MARINE (Agent of Time Book 1)

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MARINE (Agent of Time Book 1) Page 16

by Tanya Allan

  “Abigail, she’s feeling a lot better, I’m pleased to say.”

  “Does she want a feed?”

  “Who, Abigail, how the devil should I know?” Roger said, laughing at me.

  “No foolish man. Emily?”

  “Probably, that’s why she is crying.”

  “Roger, you’re so awful at times, I wonder why I love you.”

  “You love me because I please you in bed,” he said, nuzzling my neck.

  “Well, you’ll have to wait, as I have to feed your daughter.”

  “How do I know she is mine?” he teased.

  “Because she suckles on my breast just like you, and besides, she is as ugly as you.”

  Roger laughed and kissed me.

  “You’re terrible, madam. Luckily, Emily is so like her mother, she will be the most beautiful girl in the whole of America, after Katie that is.”

  “Talking of Katie, is she still with the horses and the groom?”

  “Good point, I think I’d better check. I’ll have to watch young Oliver, as he’s rather too fond of Katie for his own good.”

  “He’s devoted to her, but Katie is sensible enough.”

  “Hmm, maybe, but she’s getting to an interesting stage, and if I were a red blooded young man, she would interest me.”

  “You mean you’re not a red blooded young man?”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “Yes, you’re a red blooded old man.”

  I left him and went below where Emily was beginning to fret, even though Abigail was doing her best.

  I took her and undid my bodice, easing my breast out and allowing the baby girl to suckle. I sat on the chair and relaxed. It was one of the most pleasurable experiences I have ever had, so I watched her little face as she fed. Abigail hovered in the background.

  “How old are you now, Abigail, twenty?”

  “Yes, Mum.”

  “Are you excited about your new life in America?”

  “I don’t rightly know, Mum. I’m happy to be with you and the Colonel. I had no one back home, so you’re all the family I have,” she said.

  I had taught Abigail to read and write, so she and I would often talk away the nursing hours together. I sensed a disquiet about her, and couldn’t work it out.

  “There is something bothering you. What is it, child?” I said.

  “It’s nothing, Mum.”

  “Abby, I know you well enough. What has happened?”

  “It was Mr Banyard, Mum, he took to kissing me in the passage way, and he squeezed my breast like.” She was almost in tears, and I felt the anger rise.

  “Oh. Please Mum, don’t say nothing. He never meant anything by it. He said I was pretty, and that I led him on, so please don’t say anything.”

  “Oh, Abby, you silly girl, you didn’t lead him on at all. He’s a nasty brute of a man, who beats his wife and takes advantage of pretty young girls who are afraid of him. You will note that he hasn’t tried anything with me.”

  “That’s because the Colonel would kill him,” Abigail said, with a smile.

  “Nonsense, it’s because I’d kill him, and the Colonel would only be left to cut him into bits and throw him to the fishes.”

  She laughed and her brow cleared.

  “If he tries it again, scream and knee him hard in the crotch,” I said, and she looked quite shocked.

  “Believe me, girl, it works, so he’ll never ever try anything again.”

  I agreed not to say anything to the man, but later I mentioned it to Roger, who went all quiet.

  “I’ll have to watch Mr Joseph Banyard rather closely,” he said.

  “So will I, dear, so will I!”

  A day or so later, I was feeding Emily again, and I heard a female scream and a man groan. There was the sound of raised voices, and I recognised Roger’s voice amongst them. The argument went on for a long time, and Roger was quite annoyed, but Banyard’s tone turned to pleading and then to a nasty whine.

  I was desperate to find out what was happening, when Abigail came into my cabin. She was breathless and flushed.

  “God’s teeth girl! What the devil is happening?” I said.

  She was grinning and shaking at the same time. When she did speak, it all came tumbling out so the words tripped over each other in the hurry.

  “It was that Mr Banyard, Mum. He tries it again, so I does what you tells me. I screams and brings my knee up hard between his legs. It was awful, Mum, he just went a funny colour and fell onto the floor. Then the colonel rushes out, and so I tells him that Mr Banyard had grabbed my breast and tried to kiss me. The man is getting up and he swears that I was lying, and would the Colonel believe a hussy like me compared to an honest man like him.

  “Then the colonel says, yes, as he thought he was a cheatin’, swindlin’, money grubbin’ cove, who should be behind bars in England. Then Mr Banyard starts to swear, and the Colonel gets angry and tells me to fetch the Captain. That was when Mr Banyard starts to grovel and whimper, but I brings the Captain, and two sailors drag Mr Banyard off to lock him in the brig. Mrs Banyard starts a-wailing, and the Colonel persuades her to tell the Captain how he beats her, so she does. She has terrible bruises, Mum, all over her body, and the little girl too. Anyway, the Captain is handin’ him over to the authorities when we reaches America.”

  “Bugger!” I said, and Abigail looked horrified at me.

  “I missed it,” I explained.

  She smiled, as Roger came in.

  “Are you all right, Abigail?” he asked.

  “Yes sir, thank you sir. You was wonderful, sir.”

  He smiled and looked at me.

  “You’re a complete sod. You knew I wanted to watch and that I was feeding, but you wouldn’t wait for me, would you?” I said, in mock anger.

  “You are so beautiful when you get angry.”

  “I’ll give you angry,” I said, and he came over to me, so Abigail looked quite fearful.

  But when he embraced me, carefully as Emily was still feeding, and kissed me soundly, the girl smiled in relief.

  “Well done. That sorted the bully out,” I said.

  “I doubt that we’ve seen the end of him. The Captain thinks that the Americans won’t be able to do much, so he will be free again in no time.”

  “What about his poor wife and daughter, they shouldn’t have to put up with him?”

  There was a knock on the door, which Abigail answered.

  It was Phyllis Banyard with her daughter. Both were crying.

  “Come in, my dears, we won’t hurt you,” said my husband.

  Mrs Banyard broke down in tears and sobbed her little heart out, clutching at Roger.

  He assisted her to sit in the chair next to me, where she finally managed to pull herself together.

  “Oh, I am so unhappy. He is taking me away from my friends and family. He is so full of his big ideas in the new world, but I am so afraid. He was fine when we were first wed, but after Sophia was born, he took to beating me. Not often at first, but it got worse and worse. I once tried to run away, but he found me, and I was so sore, I couldn’t get out of bed for a week. Now he beats Sophie too, what do I do?”

  “You have two choices, as I see it. You let the Captain hand him over to the authorities in Virginia, and let justice prevail. Then you either stay in America and find some position that you can earn a living and keep your children, or you turn round and go home without your husband,” Roger said.

  “But sir, I have no money, he has spent every penny we have on the land in Georgia. Even if I could afford the passage home, where would I go, what would I do?”

  “Do you have a trade, Phyllis?” I asked.

  “I used to be a dressmaker, but I could not afford a shop, or anything,” she said.

  I looked at Roger. He caught my look and smiled. He knew me well enough by now, so he knew exactly what I was thinking.

  He shrugged and nodded.

  “Mrs Banyard, I am in a position of urgently need
ing a dressmaker, and am prepared to set you up in a small establishment in Virginia, and will get you started. But I will own 51% of your business, until such time as you can pay me off. That way I get a return from my investment, and you get to run a business without any worries about bank loans or foreclosure.”

  She stared at me, utterly amazed that anyone would offer this sort of arrangement to her.

  “Your Ladyship, are you sure?”

  “Absolutely. I have two daughters, and my sister in law has a daughter. There is my maid, my cook, and so our family alone will give you seven women to cater for.”

  “I’ve had an idea,” Roger said with a smile, and left us alone for a moment.

  He came back a short while later.

  “I’ve just spoken to the Captain and given him a letter to hand to the local military commander in Southampton. He has agreed to take Mr Banyard home again on the return voyage, and hand him over to the military authorities on the basis of my letter. You see, I was part of the campaign in Spain, whereby the army was supplied with unfit meat. And I know that his Grace the Duke was determined to find some of those responsible. So my letter is addressed to his Grace, and hopefully, he will seek to make an example of dear Mr Banyard.”

  “Oh. Roger you are clever. I thought we should just throw him over the side,” I said, and Mrs Banyard looked at me in horror.

  “Mrs. Banyard, my wife is making a joke. She does this frequently, but rarely in good taste. If you come to know her, you will soon get used to it,” Roger said, and I grinned.

  It was agreed; so she retired to her cabin a much happier soul. Roger came over to me.

  “So, where is the money coming from?”

  “I have some saved up.”


  “I hope so.”

  “You are too nice for your own good.”

  “I know. But at least I will have my own dressmaker.”

  “You don’t even know if she is any good.”

  “Have you seen her daughter’s dresses?”

  “Not really, why?”

  “I think that she made them and they are really well done. If she did, then she is very gifted indeed.”

  We saw land a few days later, and what a lovely sight it was too. I stood at the rail with my husband and the children, staring at my spiritual home. It was amazing that this was where I was to be born in over one hundred years’ time.

  “The New World,” Roger said.

  “Same old world, just a different bit,” I said.

  “Where is the romance in your soul?” he asked, chuckling.

  “Roger, I shall be very glad to set foot on dry land again.”

  He put an arm around me. “So shall I, my dear, so shall I.”

  The crew knew the end was nigh, and seemed to take on a new lease of life. They started tidying the ship as we drew ever closer to landfall. Paint appeared and they washed the decks. Ropes were cleaned and coiled neatly. Everyone seemed happier with life.

  It was a blessed relief as we tied up at Norfolk, and the quayside was a riot of colour and activity. Half-naked Negroes, dock-workers and sailors worked like ants loading and unloading the many craft that lay along side the quays. Masts littered the skyline as far as the eye could see, while seagulls whirled and dived everywhere, with their raucous calls announcing their presence. It was truly an amazing sight, and one that I could never have imagined from my 20th century perspective.

  There were some choice smells that accompanied the jostling folk, - fish, horse manure and human waste among the choicest. Horses, carts and carriages jostled to and fro, with ladies and gentlemen mixing with the workers, as the daily business was done. Many scruffy children darted hither and thither, seeking, no doubt, to steal anything that was not tied down.

  The yells of the stevedores mixed with the seagulls, to provide a cacophony of sound that rivalled the smells that wafted our way in the gentle breeze.

  “Roger!” A shout came from the quayside.

  I looked down, to see a broad man who looked very like Roger. This could only be his brother, James.

  “James!” replied my husband, and was down the gangplank in a thrice. They embraced on the quayside while I watched them from the rail above.

  James was slightly shorter than Roger, yet he was very stocky. He had a powerful set of shoulders on a very sturdy frame, with a tanned face with remarkably short hair above. He was dressed in pale riding breeches, a yellow waistcoat and a plain tan jacket. A plain black tri-corn hat was in his hand.

  The two brothers were laughing and exchanging tales, until finally Roger turned and waved to me.

  “Jane, bring the children, come and meet Uncle James.”

  I carefully supervised the children’s descent to dry land, grateful when we had all made it. We approached the pair, and I immediately became aware of James’s gaze towards me. It was unashamedly admiring, and I could detect more than a hint of sexual desire. However, I was polite as Roger introduced him.

  James took my hand, pressing it to his lips.

  “Dear sister-in-law. I am so pleased to meet you. Your courage to set forth on such a journey with so small a child amazes me,” he said, turning to his brother, still holding my hand.

  “Roger, you old devil. How on earth did you snare the most beautiful woman in England?”

  I blushed as Roger laughed, slapping his brother on his back. However, Roger did not see the gaze of sexual want that James cast in my direction.

  He swept all the children up into his arms, to which they all squealed with delight. He had a lovely smile, so they all took to him immediately. I was very glad that I had not met him before meeting Roger, as he oozed masculine sex appeal.

  It took us the best part of the day to offload the crates and horses. Manage we did, and finally we had everything loaded on the wagons that James had brought.

  Several black slaves were harnessing the horses and loading the last of the crates onto the wagons. I’d read about slavery, seen movies and documentaries about it, but never had I imagined I would see it for real!

  I felt a shiver of disgust as I watched the way they were treated, making a mental note to ensure that we would never stoop so low. I was determined never to own a slave, and if I found myself in that position, then I would give them their freedom immediately.

  There was a very comfortable carriage for us to travel in, while our own was reassembled and hitched to a team. The men supervised their own mounts, as clearly they were to ride. Roger spoke to the Captain, and I saw him hand over some money. This, I assumed, was to secure Mr Banyard’s safe passage back to England.

  Needless to say, Katie wanted to ride her beloved Snowflake and her father relented, so she rode proudly out of the docks with her ever attendant Oliver mounted on another horse slightly behind her.

  I sat in the carriage with my children, Abbey and Phyllis and Sophia Banyard. The other carriage carried the rest of the staff. It was a journey of several days to the estates, so I settled down to enjoy it.

  That was a mistake, as it was hot, humid and a very rough road. Despite the springs on the carriage, I suffered from motion sickness very quickly, and on the first stop, changed to my riding breeches, and took to the saddle with my husband and step-daughter.

  Thereafter, the journey was far more pleasant, despite the fact that I had not ridden for so long, ever. With recent pregnancy and the birth of Emily, I was seriously unfit, so I knew I would pay dearly later. However, my superb body was wonderful, and I was probably far better off than most of the others.

  James looked at me often with undisguised admiration, so I had a feeling that there was a potential for problems in the not too distant future. At one point, Roger shared the carriage with the children, and I found myself riding alongside his brother.

  “Madam, you ride like a man,” he remarked.

  “That’s not the only thing I do like a man. I can also fence and shoot,” I said, to which he smiled.

  “You will be mu
ch at home here in the colonies. But I fear some of the society ladies will be rather insipid for you.”

  “Perhaps, but then one can choose one’s friends, even though one cannot select one’s family.”

  “Quite so. I rather wish I had met you before my brother.”

  “I understood you to be married, sir?”

  He frowned, as if he did not wish to be reminded of the fact.

  “I am, madam. I am indeed. My wife is proving to be one of the insipid sorts, I fear.”

  He stared at me with such an open sexual longing, that I felt quite uncomfortable.

  “Sir. Please be reminded that I am married to your brother, and I am blissfully content with my husband. It would not be right to presume anything other than that.”

  He looked away for a moment, as we passed over a small bridge over a stream.

  “I apologise. It’s just that I have never seen a woman with such beauty, and who has such spirit as well. I did not mean to offend you, but I find you irresistible.”

  “Then sir, you will have to try, for I am another man’s.”

  He laughed.

  “Odd’s teeth. Jane! You are a fine woman. I am so pleased for Roger. If I err again, be pleased to remind me.”

  “Never fear, I shall,” I said, and he chuckled.

  We rode for many hours, and I was fascinated at the country we passed through. Farms were interspersed with vast areas of wilderness, with small townships nestling in convenient places at crossroads or by bridges over rivers. I suppose I may well have driven down a highway through this part of the country, but never did I imagine it ever looking like this. A horse is never as fast as an automobile, but I missed nothing being on horseback.

  “Does nothing tire you?” my husband asked, interrupting my reverie.

  “If the truth be told, I am getting weary. It has been a long time since I rode so much. I think the baby will need a feed soon.”

  “We are approaching a town soon, we have rooms at the inn booked, so we will rest tonight,” James said.


  Same old world, new problems.

  As I looked out over the dull landscape, I appreciated the slightly imperceptibly warmer climate. We had celebrated Christmas a few days ago, and it had rained solidly throughout. It had been three months since we had come to America, yet our home had only become habitable in the last few weeks. We were planning to move in sometime in the near future, and I for one would be very glad to have a home of our own once more.


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