Adapt (A Touch of Power Book 2)

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Adapt (A Touch of Power Book 2) Page 47

by Jay Boyce

  Marcelle nodded, then stood, obviously taking the mirror with her. Jade was silent as Marcelle walked into the next room, the guards opening the door for her and saluting. As she entered the room, Jade could hear heavy panting and grunts. Marcelle pointed the mirror at a guard tied to the chair, his eyes crazed as two more guards flanked him on either side, holding him in place.

  His voice was obviously hoarse with yelling as he rasped out angrily, “I need to see the traveler! I have a message for the traveler! Let me go so I can deliver my message!”

  Marcelle walked forward, indicating the mirror in her hand if the gestures Jade could see were any indication. “Dax, this mirror is connected to Lady Jade, the traveler. You can give her your message.” The square was held at eye level with the man, and Jade met his eyes as he squinted at her.

  “You’re the traveler?” he rasped in obvious suspicion.

  Jade nodded, speaking soothingly as Ramoth landed on her shoulder, “I’m the traveler, Jade.”

  The man nodded, seeming mollified as he settled down. She half wondered if it wasn’t because of Ramoth. His eyes had tracked the path of the golden butterfly with intensity. He looked back at her eyes, then his seemed to take on a quality of looking into the distance, not really at her. He sibilated in an eerie tone, “A messssssage to the traveler. The city will pay for the death of our brotherssss. Your ssssstreetsss will run red with blood… No one issss ssssssssafe. The dark one isssss coming…for you.” His lilting tone mimicked the mesmer, and she could tell he’d been hypnotized to deliver the message exactly how he’d received it.

  Her blood ran cold. The man slumped into unconsciousness as soon as the message was fully delivered. She was almost sick from the wheeling the mirror did at that point, looking away as Marcelle moved back into her office. She had steepled her fingers in front of her face, the energy drained from her along with the blood from her face, leaving her pale. Finally, she spoke, “I need to inform the king of this…new information.”

  Jade nodded numbly, then shook her head. “Wait. How many were taken from the wall?”

  Her voice was grim as she responded, “Four guards taken, one killed. If they took anyone else from the city, I haven’t heard of it yet.”

  Staring at her hands for a moment before looking back into the mirror, she asked in a deathly quiet voice, “Can you have everything ready to go in the morning? I want to leave first thing.”

  Marcelle nodded slowly. “We were mostly ready. I’ll have everyone informed. We can leave by eight.”

  “Okay. Eight.” Jade paused, then spoke with conviction, “We’ll bring them back.”

  A kaleidoscope of emotions, Jade could see the tiredness, the anger, the weary acceptance, and faint hope play across Marcelle’s face. “I hope so. Get some sleep, Jade. I’ll see you in the morning.” Jade nodded as the connection went dark, becoming a normal mirror once more.

  She picked up a different mirror, thinking of Victor as she pushed her energy into the mirror. Having managed to shove as much food as possible into her mouth in the interim hours, she had mostly recovered her energy reserves, though it hadn’t dispelled the deep ache in her bones.

  A few seconds later, Victor’s face came into view, tear streaks sparkling on his cheeks from the light. He attempted a smile but failed terribly. He asked glumly, “You heard?” She could hear the voices of the rest of the royal family talking in the background as she nodded. Wiping off his cheeks, he sighed. “They got in through a secret passageway. It’s something only members of the royal family were supposed to know about. How would they have known?” His voice was haunted with unanswered questions.

  She could vaguely hear Marcelle’s voice as she spoke with the king, relaying the message Jade had received. Victor had stopped talking to listen, turning with wide eyes back to Jade when the message was complete. “They left that for you?”

  “Apparently.” She couldn’t keep the bitterness from her voice. Shivering slightly, she shook her head. “I don’t know how they got in. I don’t know how they knew I was the traveler. I don’t know how they knew about that passageway… I do know I’m leaving in the morning to hunt them down. I’m going to bring them back. I promise you, I’ll bring them back.” Or die trying, she silently added. She wasn’t coming back without them.

  She thought of the three youngest children of the royal family, so lively, mischievous, full of energy. All Tisha wanted to do was dance at the ball. “When do you leave?” Victor’s voice brought her out of her si lent introspection.

  “Eight,” she choked out the word, struggling to hold back her tears as well as her anger. They didn’t deserve this! They were innocent. They were young. Why did it have to be them!?

  He nodded, then promised, “I’ll be at the gate to send you off. Jade,” he paused, meeting her gaze, “be safe. I can’t…I can’t lose you too.”

  “You won’t.” She smiled wanly at him, then shook her head. “I should get some sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.” He nodded, and she silently cut the connection right before the tears started to fall.

  Raphael silently pulled her into his chest, his arms around her as she began to sob, her tears soaking into his shirt. He’d stayed silently beside her during the whole thing, but she was grateful for his stoic presence now as her whole body shook. Gruffly, he whispered into her hair, “You can do this. If anyone can, it’s you.”

  She nodded, sniffling as she began to pull away, his arms dropping to his side at her move. She gifted him with a watery smile before she said good night, “Thank you. I’m going to get some sleep.”

  He nodded, letting her go. He watched as she stumbled slightly going up the steps. He’d moved forward to help, but stopped when she caught herself and kept going through the silent tears still running down her cheeks.

  She scrubbed her face before laying down, closing her eyes as she mentally communicated with her babies, “Please, watch over me while I sleep. Attack any monsters or anyone who means me harm.”

  “We protect you,” Andy’s firm voice answered her back, the others echoing the sentiments. She knew she’d be well watched over as she passed out.

  Pouring through the different options, she was glad her mental blue screens were available and she didn’t have to look through watery eyes at the boxes. She made her choices but didn’t confirm them quite yet.

  What did it all mean? She had been afraid that they would adapt, but how had they gotten information on her? How had they known about the secret passageway? How worried should she be about the ‘dark one’ who was coming for her? Why was it coming for her?

  She took a deep breath, wiping the final tears from her eyes and absently healing the swelling.

  It didn’t matter, really. Opening her eyes, she held her hand up to the light. Whatever this world sent at her, she would face it. Quietly, she spoke the last words of Invictus. “I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.”

  She would follow her own path. The dark one could come, but it would not find her hiding. She would meet it. Confirming her choices finally, she welcomed the pain that proved her determination to grow stronger. She would adapt.

  It was time for the hunt to begin.

  -End of Book Two-

  Choose Your Path

  Epilogue – Angel

  “Uncle Tevon, please. Don’t do this, please! Uncle Tevon!” The girl’s pleading voice roused him from his near coma. He cracked open an eye to peer owlishly up into the darkness. The new ones stirred at the sound of her pleading, and some of them looked like they wanted to jump to help whatever hapless soul was about to be dumped with them.

  Five thumps landed near him, and Frank instinctively pulled back against the mossy wall he was leaning against. He was weak, but the mesmer coming in was never a good thing. He was relieved when all they did was deposit the people before jumping and bounding off of the walls multiple times, leaving this accursed pit. The four newcomers who’d been deposited after their first draining tonight qui
ckly moved to help the new five.

  It was strange, but he felt some relief that the nine of them were here. He half wondered if he even had enough blood to live through the night. The lone person who’d been here when he arrived had disappeared that first night, and he’d been alone in this pit ever since, except for when they came to feed. He suppressed a shudder, choosing instead to focus on the conversation happening in front of him.

  “Your highnesses! How are you here?” Frank absently registered that the first four that had been dropped in here with him were wearing the uniform of the guard. They’d checked on him, tried to make him a little more comfortable, but quickly realized there wasn’t much more they could do for him. He knew he was dying. He could feel the sickness spreading through what little blood was left in his veins. His arms were little more than bloody scabs from their long nails.

  The conversation went on, but he didn’t pay it any more mind. What did he care? It wasn’t like he was going to make it through this alive. His eyes had closed in his exhaustion. Maybe tonight would be the night he joined his sister in the next life. At least then the pain and the burning in his veins would stop.

  “Frank, is that you?” He felt a tiny hand brush the hair back from his face, and he painstakingly opened his eyes again. A tiny blond angel was leaning over him, staring with cornflower blue eyes.

  He smiled slightly, his cracked lips breaking open once more as blood sluggishly tried to come out. “Angel, I’m ready to see my sister.” His voice was coarse, and he sounded like he’d almost completely lost it.

  The angel looked strangely upset at his words. “Frank, you can’t give up! You’ve got to stay with us. Jade is coming. She’ll get us out of here, I promise.” Jade. He closed his eyes again, not wanting to think of the pain.

  “Jade.” His voice cracked on the word. He opened his eyes again, looking at the angel, who he now noticed was disheveled, blood streaking down her neck. “Tell Jade…I’m sorry. I tried not to…tell them.”

  Tears fell down the angel’s face as she shook her head. “You can tell her yourself. It’s going to be okay. We’re going to get out of here.”

  Frank closed his eyes again. He couldn’t bear to tell the angel how wrong she was. She would find out soon enough.


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  About Jay Boyce

  Jay Boyce is an avid reader and traveler, explorer of new things. Daughter of a librarian and wielder of words, she is primarily an editor who's trying her hand at writing. A crazy dreamer, she creates stories in her head all the time, and finally decided to start writing them down and sharing the love. A perpetual learner, she also works at her local university attending classes with deaf students and gleaning knowledge on any random subject she can get her hands on. The best description of her has always been eclectic, because she wanted to try most everything at least once.

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  About Mountaindale Press

  Dakota and Danielle Krout, a husband and wife team, strive to create as well as publish excellent fantasy and science fiction novels. Self-publishing The Divine Dungeon: Dungeon Born in 2016 transformed their careers from Dakota’s military and programming background and Danielle’s Ph.D. in pharmacology to President and CEO, respectively, of a small press. Their goal is to share their success with other authors and provide captivating fiction to readers with the purpose of solidifying Mountaindale Press as the place ‘Where Fantasy Transforms Reality.’

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  Adam Rawlings – Lord Rawlings is a first year student of Dracona. Commonly seen with Evan, Jackson, and Will.

  Aiden Davion – Count Aiden is the light magic instructor of Dracona.

  Alexa – A second year student of Dracona. First met in the light magic class.

  Alexis Cormac – Alexis is Kevin’s aunt, mother of Christine. Daughter of Byron, sister of Corey and Dakota. Met at Kevin’s healing.

  Alfred – The first king of Caoi, a great earth mage who formed the walls and castle.

  Alisha Ri’Tine – Duchess Alisha is a third year student at Dracona. First met in the metal magic class.

  Amber – Amber is the red, orange, and yellow queen fellacai whose attack is fire based.

  Ammon Whitaker – Count Whitaker is the commander of the East Gate. An older gentleman who's seen many battles.

  Andrews – Sir Andrews is a guard at the East Gate.

  Andy – Andy is the brown and green male fellacai whose attack is earth based. Mate of Willow.

  Angus Doyle – Angus is a fourth year talent student of Dracona, first met in the water magic class and then the intermediate obstacle course.

  Anthony Hewett – Baronet Hewett is the commander of unit five of the East Gate.

  Ashanna Ri’Cloch – Queen Ashanna is an angelic visage of charm and diplomacy. She uses life magic.

  Ben Rahler – Ben is a second year student at Dracona. First met in the illusion magic class.

  Bick – Sir Bick is a city guardsman who escorted Jade home after the mesmer attack.

  Blake – Sir Blake is the first mesmer-touched that Jade cured. Serves at the East Gate.

  Bolt – Bolt is the yellow, white, and blue male fellacai whose attack is lightning based. Mate of Amber.

  Brad – Brad is the assistant dark magic teacher at Dracona. On the spectrum.

  Brady Xay – Viscount Brady is the small-blades teacher at Dracona; he’s also an excellent singer.

  Britney Larkin – Lady Larkin is a first year student of Dracona. Was first seen flirting with Will.

  Brodie Ri’Cloch – Brodie is a second year student of Dracona. First cousin of the royal family, his father is Tevon, the mesmer taken. First seen in the fire magic class when he tried to kill Jade.

  Bryoni – Bryoni is a fourth year student of Dracona. First met in the water magic class, then the intermediate obstacle course.

  Byron Elliot – Duke Elliot is Kevin’s grandfather, a military man. Father of Alexis, Corey, and Dakota. Met at Kevin’s healing.

  Caldwell the Diligent – The first traveler of Caoi, he’s responsible for the creation of the guard and helped found Dracona.

  Camille Ri’Cloch – Princess Camille is a second year student at Dracona and uses Earth, Life, and Water magic.

  Carl – Carl is the white and red male fellacai whose attack is blood and healing based. Mate of Lavender.

Abas – Viscout Carter is the Archery Teacher at Dracona.

  Charles Vincent – The talented son of Duke Vincent who was taken by the mesmer.

  Chase Walker – Chase is a fourth year student of Dracona. First met in the water magic class.

  Chloe Chambers – Lady Chloe is a first year student of Dracona. She was one of the first siphonees.

  Christine Cormac – Christine is Kevin’s cousin, daughter of Alexis. Met at Kevin’s healing.

  Christopher Jacobs – Sir Christopher was the guard who carried Jade home after the mesmer attack and accompanied her to the East Gate.

  Cody Besok – Viscount Cody Besok is the palace healer. First met when healing Kevin.

  Corey Elliot – Kevin’s father, husband of Eleanor. Father of Jessamyn and Wanda. Son of Byron. Met at Kevin’s healing.

  Corey Morgan – Lord Corey is a fourth year student of Dracona. First met in the water magic class.

  Corrai the Wrathful – The second traveler to Caoi, he introduced many weapons to their society and led wars to beat back the monster threat.


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