French Foreign Legion

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French Foreign Legion Page 113

by Douglas Porch

  French paratroopers in, 570, 572–98, 600, 602–16

  Generals'Putsch, 604, 606–16

  Morice Line, 590–92, 593, 596, 602

  from 1954 to 1956, 565–79

  regroupement in, 575–76, 587, 597

  torture and brutality during, 569, 576–78, 581, 585–90, 597, 607

  Algiers, Algeria, 1, 4, 493, 603, 605

  Battle of, 580–90, 605, 607

  described, 11, 13

  as Legion's home base, 11–21, 49, 50, 62, 75–76

  Algiers, Dey of, 11, 15

  Alhucemas Bay, 405

  Ali-al-Gaïlani, Rashid, 476

  Alma, Battle of the, 131, 135

  ALN. See Armée de Liberation Nationale

  Along, Bay of, 227

  Alsace, France, World War II fighting in, 499–500

  Alsace-Lorraine, legionnaires from, 171, 183, 248, 290–92, 294, 359, 361, 373

  Amazons of Dahomey, 254, 260–63

  Ambohimenas mountains, 279, 280

  American Friends Service Committee, 494

  American Office of Strategic Services, 495

  Amiable, Eugène, 133, 134, 140, 146, 147, 149, 153–54, 161, 162

  Amiens, France, 377, 378

  Amilakvari, Dimitri, 473, 478, 481, 483–85

  Amis de la Légion, 429, 435

  André, General Louis, 293

  Andriba, Madagascar, 277, 278

  An Khe, Vietnam, 547

  Annam, Empire of, 204–35, 624

  Annam, territory of, 235, 508, 515

  1930 to 1931 Yen Ba revolt, 508–10 see also Vietnam

  Annamese, 203–5, 213, 221, 234, 235, 237–38, 243, 244, 508–10. See also Vietnamese

  Anne-Marie (Dien Bien Phu), 556, 557

  Anschluss, 436, 437

  Antananarivo (Tananarive), Madagascar, 269, 271, 273, 277, 278, 280, 281, 283, 288

  described, 283, 284

  hygienic conditions in, 286

  pacification of, 284–85

  surrender of, 284, 288

  Anti-Semitism, 360–61, 454–55, 620

  Anual, Morocco, 397

  Argonne, Battle of, 337

  Arlabosse, General, 475

  Armandy, André, 428

  Armée d'Afrique, 62, 68–90, 120–22, 128, 133, 159, 200, 250, 571, 572, 622

  discipline in, 297, 625

  uniform of, 415, 493

  during World War II, 493, 496–97

  Zaatcha, see Zaatcha

  Armée de Libération Nationale (ALN), 570–71, 581, 587–88

  Armengaud, Jean-Louis, 193, 316

  Armenia, 374, 375

  Armistice Commission, 489, 493

  Artois, France, 356, 358, 365, 367, 380

  Association of Polish Jews, 453

  Association to Combat the Enslavement of Germans in the Foreign Legion, 330

  Astrain, Battle at, 48

  Astray, José Millan, 382

  Aubagne, France, 126, 634

  Aubérive, Battle of, 368–69, 370

  Aubert, General, 393

  Aubin, Lewis, 157

  Audin, Maurice, 588

  Aulia, Morocco, 399

  Aumale, duc d', 85, 86

  Au Palmier, 387

  Aurès Mountains, Algeria, 596

  Austria, 23, 25, 124, 128, 442

  1859 war with Italy and France, 128–32

  Mexican policy, 138

  troops in Mexico, 144, 148–49, 155, 159, 161

  Azan, Jean-Jacques, 32, 36, 43–44, 45, 436–37

  Bac Can, Vietnam, 517

  Bac Le, Vietnam, 205, 213

  Bac Ninh, Vietnam, 205, 207, 209, 213, 234

  Bac Viay, Indochina, 214

  Baer, Rif, 368

  Bailloud, General Maurice, 298, 323, 324, 332

  Baird, H. D., 374

  Balkans, 124, 128

  Ballue, Auguste, 151

  Bamberg, Jean, 45

  Bang Bo, China, 231, 232, 235

  Bao Dai, Emperor, 538, 550, 551

  Barbastro, Battle at, 47

  Barbou, Alfred, 254

  Barcarès, France, training camp at, 457, 459

  Barika, Algeria, 96

  Barre, Fernand, 474–80, 491

  Barret, John, 342, 372

  Bartels, Albert, 393

  Basset, Lieutenant, 533, 544, 554, 562

  Bataillons d'Afrique, 16, 21, 55, 195, 196, 202, 226, 250, 293–94, 329, 453

  behavior of, 59

  discipline in, 59, 61

  in Indochina, 213, 234

  uniform of, 415

  Batna, Algeria, 91

  Baudry, legionnaire, 185

  Baulens, Lieutenant, 478

  Baux, Jean-Louis (Lebeau), 27, 41–42

  Bayol, Dr. Jean, 255

  Bazaine, Achille, 21, 27, 46, 48, 68, 123, 134, 138

  in Crimean War, 125

  Mexican campaign and, 154, 156, 158, 159, 160

  Mexican policy, 147

  BBC, 430

  Béatrice (Dien Bien Phu), 556–57, 558

  Beaucé, Jean-Adolphe, 420

  Beaufre, André, 390, 400, 401–2, 404, 405, 408, 575, 576

  Beau Geste (film), 430, 431

  Beau Geste (Wren), 68, 171, 428, 429, 431, 433, 434, 439, 626

  Beau Hunks, 426

  Béchar, Morocco, 320

  Bedeau, Alphonse, 50, 55, 57, 68, 85

  Behanzin, King, 252, 253, 255, 259, 263–66

  Belfort, France, 395

  Belgium, 2, 465

  Franco-Prussian War and, 164

  troops in Mexico, 148, 151, 159, 161

  in World War I, 374

  Belloy-en-Santerre, France, 334, 368, 380

  Ben Aïssa, 52

  Ben Bella, Ahmed, 569

  Benedittini, Corporal, 330–31

  Beni Derkul, Morocco, 399

  Benigni, Pierre, 422

  Benin, Bight of, 256

  Beni Zerwal tribe, 398

  Ben Ouzien, Morocco, 322

  Berbatine, wells of, 314

  Berg, Evariste, 150

  Berguent, Morocco, 320

  Béric, Raoul, 200, 201, 290, 291–92, 306, 310, 425

  Berliner Tageblatt, 356

  Bern, J., 257

  Bernard, General Baron, 51

  Bernelle, General Joseph, 14, 21, 44, 48

  in Carlist War, 27–31, 34–41

  conflict with Conrad, 40

  described, 35

  resignation of, 40–41

  Bernelle, Madame Tharsile, 35, 40, 41

  Berry, duchesse du, 71

  Berset, Samuel-Benoît, 37

  Berteil, Louis, 634

  Berthezène, General Pierre, 13, 19

  Bertrand, General, 220

  Bertrand, Gustave, 444

  Besson, Colonel, 462–63

  Betsiboka River, 269, 271, 274, 275

  Biban, Morocco, 399, 405

  Bilboa, Spain, 31–32

  Bir Hacheim, Western Desert, 481, 482–84, 490

  Biskra, Algeria, 92, 94–95, 98, 101, 103, 104, 112

  Bismarck, Otto von, 171, 183

  Bjerkvik, Norway, 467–69

  Black Flags, 207–9, 212, 213, 215, 229, 234, 235–36

  Blackwater fever, 246

  Blaizot, General Roger, 520

  Blanc, Marcel, 410–12, 417, 418

  Bleuite, la, 584, 587, 593, 594–95

  Blida, Algeria, 577

  Bo Cup post, China, 243

  Bodard, Lucien, 518

  Bois de Bolante, battles in the, 346–47

  Bois de Hangard, Battle of, 334

  Bois de Sand, France, 501

  Boisset, Th., 216, 218

  Bolis, Ernest, 220, 223

  Bon, Émile Hippolyte, 30

  Bonaparte, Louis-Napoleon. See Napoleon III, Emperor

  Bonaparte, Lucien, 111

  Bonaparte, Napoleon. See Napoleon

  Bonaparte, Pierre-Napoleon, 94, 96, 97

  background of, 111–12

  at Zaatcha, 111,

  Bonetti, Admiral, 474

  Bôn-Mat, 210, 214, 221, 222, 228, 230, 232, 233, 238

  Bordel Militaire Contrôlé (BMC), 309, 467

  Borel, Colonel, 108

  Bosquet, Pierre, 105

  Bossé, West Africa, 250

  Bou-Amama revolt, 193, 201, 210, 294, 307, 315–16

  Bouclage, 574

  Bou Denib, Battle of, 322–23, 324

  Bou Denib, ksar of, 323

  Bou-Denib, Morocco, 312, 325

  Boulet-Desbareau, Colonel, 384, 388–89

  Bourbon Restoration, 1, 2–3, 7, 34

  Bourmont, Marshal, 149

  Bournhommet, Lieutenant, 150

  Boutegourd, Colonel, 292

  Bouzian (former caïd of Zaatcha), 95, 96, 98, 100, 103, 107, 116

  Brière de l'Isle, General Louis-Alexandre, 209, 214, 215, 229

  Brincourt, General, 154

  Britain, 288, 409, 425, 513, 578

  Carlist War and, 23, 25

  in Crimean War, 124, 125

  Fashoda crisis, 224

  French rivalry for colonies with, 203, 204, 256

  Second Opium War, 203

  in World War I, 345, 370, 377, 380

  during World War II, 467–68, 470–72, 475, 480–85, 491, 496–98

  British army, 377, 380, 385, 494, 503

  British Legion, 31, 33–34, 39, 87

  British Pioneer Corps, 495

  Brooks, William, 620, 624–25, 629, 632

  Brothier, Albert, 450, 451, 454, 610, 611, 614

  Brunon, Jean, 422, 423

  Buchsenschutz, Lieutenant, 402, 404

  Bugeaud, General Thomas, 7, 17, 41, 69–89

  background of, 71–72

  changes instituted by, 75–85, 88, 97, 99–100, 103

  described, 70–71

  as governor-general in Algeria, 61, 70–89, 94, 97

  military strategy of, 73–74

  opposition to French involvement in Africa, 71, 72

  report of 1842 on Legion, 76–77

  Burleigh, Bennet, 273

  Burma, 204, 512

  Buron, Robert, 609

  Butterworth, Frank S., 376

  Cabrol, Roger, 308, 326, 420, 424

  Camargo, Mexico, 148

  Camarón, Mexico, 108, 141, 142, 144, 420

  celebration of, 418–19, 421, 422, 445, 619

  Cambodia, 235, 531

  Cambon, Jules, 569

  Camerone. See Camarón, Mexico

  Campbell, General Jack, 482

  Camus, Albert, 587

  Camus, Antoine, 121, 122, 132

  Camus, Mrs. Albert, 615

  Cana, Dahomey, 264

  Canada, 345

  Canrobert, Marshal Francois Certain, 135

  acceptance of colonelcy, 94

  commentary of, 7, 49, 60, 62, 63, 65, 67, 72, 73, 77

  in Crimean War, 125

  at Zaatcha, 115–16

  Canton, 224

  Canton, China, 203

  Cao Bang, Vietnam, 422, 517, 519–26, 537

  Carbuccia, Jean-Luc

  background of, 97–98

  at Crimea, 124, 125

  death of, 125

  at Zaatcha, 97–101, 103, 104–5, 107, 108, 110–11, 114, 124

  Carency, Battle of, 334

  Carlists, 6, 58, 59, 68, 87, 121

  in Spain, 21, 23–49

  Carlist War, 21, 23–50, 58, 62

  Carpeaux, Louis, 212, 219, 236–44

  Carpentier, General Marcel, 520–22

  Casaban, Major, 403

  Casablanca, Morocco

  desertions in, 330–31, 333

  expedition of 1907, 303, 307

  “Casquette du père Bugeaud, La,” 79

  Casset, Dr. Alcide, 302, 329

  Castelnau, General, 154–55

  Catalonia, Spain, 46, 47

  Catelin, Captain, 217

  Catholic Church, French, 203, 222, 268

  Catroux, General Georges, 437, 476, 510–11

  Catteau, legionnaire, 142

  Cavour, Camillo di, 128, 131

  Cendrars, Blaise, 335–39, 341–44, 346

  on Jewish legionnaires, 361

  on Legion reputation, 365–66

  on training, 349

  on trench warfare, 350, 352, 353, 369

  on weaponry, 348–49

  Central African Republic, 632

  Ceux de la Légion, 434

  Chabrol, Major, 238, 242

  Chad, 632

  Chad, Lake, 256

  Challe, Maurice, 593–97, 600, 601, 609–13

  Cham, Lieutenant, 16

  Champagne, France, 362–63, 367, 380

  Champs, Captain, 216

  Changarnier, General Nicolas, 68

  Chaouen, Morocco, 398

  Chapman, Victor, 344

  Charles X, King, 3, 4

  Charon, Viala, 101, 104, 105, 114–15

  Charton, Lieutenant Colonel, 522–25, 530

  Chat Noir, Le, 387

  Chellala, Battle of, 315–16

  Chemin des Dames, France, 368, 378

  Chi-lung, Formosa, 207

  China, 243, 244, 512, 513

  expedition of 1900, 294

  French incursion in Indochina and, 203–18, 229–35

  Hunan province, 203, 204

  see also People's Republic of China

  Chinese Nationalists, 510, 514

  Chinese Turkestan, 235

  Cholera, 16, 115, 116, 122, 125, 163, 207, 219–20

  Chott Melrhir, 92

  Christian Maronites, 406

  Churchill, Winston, 477, 484

  Claudine (Dien Bien Phu), 556

  Clausewitz, Carl von, 270

  Clauzel, Marshal Bertrand, 13, 41, 51

  Clavet Gaubert, Major, 8–11

  Clear River, 213, 218, 219

  Clemenceau, Georges, 235, 383

  Clément-Grandcourt, Abel, 195, 291, 292, 303, 309, 310, 425

  Clemmer, Charles, 150, 160

  Cochinchina, 204, 235, 515, 537, 549

  Coc Xa, Tonkin, 523, 524

  Collineau, Edouard, 68, 93, 102

  Colman, Ronald, 430

  Colombo, Ceylon, 225, 545

  Combe, Michel, 15, 44, 55, 56, 86

  Commune insurrection, 120, 167–69, 614

  Comor, André-Paul, 432, 474, 479–80, 500

  Condemned (film), 430

  Congaïs, 221–22, 230, 242

  Congolese National Liberation Front (FLNC), 617–18

  Congress of Vienna, 1, 128

  Conrad, Joseph, 19, 20, 27, 35, 136

  conflict with Bernelle, 40

  heads the Legion, 42–46, 48, 50

  Conseil superieur de la guerre, 275

  Constantin, legionnaire, 142

  Constantine, Algeria

  described, 51–52

  Jews of, 93

  pillaging of, 57

  2nd Legion Regiment in, 76

  second siege of 51–58, 116

  Constantine, Bey of, 99

  Convention of Miramar, 138

  Cooper, A. R., 295, 309, 325, 371, 404, 425, 429, 438

  on desertions, 396

  on post-World War I Legion, 385

  retirement of, 420–21

  on Rif War, 400–403, 421


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