Adapt (A Touch of Power Book 2)

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Adapt (A Touch of Power Book 2) Page 21

by Jay Boyce

  Edmund was smiling complacently at her as he nodded. “Welcome, Jade, Evanna. I see you already know Ian and Chloe. Have you met the others?” When Jade shook her head, he nodded to the three of them. “Well, let’s have everyone introduce yourselves then. It’s a small class, so you might as well know each other.”

  “Hi. I’m Steven.” One of the more whipcord guys was the first to start, and she realized he was actually one of the guys she’d bumped into on her first day in the common room once he said his name. He was the guy with the sneaky traits, which seemed to match his light brown hair and brooding dark brown eyes.

  “I’m Travis. Nice to meet you.” Guy two was also someone she’d taken from that first day, go figure. He was wearing short sleeves to emphasize very firm muscles and a great tan. His hair was streaked with blond, showcasing that he’d probably spent quite a bit of time outdoors.

  “I’m Chloe. Nice to meet you all.” Her short bob covered her face as she smiled shyly, and that rounded out the three people she’d bumped her first day, though Chloe had been in her contractual class, too. She wondered how she was dealing with Frank’s disappearance but didn’t want to ask in front of the others. Seriously though, what were the odds? Thinking about it, she realized that none of them had included a title. Had the ‘scholarship’ students come to stay at The Green Dragon before everyone else? That would make sense as to why they were here too. The nobles probably grew up learning this stuff, and it was only those new to this lifestyle who needed to learn.

  “Evanna at your service!” the girl practically chirped beside her, startling her slightly.

  A little sheepishly, she smiled and nodded to them all. “If it wasn’t obvious, I’m Jade. It’s a pleasure.”

  Edmund nodded, clapping his hands together. “Well, that’s that. Shall we get started? Geography is one of the noblest studies, for it explains the world around us…”

  Jade forced herself to sit still, paying careful attention.

  Chapter Twenty-Six – Trouble

  Edmund pulled out a specific map, and it seemed to be a corner of a continent. Curious, Jade began to study it as Edmund explained, “This is our part of Andara. We’re in the northeast of the land, something that has been discovered through years of trade and exploration. We are here in the middle of the map, at this mountain. Between these mountains is the land Caoi claims, and there are three other cities here: Mianach to the north, which specializes in mining and mountain farming; Abhain to the east, which is on the lake and specializes in fishing, as well as containing the top herds; and to the west is Malartu, a city of craft and trade, as well as our secondary guardsman training ground.”

  Quizzically, Jade pointed to the city that didn’t seem very far on the map. “What about that one to the south?”

  “Ah, right. Caoi has claim to Basaigh Woods, and Tranglam is on the other side at the start of the Forest of Draiocht. They belong to Saibreh.”

  Jade nodded slowly before continuing her line of questioning. “What’s the difference between the woods and the forest?”

  Edmund tapped the map and the giant river that separated what looked like little trees from tall trees. “The dearg trees only grow on this side of the river. While the forest is habitable, the dearg are home to all manner of ancient monsters, including the mesmer.” Jade nodded, figuring dearg was something similar to redwoods in her old world.

  “Can you tell us more about the forest?”

  Edmund sighed a little, as if getting impatient with her questioning slightly. “What’s so fascinating to you about the Basaigh Woods?”

  Jade smiled and shrugged. “I’m going on a mesmer hunt Sunday. I figured it’d be good to know where I’m going.”

  Everyone in the class was now giving her their full attention, and she could hear Evanna whisper, “Why would you do that!? It’s the forest of death! No one comes back.”

  Jade’s smile turned a little sardonic. “Oh, I’ll come back after I kill them all.”

  Silence greeted her until finally Edmund coughed. “Very well. Because of the circumstances, today we’ll cover what we know of the Basaigh Woods.” Jade smiled brightly at him, and he shook his head, seeming to try to put his thoughts together before he finally began again. “The Basaigh Woods are, as I said, home to the dearg trees, some of the oldest known trees to be found in the world…”

  Nearly two hours later, Jade felt she had a much better idea of what she would be facing and what the kingdom had explored thus far. Everyone had seemed to get very into the idea, doing their best to help prepare her for anything she might face. She had to laugh that it had turned more from geography into help-Jade-survive-the-death-woods.

  She yawned, stretching as she smiled at Edmund. “Thanks for letting me derail your class today. The other cities sounded cool, but I doubt I’ll see them anytime soon, considering the travel distance.” And the distinct lack of wagons that she’d seen. She didn’t even need a carriage, but a wagon was at least the basics of any distance travel.

  “Oh, I wouldn’t worry about the distance. Dukes Liam and Donnelly open the gates to each city twice a month,” Edmund cheerfully informed her as she stopped dead in her tracks.

  “I’m sorry, did you just say…they opened gates?” Her voice almost broke; she was about to burst from excitement.

  “Yes, gates to the cities. They open a new one every Monday and Thursday. It makes traveling much more convenient,” Ian helpfully piped up. “Otherwise, I’d never have made it here from Abhain to get tested.”

  Jade pondered this, then asked, “The dukes, how do they open these gates?”

  Evanna spoke up quickly, “They’re spatial mages, of course. The only ones in the kingdom! We’re so lucky to have them!” Her voice lowered to a horrified whisper, “Imagine if we had to walk like they used to! I’d have died coming from Mianach! I almost went mad out of boredom as it was! Nobody new ever came there!”

  For a girly gossiper like Evanna, Jade figured that no new influx of people might as well be death for her. How else was she supposed to get her gossip? After a while, you got sick of the drama around you and you wanted fresh faces, she supposed. Was that why all those soaps had to introduce someone’s cousin’s brother’s ex-fiance who murdered his mother? Gotta get new drama somewhere.

  Jade smiled at Evanna, poking her in the side gently. “So you’re a small town girl?”

  Evanna laughed, shaking her head at Jade. “Why do you think I was so anxious to come here? All the boys there only ever think about mining! Who wants to be covered in dirt and dust all the time? No thank you! I’m much happier being here, where everyone is clean.” Jade couldn’t help but laugh at Evanna’s vehemence, but she could relate. She hated being sticky, let alone truly dirty.

  “I couldn’t agree more.” Jade grinned at her. Looking at the others, she asked, “So where can I find the next portal? I don’t really want to go through, but I’d like to meet them.”

  “Taistill Square. You should just be able to ask anyone for directions, but the portals are by the river. This Thursday should be the portal to Abhain,” Edmund explained concisely and Jade nodded her thanks.

  “Alright, well, I’ve got to head to my next class, but I’ll see you all later!” She smiled, bidding her farewells to them.

  Only, Evanna didn’t seem on board. “What do you mean, you’ve got to go? Diplomacy is just a few doors down.”

  Jade smiled and shrugged. “I’m not taking it, much to Count Leroy’s chagrin, I’m sure. I’m going to water magic.”

  It was Travis who complained, “Seriously? I thought all talent students had to take it! Count Leroy is going to take you not being there out on us…”

  Jade laughed, shaking her head. “For your sake, I hope not, but if he does, I’m sorry. If it makes you feel any better,” she did a quick check of her sheet, “my diplomacy is already at intermediate 8, so it’s not a new concept for me.”

  Even Edmund seemed curious now. “Intermediate 8? In the week yo
u’ve been here?”

  She smiled and shrugged. “Yeah, it’s one of my top five skills. I think it’s managed to keep me out of trouble so far, but that’s also most likely because I’m a traveler, so people take it easy on me.”

  “What are the other four?” Evanna asked curiously.

  “Information gathering, healing magic, light magic, and perception.” She paused, looking at her list. “Actually, mental fortitude and wind magic are right up there too.”

  Evanna shook her head in awe. “That’s amazing. I could only dream of having as many magics as you do.”

  Jade smiled, patting her on the shoulder. “I’m just weird, no need to be jealous, but I really should go before I’m late. I’ll see you later!”

  Ian sighed. “At dinner? I never see you on the fifth floor.”

  She winced. “I, uhm, eat on the first floor.”

  “Not fair! And you told me not to be jealous!” Evanna squeaked in mock anger as Jade grinned, waved at all of them from the door, and proceeded to make her way out of the building. There were a few people coming in, probably because it was determined they needed more diplomacy or tact, and she smiled at them as they nodded to her.

  She also once again had a crown of butterflies, having let them fly free in the geography classroom after everyone relaxed. There was a steady stream of people going into Magnus. She trailed them, brushing up against whoever she could without suspicion, but most of them kept walking up past the second floor.

  As she stopped at the second floor, she could hear voices coming from just ahead…where her workshop was. “Maybe she went home already.”

  A somewhat familiar voice replied, “No one goes home early on Tuesdays. She was here this morning, and she usually checks her room between classes. If you guys don’t want to wait, fine, go, but I’m staying here. It’s not like we’ve got another class right now anyways. So sit down, shut up, and do your homework. We can wait.”

  There was a chorus of groans that greeted this berating, and she could hear people and papers shuffling as she walked into view. The first people she spotted were Evan and Adam, and she identified the voice as Evan’s. They had their backs to her because they’d been talking to four other students in the hall, who looked to be slightly older.

  “Hello boys.” Jade smiled as she walked over to them, causing Evan and Adam to jump a little because she’d been so quiet. “What are you…” She stopped, staring at them as Evan and Adam turned, and she took in the giant bruise on Adam’s face, let alone those on their arms and bodies. “Who did this?” Her voice was a low growl as she walked forward, putting a hand on each of them and letting her healing magic wash through them.

  They paused, seeming to bask in the feeling of healing as she explored the many bruises on their bodies, healing them quickly and efficiently. Adam had even managed to bruise his bones. As soon as she finished, she leveled a calm stare at them and repeated, “Who did this to you?”

  Adam replied in a husky voice, “Not who, but what. We almost made it through the obstacle course.” She relaxed a bit at his explanation. The thing had to be brutal if they said they almost made it through and they were still this beaten. They also seemed a bit damp.

  She smiled softly at them. “I see. Is it really that hard? It was just the beginner’s course today, right?”

  They nodded, and Evan confirmed, “It’s that hard.”

  “Excuse me, Lady Jade. I was wondering if you could also heal us?” One of the older boys chose this moment to butt into their conversation, and she finally remembered they were there. She had been so focused on her friends she’d tuned their existence out. Oops.

  “Of course.” She smiled kindly at them, trying to make up for the fact that she forgot about them. Reaching a hand out, she touched the other boys one by one, finding that they were mostly in the same condition as Evan and Adam had been. She winced. Whatever they’d done had to be painful. “Were you six the only ones to run the course?”

  The guy she was healing, a cute redhead with bulging muscles, replied, “No, we just made it the furthest. Those who don’t make it as far generally don’t end up as bruised, but the further you get, the harder it gets and the more likely you are to take a beating.” She nodded. Increasing difficulty…she actually wanted to see this obstacle course now.

  “I see. I guess I’d better get used to this being a regular thing, then.” She smiled at them and he nodded a little shyly.

  “It’s fairly common. I’d say it’s worth it, though.” She raised a brow, and he grinned incorrigibly at her. “I got to spend time talking to you after and feel your magic rush through me. Like I said, worth it.” She laughed softly, shaking her head as he said, “I’m Michael, by the way. Can I just say it is a pleasure to meet you?” He took her hand, bending over to kiss it, all without ever breaking eye contact.

  “Get your dirty hands off her!” Evan’s voice broke through the moment as she felt herself being grabbed and pulled back and away from Michael.

  She suddenly found herself being sandwiched between the very large Evan and Adam as Adam spoke in a soft rumble, “Ignore him, he’s just a crazy flirt.”

  Michael clutched his chest. “You wound me! How could anyone deny the light which Lady Jade brings into the lives of all around her?”

  She couldn’t help it, he was so over the top she started giggling. She heard Evan and Adam heave sighs of exasperation, then Evan asked, “Where were you headed before we stopped you?”

  She smiled up at him. “Water magic classroom.”

  He nodded, and still firmly sandwiched between them, started leading her the other way around the corner. “We’ll escort you there. Ignore the bonehead.” She smiled and waved behind her at the four older students, and Michael mimed his heart cracking as she walked away. She laughed a little again, and Evan muttered almost too softly for her to hear, “Oiy, you’re trouble.”

  She burst out laughing as a song came into her head punctuated by a screaming goat. She crooned, “You knew I was trouble when I snuck in…”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven – Introductions

  The water magic classroom was just around the corner, down two doors. She guessed it made sense, given the whole alphabetical thing. She had to smile up at her two bodyblockers. They were taking getting her to her classroom and away from Michael very seriously. As they reached the door, Evan courteously held it open for her, earning him several curious looks from the students inside as he murmured to Jade, “Be safe.”

  Jade laughed, leaning over to hug him as she said, “Sure thing, big bro.” He was well and truly acting like an overprotective brother, so she couldn’t help but tease him. She quickly hugged Adam too, then smiled and said, “Now shoo, shoo. I’ll see you guys later.” They nodded, waiting for her to walk into the room before letting the door to shut behind her.

  She glanced around the room to find fourteen other students lounging around at their desks, looking at her curiously, save one. She absently took note of the fact that the desks were all shoved into one half of the room and there was a large trough full of water at both the back and front of the room. She made her way over to the empty desk and flopped into it, grinning as she said, “Hey Cami! Anything new and exciting happen in the two hours since I last saw you?” Her voice was quiet, but it carried in the silent classroom.

  Camille almost let out an unladylike snort, but instead managed to turn it into a soft coughing laugh. “Well, I would have told you about the two first years who came close to beating the beginner course on their first try, but it looks like you know them.” She raised a brow as if waiting for an explanation.

  “Yeah, they’re friends of mine. Plus they needed healing, so I patched them up. They got weirdly protective when one of the second years tried to talk to me after I healed him up.”

  “Oh? What’s his name?” she asked curiously.

  “Michael,” Jade answered with a shrug. “He seemed nice enough.”

  Camille laughed, as did a few other
people. “Now I can’t blame them. He’s an incorrigible flirt.”

  Jade grinned. “Well, if that’s his reputation, no wonder he flirted with me! The rest of you have already written him off.” She stuck her tongue out at Camille who shook her head, then turned her attention to the rest of the room, who were watching and shamelessly eavesdropping on their conversation. “So, is anyone going to introduce themself? I figure you all probably know who I am at this point.”

  “Yes, Lady Jade, we do.” Her gaze was immediately drawn to the boy who spoke, assessing him. Right off the bat, she could tell he had either grown up in or idolizing the military. He had the look of a recruit with the short buzz cut, impeccably clean and tidy clothes that resembled the guard’s uniform. His light green eyes stared at her unblinkingly, and he seemed to have a familiar look to him. “My name is Glen Whitaker, fourth year,” he paused, then nodded to her a little deferentially, “and I wanted to say thank you for healing my grandfather.”

  It clicked and she smiled brightly at him. “You’re Count Ammon’s grandson?” He nodded and her smile grew brighter. “It’s lovely to meet you, Glen.”

  “You have the smile of an angel, an ode to grace and beauty.” She turned to her left where a boy she would have associated with the theater was approaching. His golden hair was swooshed back dramatically, his clothes were lovely, ornate, and suited him immensely. He took her hand, bending over and keeping his light brown eyes on her as he said, “It is the greatest pleasure to meet you, my lady. I am Lord Melvin Reynolds, your most ardent fan.”

  “Uh, yes, it’s lovely to meet you as well, Lord Melvin…” Her voice trailed off as she unsuccessfully tried to take her hand back without ripping it out of his hand. He was holding onto her with a surprisingly strong grip. That was, until another boy came up from behind and karate chopped his arm and pulled him back.

  “You’re being creepy. Go sit,” the chopper ordered him with a glare.


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