Eva and the Irishman

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Eva and the Irishman Page 72

by Janne E Toivonen

  “Perhaps ye can ask Miss Lehto to write to Miss Avery about how she was tutoring you on the side, and her thoughts on yer abilities. It would be a good idea to have ye tutored as ye get closer to college. Ye’d have a hand up on the Greek and Latin and the sciences for your entrance examinations. She could teach ye how to write yer papers well.”

  “That’s a good idea, Da. I’ll do that tonight after supper. Though, college does seem like a long way off.”

  “It’ll go fast. The time to go to University will rush up at ye.”

  Liam and Ellen sat not quite alone in the parlor. Conor, nineteen months now, had fallen asleep on the rug after a very active play period with Ellen. Eva was with Liisa upstairs. Liam went back to reading the newspaper.

  “By the way, Da, did Mamma tell you she’s puking again? These last few days I’ve heard her in the bathroom in the morning after you’ve left for the hospital.”

  Liam’s arms fell, wrinkling the newspaper in his lap. “No,” he said.


  “Please, let me handle it from here, Ellen. Thanks for lettin’ me know.”

  “Fine,” Ellen replied, watching him.

  He straightened out the newspaper and continued reading it, placing it in front of his face. He huffed once.

  Ellen smiled. She had grown to love Liam ever since he took care of her when she had that case of influenza in Minnesota.

  “When you first came to us, Da, I didn’t like you, and I’m sorry,” she said impulsively.

  He looked out from behind the paper. “I know, Ellen. You were scared for your Mamma and Pappa. They were havin’ a bad time, and I made it worse. I didn’t mean to. My arrival signaled the end of their marriage. I don’t think anyone could’ve predicted what happened to yer father, though.”

  “I see that now, Da. It wasn’t your fault. You were just a sick man who was brought to our house.”

  “I felt so bad for ye, sweetheart, that yer Pappa died when ye were so young. So, I figured ye should grieve the only way ye knew how, and for however long it took.”

  “It took a long time to like you. I watched you and Mamma for a long time, and you were nice to her. You helped her get better when Pappa died. I know you love her. I know she loves you, like she used to love my Pappa.”

  “I’m sure she still loves him, Ellen. Just like you still do.”

  Ellen sat on the floor next to Conor for a few moments, thinking about what Liam had just said, feeling her heart warm. “I know you miss Dolly, too,” she said.

  “Your mother and I will always miss our first loves. I don’t think it can be any other way.”


  Eva was upstairs giving Liisa a bath. Liisa had gotten into a puddle of mud out in the back yard while Eva was taking down laundry from the clothes lines. Eva sang a Finnish children’s song as she helped Liisa, three now, wash herself. Liisa knew all the words to the song and sang along.

  Although Eva was finally settling happily into her life in America, it still tugged at her heartstrings that she wasn’t able to share her beloved new family with her sisters and mother. She decided to have more photographs taken to send home. She had recently received pictures from her sisters, Aili and Liisa, of their families. Liisa and Yuri had four children—three girls and a boy. Aili and Hannes had six, all boys. Included in the packet had been a portrait of Peter Hautala at twelve, Victor’s son with Olga Hautala. She was finally able to admit to herself that he had been unfaithful multiple times, though it was still crushingly hurtful at times. Although she loved him, Victor would always remain a frustrating, perplexing enigma to her. She was astonished at how much Peter looked like Ellen—and exactly like Victor. It was eerie to her, as if Victor were still alive. Peter had Victor’s brown eyes and hair. His body shape was just like Victor’s at that age. All the memories came flooding back when she had first looked at the photo. There was still a raw spot in her heart as she saw the living proof of Victor's infidelity staring back at her from the photograph. Though she had come far, Eva wondered if the occasional pain would ever go away completely. Photographs and letters from home were always a double-edged sword. As Eva helped rinse Liisa, she felt tears well and found herself sobbing into her apron. Liisa looked on with sweet concern.

  “Mamma laula,” Liisa said. Mamma sing.

  “I’m fine, Liisa. Let’s find Pappa, Ellen, and Conor and have supper.” Eva worked to compose herself. She laughed, realizing it was her emotions vacillating due to her new pregnancy.

  Eva helped a wrinkly, wet Liisa out of the tub and into a towel. Usually, the only way she would get out was if the water was all gone by pulling the plug. This time, Liisa came willingly. Eva’s crying brought her out without the usual fuss. Liisa gave Eva a wet hug. While drying Liisa, Eva thought to herself, I must tell Liam I’m pregnant again. I’ll do it tonight, in private. She hadn't said anything for a few days since starting morning sickness. She wanted to make sure that's what it was. He’ll be irritated I didn’t tell him right away.


  Eva came down the stairs with Liisa. Ellen, holding Conor, met her at the bottom, Liam right behind her. As Eva continued to the kitchen, Liam gently grasped her upper arm. She stopped and looked at him affectionately. He kissed her tenderly, prolonged.

  “Do ye need to tell me anythin’?” he spoke softly when the kiss ended.

  “I vas vaiting for tonight.” She put Liisa down. “I yust vant to make sure I vas—”

  “I love ye. I understand.” Liam wiped her drying tears with his thumb. “Ye’ve been cryin’.” He kissed her again.

  “You are not angry vit me?”

  “I thought about bein’ angry. Then I remember ye keep savin’ my life.”

  He bent to kiss her, wrapping his arms around her. “And … ye forgave me.”

  She snuggled affectionately and put her arms around him. She felt so loved at that moment. “Here ve go ’gain. Ve wait lil bit lonker for baby. Now ve haff it.” Eva’s voice was muffled as she spoke into his neck. She turned her body and put Liam’s hand on her belly.

  She heard voices from the kitchen door. “Can we please eat? “We’re starving.”

  She and Liam laughed. Liisa ran to Ellen and the three children went exuberantly into the kitchen.

  As Eva and Liam walked arm-in-arm to the kitchen, he asked again, “Why were ye cryin’?”

  “I vas giffink Liisa bat, I vas sinkink songs and I get homesick. I vas tinking ’bout photographs I yust got from home, you see already. I remember vone vit Victor’s son vit Olga. I cry vhen I tink of you, and you make me happy.” She turned towards the kitchen.

  He pulled her back into the foyer and held her close, whispering, “I’ll help ye tonight, if ye like, or whenever the sadness comes back."

  Once again, Eva realized how much she truly loved her Irishman.


  Finnish Pronunciation Guide

  Accent is on the first syllable in all multi-syllabic names and words.

  P sounds more like a soft B, especially when it is at the beginning of the word. The end syllable is always a short, staccato sound.

  Eva: AY-va

  Aili: EYE-lee

  Sinnikka: SIN-ee-ka

  Olli: OH-lee

  Eino: AY-no

  Hannes: HUN-ness

  Vilho: VIL-ho

  Hautala: HOW-ta-la

  Rauma: ROW-ma (‘row’ rhymes with ‘how’)

  Sauna: SOW-na (‘sow’ rhymes with ‘how’)

  Juhannus: YOU-hun-noose

  Joulupukki: YO-loo POOK-ee, (POOK rhymes with BOOK)

  Aiti: EYE-tee (Mother)

  Hauska syntymäpäivää: HOW-skah SOON-too-meh PAY-veh (Happy Birthday)

  leipä: LAY-peh (bread)

  Minä rakastan sinua: ME-neh RAH-KA-ston SEE-new-ah (I love you)

  Päivä: PAY-veh (day)

  Isä: EE-seh (Father)

  Punaiset posket: POON-nye-set POSS-ket (rosy cheeks)

  Paskaa: BUS-ka (shit)
  Saimi: SIGH-me

  About Janne E. Toivonen

  Janne is deeply in love with this epic love story and its incredibly relatable characters. Heeding the call to write a mere six years ago, she has completed six novels and three short stories in the series (so far), and three non-series novels. She’s worked with two editors who have taught her much about writing fiction and nurturing her voice. She’s a retired Special Education teacher and mother of a talented and bright daughter, who’s in University of New Hampshire’s class of 2020, studying to become a veterinarian. Janne lives and writes in rural New Hampshire.

  Other Books by Janne E. Toivonen

  The Eva and the Irishman Series (6 Novels)

  Eva and the Irishman - now available at most e-book retailers

  Wild Rose and the Horseman - available for pre-order soon

  Wild Rose Ranch - currently being edited

  The Sweet Fragrance of New Mown Hay - written, to be edited

  Where the Mountain Touches the Sky - written, to be edited

  Home for Thanksgiving - written, to be edited

  Series Novellas (3)

  The Homecoming - written, to be edited

  Agrafena - written, to be edited

  The Meeting - written, to be edited

  Non-Series Novels (3)

  Across the Bridge - written, to be edited

  The Coffin Maker - written, to be edited

  Thread the Needle - written, to be edited

  Connect with Janne E. Toivonen

  Visit my website and blog here: http://janneetoivonen.com/

  Subscribe to my email list here: http://eepurl.com/cWrNpj

  Connect on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/janne.e.toivonen.5




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