Lawful Overdose

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Lawful Overdose Page 6

by Justine Elvira

  “I’m an optimistic person, and I usually get what I want.”

  His confidence is a big turn on, but I don’t want him to know that his game is working. I stay silent as we go into his apartment and he grabs everything we need.

  We make our way out to the courtyard and the sky is breathtaking from here. This is the clearest I’ve seen the sky in a while. It’s quiet with only the soft sound of the crickets in the nearby grass. A few apartment windows are open and still have their lights on, lighting up the darkness.

  Jaxon lays out the blanket and sits down, tapping the spot next to him for me to sit. I take my shoes off and move next to him. I’m still in a dress so I place my legs in front of me, crossing them at the ankles.

  “That was a fun party, huh?” He asks me while handing me a beer. I’m happy he didn’t try to bring a bottle of wine and glasses out here. That would have looked like he’s trying too hard.

  “You're hilarious. I think I was in the room a total of two minutes before I got myself out of there.”

  He takes a sip of his beer and I can’t help watching the way his tongue licks his lips after he releases the bottle from their grasp. “I thought you went to Big E’s motel parties all the time.”

  “I do, but I’m usually with Piper and our friend Mikey. They try and make sure that I’m in a controlled environment.”

  He looks at me curiously, “What do you mean controlled environment?”

  I look away to think of how I’m going to explain this to him without sounding like a nut job. When a few seconds pass and I’ve come up with nothing, I decide to tell him the truth.

  “I know we were drinking last night, but do you remember our brief conversation about drugs?”

  “How could I forget, you almost left me for the evening when you heard the crap Ryan and I were spewing out in the game.”

  “Well, that’s me. I know I was tipsy-”

  He raises an eyebrow at me.

  “Okay, not tipsy… drunk, but everything I said was true and it goes beyond that. I’ve never tried hardcore drugs. I don’t associate with people who do drugs in front of me, and I think anyone who sells drugs should have their dick cut off. They are the result of hundreds of deaths every year. I don’t put all the blame on the dealer, seeing as the person who dies usually takes the drugs willingly, but it’s a sick business and the people in it don’t realize all the lives they affect by selling it. The people taking the drugs don’t realize all the people they hurt around them by doing it.

  “I walked into that motel room and I swear I started getting high off the stench of pot in the air. Then I see Jimmy, or Rocks, as some people call him. He was in the corner with two girls making some kind of drug exchange. I had to get out of there before I did or said something stupid.”

  Jaxon pulls his knees up to his chest and casually drapes his arms on top of his knees. “I saw that, too. I couldn’t make out what he was giving them though.”

  “Who knows? Could’ve been coke, heroin, ecstasy, molly… I hear he sells it all.”

  He nods his head, “What about meth? I’ve heard he’s a big dealer around here.”

  I laugh at his innocence. When he says things like this it makes me remember how new he is in this town.

  “He’s the king of meth around here. Even though it's supposedly the easiest thing to make on your own, most people don’t like to risk it, so they go to him. I had a friend who bought from him for a while. Luckily, Piper and I got him clean and off that crap. Meth is no joke.”

  “Isn’t that the fucking truth,” he whispers as he straightens his legs, mimicking my position. “Where does he make it?”

  I look over at him, wondering why he’s so interested in Jimmy.

  “What’s with the twenty questions? You looking to buy from him or something?”

  His face drops in complete shock, “No, I would never do something as stupid as that. I don’t know why I asked.”

  I take a deep breath, “I’m not sure where he makes it, but I’m almost positive it’s not at his house. That friend I told you about, Piper and I had to pick him up there once. Jimmy’s house is clean.”

  Jaxon shakes his head again and I can tell the information means something to him, I’m just not sure what.

  “Can I ask you something?” He says hesitantly.

  I nod my head, “Sure.”

  “Why are you so anti-drug? I mean, I think it’s great; I just have never met anyone so opinionated about the subject. Most people I know who don’t do them, don’t think twice about the people who do.”

  I’m not ready to tell him about my sister, but I also don’t want to lie.

  “When I was fourteen, someone close to me died of an overdose. It was horrible and changed my life along with so many other people’s lives. Let’s just leave it at that.”

  He moves closer to me. He has the most concerned look on his face as he brings his hand up to brush it softly against my cheek.

  “How badly did it affect your life?”

  I look into his blue eyes, lost in depths of them. I feel safe under their hold.

  “Pretty bad,” I whisper, not knowing why I tell him that.

  His pupils grow larger and his eyes become hooded as I’m trapped in their hold. His other hand glides up my other cheek, repeating the same caressing action. I feel a shiver running through my body as his mouth moves closer to mine. I close my eyes and wait for the touch of his soft lips, something I’ve craved since we last saw each other.

  I hear him inhale a deep breath and his lips move to kiss my cheek. They linger there as my eyes shoot open. I’m stunned he didn’t kiss me. Any other guy would have pounced on the vulnerability of that moment, kissed me, and probably would have fucked me.

  Jaxon’s lips release from my cheek and he turns back to face the sky. I can feel a scorching sensation on my skin from where his lips once were. We sit in silence, basking in the beauty of the night. I’m glad to get a little break from our interaction, because I’m not quite sure what to say after the almost kiss.

  “Let’s play twenty questions,” Jaxon says, breaking the silence.

  I take a sip of my beer and turn towards him, “What’s with you and games?”

  He smiles at my question.

  “Games are the best way to get to know a person. You can ask anything you want and it’s not weird or uncomfortable, because it’s a game.”

  I guess what he says makes sense. “Okay, I get to ask first though.”

  He shrugs his shoulders and nods his head in agreement.

  “What’s your favorite color?”

  He’s drinking his beer when I ask the question. When I finish asking it he spits his beer out all over the grass, laughing his ass off.

  “You’re such a girl,” he laughs. “That’s such a typical girl question. What guy has a favorite color?”

  I’m annoyed that he’s making fun of me. “I know guys who have favorite colors,” I reply back to him.

  I get on my knees and reach over to grab a snack, showing him my backside. If I’m going to have to listen to him make fun of me, I might as well do it on a full stomach.

  “You’re right, I’m sorry,” he says as I sit back down next to him. “I don’t really have a favorite color, it just depends on the day. Right now, my favorite color is cream.”

  “Okay, why cream?”

  “Don’t I get the second question?”

  “That wasn’t really a second question, it was just me wanting to know a little bit more about your answer.”

  “Alright, why cream you ask… do you really want to know?”

  I nod my head yes.

  “Because when you bent over to get a snack, you gave me a perfect view of your cream-colored lace thong that accentuated your beautiful ass.”

  I gasp in shock and hit him across the shoulder.

  “I can’t believe you looked up my dress!”

  He laughs, as I hit his shoulder again, “I wasn’t trying to look up your dress,
but when you display it right in front of my eyes, I’m not going to look away.”

  He gives me his puppy dog eyes and I can’t help but soften to him. I laugh a little, too, but hit him once more, gently, for good measure.

  We continue to play the game. I learn that he was the star of his high school football team; he lost his virginity when he was sixteen, and his brothers and him aren’t very close. He likes to play pool and water sports, but hates golf.

  I spill my guts to him, too. By the time the game is over, I’ve had three beers and it’s close to four in the morning.

  I let out a yawn, barely able to keep my eyes open. I stand up and stretch out my legs.

  “It’s almost dawn, I think I should get going.”

  He gets up and we start to clean up our impromptu picnic. Jaxon starts to clean up the beer bottles when I hear him whisper, “Shit.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “How many beers did you have?” He asks me.

  “Three, I think.”

  He looks back over to the empty bottles and the few bottles left in the twelve pack. “Which means I’ve had five. I can’t drive you home, Tessa. You can stay here tonight.”

  I want to argue with him that five beers over the course of a few hours is okay, but I want to spend the night. Every minute I’m with him makes me want to fuck him more. Besides, the responsible side of me knows he shouldn’t drive if he’s been drinking at all.

  “Okay,” I say happily.

  I fold up the blanket and carry it inside. Jaxon tosses the bottles in the recycling bin next to the entrance of his apartment building, and brings everything else up with us.

  “You can have my bed and I’ll sleep on the couch.”

  I’m a little hurt by his words and the fact that he’s not going to try and hook up with me tonight.

  “I’ll sleep on the couch. I’m not putting you out because you’re nice enough to let me stay here,” I say as he opens the door to his apartment.

  We walk in and immediately stop in the living room. It’s a small apartment, about the size of mine, but that’s not why we stop.

  The moans of my best friend, Piper, are coming from one end of the apartment.

  “Yes, right there… don’t stop,” we hear her scream.

  Jaxon looks embarrassed, “I guess Ryan didn’t come home alone.” He turns and looks at me, “I’m sorry about this, I didn’t think he would bring someone home this quickly after hooking up with your friend last night.”

  I smile at his apology, “Don’t worry about it. The female voice you’re hearing, that’s Piper.”

  He smiles in understanding. “I’ll sleep out here. No sense in you having to put up with this all night.”

  I move closer to Jaxon and reach for his hand. “Is that your room?” I ask, pulling him towards the only other door in the apartment.

  “Yes. What are you doing?”

  “We’re going to sleep.”

  We walk into his room and I close the door behind him.

  “Much better, we can’t hear them from in here.” I take my shoes off and leave them at the foot of his bed. “Do you have a t-shirt or something I can sleep in?”

  He looks worried, “Are you sure about this? I can easily sleep on the couch.”

  “Don’t be silly. We’re adults. I like you and I think you like me. There’s no reason we can’t share a bed together.”

  Being in his room somehow make me want him more. I decide to throw some bait in front of him. Maybe if he’s tempted by something he wants, he’ll make a move.

  I lower my hands to the hem of my dress and slowly lift it up, pulling it over my body and my head. I toss it on the floor next to my shoes and look up at Jaxon. I’m standing in my cream-colored lace thong and matching bra. I can see Jaxon’s eyes start to burn with desire for me.

  I bite my lip and get the desired response. Jaxon lets out a low groan and closes his eyes briefly. When he reopens them, I know I have him.

  “Shirt?” I ask innocently.

  He moves quickly and with three steps he’s in front of me. He moves one hand to the back of my neck, while his other arm wraps around my back. His hand is pressing on the small of my back as he pushes me closer to him. I look up into his eyes, just inches away, waiting for what comes next.

  “I wanted to wait, but you standing here,” he whispers as his mouth moves closer to mine. “With your tits overflowing the cups of your bra, your ass teasing me in your barely there thong, and your lips,” he moves closer and brushes his lips gently against mine. My body is ready to go.

  “You biting your lip, teasing me… I just can’t take it anymore.”

  His lips seal over mine and I moan in satisfaction.


  We’re alone, in his room, and nothing is going to get in the way tonight.

  His lips caress mine, gentle at first. My body is on fire, waiting for him to drown it out with his hands. He bites my lip gently and then licks over the bite mark, asking for entrance. I immediately open for him and our tongues meet. God, he tastes like heaven, even better than I remember.

  His hand on my back moves to my hip. He squeezes my hip, overwhelmed with desire like I am. His hand drifts to my ass and he gently teases my ass cheek. His palm starts to caress my ass in slow circles. His other hand moves down my body as his lips part from mine and he kisses a trail up to my ear. His stubble tickling me with desire.

  “Damn… you are so sexy,” he whispers huskily in my ear. His roaming hand reaches the back of my thigh, and he lifts my leg to wrap it around his waist. It’s there that I can feel his hard on.

  “Yes…” I moan, as my head falls back from the feel of his cock.

  The next thing I know he gently slaps my ass, the vibrations run throughout my body. He pushes me back towards the bed. When the back of my leg hits the mattress, he slowly lowers me to the bed, keeping my one leg around his waist.

  Jaxon’s standing over me, looking my body up and down.

  “Are you sure?” He asks me.

  “Are you kidding me? I’ve wanted you since I first saw you. I’ve never been so sure of sex in my life.”

  This is all he needed to hear. I watch him pull the shirt off his body, giving me a wonderful view of his defined chest. He moves over me and lowers his body on top of mine, supporting himself with his forearms. His lips brush against mine again, teasing and licking, but he’s not giving me them completely.

  My hands move up his back, loving the feel of his hard muscles. I move my hands back down to the edge of his jeans.

  I can’t handle the waiting anymore. My body feels like it’ll explode any minute with lust.

  I decide to try and take control. My hands slip into the back of his jeans, under his boxers, and on his firm ass. I pull him into my core and we both moan at the feeling.

  My hands move around his waist to the front of his jeans. I unbutton the top, but before I can finish, he quickly unzips and pulls his jeans off.

  His lips move to my chest, leaving soft open mouth kisses across my skin. My body is humming with want and desire as he moves his mouth to my breasts, lowering the cups of my bra. He licks my nipple before gently biting down. I feel it right in my core. My clit is throbbing, waiting to be touched.

  Jaxon moves his mouth and repeats his licking and biting action with my other nipple, as I lower my hand into the front of his boxers, freeing his cock. I wrap my hand around his length, and I want to scream just at the feel of him. He’s long, thick, and hard. I know he’s about to rock my world.

  “Now,” I moan, as my back arches uncontrollably. “I need you inside me now.”

  Thinking my words will do the trick, I’m surprised when Jaxon stops moving. His body stills and his mouth moves away from my breasts. I instantly miss him tongue fucking my nipples.

  “I’m sorry,” he pants.

  I’m so confused on what’s happening. The only thing he should be sorry for is stopping.

  “Huh…” I softly whisper
as I slowly start to stroke his dick.

  I hear him grunt in pleasure before his hand moves to mine, pulling them off of him.

  “We can’t do this, not yet.”

  I’m completely stunned.

  I lift myself up on my elbows and stare at him. I’m trying to see any indecision on his face, but he’s wearing a perfect mask, showing me he’s in control of himself.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” I shout, not caring if his roommate and Piper will hear. “We’re practically naked, you’re hard as a rock, and my pussy is throbbing, waiting to have your dick inside it. What guy stops when he’s this close to getting laid?”

  I don’t break eye contact with him. I want to see his reaction. I want to know why I’m obviously not good enough for him to screw.

  “No guy has ever told you no, have they?"

  “Excuse me?” I ask, wondering where the hell he is going with this.

  “Sex… with you. No guy has ever told you no when you’ve wanted to have sex. Am I right?”

  I break eye contact and look around the room. If I tell him he’s right, I risk the chance of looking like a total slut.

  What the hell do I care, he’s made it clear he doesn’t want to sleep with me.

  “Yes, you’re right. Until you, I’ve never been turned down for sex. Most guys recognize a good thing when it’s in front of them.”

  “And that’s exactly why I’m not sleeping with you tonight.”

  “You’re not fucking me tonight because you can’t recognize a good thing?”

  He sighs in frustration and I watch him move his hand through his hair. He takes a step toward me, leaning over the bed, and grabs my hands. In the blink of an eye, I’m up on my feet standing chest to chest with him.

  “No,” he says firmly. “I’m not having sex with you because you’ve never been told no. Which means, you’ve been treated like a piece of ass for how many years, and you’ve become okay with it. Hell, you’ve probably convinced yourself that you like it that way, but you’re special… I think you’re special.”

  He moves his hands to the top of my shoulders, and gently caresses my shoulder blades.

  “I’ve enjoyed our time together the past two days. I like you, Tessa, and despite what you may be thinking, I want to sleep with you. I want to fuck you hundreds of different ways, in every place I can imagine. I want to own you, but I want you to want to be owned first.”


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