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Outplayed Page 10

by Rose, Lila

  I knew what he meant by that. He’d killed the man who ended his sister’s life, and I could never hate him for it.

  He tapped his chest. “I chose to clean the business up. Got the women who wanted to leave out and made sure they would be content in life until they could find other employment. Those who wanted to stay, who liked the work they provided for the money they got, I made sure they were protected. The money that’s made goes to the women. The only cut I take is to pay for their security. I have other businesses. I didn’t need anything from this one. I did it because the women were treated poorly and I could help. So I did. So none of them ended up like my sister.”

  He’d told me, in front of Jim, he loved me. I couldn’t understand it, but really in my eyes alone, he not only took up being a pimp for the right reasons, but he was giving it up for me. He couldn’t imagine his life without me in it.

  What did I do with all this information?

  I couldn’t think. I couldn’t…. I didn’t know what I couldn’t do because I was lost in emotions swarming through my whole body and head.

  He’d seeped his way into my life, but then hurt me. Did I take the leap of faith from what I was feeling in that moment? I cared for him too much, yet I was still scared it wouldn’t work out.

  I wanted to throw myself in his arms, but fear had me holding myself still. When I didn’t react, Travis sighed. He nodded. “I have to go.”

  “Okay,” I whispered.

  His eyes shone in what I thought was pain and worry. “You’ll probably hear about it soon, but I want you to know from me. Izzy made a revelation tonight about her mother. She went to Izzy’s kinder and told her she blamed our daughter for our breakup. That she wanted her dead.”

  I gasped. My hands clenched. “Is Izzy—”

  “She’s okay. I just need to make sure to be there tonight.”

  “Of course.”

  “Will you talk with me tomorrow?”

  I hesitated and his jaw clenched. “Yes,” I said.

  He relaxed a little, and then stood. His hand steeled on my shoulder and applied a small amount of pressure. Then he was gone.

  I made my way home with a mixture of feelings. Anger over what happened to Izzy raced through me. How fucking dare her mother say that to such a precious little girl.

  That was another reason I had to be sure about where Travis and I would go in the future. Izzy. I had to take her into account. She may not want me with her father. The last thing I wanted to do was start something with Travis and settle down for it all to go to shit. Izzy’d had enough heartache. I refused to be the one to give her more.

  Walking through my door, I went straight into my room and changed out of my dress into my sleeping clothes.

  Sitting back on my bed, I pulled my legs up and hugged them to my chest.

  What did I want?



  Them, in my life.

  But I was scared.

  So fucking scared it wouldn’t work out, and I’d hurt not only Travis but Izzy as well.

  Was it worth a risk?

  Could I really be Travis’s happy ever after?

  He’d said he loved me with my temper, and he’d proved it enough when we were younger, but I could be a real grudge-holding bitch.

  Yet, I still got over him tapping my phone to go on a date with him.

  I also got over the episode at the restaurant.

  But what happened if I didn’t take a chance and I lost them forever?

  Was I willing to risk that?

  * * *

  Sleep had been hard to come that night. I slowly blinked my eyes open to the morning light shining through the cracks of my blinds. My eyes were gritty, my mouth dry, and my head pounded. All of it told me I didn’t get enough sleep since I couldn’t shut my mind down.

  Groaning, I threw back the blankets, knowing it wouldn’t do any good lying about. I got out of bed and headed straight for the bathroom. After a long hot shower, I dressed in another set of jeans and a tee. Just after I managed my first sip of coffee, my phone rang.

  I raced to my bag by the front door, thinking it could be Travis and realising I actually wanted to hear his voice. It wasn’t.

  “Jim,” I answered, making my way back into the kitchen.

  “Vi, how’d it go last night?”

  “He left. Then I left. Look, I wanted to apologise—”

  “You don’t have to.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Honey.” He chuckled. “I’ll never see you look at me like the way you did him. I don’t fucking trust the douche, but when it comes to you, and it kills me a little inside to say this, but I know he’d do anything in his power to make sure you’re happy and safe because it’s what I’d do if I had your interest like that.”

  Travis would.

  God, he really would.

  My throat thickened, and I sucked in an uneven breath. “But—”

  “No buts, Vi. Understand the bastard gave up his illegal business for you. Someone must have tipped him off that you were out with me and he came to stop it. The schmuck doesn’t want to lose you from his life. Fuck, even as a man I can admit not many men would do that for a woman.”

  He was right. Not many would.

  Travis loved me.


  Hot-headed, pain-in-the-arse me.

  “I can’t believe I’m even suggesting this, but fuck….” It sounded like he coughed and maybe even gagged a little. “You need to give him a chance, honey. Because if a woman looked at me the way you were with him, I’d think I’d won the damn lottery. Not sure what happened between you two, but, Christ, is it worth walking away from?”

  “No,” I whispered.

  “Just make sure we stay in contact. Despite the prick you like, I still want to have you in my life.”

  I laughed. “I’ll make sure of it.”

  “Take care, honey.”

  “You too, Jim, and thank you.”

  He didn’t say anything back. The line went dead, and my mind was finally clear.

  I didn’t want to lose Travis.

  Sculling back my coffee, I grabbed an apple and bit down while I walked around collecting my phone, keys, and bag by the front door on my way out.

  Travis wanted to talk. I hoped he meant whenever because I was about to pop into his place. On the drive, I quickly rang Warden.

  “Yeah?” he said, picking up the phone.

  “I won’t be in for some time.”

  “You good?”

  “Yes, ah, I just have to go see Travis.”



  “It’s on again?”


  “He fucks with you, I’ll break him.”

  Smiling, I shook my head. “Nobody will fuck with anybody.”

  “See you when you get here,” he said, ending the call. I noticed he didn’t agree with me.

  As I pulled up to the gate, the guard didn’t even walk out of his station. Instead, he gave me a chin lift and pressed the button. The gates swung open a moment later. I must have been given an open invitation.

  Once parked just near the front of the house, I got out and went to the front door. It swung open before I had to knock. Travis stood in it wearing jeans, a black tee, and his feet were bare.

  “Violet, is everything all right?”

  My gaze drifted back up to his face. Blood pumped faster throughout my body. I was near dizzy standing in front of him, knowing I was about to commit to this, us. “Yes.” I nodded.

  He studied me, his brows dipping in confusion. “Did you want to come in?”

  Without a reply, I stepped closer. He moved out of the doorway. “Is Izzy home?” I asked. It had been so long since I’d seen her, I’d missed her a great deal.

  “She is. She’s upstairs with Trisha getting dressed. They’re about to head out. Trisha’s taking her to the salon to do her hair.”

  Smiling, I said, “That’s sweet.”
  “It is.” He nodded, his lips thinning, probably wondering if my being there was good or bad.

  “Is her mother in custody?”

  “Yes,” he clipped. “I spoke to my lawyer. He thinks she’ll be away for a long time since I reported that first incident and got what Izzy told me on tape.”

  “Thank God.”

  “I know.”

  “Still, it doesn’t feel enough for upsetting Izzy.”

  His lips twitched. “My line of thought as well. However, I’m sure her stay won’t be pleasant.”

  Meaning, he probably knew people on the inside and his ex was about to get in a shitload of trouble. “Good,” I stated, and it was good. Izzy was only five. No child should hear those words from a parent.

  “Miss Violet,” was screamed from above.

  Smiling, I watched Izzy race down the stairs. My heart skipped a beat when she nearly fell, and I started for her. She righted, kept coming, and threw herself at me on the last step. I wrapped my arms around her and swung her about.

  “Izzy,” I whispered into her hair. “I missed you.”

  She pulled back. “You did?”

  “Of course.”

  She hugged me tighter. In my shoulder, she asked, “Will I get to see more of you?”

  I lifted my eyes from the floor to meet Travis’s worried gaze. Was he worried about what my answer would be?

  “I would like that.”

  “Yay, Miss Violet.”

  “Honey, you can call me Lettie.”

  Travis’s tense body relaxed, his smile glorious. He ran a hand over his face and through his hair; it seemed he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. I wanted to laugh because I felt giddy happy.

  I then told Izzy, “Only the people who are special to me get to do that.”

  I heard a sniffle. “Lettie,” she whispered.

  A smiling Trisha stepped up to my side. “Come on, pumpernickel. It’s time to do your hair.”

  Izzy pulled her face up. “But, Lettie’s here.”

  “How about I promise to still be here when you get back?”

  Travis’s eyes flashed with delight on hearing that, causing my own smile to brighten more. I liked shocking him, making him happy.

  “Okay.” Izzy nodded, and I popped her back onto her feet. She gave me a quick hug around my thighs and then turned to her father. “Did you hear that, Daddy? Miss…” She glanced to me grinning. “I mean, Lettie is staying here until I come home.”

  “I did, princess. You have fun with Trisha and be a good girl.”

  “I will.” She went over to him. He bent enough for her to kiss his cheek and she returned the gesture. “Bye, see you both soon.” She took Trisha’s hand and waved from the front door. I waved back, my heart in my throat seeing her so happy, and also the feel of Travis stepping so close, his warmth touching my back. Only his hands didn’t, and I wanted them to.

  Izzy hadn’t been the only one I’d missed.

  Of course, I’d missed Travis.

  Not only with my heart, but my body and soul. It sounded ridiculous. But since my mind cleared and I knew what I wanted, I would take it.

  As soon as the front door closed behind them, I faced Travis. His gaze was already down on me. Waiting, watching, and ready to listen to whatever I had to say.

  “A chance,” I said.

  His eyes widened. “With me?”

  “Yes. But I’m scared, Travis. Scared to hurt, scared to give this a try because if it doesn’t work out, I’ll have myself to blame, but it’ll also be bad for not only us two, but Izzy.”

  “It’ll work,” he growled low.

  “You want me, after everything? My grudge holding, my temper, my—”

  His hands flashed out, wrapped around my waist, and dragged me into him. I placed my palms on his chest. He told me, “I’ll always want you, and pray it’ll be the same for you.”

  “I have an inkling I will.”

  “Fuck, Lettie.”


  “You’re here, in my damn arms, taking a chance on me.”

  “And you’re taking a chance on me.”

  He leaned in, and in the next second, his mouth was on mine. He tasted the same. He felt better, but he tasted the same to me. Like mine.

  Against his mouth, I asked, “We won’t be moving too fast if we make love, right?”

  “Christ, yes, no…. I don’t know, but I do know I don’t want to ever screw this up.”

  “Then take me to your room, Travis Stewart.”

  He smirked. “I’d be more than happy to.” He kissed me again and led me down the hall.

  Chapter Fourteen


  We made it to his bedroom, slamming into the door as our mouths connected with a new-found fiery fever. God, I’d missed this. Him. How he could make my body react with just a touch, a kiss.

  I tore my mouth away to kiss down his neck, then pulled back to tug my tee up and off my body. Travis groaned. He followed my lead, though he actually tore his shirt open, then dropped it to the floor.

  He was fitter than his younger self. I licked my lips, wanting to trace the ridges I saw.

  “Fuck. Do not look at me like that or it’ll be over in five fucking seconds. I know and remember the feel of your pussy, Lettie. I want inside before I come.”

  Laughing, I undid my jeans and pushed them down while kicking off my shoes. “Then we’d better make it happen.”

  “Yes,” he growled out. “Gloved or ungloved? I’m clean, been checked.”

  It felt nasty speaking of it, but still, it was good to know because I was on the pill and I wanted to feel all of him inside of me.

  “Ungloved. I’m good too and protected.” I unhooked my bra and threw it to the side. Cupping my breasts, I squeezed them, rolling my hands over them, then let my fingers glide to my nipples, where I pinched each one.

  “Christ,” Travis hissed. He undid his jeans, forcing them down his legs. No boxers or briefs were in sight. He kicked them away and stood before me, stroking his large erection.

  “God,” I moaned, remembering how full I’d felt when he was inside me.

  “Remove your panties, Lettie,” he ordered. I hooked my thumbs in each side. “Slowly,” he clipped. I did. When I stood tall, his eyes were focussed between my legs. I ran a hand down my stomach to touch my mound. His eyes flashed with a hotter heat.

  Spreading my legs more, I dipped in a finger and shuddered as it grazed over my already throbbing clit. It’d been years since I was turned on to the point a few quick rubs and I would be coming.

  Years because I hadn’t had Travis. He was the last man who’d driven me mad with want.

  Travis ran out of patience. He came at me, picked me up and threw me down to the bed. He grabbed my legs, hooked them over his shoulders and leaned between them. On the first stroke of his tongue, my back arched off the bed. The second had me gripping the blanket. The third I moaned, and when he sucked and rolled my clit with his tongue and lips, I cried out with the pleasure coursing through my body.

  “Trav, babe, please. Need your cock.”

  He hummed over me, causing my body to twitch. With a kiss, where his tongue entered my hole, he dragged his tongue up to my clit, then nibbled his way up to my mouth. I wrapped him tightly in my arms and kissed him back, hard.

  He rocked against me, his cock sliding up and down my pussy, my wetness coating us both. I clamped my knees around his waist, holding him.

  As I trailed my lips over his cheek, his chin, his neck, he groaned into my shoulder, all while rocking against me. His dick rubbed sweetly against my clit.

  Travis pulled away quickly, grabbed my hips and flipped me over to my stomach. He forced my legs apart and rubbed his hands over my arse before entering me swiftly. I cried out, pain and pleasure mixing and filling my senses.

  “Fuck, Lettie,” Travis growled into my ear when he leaned over me. “You remember my cock?”

  “Yes. God, yes. So big.”

p; “Fills you just right.”

  Nodding, I hummed, agreeing. He slowly withdrew and slid back in. “Yeah, baby, your pussy was made for me. Just me.”

  “Yes, Travis. Fuck me.”

  His leisurely stroke in and out of me wasn’t enough.

  “Harder, babe,” I begged on a moan.

  He groaned in the back of his throat. “You’ve always liked it hard.”

  “Just from you.”

  “Yes, Lettie.” He reached around, rubbing at my clit, while the other tangled in my hair and pulled me back. I arched. Mewing, panting, and crying out when he fucked me harder and deeper.

  His thighs slapped against the back of mine. Travis dropped my hair, wrapped his arm across my chest and brought me close to him. “Fucking mine.”

  “Yes.” I nodded.

  He bit my neck, licked it and then bit it again. “Missed this pussy. So damn much.” He groaned.

  “Missed your cock,” I cried.

  He pulled out, spun me, and grabbed hold of my legs. I jumped, and he lifted, and I curled my legs around his waist, my hands around his neck. His hand cupped my arse.

  “Put me in, Lettie,” he growled.

  Reaching between us, I held his dick, sliding my hand up and down his length a few times, smirking at his clenched jaw.

  “In or I’ll spill in your hand.”

  I didn’t want that. Squeezing my legs tighter, I lifted myself, aimed, and sank down on his long, thick, and hard length. I sighed in contentment from the feeling of him filling me.

  “Christ, the look you get from having my cock in you… perfection.” Using my arse, he guided me off and right back on, hard. I moaned as he did it again and again. His muscles bulging, moving under me. His strength was unbelievable.

  “Travis,” I whimpered.

  “Fuck, yes, say my name again.”

  I complied. “Travis.”


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