His Mate - Brothers - Generations

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His Mate - Brothers - Generations Page 13

by M. L. Briers

  “I’m sure that giving me a heart attack would be both satisfying and an end all of your problems right here and now, but I think you’d have some explaining to do to my family.”

  “Maybe if I tell them it happened in the heat of passion they wouldn’t ask too many questions.” He had one heck of wicked look on his face, part amusement, part glee, and something that she couldn’t readily identify and was probably best that she didn’t try too hard to get to the bottom of.

  “I suppose you think that’s funny,” she folded her arms and snorted her contempt for the man.

  “Kind of … Actually, yes, yes I do." He was chuckling like there was something tickling his fancy.

  “You know, just a little magic and all my problem will be solved as well.”

  Richard managed to cut off the chuckling and eyed her back from beneath his snow white eyebrows. In that moment; he half believed that she was as good as her word, and he didn’t much care to be zapped again let alone anything worse.

  Damn women is the epitome of the wicked witch.

  Zapping, snapping, and generally biting the hand that feeds her…

  “Dragon…” he muttered.

  “Old fart,” she muttered back.




  Abi felt Luke’s hands travel down her over her hips and she mentally winced at the thought of the few extra pounds that she’d put on lately, the ones she liked to refer to as her winter padding. With her back against the wall and her mate all around her, kissing down her neck, and nibbling against her skin, her body was telling her one thing while her mind was battling her self-doubts and loathing about her body.

  “Something keeps taking you away from me, Abi…” Luke’s deep drawl was against her ear, and a hard shiver ran through her body. He lifted his head, rested his forehead against hers, and reached up to palm her cheeks as he brushed the pads of his thumbs against her skin.

  “Too soon?” He asked, and felt a small frown where their foreheads touched.

  “N-no,” she was breathless and he had to admit that he liked that sound, wanted to hear more of it as he took her down his length…

  “Is it me, or are you worried about your kids?” Luke tried again from a different angle. He needed her to open up to him, only then could he solve her problems and get her to relax.

  “Neither, I swear… it’s…” She struggled for a way to put it. “Sex, my body, naked … lights are on … hands touch…”

  Luke reached out and snapped off the lights, and she blinked twice into the darkness.

  “Problem one solved…” he said, and she could hear the amusement within his voice.

  “Now see, that’s not … you have that wolf vision … you can still see me,” she gave a nervous chuckle.

  “You want me to wear a blindfold, it’s a little kinky, but I’m on board if it’ll make you relax,” he chuckled, and the sound was deep and warming.

  “I want to lose like twenty pounds in the next few minutes…” she chuckled.

  “Why?” He grumbled, and it was her turn to feel him frown against her forehead. “You’ve got a damn sexy, curvy body, and whoever told you differently is a…”

  “The mirror told me differently,” Abi didn’t let him finish as she blurted out the truth as she saw it.

  A heartbeat later and he’d pulled his head back. His hands left her face, cupped her backside, and he hauled her up in the air against the wall. Her legs automatically went around his hips, partly out of self-preservation, and she could feel the hard press of his cock against her sex … she wanted to moan at the feel of it as it sent jolts of pleasure right to her womb and it was back to doing a happy dance once more.

  “You feel that?” He growled long and hard.

  “Yeah.” Her nervous chuckle was a little more breathless.

  “Not that, Miss Dirty Mind,” he playfully berated her. “The way we fit together, perfect.” He growled against her lips.

  “I…” she never got to agree with him on that one, because he was already claiming her lips with his own, kissing her near senseless, and chasing away the doubts that she had in that moment.

  Then she yanked her head back away from him as she felt the wall disappear from behind her, replaced by thin air. The room span about her. She might not have been able to see much of anything besides outlining shapes … but she knew what she knew and she clung to him as he started to stalk across the room…

  “Let me show you just how damn perfect I think you are,” Luke growled. The sound was a lot hungrier than she’d heard it before, and just that sound alone was enough to send her pulse racing and her excitement level shooting up, without the feel of him against her, and the thought of what he’d meant by showing her.

  “You’re a crazy wolfman…” she chuckled.

  The feel of her new found world changed again, when he tipped her down towards the mattress, and she felt him come down with her. He didn’t let one inch of air get in between them…

  “Correction, sweetheart… I’m your crazy wolfman…” he growled against her lips, and moved his hips to break the hold that she had around them with her legs…

  “Mine…” she offered, and this time when he growled it was so full of his beast that she shivered once more.

  “Don’t say that word unless you mean it,” Luke cautioned her.

  “Mine,” she said again, and another growl rolled through the air around her, all over her… “Mine.” She stated, as adamantly as she could.

  “Damn it, Abi… I’ve been waiting my whole life for you to say that.” He growled, before he took her lips again.



  Abi felt the change inside of her. It was like some kind of flipped switched that had been triggered, and she didn’t care if her breasts were a little saggy. She didn’t care if her stomach had stretch marks. If her stupid hips had a few extra pounds. Nor did she give a flying monkey that her backside was on the slide.

  Wrinkles be damned!

  She wanted this … she wanted him … and the best thing of all was that he wanted her right back.

  Luke needed to touch, to feel, to have her skin on skin with him, and he needed to make that happen fast. A part of his brain was mindful that she was still wary, and he was determined to go as slowly as he could for her sake.

  He wanted her ready, more than willing, and in the moment with him. He needed her all in.

  Then her hands fisted his shirt, and she yanked and pulled like a madwoman as she tried to get it over his head, even while he was still kissing her…

  “You could rip my arms off it that helps…” he chuckled…

  “Naked … I want to feel you naked against me…” she rushed out on a breathless demand that snapped his brain into gear and his body into action…

  Hell fire, but the woman was changeable like the wind… he liked that. He certainly had no complaints about that … none whatsoever!

  Luke made short work of his own clothes, and then he started in on hers. She’d been right about one thing, he could still her body through the darkness and he didn’t know what the hell she was worried about…

  “My God, you’re gorgeous…” His hungry growl reached her ears and her brain locked onto his words.

  For one long moment she had the dire urge to use her magic to fling him from the bed so that she could grab the covers and cocoon herself inside of them – magically superglue them to her body, and never let her skin see the light of day again…

  But then he growled again … a gentle growl … turning hungrier by the second the longer that it rolled on, and on, and on, and … she reached out for him … her fingers hit his shoulders, and as she snaked her hand up around his neck she delighted in the touch of his satin smooth skin beneath her fingertips. Then she hooked her hands around his neck and yanked him downwards as she used his strength to pull herself up to meet him…

  Lips met with a bump, but she didn’t care … for one second he d
id, frightful that he’d hurt her, but her hungry lips against his said otherwise, and he devoured her like a madman seeking refuge from the insanity all around him…

  Luke grunted in pleasant surprise when her hand found his cock and her fingers tried their damnedest to close around the thick girth… He palmed the mattress beside her head with one hand, and gentle took her back down to the bed as his other hand snaked between them and his fingertips found the trimmed hair between her legs.

  He opened her body wider with his knees against her legs, and ran his fingertips down into the wet heat of her satin skin. The sound that got lodged within the back of her throat sent him almost wild…

  His beast was clawing and scratching to be set free, but Luke mentally growled the wolf back inside its cage. He’d waited a lifetime for her, and he was going to savour every moment of their first time together.

  His fingers teased her sex until her hips were wriggling and that sound within her throat changed to something a little more urgent, and then he broke from her lips, leaving her breathless against the covers, as he slowly travelled down over her body, nipping, teasing, tasting, and licking her into a mindless frenzy of need…

  His hands locked around her thighs and he opened her to him. Settling in for the long haul between her inner thighs, savouring the scent of her feminine essence, and baying to taste her upon his tongue…

  One swipe of his flat tongue right over her sex and he was lost to her. Lost in the need … lost in the wanting … and lost in his desire for more.

  Never enough… he would never get enough of her no matter how many years they had together.

  Luke took her towards the edge of insanity and let her come right back down again, over and over, until she cursed, and grumbled, and her fingers locked in his hair, pulling and tugging against his scalp, and then … finally … he took her over the edge and lapped against her until she came back to him…

  Not enough … never enough…

  He took her right back up again, only this time he didn’t tease, and she fisted the covers on either side of her body as the intensity of the release made her cry out into the darkness.

  Never enough … he needed more … he needed to be inside of her…

  Luke pushed up onto his knuckles and climbed up over her body. Her scent was thick in the air all around him, and it was divine.

  He lowered his hips towards hers and fisted his shift in his hand, slowly dragging the head back and forth against her sex, making his cock good and wet before he found the tight opening to her channel and pushed inside.

  On a slow push of his hips towards hers; he entered her. The tight muscles protested after the orgasm, but they were never going to deny him … they belonged together … mates … and as he took her to the hilt; he felt her body sheath his like a hand in a glove.

  Perfect. She was perfect.

  Every inch of her fitted against him like two halves of the same entity.

  His split apart.

  His soul mate.

  He moved inside of her, bringing the heat, the friction between them.

  She was everything and more.

  He needed her.

  He could never have lived without her now that he knew her…

  Her legs had come about his hips and she moved in time with him.

  He could feel her hands against his back, her fingers pressing, and then he felt the hard bite of her fingernails against his skin and his beast roared up within him as she dragged those nails down his flesh…


  Luke reached around and snagged her wrists. With a grunt and a growl he pressed the backs of her hands to the mattress beside her head and kept those nails out of reach…

  But it was too late…

  His wolf was already pushing forward … the distraction had allowed the beast purchase to gain a foothold, and his need to bite, to claim, to bond with her was clawing at him from the inside out.

  There was no going back now unless she demanded it…

  He’d rip his own fangs from his jaws if she needed him too…

  But he needed her now … he needed to bite, to taste her blood upon his tongue. His beast was demanding it … he had to have it…

  Luke released her wrists and snaked one arm behind her back, lifting her with him as he pushed back onto his knees. His cock still worked inside of her. His hips never missed a beat…

  “Abi…” he growled the warning of what was to come…

  “Yes … bite,” she breathed the words as she wrapped her arms around his body and he locked her in place with one strong arm around hers.

  He felt his fangs elongate as he fisted her hair in his hand and eased her head to one side. His eyes took in the curve of her neck where it swept down towards her shoulder, and fixed onto the place that he would place his mark…

  His hips moved faster. He loved her harder, as deeply as he could, building that friction between them to the point where her inner muscles had tightened so hard around him that he had to work harder to bury his cock to the hilt…

  Abi moaned out his name in warning a heartbeat before she was lost in the intensity of the orgasm that throbbed through her body…

  Luke’s beast roared as his fangs pierced her skin and entered her flesh and her blood spilled out over his tongue … he closed his eyes and savoured that taste … consigned it to his memory as he drank her in … and he reached for her very soul … binding them together as she reached right back for him.

  A fever had started within his blood. He released his fangs and licked over the wound as frenzy started to claw deep within him to complete the bond…

  Luke pulled out of her and turned her onto her knees on the bed. Thrusting back to the hilt inside of her as his hips met the curves of her backside, and his hands came down against her hips, his fingers curling into the flesh as he moved like a Wildman…

  That fever got hotter. White hot as that clawing frenzy ravaged him while he searched for his own release.

  The need to bury his cock to the hilt and deliver his seed deep into her womb become a fierce master that he needed to obey.

  His hips pounded against her. His cock ate her up. He needed more ... more … more…

  His body demanded that she come around him, and she complied … her head came back on her neck and he brushed his cheek against hers as her inner muscles clamped hard and released around his cock, suckling the seed right from his balls.

  Luke threw his head back on his neck, buried his cock to the hilt, and howled with the intensity of the orgasm that took him into the realms of insanity…



  Celine had just settled down against the surprisingly soft and comfortable pillows on the bed when the sound of a mating howl pierced the silence of the cabin … She shot up in the bed, her head snapping back and forth as her tired mind tried to understand what was happening…

  “Another one bites the dust…” Richard chuckled from the couch on the other side of the room, a deep, satisfied tone to his voice that sounded so much clearer with the lights off.

  “Oh, shut up!” Celine bit out, and then she tossed her upper body back down to the mattress and grunted in annoyance…

  “That’s two…” he teased back and heard her hiss like a rattlesnake as he watched her silently chewing a wasp.

  The sound of his incessant chuckles annoyed her so much that she reached out with her magic and zapped him a good one…

  “Hey!” He grumbled and then growled, but nothing could stop the amusement inside of him.

  “Bumbling old fart!” She muttered.

  “Evil old hag!” he growled back, and she couldn’t help it … she started to chuckle … silently at first, holding it in … trying desperately to bury the sound, until finally, she couldn’t keep it in a moment longer and the sound of her laughter joined his…

  She had to wonder if she was finally going senile!




p; Jessica scowled at the moonlight that played across the ceiling above the bed. The sound of that howl obviously meant that another one of her family had fallen foul of the mating pull…

  What she didn’t know was which one on them had taken the leap of faith…

  Sarah … I bet that’s Sarah…

  No … mum … she liked Luke a lot … it has to be mum…

  Oh God, say it’s not Gran … I don’t even want to think about what that would look like…

  Its mum, it has to be.

  It sounded like it came from outside…

  Point is … it’s not me!


  So, why does that not make me as happy as it should?

  Go to sleep!

  It’ll all look better in the morning … or so they say …

  Stupid damn saying … when you’ve got a problem, then you’ve got a problem, and boy do I have a problem.

  How is that going to look better in the morning?

  What if the rest of my family fall like dominos?

  Don’t think about it … it’s going to drive you nuts.

  You can’t sleep … so how can you not think?

  You can’t sleep because you can’t stop thinking!

  Chicken and the damn egg…

  How to turn off my brain?

  She tossed her body over onto her stomach and buried her face in the pillow…

  I’m sure I can hear him breathing outside the damn door…

  She groaned and flopped over onto her side.

  Men suck!

  Shifters suck!

  Alphas definitely suck!

  She sighed…

  It’s not his fault…

  He was right earlier when he said that he hadn’t asked for me either … his mate … his one true love…

  Damn, I never expected to be anyone’s one true anything…

  Maybe their pain in the backside … well, I guess I’m that…

  Rory mated…


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