Adapt (A Touch of Power Book 2)

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Adapt (A Touch of Power Book 2) Page 30

by Jay Boyce

  Carter raised a brow. “Oh, have you been practicing somewhere?”

  She nodded. “Yes, I was at the wall during an attack yesterday…” She paused, thinking. Had it really only been yesterday? She thought it was. “Anyway, and then I got a bit more this morning at the obstacle course shooting down Glen.” She wondered if her skill also counted when she got shot at or if dodge and pain resistance were the main things going up.

  Jeremy managed to pipe up quietly, “You were on the archer’s platform for the course?”

  Jade smiled at him as she replied, “Yes, I had fun shooting Glen down. Granted, I cheated a bit and enhanced my arrows with wind.”

  Still, Carter and Jeremy looked impressed. Apparently they hadn’t heard the rumors yet. “Well, let’s see what you can do then,” Carter intoned confidently.

  And see they did.

  When the hour passed, Jade gratefully lowered her arms. Carter had been relentless in pushing her, setting up further and further targets and demanding she hit dead center for all the points. The targets were painted as different creatures, their weak points highlighted by the target boxes. Only when she could turn blindly and hit all the marks perfectly was Carter satisfied. She felt like she’d been drilled within an inch of her life, and poor Jeremy had gotten the backlash of it too. Carter had pushed him far harder with Jade as an example, though he didn’t have the added bonus of cheating with her special ability.

  Jade flopped against the wall as she registered the bells tolling once again. It was funny, but she’d never paid enough attention to hear them before. Perhaps it was because her senses were so enhanced that they seemed so clear to her now. Those enhanced senses had been to her boon as Carter pushed her, allowing her to see the tiny targets she was shooting for far more easily.

  Carter clapped the two of them on the shoulders. “You’ve made amazing progress. Keep it up.” She felt like he was mostly aiming that at Jeremy, who’d been pulled into the madness. He smirked and ironically saluted Carter before making his escape. She stayed slumped against the wall as Carter considered her.

  “I don’t know how you did it, but you can be proud of yourself. Not many take to the bow like fish to water. I heard you’re going hunting this weekend.” She nodded silently in acknowledgment. “Keep your bow with you. You might have a lot of fancy magic, but a bow takes far less energy to shoot than your magic does. It might save your life.”

  She smiled at him, responding softly, “Thank you for your instruction. I appreciate all you’re doing to help me.”

  He shook his head. “It’s a pleasure to teach you. You actually learn and listen! Unlike those idiots coming soon. It’s a miracle any of them learn anything, their heads are so in the clouds!” His voice had dropped during his frustrated tirade and she grinned at him.

  “They’ll learn. They’re just children.”

  He shook his head. “I’d have said the same about you.”

  She laughed hollowly. Her childhood had long been demolished by test tubes. She felt like an old biddy in a young body at the moment. She’d liked the querulous old folks. They were unapologetically themselves, and she’d quite admired that, even if she sometimes got sick of their complaining.

  Why waste time trying to be something you weren’t?

  Chapter Thirty-Eight – Creed

  Jade snorted a little at Carter. “I’m not sure I was ever a child.” Children were supposed to run, to play, to be free, to go to school…well, she supposed she was doing all of that now. Hauling herself to her feet because she could hear the chatter of voices approaching, she smiled at Carter. “Thanks again for today. I’ll see you Friday at the latest. Have fun with your class!” She grinned and waved, ducking out of the courtyard.

  “Hey, Jade!” She heard Jackson’s voice calling out to her and glanced over with a smile. She waved enthusiastically back at him, Adam at his side again.

  “Hi, Jackson. Hi, Adam,” she greeted the two of them as they walked over to her, bows slung across their shoulders. More students were walking past her as well, and she realized now that she knew several of them that she hadn’t on Monday. “Hey, Travis.” The boy nodded to her as he passed, not stopping to chat since Adam and Jackson were there. She nodded to the quiet Joseph as he passed, but he didn’t seem to want to stop either after last night’s light class, and Marie, who was next to him, completely ignored her existence, nose stuck in a book. “Hi, Michael,” she greeted the cheeky second year as he winked, but he moved on quickly when Adam scowled.

  “Hey, Jade!” Jayce stopped, smirking at the two first years as he nodded greeting to them.

  “Hello, Lady Jade,” Samantha’s cultured voice purred softly as she passed.

  “Good morning, Lady Samantha.” She smiled stiffly back at the prim girl until she was gone, then turned to Jayce and stuck out her tongue. “Hey again. How’s the rest of your morning going?”

  Jackson grinned at her. “We heard you beat the intermediate course on your first try!”

  Jayce interjected before she could get a word in, “She did, and let me tell you, it was glorious! She single handedly–”

  “Oiy, shush!” Jade jabbed him in the stomach as he doubled over in mock pain, smirking wickedly. She grinned at Adam and Jackson. “I did. It half killed me to do so, but I’m sure Jayce here will embellish the story beyond recognition.”

  “I don’t need to!” Jayce cried out indignantly as he straightened.

  She stuck her tongue out. “Well, all three of you behave yourselves for Carter. I’ve got to go before Brady starts looking for me.”

  Adam winced. “You’re still getting personal training from him?” When she nodded, he grimaced. “Good luck then. I heard he’s got Baron Dante helping him today.”

  She queried him quizzically, “Who’s Baron Dante?”

  Jayce answered, much to Jackson’s obvious annoyance because he’d also opened his mouth to do so, “Baron Dante Damocles. He’s the assistant teacher for dual wielding, and he uses wind magic to buff his speed.”

  She shrugged. “In for a nickel, in for a dime. I’d better go. I’ll see you all later!” She twiddled her fingers at them as she turned to race off, ignoring the perplexed looks she got for spouting sayings that made no sense to them. The area was quickly emptying out as she hurtled forward, dodging any hapless souls who didn’t move out of her way fast enough.

  She was panting softly by the time she got there, grinding to a halt in front of the two men awaiting her. Standing up straight, she gave them her most charming smile as she greeted them while trying to control her breathing, “Good morning, Brady, Baron Damocles. I’m sorry if I kept you waiting.”

  She listened to their amused chuckles as she took the opportunity to study the newcomer. Dante appeared not much older than her, perhaps in his mid twenties. He was just a bit taller than her with a lean, runner’s body build. His light brown hair was meticulously trimmed, and his silvery blue eyes twinkled as he held his hand out. When she gave him her hand as he beckoned, he bent over and kissed the back of her fingers, teasing jovially, “Lady Jade, it’s an honor to meet you. I see my reputation precedes me.” He straightened, still holding onto her hand. “Hopefully no one has maligned me too much.”

  Laughing softly, she shook her head. “Not at all! My friends told me you’d been tapped to help with my training today, so I know scant more than your title, your affinity with the wind, and your ability to dual wield.”

  “Well at least they gave you the important information and not the impertinent information.” Brady smirked, taking her hand from Dante and greeting her with a kiss as well. She smiled at the feeling of his scarred hands, proof that he’d survived many battles. “Since Dante had some extra time, he volunteered to spar with you today so you could gain experience with a different, more magical fighting style.”

  Cheerfully, she nodded at Dante. “That would be wonderful.” Looking at Brady, her voice took on a more serious tone as she continued, “I wanted to say thank
you. If it wasn’t for your training on Monday, I’d have probably frozen up and be mesmer fodder right now.”

  Brady nodded solemnly. “Then I’m glad we did it, and we’ll continue to do so. If I have any say, you’ll be as prepared as possible for your hunt this weekend.”

  She shook her head ruefully. “I suppose the rumor mill is finally abounding with that now.”

  It was Dante who cheerfully interjected, “Nothing stays secret for long here, as evidenced by the fact that you knew I would be helping you with your training without us telling anyone.”

  She looked surprised. “You didn’t tell anyone you’d be helping out today?”

  Brady grinned. “No, the little brats made that conjecture all on their own after he helped last class.” Brushing off his hands, he asked excitedly, “Now then, let’s start, shall we?”

  Jade nodded, walking over to the side as she quickly pulled her outer shirt and pants off, revealing a rough tank top and cutoff shorts that she’d slashed out for practice. She neatly placed her clothes in a pile, double checking her weapons and boots to make sure everything was secure. Turning, she saw both men gawking at her.

  Brady asked cautiously, “Jade, what’re you doing?”

  She laughed at their expressions as Dante glanced away. “You ruined my clothes on Monday, so I’m just taking precautions. Why, is something the matter?”

  Brady groaned, glancing at Dante before he shook his head. “No, I’m sure we can all be adults about this.”

  Jade grinned smugly. “I suppose it could always be a test of Dante’s skills, to see if he can hit me without actually looking me in the eyes.”

  Dante ran a hand over his eyes as he groaned. “It’s not your beautiful eyes that I’m worried about!” She giggled in response.

  “It’s just a bit of skin. It’s not like I’m naked. I’m a healer. Skin is a natural thing, and I’ve seen my fair share of it. If I’m not embarrassed, why should you be?” She added pointedly, “Besides, you’ll be in the same position I was on Monday if I can land anything—all your layers will be torn to shreds!”

  He let his hand drop, grinning at her as he challenged, “That’s if you can hit me.”

  She beckoned. “Put your money where your mouth is! Bring it on!” Bringing out her main knife, she watched as he put his sword to the side and drew two knives as Brady backed away to watch.

  “Remember, you asked for this,” Dante smugly informed her as the dance of wind began.

  She was glad she’d stripped off her outer clothing an hour later. As predicted, it would have been cut to ribbons if she’d kept it on. They’d sparred relentlessly, stopping only occasionally to explain how he used the wind to his advantage or for Brady to correct her knife usage. Still, she was proud of the fact that Dante’s brown clothes had their own numerous cuts in them now. Fair was fair!

  There had been one precarious moment there at the end when he’d managed to cut her shoulder and snipped her left tank strap, almost causing her cleavage to come bounding out. His shock and quickly averted eyes let her get in a good return swipe of her own before they called it and she healed them both, quickly sliding her outer shirt on again.

  The blood of their injuries was kept in a jar she’d brought so that she could use it to feed her garden afterwards. Both Dante and Brady had been surprised by her ability to keep up and fight back, and she finally felt truly comfortable with her latest stat boost. Still, she felt the vague aches and pains of her practice and was annoyed that the more she healed herself, the less effective it seemed to be becoming. Oh sure, she got rid of the actual problems, but the ache of sore muscles that had been thoroughly abused wasn’t going away.

  Gingerly, the three of them left the courtyard to make their way to the cafeteria, with Brady ribbing Dante about how much he’d gotten cut up. He grinned as he responded, “Can you blame me for being distracted by the paragon of beauty wielding her knife against me? Who would not stop to admire the magnificent tableau before them?”

  Jade groaned. “I think I feel violated. Brady, I think he was trying to violate me!” The two of them laughed while Dante affected outrage and indignation.

  As they arrived at the mostly empty cafeteria, given that they’d ended around five minutes early, Brady and Dante started heading towards Estelle while she just caught the woman’s eye, waved jovially, and then started making her way towards her customary table. Dante asked quizzically, “Aren’t you going to order?”

  She laughed and shook her head. “I already did, just now.”

  Brady asked in perplexion, “Just now?”

  Giggling, she nodded. “I waved at Estelle, which means I ordered five plates of whatever she thinks is best today.”

  Dante was eyeing her in disbelief, while Brady just shook his head. “I see. Go along then. We’ll join you in a moment.” She stuck her tongue out at them as they proceeded to the counter, Dante flirting outrageously with Estelle as he ordered. The rogue was a natural born flirt and Estelle was eating it up.

  She took a seat, cushioning her head wearily as she tried to figure out what to do about the ache. Was Scylla still on the campus? What would happen if she kept abusing herself this way? Would there come a point when she couldn’t heal herself at all?

  More people were starting to trickle in as she lay her head on the table, eyes closed. She felt a hand on her back and a gush of warmth rush through her as Scylla said softly, “Oh child. What are you doing to yourself?” She opened her eyes, smiling tiredly at the frazzle-haired woman.

  “Learning how to survive. Thank you, Scylla. I needed that,” Jade gratefully murmured.

  Scylla pursed her lips, nodding. “I can imagine you did. Is this going to be a common thing for you?”

  Jade shook her head, nodded, then shook her head again. “Yes and no. It’ll probably happen again Friday, but then after the hunt, I won’t be quite so desperate to learn everything in the shortest time possible.”

  Frowning, Scylla nodded. “I’ll check on you Friday then to be sure.” Her eyes took on a faraway look as she intoned in that weird sing-songy voice she’d used before, “The creed is swift and sure, but wary be, that the heart remains pure. For down a dark and lonely path goes the one who follows wrath.” Scylla seemed to come back to her normal self, patting Jade on the back as she turned to walk away then, as if she hadn’t just said something cryptically creepy.

  What did it mean? What was the creed? The only thing that made complete sense to her was the second half. She took it as a warning to her to make sure she was going on this hunt for the right reasons, but it also gave her an uneasy feeling. She was afraid that she was waiting too long to leave on the journey.

  What was her creed? To be happy, to enjoy life, and to improve the lives of those around her. To learn, grow, and explore. To be safe. She supposed it was the American dream, the freedom of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

  She felt a pang of unease and wished she had her babies with her. How dark would the road become in order to grasp the light?

  Chapter Thirty-Nine – TMI

  “Jade, is something wrong?” Brady’s voice was gentle, as if he was trying not to startle a small animal. She felt him settle to the bench next to her, slowly making herself open her eyes and sit up from her slumped position. Brady was on her left and Dante had taken the seat directly opposite her. Both were examining her closely.

  She was about to shake her head in denial, then changed her mind. Glancing between them, her gaze flickered over to Scylla as she asked in a tone barely above a whisper, “Scylla said something to me…but I don’t think she was even aware of what she was saying. Does she do that often?”

  Dante and Brady exchanged looks, with Brady giving a deep sigh. He kept his voice extremely low as well when he spoke, “Scylla is a well known seer to everyone except herself. It’s completely unpredictable and she has no memory of anything she says in that state. What did she say to you?”

  Jade sighed, looking down at t
he table briefly. Dante seemed to be trying to tease her back into a good mood as he said cheekily, “Come on, it can’t be that bad. Half the time it doesn’t even make sense.”

  Nodding, she glanced back up at them and began, “This is actually the second time she’s done it with me. This time, she said, ‘The creed is swift and sure, but wary be, that the heart remains pure. For down a dark and lonely path goes the one who follows wrath.’ I don’t remember exactly what she said the first time, but it was something about having a blessing upon me to seek what was lost and a warning that no journey is without cost.”

  With her usual alacrity, Estelle chose that moment to bring over their food. Jade smiled wanly up at her as Estelle clucked, “And where are your little followers?”

  “They’re in my workshop. I’ll be heading to them after I finish eating. Could you maybe prepare some juice and greens I could take with me for them?” Jade peeked hopefully at the wonderful woman.

  “Tch, of course I can. Enjoy your food, sweetie.” She ruffled Jade’s ponytail and made her way back to her counter.

  Dante smiled wistfully after her. “I’m forgotten so quickly…she didn’t even look at Brady or I.”

  Jade stuck her tongue out at him, arranging her plates in the order she wanted to eat them as she teased, “That’s just as well. I can only imagine the trouble you normally get yourself into!” He grinned unabashedly as she started to eat.

  She thought they’d forgotten what she’d told them when Brady said thoughtfully, “I wonder what the creed was that she spoke of.” Jade paused with food halfway to her mouth, then quickly shoved it in.

  Chewing deliberately, she shrugged. “I don’t know. I would think it’s my creed, but even I’m not sure what my creed is, other than to pursue life and happiness without fear of monsters trying to kidnap me.” She frowned at the thought, feeling her appetite going away slightly, then forced herself to keep eating. She needed the energy, and it wasn’t the time to ignore her bodily needs, no matter how perturbed she might be.


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