sister jewel to the Octagemerwell, with equal magical power
Sarah—The name given to Farrah by her birth parents
sea serpent—A massive sea creature like a dragon
Shandeltowen Mountains—A large mountain range overlooking the Wickenfall Forest, the home of Gwithen.
Shandorn—Eldest Erkensharie magic user
Shaspar—Mournbow’s birth home
Shasparian language—The common language of the Maglical System, much the same as Noireen
Shastenbree—An Erkensharie bowelf
Shaumanee—Ancient language spoken by the Drachen clan
Shaumanee language—Very old language spoken by the magic users of the Krinston Realm
Shenlylith—A very beautiful female elf whose life force powers the Snow Gold Trinket forever
Shield of Magic Deflection—A shield that deflects offensive magic
Siller—A Glaborian dwarve
Sillithver—Silver dragon
Silgeqwee—A Glaborian dwarve
Simtap—A demon with Lavtonium arms slicing victims to death
Sky Blue Ice Jewel—A very rare magical jewel giving Bricekleel its power
Sky Jewel—This magical jewel fuses the Lavumptom sword to its master
Smildren Sea—Sea between Glaborster Mountains and Carbonheight Hills on the planet Fargloin
Smogle—Demon that turns into black smog
Snow Gold Trinket—Magical trinket worn by the king of Ugoria and will protect him and all future kings of Ugoria
Solmbus—A Glaborian Dagi
Sombons—An Erkensharie magic user
Somgla—A Ugorian elven princes wrapped to death by Bastrenboar and his army
Staff of Barrier Breath—Consumes all dragon breath and the like when the magical words are spoken
Staff of Flame Engulf—A three-foot staff that shoots golf-ball-sized fireballs and engulfs any object it hits in flame and incinerates it
Staff of Light—A staff that casts a soft blue and white light
Staff of Power—Adds four times the strength to its bearer
Staff of Throwing—A magic user’s staff that can move objects with telekinesis
stamina water—Allows much greater endurance to those who drink it
Stone Giants—Allies of the Glaborian dwarves and live in the Glaborian Mountains
Suther—A leader in Mournbow’s army
Swallgrace—Logantrance’s teacher
Swapoon Mountain Range—Separates the Akelsen Desert from the Swapoon Floodlands on the planet Strabalster
Swomairen—Blue dragon
telekinesis—The ability to move objects with magic
teleport—To vanish and appear somewhere that the magic user can visualize, very similar to a Dimension Door spell
Tenzon—An Erkensharie warrior
Terrahawks—Very large hawks that protect the skies above Erkensharie
Terrashian Grasslands—Large grassland west of Mytek Mountain
Tintyganium—Very strong lightweight metal
Tornsclin—A Ugorian warrior
Tougher Skin—Magical book written by Morlinvow
Treestrider Absorption Pendant—Magical item created by Cloakenstrike to protect him from young Treestriders
Treestriders—Living creatures made up of wood and insect. They protect the Erkensharie forest, which is their home.
Trimidador—Simtap’s hellhound
Tronglebire—Large frog-like creatures that can walk on two legs and breathe fire
Tronillis—An Erkensharie magic user
Trybill—A dwarven Dagi
Trykenkyle—A four-legged flesh-eating creature summoned from hell
Tunull—An Erkensharie magic user
Ugoria—The kingdom and land ruled by Ugorian elves on Strabalster
Ugorian elves—Rulers of all Ugoria
Ugorian Forest—A thick forest east of the Ugorian Kingdom
Ugorian Highlands—Northern part of Ugoria, full of trees and rolling hills
Ulegwahn—Successor to kingship when King Estine is killed
Uromwell Forest—Forest at the base of Mytek Mountain, split by the town of Valvernva
Valvernva—A small town at the base of Mytek Mountain
Varlana—A female warrior killed by Alisluxkana
Vergraughtu—The violet dragon and the Staff of Barrier Breath
Vinegrowers—Vines of the Erkensharie forest that come to life to protect the forest
Violet Violator—The nickname given to the violet dragon Vergraughtu
Vlanthis—The dragon word for Vegenrage’s realm, his home
Vlianth—The dragon word for Vegenrage
Vollenbeln—Vegenrage’s realm, his home
Vullumptom—A unique metal crafted by Oriapow that slices through wood
Vullumptom Ax—A large ax wielded by Cloakenstrike
Wall of Force—A magical barrier that stops anything trying to pass it
Wand of Splintering—A magical item created by Cloakenstrike
water elemental—Water that can be summoned to take any form and act with great power
Wattsverocy: The Coming of Vlianth—The book on dragon prophecy written by Hornspire
Wave of Death—A combined attack of all the breath attacks consumed by Vergraughtu
Whenshade—An Erkensharie magic user
Wherlerria—The world of Kronton contained within a bottle
Wickenfall Forest—A dark forest full of predatory creatures
Willithcar—A general in King Trialani’s army
Wilnoar—One of Bastrenboar’s best fighters
Wristslicer sword—Very odd sword wielded by Tenzon
Wogenkeld—All the books of Vegenrages library combined into one book of supreme knowledge
Woodslicer sword—Magical green glass sword created by Cloakenstrike
Xanorax—A master warloc
k who lives in the Pinegrow Forest
Xylaboar—One of Bastrenboar’s best fighters
Yarwellorn—Yellow dragon
Zabkef—Demon master of Kronton
Zifock—One of Bastrenboar’s best fighters
Zilndor—Ugorian bowelf
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Robert Meets Logantrance
Chapter 2 Bastrenboar
Chapter 3 The Bottle
Chapter 4 Wherlerria
Chapter 5 Xanorax
Chapter 6 Robert Becomes Vegenrage
Chapter 7 Vegenrage Faces Blethstole
Chapter 8 Cloakenstrike, Erkensharie, and the Treestriders
Chapter 9 The Fate of Elven Magic
Chapter 10 The Search for Alluradaloni
Chapter 11 Cloakenstrike Holds the Octagemerwell
Chapter 12 Alluradaloni’s Curse
Chapter 13 Glaborster Dwarves to the Rescue
Chapter 14 Alluradaloni Becomes Farrah
Chapter 15 Lushantor, Rowgen, and Gripzon Charge Ugoria
Chapter 16 Ugoria Proves Formidable
Chapter 17 Behaggen Enlightens
Chapter 18 Shenlylith’s Prison
Chapter 19 Wherlerria and Magic Revealed
Chapter 20 Kronton Resets
Chapter 21 Ugoria Strikes Back
Chapter 22 Gwithen Awakens
Chapter 23 The Fight for Gwithen
Chapter 24 The Dragon Feast Has Begun
Chapter 25 More Than a Feast for the Dragons
Chapter 26 The Glaborian Disaster
Chapter 27 Farrah, Vergraughtu, and Parnapp
Chapter 28 The Dwarves Go to Erkensharie
Chapter 29 The Coming of Vlianth
Chapter 30 Vegenrage’s Destiny