Accidentally Demonic

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Accidentally Demonic Page 21

by Dakota Cassidy

  He popped the front clasp on her bra with expertise, shoving aside the satiny cups to palm her breast. Clay’s hand pushed upward, using a surprisingly callused thumb to bring her nipple to a sharp peak. All the while, his lips moved over hers effortlessly, skillfully, sipping, tasting, devouring her mouth.

  And then his tongue was slashing the undersides of her breasts, working in agonizingly slow licks to her nipple, a nipple he captured and pulled tight between his lips.

  Flashes of color exploded from behind her eyelids, a rush of moist warmth pooled between her thighs. Her thighs strained against his, shaking while her heart clamored in her chest so hard, she heard it in her ears.

  Clay trailed his wet tongue along her ribs, rasping over her ribcage, stopping to explore her navel. Fists clenched, jaw locked, Casey bit back the scream of anticipation his mouth wrought. The pop of the button on her jeans, the sharp sound her zipper made when he slid it downward, sent her hips in motion. She lifted them so he could relieve her of the clothing that had now become a bothersome barrier.

  Through half-closed eyelids, Casey peeked at him just before he wrapped her thighs around his shoulders and dipped his head low. The light from the end table lamp haloed his frame, strong, powerful, sharply planed. He had thin white scars across his chest, and one along his shoulder, only adding to the mystique of his granite good looks.

  Casey reached out to touch him then, laying her palms flat against his pectorals, gliding them along the deep slashes of his abs. His groan was earthy, guttural and satisfying to her ears before he buried his head between her legs.

  A gasp of pure, unadulterated delight spewed from her lips as he parted her wet flesh, tracing the swollen nub of her clit, circling it, each pass creating a new level of awareness.

  She felt raw, on edge, decadent, unnerved by the harsh yet scintillating sensations he drew from her with his mouth. Not at all ashamed to revel in the feel of his tongue, her fingers found his thick hair, curling into the strands, lifting her hips higher when he finally wrapped his lips around her most intimate place. Licking, tasting, he moaned, sending out a vibration of heat along every erotic zone on her body.

  Her teeth clenched when orgasm came, her chest heaving upward, her hips straining to feel every last swipe of his tongue. The depth of release robbed her of her breath, of reason, of anything but capturing and clinging to this out- of-control tidal wave of pleasure.

  A long moan slipped from between her lips when he moved from between her thighs and slid off the couch to rid himself of his jeans. Her vulnerable naked form didn’t flinch when his eyes scanned her length with greed. Where this unabashedly confident stance had come from, she was unsure, but the sheer overconfidence of it was sexy and empowering.

  Casey held a hand out to Clay, pulling her to him, encouraging him to finish what he’d begun. They both grunted their pleasure when he lay over her, the length of his cock brushing against her belly. He was rock hard, cool and thick with his desire for her.

  Cupping his face in her hands, her eyes sought his in question. There was no going back if what Darnell had said wasn’t true. Clay’s answer was to plant his mouth on hers again, spread her thighs wide, and press the head of his shaft at her entrance.

  She was as desperate for his entry as she was afraid.

  They each paused, the silence interrupted only by her harsh breathing.

  Well, so far, there hadn’t been any thunderbolts—no cosmic realignment.

  But they hadn’t consummated anything yet, either.

  Fear warred with desire. Fear for his safety won out. She unburied her head from his thickly corded neck. Her lips trembled, her words stuttered. “What . . . if . . . what if what Darnell said is wrong, Clay? Nothing is worth you being shunned—losing the security of your clan.”

  He paused, too, poised above her, his eyes glazed. His lips compressed, becoming a thin line, his sharp jaw tensed. “I don’t care,” was the last thing he said before entering her, his passage made easier by the slick wetness he’d created with his lips.

  He stilled inside her, she put off the unbelievable ecstasy of his shaft buried deep within her to look over his shoulder.

  Silence greeted her ears.

  The world hadn’t crumbled—the Earth hadn’t shifted.

  Casey fought a squee of delight and instead succumbed to the first stroke of his cock, hard, thick, and thrusting upward.

  His hands found hers, entwining their fingers, pulling her arms high above her head, making her arch up high against the solid width of his chest.

  Her head rolled to the side of the couch, thrashing with each powerful thrust he made within her. Casey raised her knees, positioning her heels against the couch to grind upward, to get closer. Her nipples grew unbearably tight, chafing against his chest, begging for release.

  Her mind was blank but for the need to quench her thirst for him. Clay rolled his hips, letting go of her hands and gripping the rounded flesh of her hips. He rode her hard, crashing against her, grinding into her until the tension that spiraled toward out of control pushed her off into the dark abyss.

  Dizzying flashes of heat coiled in her belly, letting go like springs, releasing one at a time. Each snap of her self-control made her teeth clench, made her grab at him, reach around him and cup the cheeks of his ass, pressing the heel of her hand to the hard flesh so he’d plunge deeper, harder.

  And then she was there, no warning, no time to savor the sweet fall of release. She came hard, just as Clay did, with a guttural, almost feral roar. Pumping in and out of her until he had drained every last bit of her energy, they collapsed, his body sinking into hers.

  He rose on his elbows, bracketing her head with his large hands, but she couldn’t open her eyes. Sated, exhausted, she filled her lungs with much- needed air. Clay ran his index fingers over her eyelids, tracing abstract patterns across them.

  All while she pondered the second coming.

  And how close that coupling had been to it.

  Whether it was the demon in her, rearing its head, or she’d just never experienced sex like that before, she wasn’t sure. She had never been so terrified, so lust-riddled, so consumed by anything—ever.

  Her eyes were slow to open, and when they did, Clay’s gazed back. What did you say to a man who’d not only turned you inside out, but had just dipped his wick in a place he hadn’t been for a long, long time. “Hey—was it worth the wait?” But how long was long? “Soooo, it’s been a while, huh?” Casey bit her tongue. Good gravy—how insensitive and crass.

  He grinned, winking a dark eye at her. “Huh. I thought that went pretty well. I didn’t think I showed any signs of rust.”

  Giggling, she rolled her eyes. “That’s not what I meant. I meant . . .”

  “You want to know how long it’s been since I made love to a woman and what woman that was?”

  No. Yes. “No. I just wondered—I mean—I don’t know what I wondered. I don’t even know all that much about you. I just know that you clearly hate the blond giant’s guts. That can make for great sex—or no sex.”

  “So what you’re asking is if I’ve ever done Hildegard.”

  Fine. Yes. That was what she was alluding to. No, she’d rather have her tongue cut from her head than admit it. “Forget it. I’m prying, and I shouldn’t be. The situation is just so unusual, it begs questions.” Many.

  “You have every right to pry now, Casey. You’re my mate.” He grinned again, leaving her off balance. Gone was the serious, moody Clay, and in had strolled this lighthearted tease. He yawned, openmouthed and long.

  “I’m your second mate—your first one wants to kill me. And speaking of, can you help shed some light on this drinking- from-you thing? Wanda explained a little of it to me, but it’s still sort of hazy.”

  His eyes began to sag, his words to slur. Pulling her to his side, he rolled to his back and muttered, “Tomorrow . . .”

  She planted her elbow on his chest, leaning up on it to grab his chin with her fing
ertips. “Don’t you dare fall asleep on me now.” Trailing her fingers along his ribs, she frowned.

  So clearly cuddling was out.

  Very convenient, this vampire sleep.

  Laying her head on his chest, Casey let her swirl of questions subside to a dull roar in her head.

  The day had been long, the revelations, brutal.

  But the sex had been fucktacular.

  Her libido could thank her later.

  A sharp crow of laughter startled Casey from the first sound, peaceful sleep she’d had in what seemed like forever. “Hoo boy. I wouldn’t wanna be you if Gigantor gets a load of the two of you.”

  Casey popped an eye open only to have Nina chuck her shirt at her. Nina turned her back to them. “Your sister’s right behind me. If I was you, I’d get the fuck up and put some clothes on.You know this shit ain’t gonna go down smooth. Not to mention, there’s that shunning thing which Wanda’ll be more than happy to get a good freak on over—”

  Wanda’s scream pierced her ears, shrill and so Wanda. The slam of the apartment door made Casey jump, the crumple of bags to the floor making her stomach lurch. Her mouth hung open in shock with no signs of closing.

  Nina backed up, giving her an “I told you so” look, letting Wanda have the floor.

  Archibald entered the room with a wrinkled hand over his eyes, and cleared his throat. “Ah, Miss, I see you’ve awakened. Fantastic! Shall I prepare a hearty breakfast? Certainly after last night, your energy levels won’t be satisfied by something as unsatisfying as a mere Monster energy drink? What say I whip up some eggs for you? I have the most wonderful frittata recipe I’ve been dying to try.” He split the fingers over his twinkling eyes, peeking out at her with a question written in them.

  Nina slapped him on the back. “Hey, Arch—how’s it goin’?”

  His grin was wide. “Ever so famously, Miss Nina, and you?”

  Nina snorted, peeling two fingers away from his eyes. “I’m frickin’ fantastic, Arch. Everything quiet here last night? Well, I mean, except, you know . . .” She wiggled her raven eyebrows in Casey’s direction.

  Archibald blustered, slapping his fingers back in place. “Since the change, Miss, I find I sleep like a baby. Sometimes right in my chair as I peruse the Home and Garden channel. I am what one would call dead to the world,” he offered with his typical discreet tact. “Shall I assume Miss Wanda has breakfasted and won’t be needing a rare sirloin? Maybe a pint of blood—she looks as though she could use it.”

  A long chuckle fell from Nina’s lips. “You go make that frittata, Arch. I’ll slap our fair Wanda in the face, you know, just to jump-start her.” She took him by the shoulders, aiming him toward the kitchen.

  Archibald threw his head back and laughed. “Oh, Miss Nina. Truly, you tickle my funny bone.” He paused just before passing Wanda and said, “Miss Wanda, do close your mouth.” He pulled a handkerchief out of his breast pocket and brought it to her mouth, pressing it against her teeth. “You’ve smudged your lipstick.”

  Wanda’s mouth remained open, but nothing came out. Her eyes were like large full moons, fat with disbelief.

  Casey groaned. How could she have forgotten Archibald was just in the other room last night? Would she have cared in her passion-washed frenzy? Wiping the drool from the sides of her lips, Casey struggled to disentangle herself from Clay and sit up. “Wait, Wanda. Before you freak out—let me explain.”

  And then her sister was all sound and motion, waving her finger in the air, her eyes lit up like a bonfire. “Don’t you even give me that baloney about ‘this isn’t what it looks like,’ young lady! I see two naked people. Na- ked!” She gasped. “Omigod, you’re naked! Have you no shame? Do you have any idea what you’ve done? I leave for one whole day—one damn day, so I can see Heath—and you do this?” She spread her hand above their bodies, wrinkling her nose in obvious distaste. “Oh, Jesus, Casey! Clay’s going to be shunned. They’ll throw him out of the clan. He’ll be forced to wander the cold and lonely streets without any support from the others, and all because you couldn’t keep your frilly panties to yourself!” Spittle had formed in the corner of her mouth, and her eyes had taken on a maniacal glaze.

  “I can’t believe this, but I’m going to be the voice of reason here,” Nina said. “Wanda—sit your dramatic ass down, and let your sister speak. Casey—dress or my eyeballs will fall out of my head.”

  Clay never stirred as she gathered her clothes and put them on, looking around for something to cover him with. Vampire sleep was a fucking cop-out, if you asked her. Especially now when it left all the explaining up to her. She settled on some of the damp towels that were left strewn on the floor from the night before, throwing them over him before turning to face Wanda.

  Licking her lips, Casey gulped. Jesus. This was ridiculous. If she wanted to screw—then by God, she could screw. She was well over the age of consent, damn it. But then she caught the narrow-eyed, scathing glance her sister was giving her, and she cowed. “This isn’t what you think, Wanda. I mean, well, the naked part is, but not the rest. . . . Clay can’t be shunned. I promise you. I would never, ever take a chance like that.”

  Her eyebrow shot up somewhere near her hairline. “Really?” Her tone was ultracondescending. “Did you find the magical key to breaking a bond with one’s mate? Have you done something akin to discovering the answer to world peace?”

  You know, maybe she had. Maybe she was a closet rocket scientist gone paranormal, and she had all the answers, by fuck. Did anyone—anyone—think she could make a sound decision? “You know, Wanda, would it be so hard to believe I might actually have everything under control?”

  Wanda made a face and scoffed. “Not when you’re naked. That didn’t take a lot of control.”

  Casey crossed her arms over her chest, feeling childishly spiteful. “Well, I guess it’s okay to be naked if you’re naked with your mate.”

  Silence, awkward and uncomfortable, ensued.

  She strode over to Wanda and propped her once- more-gaping mouth closed, then turned to Nina and did her the same favor.

  Yeah, thass right.

  Her mate.


  Nina, clearly recovered, flipped up her sunglasses. “Hang on there, Princess. How can he be your mate? He has a mate, and as far as I know, you can only have one of those at a time. And let me tell you something, if I find out my man can have some other broad—I’ll pluck the hairs off his balls one by one.”

  Casey winced. “I think this case is special. So technically, I guess the one-mate thing is true, but according to Darnell, I have Hildegard’s blood running through me.”

  Wanda gasped again, but Nina slapped a hand over her mouth.

  “I know. I was shocked, too, Wanda, but Darnell said because I’m essentially Hildegard’s sort of twin, Clay’s safe. So you don’t have to worry he’ll be shunned or lose the safety of the clan because we . . . you know.” Her eyes slid to the floor.

  Nina shook her head, the ponytail at the back of her head swaying. “I swear, every fuckin’ time I think it can’t get any kookier—it does. Every fucking time.”

  Wanda pulled Nina’s hand from her mouth with a grunt. “So you’re Clay’s mate? Forever? Oh, Casey . . . Wait. Nina, call Greg. He’ll know what to do. He’ll figure this out.” She rooted through her purse while Nina flipped open her phone.

  Casey was at Wanda’s side in a heartbeat. “No!” No? No what? Dude, you’re mated to this guy, and you didn’t have word one to say about it.You didn’t even get a decent proposal. Though the indecent one wasn’t half bad . . . Yet, she found herself stopping Nina from calling Greg. “No, Nina. It’s okay.” And it was—though it shouldn’t be. But it was. Why was it okay?

  “All right. How the fuck is this okay, powder puff?You didn’t get a choice in the matter. I totally know what it’s like to be slapped up against a wall, but I didn’t have to mate with Greg. I wanted to.”

  And who said she didn’t want to mate with
Clay? A lot? All the time, in fact? Who said she didn’t want to be joined at the hip with him?

  Wanda threw up her hands, jumping to her feet. “Hooooold on there. How come you’re not freaked out about this?”

  If she had the answer to that, they could all rest knowing the exact date of the apocalypse. Casey’s shrug was as bewildered as her reply. “You know . . . I don’t know. I—I don’t. It just seems like it’s okay.”

  Nina’s smile was snide and knowing. “It was the sex, wasn’t it? I know, I know, a good vampire toss is like standing at the doors of Heaven. Don’t think we don’t get that. But, dude. This is for-ev-er and ever, and fucking ever.You see what that did to Gigantor, don’t you? She’s all uptight over it, sneering and drooling like she was the other night. That’s probably because she had no choice but to mate to survive. Same with Clay. It’s much different for Wanda and me. We chose to mate. You? Not so much.”

  For the moment, and with Clay comatose on the couch, Casey decided it was best to leave the matter of who made what choice alone. All Wanda needed to hear was that Hildegard had to feed from Clay—or whatever that was about—in order to stay on this plane, and she’d surely flip a fang over it. “I know I didn’t choose this. I didn’t choose any of this, but didn’t you both tell me it is what it is? Don’t try and kid myself otherwise?”

  Wanda sighed, deep and jagged. “Point. But we had no idea it included a mate-for-life deal, honey. You’re in way deep, and we have to find a way to get you out.”

  Her sister’s statement pricked a new level of irritation. “I don’t need you to get me out of this, Wanda. I can take care of myself.”

  She shook her head, making a compressed line of her lips. “I don’t doubt that, Case. But I think we have a case of puppy love here, and puppy love does not a mating make! I saw it from the beginning, you all big-eyed and swooning over him.Yes, he’s an incredibly attractive man, but you know next to nothing about him other than he has a hot ass. Come to think of it, we don’t know a lot about him, either. We all thought he was a swinging bachelor who flits from beauty queen to socialite. So how can you possibly tell me you can take care of this yourself?”


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