Seeing Love: Saints Protection & Investigations

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Seeing Love: Saints Protection & Investigations Page 25

by Maryann Jordan

  Her eyes flew open as she looked at the area that had shifted. Instead of just metal shelves moving away from the wall, it was evident they hid another door. Her breath came in pants as she walked on unsteady feet to the edge and peeked around. Her hand reached out to the doorknob of its own volition. The rushing of blood roared in her ears as she turned the knob and slowly opened the door.

  It swung open and a gasp escaped her lips.

  Chapter 25

  Mrs. Dukakas opened the door, her eyes registering surprise at seeing Monty and Mitch standing on the front stoop. Without waiting for her to welcome them, they stepped inside the house, Mitch immediately heading for the family room where he heard voices.

  Ivan, Anton, and Dmitry were sitting, the pall of a devastating Christmas Eve hanging over the room. The three men’s eyes furtively looked up as the two stalked in.

  “We have new information that indicates we need to search your basement,” Mitch stated.

  Ivan stood immediately, expression uncertain as he queried, “What are you looking for?” Instinctively, Anton and Dmitry stood, flanking their uncle in support.

  Constance walked into the room, her eyes tearful as she looked up at the visitors. “Do you have any news? Anything about Erik?” she begged.

  Anton stepped toward Monty, his face a mask of anger. “What the hell are you trying to pull here, Lytton?”

  Before he could respond, a call came through on his and Mitch’s ear-pieces. “Basement. All clear. No one here.”

  Anton stepped forward to intervene when Mitch put his hand on his gun holster. “Easy men.”

  Ivan’s jaw was set, eyes blazing, voice like gravel. “You two better explain what the fuck you’re doing in my daughter-in-law’s house, making demands.”


  While Mitch was inside talking to the building’s inhabitants, Bart circled back around to his truck, seeing it empty. His head swiveled around quickly, looking for Faith. Where the hell did she go?

  Monty and Mitch left their target, unhappy expressions on their faces. They walked back toward the others who were appearing as ghosts from the back.

  He already heard through his earpiece that the location checked out clean and the occupants were furious. Before the others could get to him, Bart growled loudly, “Faith’s gone.”

  While the others looked stunned, Jack pulled out his phone, speaking to Luke.

  “What’d Luke find? Does he know where she is? She can’t be far and no matter what you all think, she was right about what she saw!” Bart’s jaw was set, his teeth grinding together in anger. “I fuckin’ swear if they’ve—”

  “We’ve got this,” Jack said, walking up to the Bart, and quickly joined by Monty, Blaise, Cam, Chad and Mitch.

  Shaking his head, Mitch looked at Bart. “I believe her, but I gotta tell you,” he said, jerking his head to where he came from, “I’ll be lucky to not have disciplinary action over that.”

  “Not waiting,” Bart warned. “Not fuckin’ waiting.”

  Jack pierced him with a long look. “Understood. Been there myself. But we want them to go down? We do this by the book.”

  Locking his jaw, Bart nodded as Luke gave him her new coordinates. They all stared for a second at each other before turning around to look right behind them. Feeling his pocket vibrate, Bart pulled out his phone.

  2 missed text messages

  “Fuck!” he shouted. “She’s there!”


  Faith stood numbly, looking into the room that so closely resembled her drawings. A room equipped to look like a boy’s bedroom. Comfortable bed covered with a dark blue comforter. A bookcase on the side, filled with books and games. An overhead light plus a floor lamp provided excellent illumination. What had been outside of her vision included two chairs at a table still containing a tray with lunch leftovers. A thick rug covered the concrete floor giving the space warmth and comfort. A door on the opposite wall stood open, showing a full bathroom.

  And in the middle of the bed, sat a boy playing a video game. Dressed in a clean shirt and jeans, socks on his feet. He looked up, his smile halting in place. Erik Krustas.

  “Who are you?” he asked, his head cocked to the side. “Is the surprise ready?”

  She stepped closer, standing at the foot of his bed, her heart beating a staccato pattern as she willed the light-headedness to pass. “Su…surprise?”

  “Our trip. I only had to stay in this room for a week, while the secret trip was planned, and then we’re leaving on Christmas. That’s tomorrow, you know. Did you come here to help me get ready?”

  “Is…is that what you were told?”

  His face scrunched up in confusion. “Yeah. But honestly, I’m getting bored. That’s why I’m glad we’re leaving tomorrow.”

  Licking her lips, she knew she had to get him out of there. Her eyes darted around, landing on his shoes on the floor. “Erik, there’s been a change of plans. You need to put your shoes on now. Do you have a coat?”

  He giggled as he pulled his shoes on. “I don’t need a coat here in my hiding room.” He looked up at her, saying, “You never told me what your name was.”

  “Faith. I’m Faith. Lots of people have been looking for you all week.”

  His nose wrinkled adorably as he peered at her. “But why?”

  Pulling in her lips, afraid to tell him too much, she simply said, “Well, no one knew where you were. They were scared.”

  Laughing, he replied, “That’s silly! I was right here!”

  She could not help but grin at his animated face. “Yes, yes. You were.” Looking behind her, she turned back quickly and said, “We need to go. We need to try to sneak out of here and find some friends of mine, okay?”

  “Like another game?”

  She hesitated for a moment, before nodding. “Absolutely. A game we’re going to win!”

  Hearing a noise coming from the stairs, she hurried to close the door. Dammit! Looking at the confused expression on Erik’s face, she said, “I need you to go into the bathroom for a few minutes and close the door. I’ll surprise whoever comes in.”

  Laughing, he did as she asked while her eyes glanced around for anything to use as a weapon. The large book on the bed was the only thing she could grab before she heard a sound at the door. Slipping behind the door with the book grasped over her head, she held her breath, hoping whoever came in could not hear her hammering heartbeat.

  Slowly the door opened. “Erik?” a voice whispered, as a body came into the room.

  Slamming the book down on top of their head, she saw the body pitch forward as they cried out moaning on the floor. Shit, in movies it knocks them out! Not knowing what else to do, she kicked the man in the groin, turning his moan into cries of agony.

  Rushing to the bathroom door, she threw it open. “Come on, Erik. We’ve got to go now!”

  Grabbing his hand, she rushed him through the bedroom toward the open door. Erik pulled on her hand when he saw the man on the floor.

  “What’s wrong with him?” Erik asked.

  She pulled him through the door into the basement. “He’s just feeling sick,” she said and continued toward the stairs in the back.


  With Erik tucked safely behind her, Faith continued slowly toward the second set of stairs she hoped led to the garage. As she was about to reach the bottom, the door above opened and a dark figure appeared. Scurrying backward, still protecting Erik, she moved into the shadows of the basement corner.

  Several huge men came quietly down the stairs, weapons drawn. As one turned toward her, she gasped.

  “Cam!” she cried out.

  The men immediately whirled around and Cam barely had time to lower his weapon before she rushed into his arms.

  “Where’s Bart? I have to let him know I’m okay,” she said, her words coming in a rush.

  Bart rushed from the closet she had initially entered, grabbing her from Cam’s arms and crushing her body to his.

  She felt his a
rms quivering as they held her while he whispered over and over, “I’ve got you, princess. I’ve got you.”

  Jack and Chad quickly looked into the room where Erik had been kept, seeing the still writhing man on the floor. Hauling him up, Chad used zip-ties to restrain the groaning man.

  Jack kneeled to the floor in front of the small boy whose eyes were large with fright. “You must be Erik? I’m Jack and we’re here to help.”


  “Who’s down there?” Anton asked.

  Without answering him, Mitch escorted Constance down the stairs, handing her off as his eyes landed on Faith.

  Bart noticed a young, dark haired boy standing with Jack. Just then Ivan, Anton, and Dmitry noticed him as well. Gasping his name, Ivan rushed over before his legs gave out as he came to his grandson. Clasping Erik to his chest, his heart-wrenching sobs filled the crowded room. Anton and Dmitry rushed over as well, engulfing the two in their embraces.

  After a minute Ivan stood, his hands firmly holding Erik’s shoulders, and turned toward the assembly. Before he could speak, Erik called out, “Mom? Is our game over? Roger’s in the room, but Faith said he was sick.”

  Constance tried to move out of Mitch’s grasp, but his grip was equally unyielding. Blaise came from inside the room, a staggering Roger in his custody.

  Ivan, finally finding his voice, roared, “Somebody better tell me what the hell is going on!”

  Mitch, handing Constance over to Chad, walked over to peer into the room before looking back at Ivan. “If you look here, you’ll see where your grandson has been all along.”

  Walking on stiff legs, Ivan moved to the hidden room, his eyes disbelieving, with Anton and Dmitry on his heels. The noise of other FBI agents coming into the room was disregarded as the three men stared into the holding room that Erik had been in for over a week. Ivan, head shaking, turned back to the group. First piercing Mitch, and then Bart, with a stare, he finally landed his gaze on Constance.

  “You? You?” his voice deathly cold. “You held my grandson in this prison for over a week? What kind of monster are you?”

  “He’s my son and he was never in danger!” Constance bit back, her face twisted in anger.

  “For what?” Anton asked, his expression still one of shock.

  Her eyes shifted over to Roger, who was not making eye contact with her anymore. Pursing her lips, she glared at the men in the room. “For the money, what else?”

  “Money?” Ivan repeated incredulously. “You want for nothing here. I pay for everything for you and Erik.”

  “I wanted out from under you,” she growled. “By the time you finish going legitimate, there may be nothing left of Erik’s inheritance. I decided to take you for what I could get and then leave. Roger and I have been planning this for over a year. We built this safe room, just waiting for the right time.”

  Constance smiled, cocking her eyebrow as she looked over at Mitch. “As you can see, my son was perfectly safe and comfortable in this room. After all, it’s not a crime to have your child sleep in a different bedroom in a neighbor’s house. He had food, water, a lovely room and bathroom, plenty of toys and books and I saw him every day.” Leaning in a little closer, she smirked. “I didn’t send any demands. I’ve come in no contact with any money. I didn’t commit a crime, Agent Evans.”

  Mitch smiled an equally cocky grin as he moved directly in front of her. “You should have done your homework, Mrs. Krustas. Extortion, filing a false police report, actual knowledge of a crime, aiding and abetting, aiding in a felony, assaulting Ms. Romani, accessory, conspiracy—”

  “But, but,” she interrupted, looking between Mitch and Roger. Lifting her hand, she cried, “It was his idea! He’s got the money. He sent the notes—”

  “Shut up!” Roger, finally coming to life, roared at her.

  Having listened quietly, Faith’s gentle, but firm, voice called out, “We need to take care of Erik and leave this for a later time.” Walking out of Bart’s embrace she moved to Erik, kneeling in front of the boy whose confused expression concerned her. “How about you and me go upstairs for a little while?”

  Offering her his hand, he took it as she walked to the bottom of the stairs. Constance broke loose, running over to him. “Baby, please tell them you were safe. We had fun down here in our little pretend castle, didn’t we?”

  He threw his arms around his mother, saying, “Don’t cry mom. As soon as you talk to them, we can pack for our trip, right?”

  Constance glanced up at Faith, her eyes filled with tears. “Oh baby, we might have to wait on that trip for just a bit.”

  The FBI agents allowed Faith to lead Erik upstairs first, before handcuffing Constance and Roger. Ivan glanced to his two nephews, his face torn between emotions. Mitch gave orders to the other agents to take Constance and Roger up the stairs leading to the garage. “I’ll finish here and then meet you at the police station.” Giving more orders to the other agents to begin processing the scene, he then nodded to Ivan to proceed up the stairs. The group ascended into Roger’s kitchen, finding Faith already speaking to a sobbing Mrs. Dukakas, who had followed the group over and now held Erik to her expansive bosom.

  Bart moved over to Faith seeing tears in her eyes as well. “Come on, princess. Let’s go.” He began to lead her toward the front door when Ivan called out to her.

  “Faith, when did you know?”

  She turned and looked at the group. For a moment she froze, seeing all the faces. How do I explain this to them? The Saints…several FBI agents…the Krustas family. She felt a strong hand on her shoulder and twisted to look up into Bart’s face. The face that only a week ago, with these very people, denounced her. And now that face gazed down at her in acceptance…understanding…concern. Offering him a tiny smile, she turned her face toward the group seeing encouragement—not condemnation.

  Sucking in a deep breath, she said, “I didn’t have a clue until this morning.” Her eyes met Ivan’s. “Last week, all I felt was hurt and anger and fear from all of you. I didn’t feel any fear in Erik’s room, but didn’t understand that at the time. With your…uh…competitors, I felt overwhelming violence, but nothing that tied into Erik.”

  “What about your drawings?” Dmitry asked as he moved to stand with his uncle.

  “I finally had an image of Erik, but he was smiling. He would only do that if he were comfortable with where he was and who he was with.”

  “And this morning? Did you know it was her?” Anton asked.

  Shaking her head, she admitted, “No. I felt sadness from everyone, but then began to feel the presence of something else. A little guilt…but…more like contentment.” Her eyes moved from Dmitry to Anton to Ivan. “I honestly moved around the room, hoping that I could pinpoint my feelings. It wasn’t until I went back home and began to draw.”

  She hesitated, searching the gazes once more, but seeing nothing but interest. “I saw images of the three of you playing with Erik, but it wasn’t until I drew the last picture of him sitting on the bed that I knew. This time, I saw his mom in the room with him and he was smiling.” Giving a little shrug, she admitted, “I mistakenly assumed that it meant he was at her house. When I was in the truck waiting, I began to feel that he was close, but not there.”

  Dmitry nodded, saying, “I saw her immediately leave the room after you left this morning. She must have told Roger she suspected you knew.”

  Ivan walked over, his red-rimmed eyes pinning her as he reached out to clasp her hands in his. “Thank you, my dear.”

  “I’m sorry that I couldn’t have helped sooner.” Her shoulder lifted and fell with a sigh. “I can’t turn it on or off. Sometimes, things just have to come to me.”

  He leaned over, kissing both cheeks before whispering in her ear. Moving back, he turned swiftly, once more the man in charge. “Agent Evans, I’m sure you’ll want to interview Erik. I’m calling my private doctor to examine him first. Anton, Dmitry—we need to find out how to get the money back. Mrs. Dukakas, l
et’s get Erik comfortable back in his own room.”

  Jack and the Saints grinned as they trooped out of the house, Bart and Faith surrounded by them. Monty conferred with Mitch for a moment before following the rest of the Saints out as well. Bart led her to the passenger side of his truck, but halted before lifting her in. Leaning over, he placed a kiss on her lips. Tender.

  “Gotta tell you, I was fuckin’ scared when I couldn’t find you,” he confessed. “You and I need to have a little talk about staying where I put you.”

  Arching her eyebrow while cocking her head, she said, “That discussion may not turn out as you desire. I’m not a dog—”

  She was shushed as his lips hit hers, this time scorching. Melting underneath his ministrations, she kissed back with equal ardor.

  Finally moving an inch back, but still breathing her in, he touched the St. Bartholomew pendant hanging between her breasts, adding, “Never been scared on a mission before.”

  “What made this one different?” she boldly asked, lifting her hands to his shoulders before sliding them around his neck.

  “Never been in love before,” he grinned the panty-melting smile that was now only hers.


  Having received word that Faith was safe and Erik had been found, safe as well, Luke sent a message.

  All is well. You were right.

  He waited just a moment before the reply came back.

  I’m glad.

  He sat staring at the screen, his fingers dancing across the keyboard, begging to be told the identity of the person on the other end. His forefinger hovered over the enter key, but he knew. This person will let me know what I need to know…when they want me to know it.

  He deleted his entire response and added a new one.

  Thank you.

  Chapter 26


  One week later

  Entering Chuck’s Bar and Grille, Bart linked fingers with Faith as they made their way toward the tables pushed together, holding the Saints and several women. Bethany, Miriam, and Sabrina made up the core women—those with lasting power. Faith moved over to greet them as Bart signaled Trudi, the longtime waitress, for more beer. Faith looked up in surprise as the tall, middle-aged blonde with big curves and even bigger hair walked over, setting their beer on the table.


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