Seeing Love: Saints Protection & Investigations

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Seeing Love: Saints Protection & Investigations Page 21

by Maryann Jordan

  Bart walked in from the kitchen, a spatula in his hand as he kissed his cousin on the cheek. “You’d assume wrong, little cuz.”

  “Well, don’t you appear domesticated,” Sabrina teased. Turning to see Miriam re-wrapping Faith’s hand, she rushed over. “Oh, Faith, I’m so sorry this happened to you! What can I help with?”

  Before Bart could tell her he had everything under control, another knock on the door produced Bethany, walking in with a freshly baked coffee cake. Rolling his eyes, he looked over their heads, seeing Faith’s eyes on his, a little smile gracing her face. Knowing she had suddenly gone from being a loner to having good friends, he grinned as he headed back to finish the eggs.

  Faith enjoyed the conversation among the women while Bart quickly whipped up breakfast, easily including Bethany’s treat. A few minutes later, another knock on the door sounded and she wondered who was left to visit. This time, an unfamiliar man walked into the hallway, greeting Bart. She watched as Miriam’s eyes lit up.

  “Jobe! Hey, big brother,” Miriam exclaimed, rushing over to hug the newcomer.

  Bart introduced Jobe Delaro, a friend working for a different security agency—and her babysitter for the day.

  About to protest, Bart interrupted her. “I’ve got to go to Jack’s and there’s no way I’m leaving you unprotected. We’ve contracted with Alvarez Security to keep an eye on you when I’m not here.”

  Jobe, a tall man, fit and muscular, although, not quite as large as Bart, strolled over. His sharp eyes quickly assessed her inability to shake his hand so he gently put his hand on her shoulder in greeting. “Nice to meet you, Faith. I’ll be in the car out in Bart’s driveway today if you need me. For anything,” he added pointedly.

  “It’s too cold outside,” Faith protested. “Please stay inside where it will be warmer.”

  “Thanks, but I’ll want to keep a check on the perimeter,” Jobe explained. “But I’ll come in periodically to check on you in here.”

  The two men walked out onto the porch for a moment, while the women finished their visit. As they left, Bart stalked back to Faith, scooping her up from the couch, twisting to sit, and placing her on his lap.

  “Jobe’s a good guy, princess. Let him do his job of keeping an eye on things and I want you to rest as much as you can. The Saints are still working the case and I’ll be home as soon as I can. When I come home, I’ve got something I want to discuss.”

  “That sounds ominous,” she said, anxiety in her expression. Using her free fingers to push her hair behind her ears, she held his gaze.

  He watched the silky strands slide through her fingers and wanted to feel that himself again. “Nope, not ominous. In fact, I hope you’ll be happy.”

  Cocking her head to the side, she continued to stare, hoping that he would spill his surprise early.

  “Not happening,” he laughed as he stood and settled her back on the sofa. He looked down at the coffee table holding her pencils and art pad. “You got everything you need?”

  “Yeah,” she said softly, only looking at him and not glancing at the table.

  The double meaning was not lost on him as he grinned. Leaning down to kiss her full lips, he whispered, “As soon as you’re able, I want to get lost in your sweet body again. But, until then, I’ve got something for you.” He pulled his St. Bartholomew from around his neck and placed the chain over her head, settling the medallion on her breast.

  She touched the esteemed pendant reverently as her eyes lifted to his.

  “There’s a tracer on the back of it. I want you to wear this at all times, to keep you safe. The other women have one…I can’t believe how it has helped each one of them. Hopefully, you’ll never need it as they did, but I want you to have this part of me anyway.”

  “I don’t know what to say…” she began, her lips curving in a delectable smile.

  He chuckled, shaking his head. “I swear, when Jack named his company the Saints, he never knew how far reaching that would be.” Leaning down he kissed her once more, losing himself in her luscious lips, wishing he did not have to leave.

  Reveling in his kiss, she finally gave him a little shove. “Go save the world, Bart. I’ll still be here when you come back.”

  Laughing, he left, reluctantly closing the door before waving at Jobe on his way out of the driveway.

  A few minutes later, with a pencil in hand, she tried to work out the stiffness in her fingers as she began to draw. Closing her eyes for a moment, she allowed the images of the night to drift through her mind once more. The tingling that usually accompanied her thoughts traveled down her arm to her fingers.

  Sharp, piercing, they assaulted as she drew what slammed into her. The evil, gold-toothed grin of Miguel. The deep set, hard eyes of Gavrill. The fierce, protective expression of Luciano, as well as the evasive expression of his youngest son. The pure hate pouring off Sergio.

  Her hand ached by the time she had finished the drawings, but still an image clung to the corners of her mind. Leaning backward, her head resting on the back of the sofa, she tried to still her mind. A smile. A simple smile.

  Putting pencil to pad again, she allowed the lines and curves to shape what was in her mind. A few minutes later, a slight smile stared back at her from the page. No face. No background. Just a smile. But whose?


  Bart sat at the conference table, listening to the reports from the other Saints who had been working diligently trying to investigate all the players.

  Luke, his mind racing, began with the banking aspect. “Not one of the people in the list we created have had any significant changes in their financial records in the past month.” He grinned, “But when I dug a little deeper, especially looking for any offshore or overseas accounts, I found a few interesting items.”

  Taking a large slurp of his ever-present coffee, he continued. “It appears that James Maldoni, the youngest son of Luciano, has been moving some of his money around. He has been investing and the last month has shown interesting growth, considering the market. And he almost daily is on his accounts, moving money around.”

  “Anything in the past week?” Blaise asked, his fingers drumming on the table.

  “That wouldn’t really matter,” Chad threw out. “If he’s involved in the kidnapping then he’d be setting things up before actually having someone take Erik.”

  “What else?” Jack asked.

  “Sergio’s money is still very much alive and well. He has holdings that weren’t stopped by the Feds when he was convicted. He still has a private banker and investor who manages his money. If he ever gets out of prison, he’ll be doing well.”

  “Enough to pay off someone to take and hold Erik?”

  “Absolutely,” Luke answered. “And if he’s the one who’s getting the payoffs, then he’s in good shape.”

  “Bastard,” Bart growled, remembering his previous night’s conversation. “That prick is too confident.”

  Monty added, “Unless Luke’s uncovered something else about Miguel’s group, I just don’t see them as having the money, or brains, to execute this kind of operation. They are too reactionary. Their planning only extends to the foresight of drugs, guns, and pimps.”

  Jack nodded, “I agree, but we’re not taking anyone off the list yet.”

  Monty added, “Gavrill’s still topping my list. That bastard is ruthless in his dealings.”

  “Yeah, but it’s not his MO,” Chad argued. “He’s a ruthless killer, but kidnapper? And then keeping Erik alive for a week? If he wanted to gut Krustas, he’d just take the kill and sit back to watch what happened.”

  Bart scrubbed his hand over his head, ruffling his hair, in frustration. “Fuck, we’re getting nowhere. It’s like we’re spinning our goddamn wheels here while Erik’s still missing and Faith’s still threatened.”

  “Bart, you’re too close to the case,” Jack warned. “Luke and Jude will focus in on the money trail that’s being uncovered. Monty will work with Mitch, getting every scrap of
info from the FBI. Why don’t you take Faith away for a day or so? Get away. Go celebrate Christmas with your family.”

  Bart’s usual easy-going gaze glared at his boss. “You kicking me off the assignment, boss?”

  “Bart, listen to yourself. You’re in the middle of the goddamn assignment. You take care of her and let us work on the threats.”

  Cam placed his hand on his best friend’s shoulder. “He’s right, bro. Focus on Faith.”

  Blaise nodded his agreement. “You’re too close, man. Let us help while you make things easier for her. My folks are coming into town so I’ll be here. I’ll come by and take care of Apollo.”

  Bart looked over and grinned. “Faith’s got a cat at my place. Name’s Smee.”

  Blaise answered his grin with one of his own. “All right. A woman after my own heart!”

  Bart hung his head for a moment. Looking up, he glanced around the table at the men he trusted as much as he had his SEAL team. “I’ve done it, haven’t I?” Seeing their uncertain faces, he clarified, “Fallen.”

  The others grinned, while Chad proclaimed, “It’s ’bout time.”


  Several hours later, Bart and Faith were back in his pick-up truck, heading to Virginia Beach. Faith huffed nervously, twisting to look at Bart. “Tell me once again why we’re doing this? It seems as though we have spent the last week riding up and down Hwy 64 between Virginia Beach, Richland, and Charlestown. I feel like I am living in this truck!”

  “I know,” Bart admitted. “But I always go and see my family for a day or so at Christmas and…well…I want to keep you safe.” Jesus, what a pussy! I want her with me, and can’t even say it to her.

  “I could have stayed with someone else,” she protested, the idea of meeting his family making her want to hurl. “Sabrina—”

  “She and Jude will probably be in Virginia Beach also.”

  “Okay, then Miriam and Ca—”

  “This is their first Christmas together and they’ll be with family.”

  Huffing, she asked, “Do you have an answer for all of my suggestions?”

  “Yes,” he answered while grinning. “And before you say anything, this is Bethany and Jack’s first Christmas together. I’m not about to have you stay with any of the single saints, even if they are like brothers to me. I don’t know any of your friends, so that’s out of the question.”

  Turning back to the front, she pouted. “I’ll bet Mitch—”

  “Fuck that!” Bart bellowed, causing her to jump. Glancing guiltily at her, he quickly said, “I’m sorry, princess. I understand you have no idea what games people play, but Mitch would like nothing more than to move onto you.”

  “Oh, Bart. Don’t be ridiculous,” she admonished. “He’s just friendly.”

  “Friendly, my ass. That guy wants in your pants and I’m not about to let him have a chance to get anywhere near them!”

  Laughing, Faith replied, “Well, you’re safe. You’re the only one I want in my pants.”

  Blood rushed south, causing his jeans to become uncomfortable. “Fuck, princess. You can’t say shit like that to me when I can’t do anything about it.”

  Still grinning, she shrugged. “Serves you right for dragging me off to meet your family.”

  Bart reached across the console, taking her hand and giving it a light squeeze. “What’s really on your mind?”

  Sighing deeply, she said, “I feel weird, Bart. You and I have known each other for a week. We’ve slept together and you say it means something. Something that we’re going to explore. So it just seems…I don’t know…weird to be meeting your parents so soon. What are you going to tell them? Here’s my friend? My lover? My investigating partner? My—”

  “I was planning on introducing you as my girlfriend,” he answered, his voice calm while his insides cringed at what her response would be. I should have thought of this before now!

  The silence in the truck cab was deafening. Bart’s façade of confidence began to crumble as he turned his head to glance at Faith’s profile. His heart pounded as he saw her lips curve into a smile before she cast her gaze over to him, surprise etched on her face.

  “Girlfriend?” she asked.

  “Yeah, girlfriend,” he assured. Sighing, he thought about what she must be thinking. “Look, Faith, I admit our relationship got off to a rocky start and has been a whirlwind ever since. But I told you that I want to explore this. I know you more than any woman I have ever met and I really like what I’ve discovered. And you certainly know more about me than anyone else.”

  “But girlfriend? Are you sure that you want to put a label on us?” she prodded, hopeful, but afraid he was speaking too quickly.

  “I know we haven’t talked about it, but…but…,” he stuttered. After a moment, he asked, “Are you going to be seeing anyone else while you’re with me?”

  “No, of course not.”

  “Well, I’m certainly not either.” Sucking a deep breath in, he pulled off at an exit and came to a stop on a little side road. Popping his seat belt, he twisted his body around so that he faced her full on. “Princess, you’re right. I know this is a fucked up time to be telling you this ’cause I should have said something earlier. What we have discovered, I want to keep going. I want to take you on a proper date—and not just grabbing food when we’re on the road. I want to keep learning more about you and I love the way you make me feel. I’ve never done this before, so that’s probably why I’m screwing this up. But, Faith, I want you to meet my family and I’d like to introduce you to them as my girlfriend.” He gave her a boyish grin, hoping the sparkle in her eye meant what he wanted to see.

  “Well, allrighty then,” she said with a laugh.

  Pushing his seat back, he pulled her over the console, settling her onto his lap. Holding her face with his palms, he gently kissed her. She wanted more, so with a lick of his lips, she dove in. He allowed her to take over the kiss for a moment and then, angling his head, he owned her mouth. Plunging his tongue deep inside, sweeping the delicious taste of her, he moved within her warmth. Feeling his dick swell, he moaned, wanting nothing more than to slide his cock into her slick pussy, mimicking his tongue.

  She captured his moan, continuing to tangle her tongue with his. She knew he was aroused and tried to stifle a giggle.

  Pulling back, he tried to offer a stern look. “Woman, what the hell are you laughing at?”

  Wiggling slightly on the bulge of his crotch, she answered, “I just wish we could do something about this.”

  With a final kiss, he slid her back across the console and leaned over to buckle her in. As the seat belt passed between her breasts, he kissed each one through her sweater before leaning back and adjusting himself in his seat.

  Pulling back out onto the highway, they smiled at each other, the air in the truck much lighter. “All right, princess. Let’s get going.”

  Chapter 22

  Luke leaned back in his chair, stretching his arms over his head as he heard his back pop and crack. He had no idea what time it was but, glancing at the last dregs of coffee in his cup, he realized he had been at it for hours. Hearing a noise behind him, he turned around.

  Jack stepped into the command center, piercing him with a glare. “How long you been here?”

  Rubbing his hand over his eyes, Luke admitted ruefully, “Haven’t left since we had our last meeting.”

  “You’re no good to me if you can’t function,” Jack admonished, walking over and taking a seat next to him.

  “I can’t figure out the codes to breaking down how to follow the money trail,” Luke confessed, “and it’s driving me fuckin’ crazy. I keep thinking that if I can just find this piece of the puzzle, then we’ll know who took Erik and can sic the FBI onto the fucker’s ass.”

  “You’re the best Luke, but that doesn’t mean that you can crack everything. What you need to do is go home and sleep.”

  “Yeah,” he agreed. His secure email notice sounded. “Let me check my e
mails and then I’ll head out of here.”

  “All right,” Jack said, shaking his head. He knew Luke would spend the night in that chair if he thought there was the possibility of cracking the code.

  Luke turned back to his email, his tired eyes focusing on a new one. Clicking on it, his heart pounded as he read,

  I know what you are seeking. I can help.

  Who the fuck is this? Trying to get a read on the IP address, he found he was unable to ascertain their identity. Whoever this is, they know their shit!

  Forgoing trying to see who was emailing him, he let his curiosity override and sent a reply.

  How can you help me?

  He sat nervously waiting to check what the response would be. Is this some kind of joke? No way. Someone with skills can see what I’m trying to do. A hacker? It has to be. But what do they know?

  I wrote the code to block what you are trying to find. It’s not used for what I want. But I’m not alone. I have to be careful.

  Jesus, what the hell is this person doing? His mind rushed over the possibilities. So, not just a hacker, but someone who actually writes the secure codes for financial transfers. He realized if this person was involved in organized crime, then their life could be in danger.

  I can keep you safe. Tell me what I need to know and I can protect you.

  He had no idea if he could actually do that, but the desire to find Erik overrode any other thought at the moment.

  No one can protect me. But I will help you anyway. I will send you what you need as soon as I can. Not right now – too dangerous. But soon.

  No, no! He tried to get them to respond back, but the emails stopped coming. Fuck! Trying to trace the origin of the emails, he came up empty. Thirty minutes later, he leaned back in his chair once more, this time the adrenaline pumping through his body. Standing, he moved over to his coffee maker, pouring another cup of the strong brew. Unwilling to leave, he settled in for a long night.


  Pulling into a long driveway leading to a large, brick Colonial home, Bart parked the truck behind several other vehicles.


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