Eva and the Irishman

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Eva and the Irishman Page 24

by Janne E Toivonen

  “I know you are hungry and I’m sorry for it, but you will not do what you want to do.” She readied herself to swing the heavy end of the stick.

  One of the wolves made the first move. Eva screamed and started to swing at the starving, single-minded wolf. She struck the silver-coated female’s head. The wolf yelped, but then snarled bare toothed, not backing away. She was emaciated from the lack of food. Each of the wolves took vicious, snapping turns, going for the baby. Eva was terrified, but like a bear cornered by bear dogs, she stood firm over her daughter. She kept swinging and getting good wallops, but they kept trying. She kept on screaming, trying to scare the predators away. As she prayed Victor would hear her, she kept on swinging the walking-stick-turned-club, her only hope of saving Ellen.


  “Eva and the baby! I sent them out,” Victor said. He ran into the house, grabbed their one-shot pistol and extra cartridges out of the cupboard. Just as he was coming back out, they heard a scream from somewhere up the path to the Maki’s.

  “EVA!” He ran for her. Hannes followed close behind. Victor thanked God for the hard crust of snow that was fairly easy to run across. As he ran, he continued to hear the screaming. In his panic, he pushed himself with all his might to get to Eva.

  He heard his respiration, raggedy and hoarse in the sub-zero temperature.

  As he ran up the path, he saw them in the short distance. He heard himself scream in terror, seeing Eva standing over the sled with his baby in it, swinging the walking stick at the attacking wolves.

  “Yuri is coming, Victor,” Hannes yelled. “Don’t shoot too soon. Eva and Ellen are in the way from here.”

  Victor’s sole intention was to get there before the wolves got Ellen. From the Maki house, Yuri arrived at the same moment. Close range now, with the wolves not budging, Victor fired his pistol at the closest one to him, killing it. Two other shots rang out. The fourth shot was the end of it. Four wolves lay dead. Hannes had gotten the last one.

  Eva scooped Ellen into her arms. The baby, who had been startled by Eva’s screaming and the gunshots, was in her own terror. Eva lost her balance and fell on her back, reflexively moving into a fetal position around Ellen. Victor rushed to kneel over his wife and baby. In a protective move, he just lay there, on top of them.

  “I’m here … I’m here ...” Victor repeated over and over.

  Through the crying, Yuri began reassuring them.

  “It’s all over. Everything is all right.” A moment went by. “Victor!” He took him by the shoulder and shook him.

  Victor looked at Yuri sharply, but the encouraging expression on Yuri’s face began to settle him.

  “Stand up now,” Yuri said. “Let’s get you home and safely inside. What the devil were you all doing out here? Didn’t you hear the wolves earlier?”

  Hannes explained what had happened, as far as he knew. “Victor will have to tell the rest.”

  “What about these wolves?” Victor asked, looking at the carcasses. He stood and helped Eva up.

  “I’ll tend to them,” Yuri said.


  It was late afternoon, a week after the wolves.

  Eva sat on the edge of the bed, her hand on Victor’s hip. Victor could not forgive himself for the selfish behavior that pushed his family into danger.

  “I’m worried about you. This melancholy …” she said.

  Victor did not respond.

  “We didn’t hear the wolves. It wasn’t your fault.” He was lying curled up, facing away. “I could have just as easily gone on my own. I did not hear them the night before.” When she got no response, she lay down next to him and spooned. She sighed. “I know you feel horrible for what happened, but it was you who saved us. Don’t you see? Yuri and Hannes were there to help. It wasn’t mine or Ellen’s time—to go.”

  “I’d die trying to save you and the baby,” Victor said. His voice cracked from non-use.

  “I know you would.” She stroked his head behind his ear, twirling a brown curl overgrown from the winter months.

  “You must tell me, Eva.”

  “Tell you what?”

  “That you forgive me.” He rolled over and looked into her eyes. He studied her face for several moments.

  “I already told you—”

  “No, you haven’t. Say it—” He grasped her forearms.

  She shifted around and stretched her body on top of his, covering him like a blanket. In a barely audible voice she said, “I forgive you, Victor.”

  Chapter 23

  Dolly was sitting cross-legged on the bed, combing her hair and reliving their lovemaking from a few hours before, when she heard the key in the lock of the door. She broke out in a beaming smile when she saw Liam walk in. She had put her night gown back on just recently. It was chilly outside of the warm, quilted cocoon.

  “I’d love a bath,” she said, kneeling to hug Liam from the bed. “Not upstairs, though. I feel more comfortable in the tub in the laundry room.”

  “Sure. Let’s go.” Liam let go of her hug to help her off the bed, but she purposely kept a tight hold around his neck, preventing him from going anywhere. She laughed at her silliness.

  He did, too. “Are we goin’ or not?”

  “Maybe I want ye again, before a bath.” She still had a hold of his neck.

  Liam gave her a glance. “I think I can oblige ye.” Without warning, he picked her up by her waist, making her squeal in pleasure, and plopped her on her back, his knees straddling her on the bed. He loosened his tie, threw it on the floor, and unbuttoned his shirt while she undid his trousers. Once again, they were desperate for the coupling as they giggled and took off their clothes. She squirmed in pleasure underneath him.

  “Oh, Liam,” she breathed. Her hands went to his hips after he pushed into her. “I want to feel ye move. It makes me want ye, and the sweet release.”

  “Mmmm …” he moaned.

  Never in her life did she know sex could be so pleasurable. “I … love ye …” she breathed. Her climax took her breath. She growled with each exquisite pulse. She heard Liam in his climax. He collapsed.

  “Oh, my God, Dee. Ye sounded like a baby wildcat growlin’,” he laughed.

  Minutes later, her long locks needed brushing again, and he was damp with the effort just expended. Dolly, still feeling impish, rolled towards him and nipped him on the shoulder.

  “OW! What’s that all about?” He looked at her face with a feigned frown.

  “Two can play that, ye wee wildcat.” He rubbed the bite mark.

  She giggled again, and he lunged to nip her on her breast. She squealed. In spite of his enthusiasm, he was gentle in his bite.

  “Is that the best ye can do?” she teased. She was out of breath from the giggling.

  “Ye want more, do ye?” He reached under her and flipped her over, causing her fits of giggles once again. As she bounced on the bed, he took hold of one buttock with his teeth and bit just a little harder.

  “OW!” she screamed. “Ye’re a tally whacker, Liam Dady.”

  “Well if I am, then I’m yer tally whacker, heart and soul.” He pulled her close and kissed her gently. It appeared that he was done with the rough play and wanted to nuzzle her. She softened into the crook of his arm.

  After a while, she stirred. “I’m ready for that bath now.”

  “I’ll go draw one. Upstairs or down?”

  “Down, please.”

  They went down the back stairs to the kitchen naked. It was cold in the house. No one had shoveled more coal into the boiler in the cellar, so Liam ran down to stoke the fire.

  “It’ll be a while for the water to get hot, so let’s get somethin’ to eat. Shouldn’t you be hungry?”

  “Oh, aye, I’m starvin’.”

  Dolly grabbed her bath robe from the sleeping quarters and put it on, giving Liam a blanket to wrap up in. They sat and ate leftovers at the kitchen table.

  “It seems strange without Annie here,” Dolly said.

“I’m glad she’s not here at the present. Don’t think she’d approve of our state of undress.” He smiled at his remark and gave a peek in the direction of his lap.

  “Well, ye’re no doubt right,” she remarked. “What are ye lookin’ at?” she teased.

  “The family jewels. They’re a bit shrunk up at the moment, hidin’ from the cold.” He smiled at her. “They’re takin’ a rest, as they’ve been busy for quite some time, now.”

  She laughed. “I was thinkin’ this mornin’ when I woke,” she said. “I don’t know yer full name.”

  “It’s William Michael Dady. I’m not quite named after my father. He’s William James Dady. When I started school, my classmates started callin’ me Liam. It stuck.”

  “I want to name our first boy after you,” she said happily.

  “That’s sweet. I’d like that.”

  She smiled back at him, and felt heat rise from her neck to her cheeks.

  “What’s the blushin’ for?”

  “I shouldn’t presume …”

  “Ye’re free to presume anythin’.”

  They gazed at each other with love. Dolly couldn't help but realize the implication of marriage and children. Those wonderful feelings of love and belonging, and a real life with Liam were both thrilling and daunting to her.

  They munched companionably on cold roast beef, soda bread, and oranges left from the Christmas party. After they cleaned up the lunch, they went to the now-warmer laundry room and filled the tub with steamy, hot water. They sat one at each end and settled in for a long soak.

  “I’ve been thinkin’ this mornin’, too, Dolly, about maybe speedin’ up my courses and gettin’ done earlier, perhaps this time next year instead of the followin’ June. We can get married and get out of Belfast sooner.”

  Her interest piqued. “Ye can do that? Will the school let ye?”

  “I’d probably stay through the summer, but before ye get too worried, ye’d come to visit next June, while my parents are on their summer holiday.”

  “Where would I stay?”

  “Last Fall, when I went explorin’ on a Sunday with Kurt, we found a resort up at the firth, called Portobello. There are hotels and things to do on the beach. Perhaps we could …”

  “Could what?” She took a wash cloth and lavender soap and began to wash herself.

  “Big ideas are occurring to me right at this moment.” He stared at Dolly, thinking. “My parents gave me a gift of money for Christmas. The first thing I thought of doing with it was to have a dress made for ye. Not just any dress. A weddin’ dress, then surprise ye with it.”

  She sat frozen, mouth half open in astonishment. It was just like when she heard Liam mention going to America. “What are ye sayin’?” she said in a whisper.

  “What I’m thinkin’ just now is I’ll go to school in the summer, and when you come to visit me, we’ll get married, right at Portobello.”

  Dolly felt afraid, then enthusiastic. “Are ye sure, Liam? Do ye really want me? Am I the one for ye?” Her self-confidence had taken a momentary dive.

  “Why would I ask ye then?” Liam pulled her onto him and held her close. “Yes, I want ye to marry me, if ye’ll have me?”

  “Well, we are promised, are we not?” She imitated his seriousness. She held him around his waist as she half floated, half lay on him in the water. He reached for the gold heart on the chain with the cross that she never removed. The chain was now holding the miniature Lady Liberty.

  “I’m fairly sure we are,” he said. As he dangled the heart in his fingers, she floated in closer to kiss him. “Let’s go today to see Mary O’Brien, Patrick’s mother. She can make ye a fine dress. Would ye like to do that?”

  “Oh, aye,” she said with childlike enthusiasm. “We have to finish washin’.” She leaned back to sitting and began to scrub industriously.

  He smiled at her. He, too, picked up a wash cloth and dipped it into the water. “Will ye pass the soap?”


  Liam knew Mary O’Brien to be a gregarious, wiry woman who was compelled to be in constant motion. She had to. She had ten children, Patrick being the oldest.

  “Ye’ve come to order a dress for this sweet girl!" Mary said. She seemed to be studying Dolly’s face. "Liam, what a fine choice. When’s the big day?”

  “Mid-June, perhaps around the fifteenth, in Edinburgh.”

  “I think we can accommodate ye. It’ll be tight, but for you and this angelic girl, anythin’s possible.”

  Mary handed Dolly a stack of drawings from a shelf and led her into the parlor. Once there, the two women sat looking at wedding dress pictures over tea and scones, while Liam and Patrick watched from the kitchen.

  “Do ye have an idea of what ye’d like to have?” Mary asked.

  “No, I never dreamed of gettin’ married.”

  “Let’s have a look then, dear …”

  Once the women were settled, Liam quietly conferred with Patrick.

  “We didn’t kill the guy,” Patrick whispered at the kitchen table. They sat huddled, sipping on a shot of whiskey. “We smacked him good, and then told him to find another market to sell in if he knew what was good for him. We told him that we’d watch his every move.”

  “Annie told me she hasn’t seen him at St. George’s since ye took him in front of the mansion,” Liam said. He felt fairly satisfied with the riddance of young Mr. Leary, the meat monger who had nearly kidnapped Dolly.

  “My boys found him in Derry,” Patrick said. “He looked to be doin’ a brisk business there, so he shouldn’t be comin’ back ’round anytime soon.”

  Liam offered Patrick a wrapped-and-tied bundle of money to pay him and his boys for the service past, present … and future. “Stay on him, Paddy. I have a feelin’ …” Liam gazed at Patrick with seriousness. They both knew what would have to be done if Leary returned. Liam didn’t like the prospect. He knew that Patrick and his gang, given the violence of their world, wouldn’t hesitate. Liam and Patrick finished their shot of whiskey at the same time, and then returned to the parlor with Dolly and Mary.

  Dolly wanted to show Liam the picture of the dress she loved the best. “They’re all so beautiful, it was hard to choose. Do ye want to look at the pictures?” Dolly asked.

  Liam sat down next to her on the settee. “I’ll love ye in any of ’em,” he said. “Let’s see what ye have there.”

  “Well now, I’ll show ye all the pictures, but I won’t tell ye which one I chose,” she said firmly.

  “Ye’re havin’ a grand time choosin’, I can tell,” he said, grinning at her.

  As he watched the pictures flip by in Dolly’s hands, he noticed that she began to fidget with excitement at one picture in particular.

  He looked at her and started to laugh. “Now, there’s somethin’ about this one that’s set ye off. Ye’re wigglin’ in yer seat,” he teased.

  Without a trace of a warning, she burst into tears. “How are we goin’ to do this, Liam?” she cried. “Ye’re not Catholic.”

  “Then, when I go back to Edinburgh, I’ll go to the local Catholic Church and start the conversion process. Or, we can have a Judge perform the marriage—”

  “I need to be married properly, in the eyes o’ God,” Dolly said. She was not quite emphatic, but fairly strong.

  “Then I’ll convert,” he said. He held her, soothing her with his words. “To me, it doesn’t matter. It’s all one God. The name of the church is just a name, and it’s no problem for me to become Catholic.”

  Dolly sniffed as Liam handed her his handkerchief. “Truly? Ye’d do that for me?” She blew her nose.

  “Oh, aye.” Liam held her until she drew a deep breath and let it out. “Now, let me see this beautiful gown…”


  Liam gave Mary a down-payment. After the dress measurements were taken, Mary invited Liam and Dolly to stay for supper. After they ate, Dolly picked out the items she wanted in her trousseau.

  “I’ll order the material right away,
with that down payment,” Mary said. “I'll get started as soon as I get it. It’s always a mad rush startin’ this time of year.”

  “When do I try it on?” Dolly asked.

  “I’ll have ye come in April, and a final fitting will be done in May. Then I’ll send the entire trousseau in a steamer trunk to Liam in Edinburgh with strict instructions he is not to open it!”


  It was a joyous time for Liam and Dolly. Liam had never known such a feeling in his heart. As they lay together deep in the night after several tender and emotional sessions of love making, they began to chat. The practical side of Liam told him to ask Dolly when the last day of her monthly was. He breathed a sigh of relief when she said it was three days ago.

  “Then we have a few more days before ye start to get towards yer fertile time,” he said.

  “Then after we’re married,” Dolly said happily, “will we have to worry about gettin’ with child?”

  “No. We can tell my parents to go to hell. They can’t do anything but drop me from their will. That’s why I’ve been working at off-school hours. I’m making a lot of money. So, don’t worry about anything.”

  “What kind of job is it? It doesn’t seem like ye’re fightin’.”

  He closed his eyes and pressed his lips together. “I was hopin’ ye wouldn’t ask me that.”


  “Because while it’s lucrative, it’s not exactly legal.”

  She sat up and looked confused. “Are ye prostitutin’ yerself, Liam?”

  The question came out of nowhere and shocked him into a guffaw. “No, of course not. Although, I do think I’m very good and would be very excellent. But no, I’m not sellin’ my body.” He finished with a serious tone. She smiled at his remark.


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