Eva and the Irishman

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Eva and the Irishman Page 27

by Janne E Toivonen

  “Liam, I do believe I am completely charmed by your bride-to-be,” Kurt said. He lifted his half-empty champagne glass to Dolly.

  “Are ye plannin’ a weddin’ yerself, Mr. Meyer?” Dolly asked. She felt a little self-conscious at his attention.

  “Yes, my Elise and I are planning an autumn wedding next year.”

  “That sounds lovely.”

  She looked at Liam whose eyes suddenly burned with his need for her.

  Kurt stood. “I will take my leave now, Liam and ladies. I will be back here at the set time.”

  “And I,” Annie spoke up, “am in need of a nap. I will see you two tomorrow.”

  “Goodnight Annie,” Liam replied.


  Not wanting to wait another second more, Dolly and Liam, finally alone in their room, took their clothes off. Liam felt the need overcome him.

  “I missed you so much,” he whispered huskily. He pulled her body to him and pushed his hardness into her.

  Her legs parted as she stood, as though to let him closer to where he wanted to go. “I missed ye too. I want ye bad,” she responded and pulled him to the bed.

  “Ye feel so good, Dee. I want to go deeper …” He pushed into her with wild abandon, moaning with each thrust.

  She whimpered and held onto Liam’s hips with her legs, pushing up, meeting his wild thrusts.

  It hit him like a tidal wave. When it faded he lay spent on top of her.

  “I thought I was goin’ to faint,” she told him of her climax after a few moments.


  The night before the wedding, Liam and Dolly made love. “Stay with me tonight, Dee,” Liam pleaded as they finished.

  “I can’t, Liam. I want to get ready for the weddin’ without ye seein’ me all mornin’. I have to take my bath tonight, too.”

  Liam, still lying naked and wanting more, reluctantly let her get out of bed to put her robe on. He then rose out of bed to escort her to Annie’s room across the hall, relieved that no one in the hall saw her in her robe.


  Everything was meticulously planned. Both Dolly and Annie would take a bath and dry their hair the night before. Annie and Dolly would have breakfast together, as would Kurt and Liam. The wedding would be at one o’clock. The four would then have a dinner in the dining room to celebrate. After that, Liam and Dolly would say good-bye to Kurt and Annie. Kurt would head home to Germany for the summer, and Annie would be leaving the next morning for Glasgow and the boat back to Belfast. Then, Liam and Dolly would be inseparable for one week for their honeymoon.

  The morning of the wedding, room service came to Annie’s door at seven with breakfast. An hour and a half before the ceremony, they came again, this time with cucumber sandwiches, tea, and blueberry scones.

  “This is so lovely,” Dolly said. “I just realized I’m starvin’ even after the breakfast we had.”

  “It’s yer nerves, Dolly. I always eat when I’m nervous. And I remembered eatin’ like a horse when I got pregnant and didn’t yet know.”

  “Well, I don’t think I’m that yet, but I really do want some of those wee sandwiches on that plate. Or should I have that steamin’ scone with a heap o’ whipped cream on it? All right, I’ll have both.” She giggled.

  “I think I will too,” Annie joined her.


  After having a bite to eat, Dolly sat down at the dresser so Annie could put her hair up. As Annie brushed Dolly’s long, shiny, hair she remarked, “I’ve never seen hair so golden. It’s the color of wheat fields just before harvest.” A few strokes later, she said, “Do ye really want to have it up completely? I could put half up, and have the rest down. It’s up to you.”

  “Could ye put it all up and then don’t put so many pins in, so it’s easy to take out?” Dolly blushed at the inference. She didn’t want to have to fuss with too many pins when she and Liam disrobed for their wedding night bliss. Just the thought of this made Dolly's belly tickle and roused her so much that she couldn’t wait for them to be alone again.

  Dolly sighed. “I will be Mrs. William Michael Dady in just a wee while, Annie. I still can’t believe it’s real.”

  “What will ye call yerself?” Annie asked. She continued to pin up Dolly’s hair lock by lock.

  “I like Dolly Mahan Dady. That’s how I’ll sign things if I don’t sign ’em Mrs. William M. Dady.”

  “When Liam gets his degree, he’ll be Dr. Dady,” Annie said. “Then you two will be Dr. and Mrs. Dady.”

  “I didn’t think of that,” Dolly said, feeling joyful at the thought. Just after that happy thought, however, a black thought came creeping into her consciousness. Why do I feel like I’m doin’ somethin’ wrong?

  “What is troublin’ ye, Dolly?” Annie asked.

  Dolly looked at Annie in the mirror. “Mrs. Dady …”

  “Oh, aye. You and Liam are not children. She can’t do a thing about this union. It’ll be blessed in the eyes o’ God, darlin’. And I know He has more authority than Molly Dady.”

  “I love Liam more than anythin’.”

  “I know ye do. Now let’s get ready and get this weddin’ done.”


  Liam was ready by one o’ clock. He had Kurt check to see if the ladies were ready. He heard Kurt speak to them through the crack in their open door. “We’ll want you ladies to join us out on the beach a little way. Just go through the patio off the suite.”

  Kurt reported to Liam that they would be there momentarily, and they both headed out with Father MacKenzie who had arrived fifteen minutes prior.

  The sun was blissfully shining. Not a cloud was in the June sky. The sea breeze was light and fragrant.

  When Liam feasted his eyes on Dolly, all time stopped. She was so beautiful, tears welled in his eyes.

  “Oh, God in heaven,” he whispered. It was a short prayer of thanks. How could I be this deservin’?

  He held out his hand to her as she came close. Both were shaking. He was overwhelmed at the transformation. “Ye’re so gorgeous.”

  “Ye’re so handsome, Liam,” she said. As she tried lifting her lace veil, he came to her assistance. Liam had a black formal suit and vest with a starched white shirt and black tie. Both men had boutonnières of red roses that matched Dolly’s bouquet. Liam had left a bouquet tied in creamy-white lacey ribbon on the table next to the patio door. On top of the bouquet was a note saying, “These are for my bride.”

  “And look around,” he said to Dolly. “Do ye see Mary Tisdale ready to knock ye out of the way?”

  Both of them tittered, turning into a brief fit of giggles, nerves softening. Even Annie attempted to stifle a chortle.

  Father MacKenzie gently cleared his throat to give a signal he was ready.

  “Dearly beloved. . .” he began.

  Dolly and Liam stood facing each other, holding hands and gazing into each other’s eyes as they listened to the Father’s words and repeated them.

  “Do you, William Michael, take Dolly Mahan, to have and to hold …”

  “I do,” Liam said strongly, gazing into the beautiful green eyes of his bride.

  Liam repeated the last, “…’til death us do part.” As he repeated his vows, he slid a silver wedding ring on Dolly’s left finger.

  “I didn’t know ye had one,” she whispered.

  Just before it was Dolly's turn to say her vows, Annie touched her shoulder. Dolly turned to have Annie slip Liam’s wedding band into her hand. It was matching silver.

  “Do you, Dolly Mahan, take William Michael to have and to hold …”

  “I do,” said Dolly in a soft sweet voice. She slipped the ring on Liam’s left ring finger.

  “... ’til death us do part,” she finished.

  “In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, I now pronounce you Man and Wife. You may kiss your bride, son.”

  Liam kissed her tenderly, holding her face with his hands.

  “Ye’re my wife now,” he whispered. “We did it.” He lo
st his composure and tears rolled down his face in utter joy. Dolly joined him. So did Annie, standing by their side, while the musicians played a love song.

  “It’s time for a celebration drink,” Kurt said. He started to usher everyone back to the room for some champagne.

  “Will you all give Dolly and me a few minutes alone?” Liam asked. “We’ll join ye momentarily.”

  They were obliging.

  “I wanted to say things to ye, but I’m speechless.”

  “I never, ever thought I could feel this happy.”

  Both knew that if anymore was said, more tears would fall.

  They stood arm in arm, looking at the beautiful day and the white and gray gulls flying over. The gentle sea breeze kissed their faces and the sun shone down. They hadn’t noticed the small group of beach walkers who had gathered during the ceremony.

  “Where did they come from?” Liam said.

  “I don’t know,” Dolly answered, blushing.

  Kurt called from the patio. Dolly and Liam kissed and turned to walk to a glass of champagne and a wedding toast.


  Liam pulled his watch out of his trouser pocket. It was five o’clock in the afternoon, after a private meal for the wedding party, when Kurt parted from the ecstatic couple. He shook Liam’s hand and kissed both the bride and Annie on the knuckles in a grand gesture.

  “I’ll see you this fall, Kurt,” Liam said. “Marry Elise.” He got a wide grin from the retreating Kurt.

  “Don’t worry. I will,” Kurt yelled over his shoulder.

  Annie retired to her own room after kissing the newly-weds. “I love you both,” she said. “I’ll see ye at Christmas, Liam. Dolly, I’ll see ye in a week’s time.”

  “I am so happy you were with us, Annie,” Liam said, kissing and hugging her again. He escorted her across the hall and then went back to his room with Dolly. He had arranged for Annie’s small trunk to be put on a cab and she would be taken to the train after breakfast for Glasgow and her boat for Belfast.

  Liam and Dolly were in their own blissful world, slowly undressing each other, carefully putting things away.

  “I feel different,” she whispered. She put her arms around Liam’s middle. They were completely naked.

  “So do I,” Liam said. He felt himself rouse to the thought of being married to the love of his life. He scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the bed. They lay next to each other crossways like the very first time they met, at the brothel on Liam’s birthday a year ago.

  “You were an angel in yer dress today. I’ll never forget how ye looked,” he whispered, feeling his wanting grow stronger.

  She climbed on top, straddling his mid-section. She put his hands on her creamy, soft breasts, much fuller than back then.

  “Ye’re a lot different now,” he said. “Not so skinny. Ye smell nicer, too.” They both smiled. Liam was remembering what he said and did a year ago while they seemed to find themselves reenacting those first moments together. “Does that feel good?” he asked. His fingers traced around her now-taut nipples, making her shiver. She was breathing deeper.

  “Oh, aye, it does,” she said. Her hips started to gyrate gently, rubbing his hardness. “Does that feel good?”

  He breathed in deep, and then exhaled as he said, “Aye.” He was beyond talking. What he desired most was to be in that place where he could love the best. “Please, let me.”

  She leaned forward so Liam could push inside her. She whispered in his ear as she set their rhythm. “Ye make me feel good, Liam.”

  In a short while, he could feel it rising from the depths of his being, his soul. When the wave exquisitely wracked his body, he held her close, feeling the new pleasing presence of his wedding ring on his left hand.


  “Ye’ll tell me if ye get with child,” Liam said a long while later. She lay on top of him in the late hours of the Scottish summer dim. “Ye got yer monthly two weeks ago. I know ye’re not safe. I’ll come right home. We’ll think of somethin’ else to do for our lives.”

  “Ye’re almost finished, Liam. Ye’ve worked so hard to get here. It’s just a few more months.”

  “Please, ye’ll tell me, then. I don’t want ye to go through anything in my parents’ house that serious without me.”

  “When the time comes … I’ll tell ye.” She rolled to her back, pulling him on top.


  The day after their wedding was sunny and warm. Liam and Dolly decided to get some swimwear and head for the water’s edge outside their suite.

  “I don’t know how to swim, Liam, so don’t leave me.”

  “Ye’re not scared, are ye?”

  “Of course, I am. I’ve never been in the water.”

  “Well, I guess we can just warm ourselves in the sun,” Liam suggested. “Not too many people are in the water. It must be cold.”


  Liam and Dolly lay in the sun drowsily holding hands in joy at each other’s presence. After a while, Liam, who had been lying on his belly, touched Dolly to see if she was awake.

  Stretching languorously, she responded to his touch by rolling toward him from her back. “What is it, my love?”

  “Do ye want to go inside—where it’s a bit more private? I’ve been lying here next to ye, lookin’ at yer skin and breasts, and yer body, and I want ye now.”

  “Hmmm?” she responded sexily. They made eye contact. They hopped up from the beach blanket. He quickly grabbed a near-by towel to hide his desire from the public, which acted more like a red flag. Someone from nearby yelled as they walked through their patio door, “Was wonderin’ how long it would take for you two to go back in!”

  Liam was red-faced, and Dolly gasped at the comment. They closed the door with a slam, locked it, and pulled the curtains shut. Then they burst into laughter and flopped on the bed.


  Somewhere in the afternoon, they both woke feeling ravenous.

  “I’m so hungry I could eat a whole chicken, or pig, or cow,” Dolly said. She sat up from the bed. “OW! What’s wrong? I feel like I’m on fire, Liam.”

  He rolled over and winced. “Christ, my back is burnin’. I think we were in the sun too long.” He looked at Dolly to see a red face, neck and arms. “Look in the mirror at yerself.”

  Going to the mirror she exclaimed, “Oh, God.” Her normally creamy white skin was red all over. She looked at Liam, who joined her at the mirror. “You too, Liam. Ye’re all covered with it on yer belly and back. What can we do?” she asked.

  “Aloe is good for burns in general. Let’s see if there’s an apothecary here at the resort. I’ll ring the bell for room service.”

  About an hour later, they were gently treating each other with aloe. The hotel had retrieved some from a nearby apothecary, who had copious amounts on hand for the resort clientele who happened to stay out in the sun too long. After covering themselves with the treatment, they dressed with care for supper in the dining room.

  As Liam and Dolly entered the dining area, a few of the diners appeared to recognize them. Liam assumed they had been in the audience of bystanders earlier that day. The fellow diners smiled sweetly, and then looked in sympathy at their sunburns. All Liam could do was shrug in response. Even though it was uncomfortable, he felt healthy, alive, and in love. The waiter came to them, all smiles.

  “So, you two are the newly-weds who had the wedding on the beach earlier. You are the talk of the resort.”

  Dolly cringed, eyes wide in horror.

  “Not bad talk, I hope,” Liam said.

  “Oh, no, mum, sir. It’s quite the contrary.” The waiter poured them each a glass of chilled white wine and asked what they were hungry for.


  That night in bed was rather uneventful. They were too sun burned to frolic much. Each obliged the other orally and they fell asleep satisfied, waking up late morning.

  Liam rolled over to find Dolly sitting cross-legged on the bed, looking dejected. He sat up, wan
ting to know what was on her mind.

  “We have four days left,” she said. “Then I have to go.” She was a bit pouty.

  Liam wanted no sadness and said with enthusiasm, “So then, let’s do all we can in these four days.”

  “First I’d like some breakfast. Then, can we go see the castle on the hill? Do they let ye in to see?” she asked, perking up a bit with Liam’s attempt at rousing her from her mood.

  “Sure, we can. I can even take ye to see the school, and where Kurt and I live. Would ye like that?”

  “Oh, aye. That would be grand, Liam. Then I’ll know where my letters are goin’. I’ve always wondered about what everythin’ looked like, and wished I were a part of yer life here.”

  “Maybe you’ll be more a part of these next six months coming, seeing where I live and the streets I walk and the Hall where my classes are.”

  They washed in a warm bath, being careful of the sunburns. They applied their aloe when their skin was dry, then got dressed and headed to the dining room.

  On their way to the table, Liam spotted a familiar face, one that filled him with dread. It was William James Pirrie, former Lord Mayor of Belfast and new Chairman of Harland and Wolff. Lord Pirrie had been to Liam's house many times and was always nice to him. He would say to Liam’s father, “William, you’ve a great son here, you don’t treat him well. I’ve seen you. You’re a hell of a vice-president and you get a lot out of your department, but you’re not a good father.”

  Liam was always shocked at Lord Pirrie’s bluntness with his father. Nevertheless, he liked the man.

  Pirrie spotted him, so he had to pay his respects. He brought along Dolly. “Good morning, Lord Pirrie. I trust you’re having a lovely holiday.”

  “Young Mr. Dady, it’s good to see you. Who’s the lovely lady with you?” Lord Pirrie asked.


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