Shotgun Bride

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Shotgun Bride Page 16

by Lopp, Karen

  Mike frowned. Last few arguments they’d had led to swapping kisses. This time, he just wanted her to understand his very real concern. “Look, I promise to take you in a few days or so.”

  “And in the meantime?”

  “We do what we’ve been doing. Staying close to the house, having our guns loaded, and patrolling at night.”

  “Hank and Juan agree with you?”

  “I haven’t asked, but they do work for me.” He furrowed his brow when she went pale.

  “Don’t be frightened. Haven’t I done a fairly decent job of taking care of you so far?”

  She rubbed her arms like she was cold. He went to her. She backed away. “I don’t feel so well. Do you mind if I take a nap?”

  “You don’t have to ask. This is your house.”

  “No, it’s yours.”

  Kathleen’s tone brooked no argument and she spun on her heel and left him standing with his mouth gaping and his heart stranded in the middle of a blizzard.

  He strode to the bedroom door. “Can I get you something?”


  She buried her head under the pillow. He wanted to turn the clock back and return to yesterday. When she smiled at him. When she let him touch her. Kiss her. When he believed she was beginning to trust him. Even like him.

  “I had a visit from Sally today.”

  Her back straightened. “What did she want?”

  “To blame everything on Jimmy.”

  “Who’s Jimmy?”

  “Hawkins’ foreman.”

  “Can I go to sleep now?”

  Kathleen pretended to sleep until Mike finally closed the door shut and left. She hugged the pillow and stared at the ceiling. How could she escape? She had seen Mike in action. He was good. She needed a solid plan before she ran. But when she did, she had better run far and run fast.

  She crawled off the bed and peeked out the door. Good, no Mike. She went through the cabinets picking out supplies, careful to not take too much. Mike must not suspect she raided his cupboards. And that meant she must tamp down her fears and act casual the rest of the day. Smile at him. Lull him into believing she had accepted his wisdom in staying.

  She brought the stolen food to the bedroom and hid it under the bed. She took out his duster, found an old pistol and ammunition, then stuffed them into the pocket before stashing that under the bed. Next, she retrieved the deed from under the dresser and stuffed it into a pocket. She would hide it someplace else.

  A boot scraped on wood and she jumped onto the bed just as Mike stepped in. “You feeling better?”


  He held up a deck of cards. “Want to play?”

  She forced a smile and patted the bed. “What’s the stakes?”

  “No stakes. I just thought maybe you needed a distraction.”

  “From what?”

  Mike shuffled the deck and dealt the cards. “Everything.”

  They played, she won, she lost, she laughed. But Mike didn’t ever really smile and he kept studying her. A few times he worked his tongue over like he wanted to say something but thought better of it.

  After a while, Kathleen wanted to cry. Her nerves frizzled and crackled in her stomach. Mike could be such fun. So comforting. So considerate. If only it wasn’t all an act. She could learn to love this man. She tossed her hand down.

  “I need some air.”

  “Kathleen, wait.”


  He fidgeted with his thumbs. “Do you like it here?”

  “Oh yeah, I like being shot at, kidnapped, attacked by Indians, having my name smeared. Losing my inheritance.”

  “You haven’t lost your land. And nobody’s bothered you since you’ve been here. I wondered if maybe you’d like to hang around.”

  “Do I have a choice?”

  “Of course you do.”

  “You’d let me walk out that door right now?”

  Mike looked at her like she’d lost her mind. He gathered up the cards and laid them on the nightstand.

  “Be reasonable, Kathleen. It’s too dangerous.”

  “Can I take a walk?”


  He escorted her outside where she strolled under the cool shade of the pines and studied the area. Mike lounged at the barn, rifle propped next to him, and mended tack. His ranch was neat and well maintained. Cows grazed in the pasture and hay ripened in the field. A small fenced plot had been freshly tilled. A chicken coop stood next to the corral and hens pecked at the dirt.

  No one would think to look in a chicken coop for her deed. When Mike went back inside for something, she slipped inside the coop and stuffed the deed between two low-hanging beams.

  Back outside, she drew in a deep breath. The serenity of the place touched her soul. She longed for a home like this with children playing in the yard, a father who doted on them, and peace. Blessed peace. The rip in her heart widened.

  Until eavesdropping on Mike and Sally’s little chat, she had harbored hope that Mike’s kisses meant something. That perhaps he would ask her to stay. Be his wife. Start a life together. And until this morning, she didn’t even realize those feelings for Mike existed.

  Oh, she lusted after a pair of chocolate eyes, but that had been sheer fantasy. Something to dream about. Why did he have to kiss Sally? Tell her he wasn’t going to be married long in a way that sent cold chills down Kathleen’s spine. Then to collaborate his words by refusing to let her step foot off the place. In reality, she was a prisoner here.

  She glanced at the sun. The day promised to drag on forever.

  After the dinner dishes had been cleaned, Kathleen yawned. “I think I’ll turn in.”

  After a course of goodnights, she sagged against the bedroom door. Now for her escape. She dug her stash from under the bed and climbed out the window. She wrapped the dark coat tight around her and snatched off her boots. Snagging the closest horse, she climbed on, not bothering with a saddle.

  A door slammed, and she jumped.

  After circling far from the house, she faced toward town. The eerie feeling she was being followed had her glancing frequently over her shoulder.

  Chapter 18

  Mike gave Kathleen precisely two minutes to get ready for bed, and then followed her into the bedroom. All day long she’d avoided his eyes, acted skittish, and he wanted to find out why.

  He swore as the tail end of his coat jerked out of the window. Where the hell was she going? He rushed to intercept her but stopped. If she was this determined to leave nothing he said would change her mind.

  He counted to ten and then left through the front door. At least he could guard her flight. Make sure she made it safely to wherever she went. Angry, yet curious, he stuck to her trail as the night wore on. She rode straight through town without stopping and headed for the pass.

  In the chill hour before dawn, Kathleen veered off the trail and dismounted. Mike hung back. She hobbled the horse, kicked a few rocks aside, and curled up under the low-hanging branches of a pinion.

  He bailed off Blackie, looped the reins over a limb, and untied his bedroll.

  He draped the blankets over Kathleen and frowned. She’d slept too soundly to be out on the trail alone. She didn’t even stir when he hiked up.

  Maybe she’d listen to reason and come back home.

  Kathleen stirred and Mike stoked the fire and put coffee on. Her eyes flew open.

  “Morning, sunshine.”

  She flopped an arm over her eyes and moaned.

  “Where you headed?”

  “Away from you.”

  “Why? Have I mistreated you?”

  “You held me prisoner.”

  “I did not. I’m just looking out for you.”

p; She threw the covers off and yanked out his old pistol. “Then why were you hugging and kissing Sally?”

  Hell. She saw that? “I was trying to find out what she was up to.”

  “Liar. You also told her we wouldn’t be married long. But you’ve never offered to take me to find a judge. That leaves only one option.”

  Mike snapped the stick in his hands. “You truly believe I could kill you?”

  Her hands shook. Tears glistened in her eyes. He tossed the mutilated stick on the fire. Her silence raked like spurs across his heart. “I’m done. You can do whatever the hell you want.”

  Mike strode to his horse and with each step, anger and hurt drove him on. He thought he had done everything possible to show Kathleen he wouldn’t harm her. Without a backward glance, he mounted up and kicked the horse into a gallop. The landscape a blur, he finally managed to swallow the lump stuck in his throat. The ungrateful, little . . .

  Stupid fool. He snapped the reins so hard a cloud of dust covered him as realization struck. Kathleen was jealous of Sally. Hot damn. He urged the horse around and raced back. Soon as he reached her, he bailed off in mid-stride and used the momentum to rush up to Kathleen. He cradled her face between both hands and pressed a hungry kiss on her. She put her palms on his chest and pushed. He deepened the kiss.

  His cute petite wife stomped on his toe, but he refused to give up. Kissing her had always worked to cool her anger before and a tiny discomfort to his foot wasn’t about to stop him. She offered a soft moan, leaning into him, and Mike tangled one hand in her hair and placed the other on the small of her back. With a firm tug, he had her pressed tight to him.

  With his wife all soft and yielding to his attentions, Mike let up his assault on her lips and nipped her earlobe. As he tilted her head back, he rained kisses across her neck. “Don’t leave me, Kathleen. Please.”

  She shoved him away. “You’d let me go?”

  “It’s too dangerous.”

  “Then I’ll sneak away the minute your back’s turned since I’ll have no choice but to believe you’re going to kill me.

  “Fine. You can go.” Damn it. He should have stuck to her lips so she couldn’t talk, but the urge to taste more of her had won out. The woman sure could change her mood quick as a blink. Now he’d have to track her again.

  “Give me your gun.”

  Mike unbuckled his gun belt and handed it to her. When their fingers touched, he latched on and tugged her hand to his lips and kissed each knuckle.

  “And your rifle.”

  He grinned at her breathless demand and went to fetch the rifle. If this were a test, he’d damn sure pass it. If she needed some kind of proof he’d really let her go she was going to get it. Along with as many kisses as he could steal.

  Mike brought the rifle to her and held it to his chest. “Come get it.”

  Kathleen narrowed her eyes and stepped closer. Soon as her fingers wrapped around the barrel, he snaked his arms around her and captured her mouth. This time he teased her lips apart and coaxed her to join him in a dance of tongues. Seducing his wife was enjoyable. He went for her neck again.

  “Take your boots off.”

  Shit. Why, why, why, had he forgotten to keep her mouth occupied with kissing so she couldn’t talk. He sighed and threw up his hands. “What do you want my boots for?”

  Kathleen cradled the rifle in her arms and tapped her foot. Mike stood before her like a felon before a judge and waited for her verdict. “You said you’d do anything I wanted. Did you mean it?”

  He flopped to the ground and tugged off his boots. “There. Now what?” One toe peeped out from a hole in his sock. He hated darning. “What would you charge to fix my sock?”


  Mike jumped up and grinned. “I have a hole in my sock.”

  She glanced at his foot and Mike made his move. Only a short gasp escaped her before their lips were locked together again. This time he wouldn’t get distracted by her neck. But his hands could move. Slow and easy, he traced a finger down her spine and rested his palm on the top of her bottom. She trembled. That’s more like it.

  Lesson learned, he never broke contact with her lips as he caressed her back and sides. Up and down. Just a little further with each pass, until he cupped the curve of her butt in both hands. Flames sparked from his fingertips as he kneaded the soft flesh. Something heavy banged into the stitches on his shin and he jerked back.

  Kathleen snatched up the rifle and stepped away. “Sorry.”

  Mike wanted to curse. Kathleen’s clothes were rumpled, her cheeks flushed, and damn if she didn’t lick her lips. He should never have let a little pain startle him from releasing her mouth.

  “If I do stay, what’s in it for me?”

  He sucked in a breath as his heart simply stopped beating. She was offering to stay? The day couldn’t get any better. “Two houses, two ranches, a herd of cattle and horses, and me at your beck and call, day or night.”

  “What do you expect in return?”

  Hands spread wide, he shrugged. “Whatever you’re willing to give.” He had bared his soul, taken a gamble.

  “Do you have a deck of cards?”

  Mike blinked. “Yes.”

  “Up for a game of poker?”

  She wanted to play cards? Now? He almost groaned. “What’s the stakes?”


  Mike raised one brow. Well, now, maybe the day could get better. “You going to take your boots off?”


  “But that’s not fair.”

  “I never said I’d play fair.”

  Mike grinned, pivoted, and fetched the cards. This was one card game he didn’t care who won. A tie sounded the best. He was the first to lose a hand.

  “Ha, hand over your shirt.”

  “Where did you learn to play poker?” Mike made quick work of the buttons and tossed his shirt aside.

  “My brothers. Being the youngest and a girl, I learned fast. You wouldn’t believe the stakes they came up with.”

  “Where are they now?”

  “Murdered. Along with my parents.”

  “Aw, honey, I’m sorry.” That explained why she was the sole heir of Simpkins’ place. “Know who did it?”


  “How did you get away?”

  “I was in town when it happened.”

  “We’ll name our boys after them if you want.”

  “You have to win first.”

  Thus challenged, he did win. Three hands in a row. First came her boots, then her blouse, and last, after a long hesitation, came the skirt. She was down to her under things. He’d seen her like this before. He wanted more.

  “We may have girls, you know.” Kathleen’s voice hovered on the high side.

  “Good, I hope they look like their mother.” He lost the next hand, stood, and dropped his pants. Kathleen’s cheeks turned pink. “Your deal.”

  She held the cards with shaking hands and glanced at the bedroll. She looked him square in the eye. “You promise to keep your wedding vows?”

  Mike crouched in front of her. “Every one of them.”

  She dropped the cards. “I forfeit.”

  “That means I win.”

  “Yes, it does.” Kathleen’s hands trembled slightly as she slid the straps of her chemise down and unlaced the ties. Mike’s mouth went dry. She was beautiful. Next her drawers came off and the sun filtered across her naked body.

  Mike tugged her down beside him. “Anytime you want me just say so. No need for cards.”

  “Please don’t be lying to me.”

  The whispered plea tore at his heart. Someone must have hurt her in the past. “I will never lie to you.” He tasted, he touched, learning every curv
e of her body. Kathleen had given him a rare gift and Mike spent the time to discover what his precious wife enjoyed.

  Once warmed up, all Kathleen’s shyness disappeared and he was swept up in a river of passion. Slow and easy flew away when she dug her fingers into his shoulders so hard it almost hurt. She was ready for him.

  Kathleen shivered when Mike rolled off her. He yanked the blanket over her and held her close. The tender gesture eased some of her doubts. If all he’d wanted was sex, he’d surely not still hold her. Head resting on his chest, she questioned her actions. Mike was a master at seduction and she’d fallen into his touch with abandon.

  Heat swirled over her. His kiss rendered her helpless in his hands and when he’d kissed her entire body, well, she’d been lost. The excitement alone had left her breathless even now. A husband, a home, and now the possibility of a child tugged her lips upward. She’d given Mike everything and prayed that he wouldn’t betray her. What was done was done, and she refused to let uncertainty rob her of this blissful lassitude. Besides, how could Mike be so gentle and kind if he intended to leave her? Why would he always be there to bail her out of danger if he didn’t care what happened to her?

  No, this was real. It simply had to be. Otherwise she had just freely given Mike the one thing no other man would have. Her virginity.

  Without conscious thought, she rubbed against him. Mike chuckled and slid his hand under the blanket.

  “Need a little more?”

  Kathleen gasped when a simple touch stoked the simmering flames to a wildfire. And that finger? Well, he sure knew just where to put it and how to use it to get her heart racing and render her speechless. If he kept this up, she’d never be able to deny him anything.

  Throughout the day, Mike refused to allow her to get dressed and she lost count of the times he brought her to peaks of satisfaction. As the sun rested high in the sky, he spread lunch out on her bare stomach and after feeding her he proceeded to lick the crumbs off her.

  Now, she sprawled on the blanket, naked as the day she was born, and couldn’t stop smiling as Mike stirred up the fire and prepared supper. Her stomach growled. Sex sure made her hungry.


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