Bite Me

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Bite Me Page 6

by Jenika Snow

  “God,” she whispered. “This is so crazy, but don’t stop.”

  He took his other and slipped it between her thighs. The heat of her pussy had his animal pushing at the surface, demanding to fuck her, to mark her now. She trembled against him, and he looked down at her. Guiding some of the moisture from her pussy to her ass, he lubed up the tight hole. She’d need to be nice and wet for when one of the three of them fucked her back there.

  He ran his other finger back and forth, spreading her wetness along her anus before slowly slipping it inside. She bit her bottom lip hard enough that he saw a crimson drop of blood well up on her flesh. Stanis leaned down and ran his tongue over the blood, taking it into him and feeling lightheaded from the pleasure.

  “You’re going to take my finger in your ass and fucking love it, aren’t you, mate?”

  She nodded, her lips parting as a moan left her.

  “And then when I’ve stretched your ass good and deep, you’ll take all three of us at the same time: one in your pretty pussy, one in your tight ass, and another one filling your mouth.” He leaned close to her ear. “Tell us.”

  A small mewling sound left her, but she nodded her approval. When it came down to it, she would surrender her body to them, and they were going to take all of it.

  He shoved a finger in her pussy, and a second later did the same to her ass.

  “Yes,” she said, the scent of her wolf right there.

  He finger-fucked both of her holes like he couldn’t get enough.

  I can’t get enough.

  Her head lolled to the side, and he attacked her throat with lips and teeth, running his fangs over the slender arch. The harsh breathing of his brothers right behind him let him know that they wouldn’t last much longer if he didn’t move this along.

  “That’s it, mate,” Casis said. “Take everything.”

  “How does she feel, brother?” Malachi asked Stanis.

  “So. Fucking. Incredible.” He added a bit of pressure to her throat and felt her skin open slightly. He’d mark her up good when he was deep in her pussy. “I hope you’re ready, mate.”

  Because we’re about to give you all we are.

  Chapter Ten

  Clint moved through the tunnel, the only light he had starting to dim. He’d been moving through the tunnels for hours now, and he could say he was lost. But he wouldn’t give up. Now that he knew something was living in these caves, he’d find the proof and bring it back to the organization.

  He thought about Ruby, knew she’d come after him and that she’d fallen. A part of him knew he should have gone back to her, but science depended on him getting this information. Besides, she’d been on expeditions before, knew how to navigate and handle herself. They’d worked together long enough and Clint was certain she’d find her way out when she realized he wasn’t coming out until he could find hard evidence.

  He’d never had a lead like this, but he’d always been searching for that breakthrough, for that one piece that could bring him out of the background and into the light. If Ruby couldn’t see that then she didn’t need to be by his side. It was her loss, because once he had the spotlight on him, that’s all he’d focus on, not the people that didn’t help him get there in the first place.

  Fear of the unknown had no place in him right now.


  Ruby couldn’t contain her gasp. The feel of Stanis sliding his finger in and out of her body had her on the verge of coming. She couldn’t help but wonder how it would feel to have the three of them with her in all ways.

  I’ll find out soon enough.

  “Stanis.” Breathing out his name, Ruby couldn’t help the way she started to rub her pussy against his hand. He had already gotten her off twice, but having the other two watching what was happening made this even more erotic. It all just felt so right being with the three of them.

  I just need this torture—as pleasurable as it may be—to end. I need to feel them inside of me.

  Stanis removed his fingers from her and gripped her ass with both hands now. She felt his cock jerk between her thighs and knew he wanted this, too. So why was he torturing them both? She glanced over at Casis and Malachi, and continued to watch as they stroked themselves.

  Casis and Malachi moved until they were on either side of the pallet, caging her in with their big bodies. Now, when this was all said and done, would she still want this so badly? When reality set in would she still want this?

  Yes, she thought instantly.

  Looking back at Stanis, she wondered if he could sense how much she wanted this.

  If you can, you know they can.

  It was hard not to appreciate the fact all three of them were corded with muscles, their cocks heavy, long and thick, and the head a little wider than the shaft. These were her three mates. The look on their faces, the pulsating heat emitting from them, and the way they held nothing back, had everything cresting inside of her.

  If she ended up wanting to walk away would they let her? Even wondering that she already knew the answer.

  No, they wouldn’t, but that makes me feel so damn hot.

  If Ruby was being honest with her herself she could admit she’d always felt like something was missing in her life.

  Now I don’t.

  Stanis pulled back and looked down at her. “Spread your thighs, Ruby. Let us see how primed you are for us.” Stanis’s voice was a rough growl, and it sent a little tingle to the tips of her fingers and toes.

  “Show us what belongs to us,” Malachi said.

  “Let us see your pink center,” Casis followed up.

  Placing her feet flat on the bed she parted her thighs, and when the cool air brushed along her labia she stopped. Stanis placed his hands on her knees, and keeping eye contact with her the entire time, he slowly pulled her legs apart until her inner muscles protested.

  “You are not to hide this from us, mate, ever.”

  She looked at Stanis after he spoke. He ran his fingers through her pussy lips, one finger on each side of her inner labia, and a sigh left her. She was nude for these shifters, but it still felt like she was restrained. She wanted to be even freer.

  Goosebumps popped out along her flesh. Her breasts rose and fell from her respirations. Casis got down on his knees on the pallet beside her and reached out to brush a strand of her hair away. Stanis started rubbing the side of his stubble-covered cheek along her inner thigh at the same time Malachi got on the pallet on the other side of her and took her mouth in an intense kiss. The feel of his lips on hers, and of his tongue stroking hers slowly, rhythmically, was so sensual she could have screamed for them to go harder, faster.

  Hands grabbed her breasts, but her eyes were closed and her body so lost in the hazy sensation of pleasure that she had no clue who touched her. It didn’t matter though, not when all three of them knew exactly how to touch her in just the right way.

  Before she knew what was happening a mouth was latched onto one of her breasts, and wide shoulders were fully wedged between her legs. Ruby snapped her eyes open and looked down the length of her body. Stanis’s black hair stood out around his head, and maybe sensing her stare he glanced up and looked at her.

  While holding onto Ruby’s gaze, Casis ran his tongue along her nipple, dragging the thick muscles along the engorged tip right before taking it between his teeth and nipping at her. A spark of pain filled her, but that was mixed with ecstasy when she continued looking down her body and saw Stanis move back between her thighs. The feel of a tongue slipping through her cleft and then being dragged back up to draw circles around her clit had her entire body shaking involuntarily. There were so many sensations passing through her: Casis sucking on her nipples, Stanis licking her pussy, and Malachi now sucking and licking at the side of her neck.

  Casis alternated between her breasts, teasing, pulling at her flesh, sending electricity moving through her. Stanis pulled her labia apart and started attacking her pussy with a ferocity that had her closing her eyes and mew
ling out. A shocked but pleasurable gasp left her when Stanis moved his mouth down her pussy and to her anus. He spread her legs even wider apart. There he licked the unused hole gently at first, but started to increase his pace, which had her squirming for more. She would never have imagined it could feel so good to have someone touch her back there, lick her until her legs shook and her chest constricted.

  Malachi took hold of her chin with his thumb and forefinger, and with a firm grip turned her head so she was looking at him again. “While Stanis devours that sweet ass of yours and Casis sucks on your tits, I want to fuck your mouth, mate.” He stared into her eyes, and the blackness of his pupils mixed with his irises.

  Was she sick because she liked having them in their shifted state?

  Malachi speared his hands in her hair and tugged on the strands hard enough to have a soft sound escaping her. He growled out deeply.

  And then Malachi was kissing her while his brothers had their way with her.

  Stanis gripped her thighs, dug his fingers into her flesh, and groaned deeply against her bottom. “So wet and sweet.”

  Stanis’s words were muffled against her flesh, and the sounds of his kisses and licks were enough to drive her insane with arousal. Malachi sucked her tongue into his mouth and bit it gently. When Casis took her nipple between his teeth and pulled the flesh taut, she exploded for them. Ruby cried out softly, her throat too tight to make much more sound than that.

  “That’s it, mate.” Casis palmed the breast he currently wasn’t sucking on and erotically tortured her other one. They wrung out her orgasm until there was nothing left for her to give, until she was begging them for mercy. They were relentless in their pursuit to make her exhausted. Finally she was able to break away from Malachi’s mouth, push Stanis’s large shoulders back enough so she could close her legs, and breathe out in relief.

  How in the hell was she going to survive when there hadn’t even been any penetration?

  Chapter Eleven

  The seconds, minutes, and hours seemed to meld together, but Ruby knew she hadn’t been here that long, not even a full day. So much had happened in that time, her arousal taking her hostage, her wolf making itself known for the first time in her life.

  But it feels so natural, so right.

  She lay on the pallet between the three men, her three mates. It was strange to think of a person in her case, like that, but then again when she really tried to understand it she didn’t feel so confused. Pushing herself up she looked over at Stanis, and then at the other two. Had she worn them out so much they could actually sleep? It was amusing, in a way, because these huge men didn’t seem like they could be vulnerable in any sense.

  They’d shifted back to their human forms once they’d wrung the pleasure from her, and she could say in all honesty she enjoyed both sides of them. Their human side seemed very much in control, thoughtful, and intelligent. But then again their shifted side was like that, as well. They were strong and powerful, knew what they wanted, and had a past that they could remember in detail. They also knew of their heritage, and she did long for that knowledge and desired to know who and what she was at the most elemental sense.

  “We will tell you anything you desire, mate,” Stanis said in a deep, low voice.

  She looked over at Stanis, saw he was awake, and looked at the other two. They were awake, as well. Why Ruby had thought they were asleep was beyond her. These males didn’t seem like the type to let their guard down for anything, not even when their bodies needed rest.

  She pushed herself up, mindful she was naked, yet still not chilled.

  “Is the fact I’m not freezing in this icy cavern because of my shifter side?”

  God, that sounds so bizarre saying it out loud.

  “There was a man that went down one of the tunnels. I need to know if he’s okay.” She felt guilty for not worrying about Clint before all of this, but her emotions and the pleasure had taken over her so fiercely it was like nothing else mattered.

  “He’s safe,” Casis said, and Ruby looked at him.

  “You know where he’s at?”

  Casis nodded, but he looked annoyed. “He left you in the tunnel after you fell. He left you injured because he’d been thinking of himself.”

  She felt shock. “No, he wouldn’t do that. He probably didn’t realize I’d fallen.” Although saying that, she knew she had wondered if he’d left her or hadn’t known she’d gotten hurt. Ruby wanted to believe the latter, of course.

  “We saw him look back at you, scented the fact he knew you needed help, but that he had other priorities, Ruby,” Malachi said. “He turned and left you.” The anger coming from them, the heat and aggression, surrounded her.

  She didn’t speak for long seconds, thinking over it all, knowing things had changed so drastically with Clint. He’d never been like this, but then again they’d never been in a situation where they could have this kind of breakthrough.

  “We can’t allow him to leave the cave with samples of our kind.”

  She lifted her head and stared at Stanis. “We already have hair fibers.”

  The three of them looked at one another.

  “The majority of our kind has lived in the shadows for centuries. There are select humans that know about us, even some of our kind that live with the humans. But our secrets are our own, and are not to be exploited.” Casis was the one to speak.

  “The humans that have those hair fibers must have come here when we were hunting. We can’t have anyone know of our existence, not unless it’s the select few humans that our kind trusts, that our species has an alliance with.” Malachi pushed a stray piece of hair off of her shoulder. “We can’t let our kind be put in danger. We can’t have you put in danger. You understand?” he asked gently.

  “I don’t want Clint hurt,” she said, not sure if that’s what they were implying.

  They looked at each other again.

  “He won’t be hurt, but he will leave this mountain without evidence of us, and will never come back,” Stanis said with a hard voice.

  She knew, deep down, they were right. Ruby knew what would happen if their species was found out, knew there would be hordes of scientists tearing this mountain apart. She and Clint, and their team, had been the first start of that. If they’d come back with more solid proof aside from some hair samples…

  She shook her head as she thought about it, about what would inevitably happen. Now that she had met these men, these shifters, she knew she couldn’t put them at risk. This wasn’t about her finding out what she was. This was about protecting the men that she was instinctively drawn to. Ruby wanted them protected.

  Clint couldn’t leave the cave with any more samples. If the team went back empty-handed the board would probably put funds on hold for any more excavations for the immediate future.

  She nodded, and moved on to the next question.

  “Why are you living in a cave? Do all our kind live like this?”

  It is so weird saying our kind.

  “No. We needed the solitude.” Stanis was the one to speak.

  “Our pack lives in Alaska, but it’s further down, hours from this mountain.”

  She looked at Malachi after he spoke.

  “There are packs of our kind that live amongst humans, live like them. But the majority of them like their solitude, their isolation, the same as we do.”

  She stared at Malachi, and then glanced at Stanis and Casis. “Is that why you left your pack?” The three nodded. “But why would you want to leave your family, your home?” Surely being with their family outweighed wanting to live in this icy, isolated tundra?

  “Because we didn’t feel like being there was right for us.” Casis said.

  “But wouldn’t finding your mate be impossible living here, away from others?”

  Stanis pulled her onto his lap and kissed the side of her throat. “Mates would find each other no matter what, no matter how long it took. Instinct brings them together, brings us together.
Even if they end up being old, their lives nearly finished, they would still find each other.”

  What a sad life to not find your mate until you were both old.

  “We can take you to our pack, meet our families, the shifters we grew up with, when you’re ready,” Malachi said, and she couldn’t help but smile.

  “I have so much to learn. This is all so confusing, intimidating even, but strangely I don’t feel like any of this is wrong.”

  Stanis smoothed his hand over her back. “That’s because it’s not. Your inner animal—your very soul—recognizes us for who we are to you. It’ll take time for you to understand it all. You didn’t grow up in the world we did, and you know nothing of our species or culture.”

  “But we’ll teach you everything, show you who you really are.” Casis leaned down and kissed her on the head.

  Malachi grabbed her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

  These men had waited for her their entire lives, hadn’t known where she was until she came to this cave, but they’d given her so much already. Their acceptance, their gentleness, and the fact they were willing to teach her. She loved her life, her work, but she also knew she’d been living without a purpose. She hadn’t realized how true the latter was until this moment, until she met these three powerful males. With no love interest, but the desire to be loved and love in return, to be a mother one day, and to actually feel like she belonged somewhere, Ruby knew she had to go with her heart.

  She wanted to see where this went, because never in her life had she felt so comfortable, so accepted—least of all in such a short amount of time—as she did right now, and with these three men.

  Chapter Twelve

  She’d wandered the cavern looking at everything, learning about the simple life they led, but one that had meaning. She did think about Clint a lot, wondering what he was doing right now, if he was okay. But Stanis had told her they knew where he was, that he was fine, still searching for proof of life in the caves, and not worried about anything or anyone but his own gain. She’d worry about and deal with Clint when she’d wrapped her head around everything.


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