Shatter Me Whole (Shattered Lives Book 3)

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Shatter Me Whole (Shattered Lives Book 3) Page 11

by Barb Shuler

  “Doc?” I called out softly and as we walked around the corner I saw Peter and a few men working on measuring the window panes. “Where are they?”

  “Hey, the girls and Doc refused to go the hospital,” he chuckled. They’re down at the station giving statements. Shelby, I mean, Doctor Grant, said they were all right, just banged up. They’ll feel it for a few days but... Dude, Dad and Trev are on a mission to get their hands on those fella’s. Not that I’m not, but, Sissy is tough, I don’t worry about her so much as Daddy and Trevor do. I’ll meet yall over there as soon as I’m done here,” he said, moving to the tool box on the floor.

  “All right, laters, man,” I turned with everyone else and we headed back out the house and towards the station.


  Plan of Attack


  “Are you listening to me? Your family is-”

  “First off, they are not my fucking family!” I snarled.

  “Ma’am, listen, you have information that can help us. We need you to help us. This is your responsibility.” The jackass had the nerve to give me a dirty look. A look of disgust. I wanted to slap it off of his face.

  “Go fuck yourself! My son is missing and you keep badgering me about shit I don’t have fucking answers to. What in the hell is wrong with you?!” I shouted. My anger was uncontrollable right now. My body was racked with pain and the nausea was setting in. I was seriously about to lose my shit. The door to the office opened and the Sheriff and another man came in. The ass behind the desk got up and sighed.

  “She’s not being very forthcoming. I want her placed in custody as an accomplice. She can talk or spend a longer time in jail. As of last July she was an adult, so…” he said, pushing glasses up his nose. “I think she is in denial or just lying.”

  “You know, for an FBI profiler, agent, whatever the fuck ever you’re supposed to be, you’re not very good at reading people,” the Sheriff snapped and moved past him.

  “I’m not here to make friends, I have a job to do. Do I need to remind you of your job, Sheriff?” he said, an indignant tone lacing his words. The Sheriff ignored him and came over to me.

  “Kristol, Jackson called, they found your boy. He’s got a few scrapes, but he’s okay. They’ll be here soon,” he said, taking my hand. I fell back into the chair behind me and started to cry. The tears of relief flooded me before I could stop them.

  “Thank God,” I said, gasping for air. I took in a deep breath and wiped my tears away. I met the Sheriff’s eyes and his smile put me at ease. “Is Ryan still sleeping?” I asked.

  My poor daughter had passed out not too long after I held her in my arms earlier. I hated to let her go to come in here, but I couldn’t do this and hold my girl at the same time. Anna had her, and the last I checked on her she was still sound asleep.

  “Yeah, Anna has taken her into the back room with her son, Robbie. They’re both asleep. She’s safe back there,” he once again gave my hand a squeeze. “Kristol, I want you to meet my best friend - my brother from another mother, if you will - Walker Kane. He’s the reason I’m still alive. He saved my butt in more than a few dicey situations. I trust him with my life. I want you to know that he is going to make sure you and your kids are safe too.”

  “Nice to meet ya darlin’. As Gabe said, I will do everything in my power to keep you and the cherubs safe. Is there anything you can tell us about - those people?” he asked. It hadn’t slipped my attention that he’d completely ignored the other man, who was in the background scoffing. I chewed on my bottom lip and looked between the man - Kane - and the Sheriff.

  “Kristol, please tell us anything you can about what is going on out there. Travis Jacobs, as you know, is not a nice man. We need to know anything you know. How does his operation work? Does he have a lot of men that work for him on the property?” I saw the look in his eyes. He was worried that I was keeping something from them. I was, but not what they wanted to know.

  “How many women are in the compound?” Kane asked. Again his gaze met mine. I blinked a few times and turned to look down at my hands.

  “There were thirteen when I left. Old Lady Cross, my egg donor, and then a group that’s been there for years, but there are a few newer faces. I didn’t make any effort to get to know them. I kept to myself with the Taylor and Ryan. The women are mostly shit heads. If they pissed me off... well my temper got me into a lot of trouble,” I muttered, tears once again stinging my eyes.

  “I- I don’t know where they came from. Mostly they seemed willing to be there. I was the only one that ever wanted to leave. The men.. there were many, I don’t know who or how many though. They were all over the place….”

  “I know this is hard, Kristol. You had to live in hell, but I think there is more going on out there than we know. I need to know what we’re gonna be walking into-”

  “You can’t go out there!” I jumped up, horror and panic running through me. They had already sent men after me. If the cops showed up… “Oh God, they’ll kill me... my babies.. please, don’t...”

  “Kristol, calm down. Come on, sit down,” I felt a hand on my elbow and I shrugged away. I ran a hand through my hair and tugged slightly. The panic had set in. But was it really panic? Gerald and Clinton came into town to get me. They would have killed me, taken my kids back… Oh God.

  “NO! You can’t!!” I screamed. They couldn’t go out there.

  “Come on, calm down. It’s all right kid. I promise,” he said but there was no way that was true.

  A sob tore from my throat as a pair of arms wrapped around me. My body shook as I buried my face in the warmth of the man holding me. I knew it was Jackson as soon as I felt his warmth. I cried harder. So much had happened to me lately, would I be able to handle anything else?

  * * *


  * * *

  The walk to the station didn’t take us long, thankfully. I wanted to see for myself that Kristol was all right. When we walked in, Stella was leaning back in a chair, a towel over her face and ice on top of that. I grimaced.

  “Stella, you all right,” I heard Dani Lynn say from behind me before she walked over to her. Trace was on guard duty, looked like. He was leaned up against the other desk with a scowl marring his face. I met his gaze and he nodded.

  “Fucking peachy,” she growled and sat up, slowly. The towel and ice held in place to the side of her face. “Gabe is an ass. Your pops is a stickler for the rules.”

  “Well, duh… he’s a total stick in the mud,” Dani Lynn said as she inspected Stella’s face. “You know, it’s not that bad. They looked as bad as y’all, if not worse. Who knocked out Gerald… better yet, who stabbed the fugly one?” She gave Stella a hard look.

  “Kristol,” Stella said meeting my gaze. She grinned only to wince and close her eyes for a moment.

  “You shoulda gone to the fucking hospital,” Trace growled out at Stella, moving to check her over again. I sighed. Shit. They’d gotten the shit beat out of them that was for sure.

  Wait. Kristol had stabbed someone? “My Kristol?” I asked dumbfounded. I tilted my head to stare at her.

  “No, the other one. Of course, yours, you shit head. She tossed that knife like she’d been doing it for years. Saved my ass, she did,” she said, nodding.

  “Oh good, channeling Yoda now, are we?” Trevor asked as he came from the back room. Stella flipped him off and Trace chuckled.

  “Hey, can ya watch your potty mouths? There is a baby in the room,” Lana said, skirting by me. When she shifted the toddler in her arms all eyes moved to them.

  “What the fuck?” Trace said, standing to his full height again. Trevor moved closer and cursed under his breath. Stella looked away as she muttered something to herself. I raised a brow.

  “Dude, shush the potty mouth!” Lana snapped, glaring up at the big man. I snorted when he raised a brow, the corner of his mouth ticking up slightly. God help us these women were going to do us all in one day.

la? You know the story here?” I asked. Her face said she did. She nodded and we waited until she sat up more, her eyes flicking from Taylor - who was still passed out against Lana as she sat in one of the chairs in the back of the room - to mine.

  “The fugly one did that to him…”

  I could see she was fighting to stay in control. There were tears in her eyes when she looked back up.

  “He told Kristol he deserved it. It was how he would get him to listen to him… that’s how the fight started. When he said that… Dude, she went buck fu-fudgin’ wild. I’ve never seen that side of her before. Talk about a pissed off mama bear. Dani Lynn, you’re scary, but this was… pure unadulterated rage. She had him, too, until um.. Well, let’s just say shit went south and we did what we could…” she said, laying her head on the desk in front of her.

  I saw her shoulders shake as Trace knelt down beside her. I had to clear my throat as Dani Lynn looked at me. She gave me a reassuring smile and moved over to Stella. Stella wrapped her in a hug so tight Dani Lynn grunted.

  “Can’t.. Breath.. Heifer,” she rasped out and Stella pulled back slightly.

  “Sorry.. Sorry.. Jacks…” she looked up to meet my gaze. “She’s a fighter. Give her something good to fight for. She’s…” Stella paused and took a deep breath. “Do the math on those two babies, she’s been through so much bad….”

  “I know. That ends today. I will make sure none of them go through that again. I swear on my life,” I said.

  I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed. I would make this better for them all. She was no longer alone. She had a family now. Kristol and her kids were one of us.

  My head jerked up when I heard Kristol scream from the back of the building. I was down the hall and busting through Gabe’s door before I could think twice. I moved to her and wrapped her in my arms.

  “What’s going on in here?” I snapped, my gaze meeting Gabe’s.


  “Who are you? This is a private meeting for personnel only,” the nerd in the suit behind Gabe’s desk asked. I gave him a side glance and gritted my teeth.

  “Does she need anything?” I looked up to see Dani Lynn at the door, the worry on her face matched Gabe’s, which only fueled my anger more.

  “Who are you? Sheriff can you not control this station? Everyone out but Miss Jacobs,” he said. I raised a brow as I shifted Kristol in my arms.

  “First off, pipsqueak, I am personnel,” I growled out.

  “Hold up. You need to learn your place. You do not talk to my daddy like that!” Dani Lynn snapped. Gabe took her hand and pushed her behind him.

  “Agent Thorne, I would advise you to watch yourself. I am in control of this office. I am also in control of tossin’ your skinny ass out on the curb. Now, if you would sit down, shut up and let me do my job, I’d appreciate it,” Gabe said, glaring at the man. He didn’t get the hint.

  “Who is he? Who is she? They don’t look in control to me,” he said.

  When Gabe nodded at me. I nodded back. The Agent looked at me and I glared harder, making him wait before I answered him. “Deputy Jackson Michael Landry, badge number 34881, Burke County Sheriff’s office and fire brigade. Now, I ask again, what in the fuck is going on in here?”

  “And you, princess?” he said, sneering as he pointed at Dani Lynn.

  “First, I ain’t your princess. The name's Dani Lynn Landry. I work at the Crisis Clinic, and I happen to be the Sheriff’s daughter, dick weed,” he paled and I smirked. “Now, answer Jacks’ question. What’s going on? Daddy?”

  “Kane, get the boys, I only want to do this once. Jacks, take her into the conference room, she’s gonna need you. Dani Lynn, you can stay, but remember you see and hear nothing,” Gabe said and we all moved to the conference room.


  Plans Made, Mission Set


  The task force took the last week to gather information and plan what would happen at the Jacobs' place. This process was frustrating, at best.

  After the day Kristol and Stella were attacked, things around here got serious, quickly. The hardest part of the investigation included Kristol's testimony. It was difficult to sit there and hear the things the Jacobs had done to her, and the things she saw them do to others. Women were treated as little more than property there, up to the point of being kept in cages when they ‘misbehaved’.

  The amount of anger inside me was frightening. Every time she broke down only to turn into Dani Lynn and cry, my heart broke and I felt inadequate to help her. How could people be so fucked up? Seriously? What kind of people were these assholes? There was one time I had to step in. I couldn't let the questions go on and not hold her when she broke down. Every man in that room was fighting to keep the rage contained. You could see it. That memory was still fresh. It made me sick to my stomach to even think about it.

  * * *

  “Kristol, you said if you were bad, they'd punish you, correct? Where would they do such a thing? What's your definition of punishment? Being locked away with no food? No water? What did they do?” The ‘Agent’ asked. His questions always seemed to be questioning her - like she was telling a lie. I had to refrain from punching him a few times.

  Kristol stared at the floor as she spoke. She fidgeted in the chair and picked at her nails. Dani Lynn tried to get her attention but she was locked on her fingers. The ass, Agent Thorne, snarled as she ignored him. “Answer me. What did they do? Take your favorite toy? Why is this so hard for you to answer?”

  Before I could answer both Dani Lynn and Kristol were on their feet. Thorne had been leaning towards her, his face a mask of anger. Kristol leaned over the table, getting right back in his face. Her body was bent as she snatched the tie around his neck.

  “You want to know what they took? Do you really? Fine, you fucking pencil neck. They took my fucking childhood.”

  “Get your hands off of me!” he snarled, trying to loosen her grip from his tie. Kristol continued on like he hadn’t said a thing.

  “They had me whored out to every dick in the fucking place!” her voice cracked. Every attempt he made to loosen her grip on his tie made her yank harder. Not a soul moved to help him. I had a feeling if anyone moved it would be to hit him.

  “I was thirteen… thirteen when they had me raped for the first time. I wasn’t given a choice. I beat the shit out of that fucking coward they shoved in there with me. He tried to break me, but I broke him.” She stopped and looked over at me before she looked back towards Agent Thorne. Tears were rolling down her face now in a steady stream.

  “I was thirteen… fighting for my innocence because there was no one to fight for me. I was tied up like a fucking animal ready to be skinned and beaten so bad I had sores for weeks. My body was wracked with pain, I bled… I cried,” her face paled and she took in a deep breath.

  “I had my first baby at fifteen…sixteen, my second baby came about nineteen months later. Do you know it’s like to have to have a baby when you’re a baby yourself? Do you know how hard it to lose a baby…” she sobbed softly before she jerked him down harder.

  “I was beaten after having lost two babies… my body was so out of whack… I couldn’t save them. I couldn’t stop what was happening to me… I lost my innocence all because my mother thought it was okay to take me into that kind of life as an infant. This is not my doing or my fault,” she panted out.

  Her body was shaking so hard I thought she was going to pass out from lack of air. I’d seen that look on her face before, she was second from hitting him.

  “Jacks,” Dani Lynn said looking at me, horror on her face. I blinked. I felt sick to my stomach. Jesus Christ. I was going to kill some motherfuckers, slowly. I saw Dani Lynn wiping away her own tears as she moved back and let Drew pull her to him. I moved to Kristol’s side and leaned into place my hand over hers. Agent Thorne was red faced and I wasn’t sure if he was just struggling to get free or breathe.

  “Baby, let go, please. Don’t let him
make you do something you’ll regret,” I said looking down at her. She dropped her hand from his tie and turned to curl into me as she shook with sobs.

  “I’m-I’m.. S-s-orry.…”

  I closed my eyes and buried my face in her neck. Her entire body was violently shaking. I could feel my body shaking with hers. I scooped her up and moved to sit in a chair at the opposite end of the table, far from that peckerwood. I kissed her forehead before I cupped her chin and made her look at me. I ignored everything around us, giving her my full attention.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for. This is not your fault, even you said that. I’ll be honest, baby, I wanted to punch him in the face, you had every right to do what you did. I’m sorry you’ve been through so much. I want to go in there and rip them all into pieces with my bare hands. No one deserves to be put through anything like you have. No one.”

  She shifted and looked down. “I don’t give two shits what he says, or thinks. You’re such a strong woman. You kept yourself safe enough to escape. You protected your kids, even when you had no one behind you,” I leaned in and kissed the corner of her mouth.

  “You have us now. My family, my friends, everyone here. We are your family now. As God is my witness, I will put a bullet in anyone who ever tries to hurt you again.”

  “Jackson…” her voice cracked and she wrapped her arms around my neck tighter as she started to cry again. I took a moment to compose myself, making sure the anger in me showed. I looked up at Agent Thorne before I spoke.

  “If you ever-”

  “Bubba, careful,” Drew warned.

  I felt a hand on my shoulder. Glancing up, I saw it was Charlie. He was staring at Thorne with a murderous glare.


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