41 likes, 68 comments, On the Wall...it's Complicated!

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41 likes, 68 comments, On the Wall...it's Complicated! Page 19

by vidit chopra

  Chapter 17: The Mumbai Trip

  The next morning, Ayesha and Kabir arrived at around 10 A.M. which meant a couple of hours to reach the airport which in turn meant that we had to leave at 10.30 to reach by noon.

  Dad had taken the day off and was to drop us at the airport. We left as we had planned after bidding adieu to Mom, who was still a bit annoyed and a bit worried about us going by air.

  The journey from home to airport was a rather silent one. There was a lot to talk about but with Dad’s presence, it meant most of it couldn’t be discussed, for anything and everything we had to talk about involved Tanya and her presence in Mumbai. If Dad came to know anything about it, we might have had to take the next u-turn back home hence we all decided to stay silent rather than causing a scene by saying things!

  We reached the airport ten minutes before noon and hence had plenty of time for the security check and the other procedures. Kabir took out the bags from the car’s boot space while Simran and Ayesha were talking about something or the other, gossip, the thing that can always keep girls occupied.

  We took a trolley and placed the two suitcases on it. We were about to check in to the airport when I heard a voice calling me from behind. I looked around thinking that maybe I was hearing things or maybe some other Vishal was the person who was being called. I looked back a second time as I heard my name being called again.

  It was Dad.

  He was waving at me and once my eyes fell on him, he called me with the famous hand action that Indians are fond of using.

  “I will see you guys inside. Dad is calling me.” I said and asked the rest to check in while I moved in the direction in which Dad was standing.

  “Yes Dad?” I asked as soon as I reached in vicinity that he was able to hear me.

  “Son, I know why you are going to Mumbai.” He said.

  That took me aback. I couldn’t really understand how I was supposed to react to what he had just said.

  “Um……Dad. I told you………. I was feeling too bored to home and just wanted to move out for a while.” I said stammering with every word that I uttered.

  He laughed.

  “What happened Dad why are you laughing?” I asked.

  “When I said I know why you are going to Mumbai, I don’t think there was any scope left of giving an alibi.” He replied.

  I didn’t say anything, as it is saying anything would have made it worse!

  “Look son, I don’t have a problem with what you are going to do. In fact I am proud of you for standing up for your love. Most people aren’t just able to do that. I am proud of you for that but I just want you to promise me one thing son.” He said.

  “What Dad?” I asked, my eyes still staring at the ground below.

  “I want you to comeback no matter what happens.” He said, his eyes now wet even though he wasn’t ready to shed them.

  I looked at him for a minute and then nodded.

  “I will comeback Dad and I know everything will be fine. As it is I am not going to end up as a Devdas Dad. That’s not the way I am.” I said trying to ease him down.

  “I love you son. As it has been repeated infinite number of times in millions of love stories, everything is fair in love and war but all I can wish is for God to be fair to you on this one. The next time we meet, I want to see you in a single piece, the way you are going, I want you back the same way. Understood?” He said.

  “For sure Dad. I hope breaking a couple of someone else's is allowed though.” I said and winked.

  “Most certainly. I have a lot of contacts in a number of hospitals in Mumbai so once you are done breaking the bones, call me up, I will give you the number of the appropriate doctor.” He said and laughed.

  “Fine Dad.” I said and hugged him.

  He then went back home while I checked in to the airport to meet the rest.

  “Everything fine?” Kabir asked as soon as he saw me.

  “Yeah…Yeah all good.” I said and smiled.

  We then moved for the security check.

  After the security check was done, we waited in the lounge for the boarding call. Now even though this exactly wasn’t a trip to enjoy, we were going to Mumbai on a purpose yet as it always was, whenever the four of us were together we were bound to have an awesome time. There were passing comments, jokes and lot of sweet banter going around. I missed Tanya though. It was always more interesting whenever she was around. The banter wouldn’t have been sweet but competitive which would have made it more interesting.

  When this thought came to mind, I decided to send her a text message on the number she was using.

  “At the airport. Will reach Mumbai by 3.30 if the flight is on time. Any plan of meeting as yet?” I wrote. Even though she had asked me never to message on the number unless she did but I just had to. I was missing her and nothing less than a word from her could satisfy my thirst.

  The phone buzzed and the delivery report came up. The message was delivered and hence I waited impatiently for her to reply.

  There was constant chattering going on about something or the other and if there was nothing to talk about, a public place like an airport was sure to bring a number of cartoon characters (to put it lightly) and hence a lot of liners were formed, the shapes were related, in short, we were being racist!

  I was checking my phone constantly every 5 minutes just to see if there was anything from her but there was nothing other than some random jerks who were interested in selling a flat. If I had responded to all the messages from these people, I would have owned a city by now!

  Finally, it was about ten minutes from the boarding time, when we ran out of topics and hence began the banter on the topic which was always the talk that amused the three of them. The Tanya-Vishal-relationship-jokes.

  Ayesha spotted me checking the phone every five minutes hence she began.

  “Looks like someone is not replying to someone.” Ayesha said.

  “What do you mean?” Kabir asked even though all of them very well understood what she was talking about.

  “Arrey someone is not talking to someone.” Ayesha said again this time eyeballing me.

  “Ooooooooo. That’s sad.” Simran said.

  “There is nothing of that sort happening.” I said.

  “What? What do you mean by nothing of that sort is happening?” Kabir said.

  “None of us out here is dumb enough to not understand whom you guys are referring to .” I said visibly irritated.

  “We were talking about that child Vishal. He is not talking to her Mom. Child tantrums I tell you.” Simran said.

  “Stop being so self-centered.” Ayesha said and laughed.

  I looked at the child and cursed my own stupidity.

  “Oh okay. I am sorry.” I said.

  Then began the laugh in unison which was loud enough to draw the stares of more than a couple of people.

  “Who is the dumb one now!” Kabir said.

  I was about to reply when my phone rang. I hurriedly took it out of my pocket to check who it was. Tanya’s name flashed on the screen and I picked it up in an instant.

  “Hello.” I said. A reaction which no one would have got out of me on a normal day.

  “Yes fucker.” A male voice said from the other side.

  “Hello. Who is this?” I enquired.

  “Your worst nightmare ch*****.” Said the voice.

  “Sorry?” I said still trying to analyze the words in my head.

  “You will have to be sorry now fucker. Where did you get the balls of being able to call Tanya again.” The voice said.

  “Who the hell is this?” I shouted.

  “Your Dad you fucking cunt.” The person said.

  “Oh really. Didn’t your Mom tell you who your real father is?” I replied as there was no holding back to anything like that.

  “Shut up son of a bitch. You are coming here as per your message. We are waiting. Let’s see how will you be able to get anywhere near Tanya.” The man

  “We will see.” I shouted into the phone and hung up.

  “What happened?” Kabir asked concerned.

  Before I could answer him, the phone rang again. Tanya’s name flashed on the screen yet again. I picked it up.

  “I promise the day I see you, you wouldn’t live to see another day.” The voice said again.

  “Oh really? We will see who lives to see another day. Who the fuck are you?” I said.

  “Didn’t I make myself clear the first time round? They call me Striker but you can call me Dad.” He said, his voice still harsh and loud.

  “Okay dumb fuck. We will see who lives and who dies. Now if you will excuse me I have a flight to catch so as to be able to rip your ass apart.” I said and hung up again.

  The laughing incident had already brought in enough attention and then the shouting over the phone turned out to be even more eye catching. There were faces staring at me from all corners of the lounge. For a moment I thought of shouting but then resisted the thought to calm myself down.

  “Who was it?” Kabir asked again.

  “I don’t know. Some fucked up son of a bitch called up from Tanya’s phone. Was warning me to stay away from Tanya. He also said that they are eagerly waiting for me to come to Mumbai.” I told the rest what had just conspired.

  They were shocked and annoyed at the same time.

  “Don’t you worry. We will take them down.” Kabir said putting up a brave front.

  I simply nodded.

  “Did he tell who he was?” Ayesha asked.

  “Yeah. He did. Said people call him Striker.” I said.

  “Oh fuck.” Kabir said. The reaction that my words had brought up were horrifying.

  Ayesha and Kabir were looking at each other with signs of worry showing on their faces.

  “What happened?” I asked.

  “Tanya did tell us about him.” Ayesha said still with a horrified look on her face.

  “What about him?” I asked.

  “He is Tanya’s Dad most able and most reputed body guard. He was always given the responsibility of protecting the family every time Tanya’s Dad got a threat call from anyone and he never failed.” Kabir explained.

  “He is an ex-police officer and has a reputation of ripping apart whosoever came his way.” Added Ayesha.

  The words were hard to digest and sent a chill down my spine. We were in for something dangerous now and if Tanya was being protected by this guy named Striker, I was the person she was being protected from and hence I was the one he totally wants to rip apart at the moment.

  “Are you sure we should be doing this?” Simran said.

  Kabir and Ayesha stayed silent which I was the one and rightly so the person who was to take the call.

  I measured our chances and to be honest, the chances of coming back ‘in the best of health’ weren’t pretty much a surety. Neither was I a Bollywood hero nor was this a Bollywood movie where irrespective of the ass whopping I get, I would still survive but then a life without Tanya wasn’t worth living anyways!

  “I don’t have a choice.” I said looking at Simran.

  She understood completely what I meant and hence didn’t say anything and simply kept nodding.

  “I guess you all should stay here.” I said analyzing that one on bed was far better than four.

  “Shut up. We are coming along. For moral support if not for anything else.” Kabir said.

  “Totally.” Ayesha said supporting Kabir.

  I looked at Simran.

  “Why are you looking at me like that? We are in this together.” She said.

  “Thanks guys.” I said and smiled.

  “There is nothing to thank us and as it is we would be required to carry you or at least call the ambulance after Striker is done whopping your ass.” Kabir said.

  “Shut up. We will whop his ass instead.” Ayesha said.

  We smiled.

  Just then, the announcement for boarding the plane came and we were in the plane in about ten minutes.

  It was a two hour flight but these two hours seemed to be longer than life now. There were a number of thoughts looming yet again. I wanted to be with her irrespective of the consequences even if it meant fighting with destiny. I closed my eyes and tried to have a nap just like the rest three of them.

  It was my mistake in the first place. I shouldn’t have messaged on the number when Tanya had asked me not to. The only thing that was good about what just happened was the fact that I now knew something was definitely wrong with Tanya.

  Hence began the nostalgia. As soon as I closed my eyes Tanya’s face flashed in front of me. I could almost feel her standing right in front of me, with a short and sweet smile across her face even though her eyes told a whole different story yet again. I reminisced the days gone by, how we met, how we fought, how we became friends and how we eventually ended up being what we were. And then I felt guilty for committing a mistake for which Tanya might have had to pay but then I didn’t know anything of this sort was the reason for her asking me not to message her. She was calm, composed, happy bubbly self, more often than not, every time we conversed over the phone. I did get the feeling that something was wrong. This in itself was the reason that I wanted to see her in Mumbai but I never knew that she was being kept under protection. Her Dad is a big shot after all.

  We reached Mumbai on time and after a half an hour ride in the famous Mumbai taxi, we reached our hotel. Right after the check in, calls were made to Delhi and Dehradun that everyone was safe and sound. It was already around 6 in the evening. After resting for about half an hour, we went to the Hotel’s restaurant to have a cup of coffee.

  The place, Mumbai, was fascinating. There were so many places to see yet we weren’t going to see any, not as of now, for we were there on a cause.

  “So. What next?” Kabir asked while we were having coffee.

  I was clueless. I had nothing to answer. The fact is, no one had. We all were clueless about it. All we could do was wait for Tanya to call which was now pretty much an impossibility given that Mr. Striker had come to know about the whole thing, of us arriving. We were trapped.

  Just then the idea occurred to me. I couldn’t call Tanya but Ayesha surely could. Yes, Striker might know of Ayesha as well but then Ayesha could pretend to be someone else, some friend from school times or someone similar. It was an idea worth trying as it is we had nothing to lose.

  We used the nearby PCO to avoid any sort of identity revelation. Who knows the brains that Mr. Striker is carrying. We were still at a risk though, after the phone conversation in the morning, Striker would have been expecting such a call from me and a number from Mumbai would have raised an eye brow.

  The phone rang and no one picked up at the first ring. We waited anxiously for someone to pick it up.

  At the third ring, someone finally picked it up.

  “Hello.” The heavy voice said. It was Striker.

  “h…Hello.” Ayesha stammered. We gave her silent “what are you doing” expressions for the stammering.

  “Hello.” Striker said again.

  “Hello. Is this Tanya’s number?” Ayesha asked.

  “Who is this?” striker asked.

  “This is Archana. Tanya’s friend. Is this her number?” Ayesha said. We were ready for this question and hence Ayesha replied as was planned.

  “Yes.” Striker said. It was a weird reply really. How is one supposed to answer when some random person picks up someone else’s call and replies in a way that he just did.

  “May I know who is this?” Ayesha said speaking very slowly just to avoid saying anything wrong.

  “Hold a minute.” Striker said.

  We ‘yelled silently’ for having able to fooled him but it was just the first phase of the plan which was completed.

  After around twenty seconds, I finally heard the sweetest voice in the world.

  “Hello.” Tanya said.

  “Hi Tanya… this is Ay…” Ay
esha said and was interrupted in the middle by Tanya.

  “Before you say anything, don’t bitch about anything for there are people around and you are on the speaker.” Tanya said and laughed.

  Intelligent move by Tanya. Had she not done so, Ayesha would have revealed her identity and the plan would have failed. The thing that amazed us all was how Tanya came to know that it was us!

  Ayesha faked a laugh. She was still very nervous and very cautious of every word she said and every emotion she revealed.

  “This is Archana. How have you been?” Ayesha said.

  “I am good. How are you doing? It’s been such a long time.” Tanya replied.

  “I am doing good too. Yes, it surely has been a long time. I just wanted to let you know that we…I am in Mumbai.” Ayesha said.

  “Oh you are here. That’s great.” Tanya replied.

  “Yes. Hence called you up as you had asked me to once I reached Mumbai. You are in Mumbai right?” Ayesha said. She was doing a terrific job.

  “Yes. Yes, I am in Mumbai only.” Tanya said.

  “I am staying here for a couple of days hence it would be nice if we could meet.” Ayesha said.

  “Um… yeah sure. Why not. How about tomorrow afternoon at around 3 at Gateway of India?” Tanya said.

  “Um…Yeah sure. That would be great. See you then.” Ayesha said after we all gave her a nod.

  “Okay. See you then.” Tanya said and hung up.

  And hence the second phase of the plan was complete, hopefully, Striker having no clue about it!

  The big worry now was what would happen when Tanya comes tomorrow. We all knew that Striker would be with her and hence he might very well be able to recognize Ayesha and Kabir. I was the one he was protecting Tanya from hence my face would be in his mind 24*7! With this thought, came the solution, not exactly a solution but the only way out for us, Simran!

  All we could hope for was that ‘Daddy big shot’ hadn’t shown Simran’s picture along with mine to Striker and hence when Tanya met Simran, he would take Simran to be Archana and hence she would be able to talk to Tanya and the next phase of the plan could have been decided. Sending Simran in was a chance we were willing to take and Simran too had no problem with it.

  After devising the final plan, we had dinner and went off to sleep, or at least tried to. It was around 11.30 P.M. when we decided to doze off but the situation was such that it didn’t let any of us rest let alone sleep. We all had the same questions in our mind, “What if something went wrong tomorrow? What if Striker knew who Simran was?”

  Nobody knew what was going to happen tomorrow, all we could do was hope for the best.

  At around 12.30 A.M. my mobile rang and it was one of those moments, as if the detonator of a bomb was going to blow off in a minute and the mob somehow came to know about it.

  Simran, Kabir, Ayesha and me jumped up from the bed as soon as the phone rang.

  “Had Striker somehow come to know of the plan and was also able to track us down and was now standing with a shot gun in his hand in the door way of the hotel to shoot our heads off.” That was the thought that came to my mind as the phone rang.

  I looked at the screen and it was an unknown number. It made us feel all the more agitated. Maybe he has come to know about our presence!

  “Hello.” I said slowly after picking up.

  “Hi is this Vishal?” The voice said. It wasn’t striker. I took a sigh of relief but what if it was his aide. The feeling of danger was back again.

  “Yes. Who is this?” I said.

  “This is Aditya.” The voice said.

  “Huh…Who?” I said.

  “Aditya…Simran’s…future…husband.” He replied pausing after every word.

  “Oh… Hi.” I said finally understanding who he was.

  “I am sorry for having called at such a late hour but I was trying to contact Simran since evening but wasn’t able to do so. Hence I called you. Is everything fine?” He said.

  “Yeah. Everything is fine. Just a minute.” I said and gave the phone to Simran.

  Once she was through with the call, we all looked at each other and laughed. It was one of those moments when our heart was in our mouth.

  “May be we are taking this Striker guy a bit too seriously.” I said.

  “Well, I wouldn’t say that. He is tough and smart. Trust me on this one.” Kabir said.

  “All we can hope for is he turns dumb for a day.” I said.

  He nodded.

  “Oh by the way, Aditya wanted to meet so I have called him along. He will be going with us too.” Simran said.

  “What!?” The three of us shouted in unison.

  “What?” Simran said and shrugged.

  “Why are you involving him into this?” I asked.

  “You are such a kiddo. Hear this. If I go with him to meet Tanya, the little bit doubt that Striker might have would be gone plus in case something goes wrong, there would be someone around, someone who is local over here to help us out!” She said.

  “I think di has a very valid point.” Ayesha said.

  I nodded simply and so did Kabir.

  “Nice idea.” I said.

  With this final thought we all went off to sleep and this time sleep did take over, for the thoughts had become clearer after Aditya’s call.

  The next morning we were all ready by 11 A.M. and after having breakfast waited nervously. Today was a day which was going to decide our fate. The day my and Tanya’s love story’s final verdict would be out.

  After an early lunch at 1 P.M. even though none of us was hungry given that we had a late breakfast, we hired a taxi to take us to The Gateway of India. It was roughly an hour’s ride from our hotel to the Gateway of India and hence we left early at around 1.30 P.M. to find a good place worth hiding for the three of us while Simran and Tanya were having their conversation.

  We met Aditya at the place itself. “Hi” and smiles were exchanged as we searched for the spot.

  After having found that ‘sweet spot’; we sat and waited for Tanya to arrive. The mistake that we had committed was that Tanya didn’t have any number from us on which she could have called and the ones she had, we couldn’t have called her from it for then Striker would have come to know! Hence, we couldn’t have confirmed the plan with Tanya.

  It was already quarter to 3 which meant Tanya would arrive any moment and hence we split up. Simran and Aditya moved a couple of yards away to the other sides of the monument but was still in range that we could see her. We then waited patiently yet eagerly for Tanya to arrive. From then on it was a wait, a long long wait. Time kept on passing. It was 3.30 already and there was no sign of her. Those were tense moments, we couldn’t have gone to Simran nor could we have called her for if she was spotted with us and Striker saw us, it would have been a dead end hence all we could do was wait.

  While waiting, Simran and Aditya were bonding as well. They were constantly chatting and by the looks of it, it appeared she was explaining to him the reason for us to be here. Someone was having a good time after all!

  Simran went to the nearby PCO and called up Tanya but no one picked up hence we set the deadline to be 4 P.M.

  “If she doesn’t arrive by 4, we are moving.” I said. There was this thought of her being in some sort of trouble in my mind hence every minute of delay meant more nervous moments of anxiety.

  This trip was my call hence everyone was working as I asked them to. They did put their point forward if and when they thought it was required but for most of the time they agreed to everything I said or asked them to do.

  It was quarter to four now which meant it had already been an hour since we had been waiting. Almost every photographer and every vendor had asked us and the couple at least once if we wanted a photo clicked or if we wanted to have whatever they were selling.

  I had given up all hope of seeing her at that moment. I felt irritated, angry. In a fit of anger, I stood up and asked Simran and Aditya to come back with t
he motion of a hand. They followed the command like robots and started coming towards us. There was no clue of where Tanya was and hence we decided to go back to the hotel. My mind was in the middle of a conflict. One part was furious at Tanya for not showing up and the other was worried if she was fine. I wasn’t in a mood to talk to anyone hence sat in the corner lost in a world of my own, thinking virtually nothing!

  The rest four of them were doing something or the other but nothing concerned me. I put on my headphones, playing songs on the iPod at full volume. After half an hour of pure musical silence, Simran shook me from the arm so as to be able to talk.

  “Yes?” I said unplugging the earphones.

  “I called up Tanya.” Ayesha said.

  “So?” I said.

  “So she picked up and she apologized for not having come today. She was caught up with work hence couldn’t come. She said she will meet me that means meet us tomorrow morning at 11. Now stop being a cry baby.” Ayesha said.

  “Oh okay. I am not being a cry baby so shut up.” I said.

  “Well your face just beamed which shows that you surely weren’t normal before.” Kabir said.

  “Surely.” Simran said.

  “Your taunts don’t trouble me anymore so you can say anything you want and it won’t affect me.” I said and smiled.

  “What do you say Aditya? You are the neutral one over here. Whatever you say is correct.” Kabir said.

  “Well…To be honest, he definitely looks better than how he looked half an hour ago when we arrived here.” Aditya replied.

  “Oh come on. You too now. This isn’t right.” I said.

  “Well, it’s always better to be with the group which has more manpower if you know what I mean.” Aditya said and winked.

  “Whatever.” I said. There was no point arguing with people who aren’t going to listen to anything you have to say plus there is no point when you know they are right!

  Then on, the day or rather the evening went pretty well. Aditya took us to one of the good restaurants nearby. He was a good chap. There was nothing wrong about him at least. He was simple and was slowly becoming a part of our group.

  After dinner, Aditya went back to his house while we went back to our hotel room. He insisted on us staying with him at his house but with the presence of his parents in the house, it wouldn’t have been a good idea.

  The night was sleepless yet again and this time it lasted the whole night, for nothing like Aditya’s late night call happened. It was at around 4 A.M. that out of boredom and having ran out of thoughts, sleep took over.

  The next morning when I woke up, it was already 10. Ayesha, Kabir and Simran were already prepared to go while Aditya sat on the other bed waiting patiently.

  “Get up lazy bum, we are already late. We have all but five minutes lest we will be late and we can’t afford getting late.” Kabir said.

  “Why didn’t you guys wake me earlier?” I shouted after having a look at the time.

  “Well, we did but you just didn’t respond. Looks like you were having a nice little dream and as far as my mind can wander, it involved Tanya hence you just didn’t want to get up.” Simran said.

  “Will you please shut up. Can’t you guys be serious for one minute. This is important to me.” I said.

  “We know it’s important to you but as I have told you a thousand times before ‘seriousness kills’ hence it’s better to be a joke or a joker, whatever suits you.” Kabir said.

  “Yeah sure.” I replied hurriedly getting ready. That was one day when I would have beaten the flash at getting ready. I was in at 10.03 and was out at 10.05!

  I will let you imagine what happened inside that bathroom!

  We sat in the Aditya’s car and were off to our destination.

  We reached the monument at 10.50 thanks to Aditya's great driving skills in the filled roads of Mumbai. We ran towards the same spot as yesterday while Aditya and Simran stood at the same spot where they were standing last evening.

  Once we took our position, a vendor came close to us yet again. He looked at us with narrowed eyes for a minute.

  “What?” I asked.

  “You were here yesterday as well.” He said.

  “Yeah so?” Kabir said.

  “I hope you aren’t here to do an illegal activity else I will have to call the police.” He said.

  “What are you talking about?” I said confused.

  “Terrorist activity. If anything happens, remember that your face is in my head and I would be able to picture you in the police station.” He said.

  “Shut up and get lost. We aren’t here to do anything of that sort.” I said.

  He didn’t say anything else and went on still looking at the three of us with narrowed eyes.

  Aditya spotted us conversing with the vendor hence asked with another hand motion if everything was alright. I showed a ‘thumbs up’ to signify that everything was alright. It was 11 now which meant, if Tanya were to arrive, she would be here in a couple of minutes.

  There were random tourists coming and going as my eyes were set at the entry gate in search of that beautiful face. There was no sign of her still. Disappointment was growing every moment. After a couple of minutes, a black colored Scorpio stood right in front of the entry gate and hence descended the girl I wanted to spend my entire life with.

  As soon as she was out of the car, I could feel butterflies in my stomach.

  She was wearing a purple colored suit and looked scintillatingly beautiful. Purple color looks good on women. I so wanted to meet her and just when this thought came to mind, arose a figure which could have easily given competition to any of those Wrestling stars out there.

  “That’s Striker.” Kabir said and smiled.

  As soon as I saw him, I understood the reason for Kabir and Ayesha to have reacted the way they did on the airport. He was approximately six foot three inches tall, and had a muscular built. The size of his bicep would be still bigger even if the biceps of the four in fact the five of us were combined.

  “A punch from him would hurt as much as the beating the four men gave me that day.” I said.

  “This might hurt more.” Kabir said.

  This was most probably the first time in my life that a living being scared me. Nothing ever had an effect on me like Striker’s built had. Maybe the thought of having to fight with him was the reason I was scared but the guy was huge!

  Tanya spotted Simran as we kept a close eye on the two of them hoping that Striker had no clue who Simran was. He moved with Tanya and stood right next to her while she and Simran hugged. He looked at Simran but we couldn’t really spot if there was a change in his expression, his sunglasses hid it from us. He stood there for a minute more and then Tanya said something to him after which he went back to the car. I so wanted to go and meet her but it wouldn’t have been the wisest decision for Striker still might have spotted me from a distance. It was best to subdue my feelings of talking to her face to face and wait for Simran and Aditya to return.

  The three of them roamed about the place and whatsoever they were talking about was and as should have been was serious! They did have a couple of light moments, maybe just to avoid any suspicion by the guy who should be a wrestler instead of being a body guard.

  After about an hour, even though the sea was calming but I got sick of the place and wanted a change. They both were talking away and didn’t look in any sort of hurry. Aditya too, I believe was getting frustrated now but he didn’t show it. He was learning to be a husband before becoming one so it was a good lesson for him. He might have to do that more often in the years to come. After around fifteen more minutes, Striker came in and said something to Tanya. Whatever it was, it meant time to go. Tanya nodded as Striker went back to the car. They both hugged again and just before leaving she glanced at me as our eyes met. At moment such as these, we let our eyes do the talking and trust me; hers’ had a lot to say.

  I wasn’t going to let go of her no matter wha
t and I could feel her reciprocating the same but it had to be my call!

  We saw the Scorpio exit and hence Simran came to where we were standing.

  “What’s up?” I asked agitated.

  “A lot of things.” Simran said.

  “Tell me about it. All of it.” I said.

  “Cool down lover boy. Let me speak.” Simran said.

  “Okay.” I said.

  “Let’s get out of here first. We can talk on the way or once we reach the hotel. This place is killing me now.” Kabir said

  “Me too.” Aditya said.

  “We expect that from you bud.” Kabir said and winked.

  “Let’s go then.” I said eagerly waiting to hear whatever happened.

  “Somebody is getting too eager.” Ayesha said.

  “Please Ayesha, I am in mood of taking banter at the moment. It’s important and I thought you all understood that.” I said.

  “Calm down my boy. Let’s move.” Kabir said as we all sat in Aditya’s car to go back to the hotel.

  On the way back, Simran began with what Tanya told her.

  She went on and on, telling us everything that Tanya told her, answering the questions fired to her by me and the others. The ride back to the hotel and an hour after that is what it took Simran to state whatever they spoke of. Once done we thought of what was to be done further.

  Whatever happened was simple and pretty much straight forward.

  Tanya’s dad was mad at her for not telling him about the two of us. There was excessive tension at their home in Dehradun. Tanya’ Mom backed her, Kushal too tried to explain him but he just wasn’t ready to listen. Later, when Tanya’s call came for her job in Mumbai, her Dad didn’t want her to go alone. After a lot of resentment from the three of them he agreed on the condition that Tanya’s Mom would accompany her to Mumbai and Striker would go along to protect them. Of course, the allotted duty to Striker that wasn’t really shared with anyone but was evidently to keep Tanya away from the guy named Vishal. Once they shifted to Mumbai, Striker was performing his duty with too much interference in Tanya’s personal life. He just wouldn’t leave her alone irrespective of the place which was the reason that she couldn’t talk during the day and hence called after midnight once Striker went off to sleep. That day when I had messaged her, it was a matter of chance, or maybe pure destiny, that Striker was in possession of Tanya’s mobile phone and hence saw the messages which lead to the events that occurred at the airport. Ever since, Striker has been very observant of everything around Tanya and just wouldn’t leave her alone. This meant me meeting Tanya was an impossibility. Here we were still in search of that master plan of what was to be done next.

  Facing him and taking him down was one possibility in my mind but that was far from being realistic, facing him was something that could have been done, but taking him down was a different story altogether. It wouldn’t have been possible for four of me.

  We thought of a lot of things but nothing really seemed to be anything close to being the fool proof master plan.


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