Devil's Due: Satan's Devils MC Colorado Chapter #3

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Devil's Due: Satan's Devils MC Colorado Chapter #3 Page 19

by Manda Mellett

  Does she like being tied up? Sally certainly hadn’t. Not that we’d tried it. The look of horror in her eyes when I jokingly suggested it had made me backtrack fast. Nah, straight missionary was how Sally wanted it.

  But Stevie? Yeah, I reckon she’d be quite adventurous. The thought of being in control with my hand twisted in her hair as I guide her lips to my cock, then start fucking her mouth…

  For fuck’s sake! The vibration of the engine isn’t calming my cock at all. The only plus is that I’ll be able to hide it. Just got to keep my distance is all.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  After my conversation with Demon and my circuitous route back to the cabin, it’s late by the time I draw up outside. Dan and Wills are hanging out by the railing and look impatient to be off. I just raise my chin at them, and then watch as they walk smartly to the truck and drive away, the noise of the engine gradually fading into the distance.

  The need to concentrate on the road in the dark had, at least, calmed my unruly dick. As I wheel my bike the last few feet into the lean-to, I hope it will stay that way. I also hope that Stevie will be in her own bed and sleeping, but, on entering the cabin, I have no such luck.

  When I unlock the door and quietly enter the main room, she’s rousing herself on the couch, wiping sleep from bleary eyes. I take a moment to soak in the sight. Her hair is awry, strands coming down over her face, one cheek is red from having been pressed into the cushion. She’s fucking adorable.

  Red embers are glowing in the wood burner. She laid a fire or had the prospects? Kept it going all night? Isn’t that dangerous? What if a log fell out and she burned the place, and herself, down? What were Dan and Wills thinking?

  “What time is it?”

  “Past midnight. You should be asleep in bed.” I wish you were. Then I’d be better able to control myself. My dick, which I had got behaving, has perked up in interest again.

  “I was too comfortable in front of the fire,” she pouts. “I didn’t want to move.” When she shivers, I pull the blanket down from the back of the couch and pull it over her. “Well, I was, before I fell asleep and the fire burned down.”

  “Didn’t you ask Dan or Wills to build it up again?”

  She gives me a look as though saying she’s perfectly capable herself. I change the subject, knowing the thought of her throwing logs into the fire is the making of nightmares.

  “Want me to make you a hot chocolate before you go to bed?”

  “No, I’m fine. Did you have a good meeting?”

  I should tell her yes, or no. Make some shit up. Tomorrow’s soon enough to have the conversation that’s well past time, but somehow the words come out of my mouth. “Why the fuck weren’t you scared of me, Stevie? Why weren’t you worried when you came to the clubhouse?”

  Her head tilts as though she can’t understand my question.

  “We’re bikers, Stevie. Like them.”

  Her mouth opens in an O, and her breathing seems to stop.

  “We know it all, Stevie. What you’re running from and why.”

  Her unseeing eyes shutter and close. “I didn’t have any choice but to accept your help. I knew you were different, I know not all MCs were alike. I knew you were good people, Beef, you saved Max and you saved me. I just couldn’t tell you, just in case…”

  The reasons for her reticence drop into place. “I’m from an MC, and you thought we might be involved.”

  “Not you, Beef,” she says fast. “You could never condone what they did. But your club? I don’t know what affiliations you have.” Swinging her legs off the couch, she sits up. “Will this change anything?” As her head tilts accurately in my direction, I see her brow is creased and her teeth are worrying her lip.

  “No.” I go over and sit beside her. It seems natural to take her hand in mine. “You’ve heard of the Wretched Soulz?”

  “Of course,” she scoffs. “I wasn’t born under a rock. They’re that huge club, everyone knows of them.” She shudders, the gesture gives away what she thinks of them.

  She turns her hand in mine, and her fingers press mine gently. “You know it all?”

  “The Warped Jokers robbing a bank, yeah. That you’re the star witness? That too.”

  Her head rises, she stares in the direction of the dying fire. “I try not to think about it, else I’ll hear it all the time, Beef. Those muffled shots, those screams. The begging, pleading for mercy. The cries of fear and pain. They were firing again and again, gradually the sound getting louder. I smell the cordite, I breathe the odour of the man who held me and threatened me. I could feel their evil.”

  She pauses, then adds, “I was powerless to do anything then, all I can do is help put those men away.” She pauses, her lips press together. “I feel guilty that they left me alive. How crazy is that? They thought I was a nothing, not even a person good enough to kill. I should have been one of those bodies, instead I wasn’t worth a bullet.”

  “Fuckin’ glad they underestimated you.” It seems natural to pull her toward me, to wrap my arms around her and hold her close. This near, I can feel her shaking. It’s me who’s feeling at fault right now. I hadn’t considered how terrifying her ordeal had been, nor its lasting effect on her.

  “Do I scare you?” I ask suddenly.

  “You? No, why?”

  “Because I smell like them. Oil and leather.”

  Her head shakes against me. “You’re different. They smelled bad, your leather smells of some sort of polish.”

  It smells of the conditioner I use to keep it supple. Care of my cut comes second only to the care of my bike.

  “Why did you mention the Wretched Soulz?”

  “You know they are a big club.” I explain as best I can. “They cover a lot of the states, other countries too. They’re what’s known as the dominant club, at least in this area. Any club that sets up in their territory has to get their permission. We live alongside them, know the boundaries, and don’t step out of line.”

  “They’ve got a bad reputation.”

  “All MCs have, darlin’. It’s par for the course. People don’t understand us. But one club is not like the next. We keep to the right side of the line most of the time, but family is most important. Someone crosses us, and we handle it in ways which citizens don’t approve. Our justice is swift.”

  There’s a tremor in her voice as she asks, “Have I crossed your club by not coming clean from the start?”

  “Nah.” I hug her tighter and kiss the top of her head, breathing in the flowery scent of the shampoo she must have used again. “But you’ve given us a problem. We need to stay on the right side of the Wretched Soulz. They’re too big for us to anger. The issue is, the Warped Jokers are also set up with permission of the dominant.”

  “They support them?” she asks, incredulously.

  “Support would be taking it too far, I suspect. I wasn’t party to the discussions, but even the Wretched Soulz don’t go around shooting up banks. The Warped Jokers were out of line.”

  “Out of line?” she squeaks. “People were killed.”

  “I know, darlin’, I know.” I hope my tone is soothing. “Leaving aside their crime, they’ve brought the attention of the feds down on all MCs. Motorcycle clubs like ours are classified as gangs by the feds, and when something like this happens, an easy target to take down. If the Warped Jokers get convicted, their club will be destroyed. Problem is, the feds won’t stop there. In their eyes it proves what MCs will do and that they’re right to go after us. We’re all tarred with the same brush, whether we like it or not.”

  “I’m going to testify.”

  I smile at her firm words. “Not asking you not to, babe. But the Wretched Soulz have a different take on things. They find you? They might try to persuade you not to take that stand.”

  “They’ll kill me.”

  I can’t deny the possibility, so I ignore it.

  “The Wretched Soulz tried to run me down? Set fire to my house?”

wouldn’t think so, Stevie. They might want the problem with the Warped Jokers to go away, but I don’t think they’d get their hands dirty. I’d place my bet we’ve got some Jokers in town.”

  Her shiver isn’t due to the chill that’s descended in the room.

  “They’re the ones who found me? I don’t understand how.”

  “Neither do we. But they did. Somehow, somewhere, the Jokers have got information they shouldn’t have. But they’re not going to find you.” I put emphasis on the final sentence, then take a moment to explain our plan. That for all intents and purposes I’m living here alone, and that when anyone comes she’ll remain out of sight. That the story will be she’s gone to the marshals and left town.

  “The marshals will know that’s not true. What if the leak comes from them?”

  Sighing deeply, I realise I can give no guarantees. “All we can do is our best, Stevie. Yeah, we’re reacting rather than dictating the situation as we don’t know where the threat’s coming from, but believe this, everything we’re doing is designed to ensure your safety.”

  She’s quiet for a moment, then her hand reaches for mine. I meet her halfway. “I wouldn’t be here now if it wasn’t for you, Beef. I’m just worried how I’ve pulled you into this. What if they don’t believe your story? What if they come here and hurt you?”

  I move her hand until she can feel the bulging muscles in my arm. “I can look after myself, babe. And you.”

  She’s quiet for a few minutes, taking in what I’ve told her, reading between the lines of what I haven’t said. That in continuing to protect her, the Satan’s Devils are pitting themselves against the dominant club. I really wish I could speak to Drummer, get his take on events. In my heart I’m sure I’m going in the direction he’d be taking. In my head, I want to be certain. But I need to let Demon assume the lead. It’s not my place to approach the mother chapter prez. Unless… As Stevie stays quiet, I realise I am here as Drummer’s enforcer. If I don’t think things are being done the right way, I can alert him to any problems. But first, Demon has to make a mistake, and so far, I can’t criticise him.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “Of course you can.”

  “Will you come to bed with me?”

  Fuck! I didn’t expect her to ask that. Immediately my cock goes from the zero it’s been at for this serious discussion to eighty. It feels impossibly hard, obviously eager to get inside her. But is that really what she’s asking?

  “Darlin’, what is it you want?” She shifts as though feeling awkward, but my arms keep her imprisoned. “Speak to me,” I encourage.

  “I don’t want to be alone. I just want to be held, like this, all night.”

  Christ! That will fucking kill me. “I can do that.”

  She swallows. “If you wanted to make love…”

  “Darlin’, I’m not going to push you to do anything you don’t want. But I have to warn you, I’m a biker. I don’t make love. I fuck.” I got stuck in that trap with Sally. Had I warned her about my needs from the start, she and I may have recognised our incompatibilities and the whole darn mess wouldn’t have got off the ground.

  Stevie grins. “You know, you’re not putting me off.”

  I’m not? For once I’m glad she’s blind and can’t see me grinning like a fucking loon. Jeez, but my cock wants in her. A few deep breaths, a stern mental admonishment to that traitorous part of my body, and my head is back in control. “I’ll keep you company, Stevie, but that’s it. Much as I wouldn’t want to turn down any offer, I can’t afford any distractions. Not when my job is to keep you safe.” Mad fool, says my cock.

  She stands, picking up her makeshift cane in her hand. “I’m just paying a visit to the bathroom.”

  I stand as well. While the outside of the cabin is always dark to her, at night unseen dangers can lurk. She nods as she hears my footsteps following her. I stand by the door, eyes scanning for any wildlife that might be a risk, waiting patiently until she returns. Once she’s safely back inside, I look down at her, my fingers of one hand curled around her shoulder, those of the other taking the liberty of stroking her hair.

  “Go to bed, Stevie.”


  “I’ll be there in a moment.”

  I watch as she walks across the room to the stairs, then as she makes her way up, trying to keep my eyes off the way her ass flexes as she takes each step.

  Can’t go there. I remind myself. I’m here to do a job, not to get my rocks off.

  Having taken a piss and washed my hands, I try to keep to that resolve. Questions are going around my mind on a loop. Does she sleep naked? PJs? Tank and shorts? Will she expect me to lie under the covers with her, or fully clothed on top?

  Will I be able to keep my hands to myself?

  I can’t be quiet, not a man my size. My boots clunk up the wooden stairs warning her of my approach.

  Man, she’s blind. I have to remind myself. She doesn’t know what she looks like. Or, maybe she does. As I enter she’s leaning over the bed pulling back the sheets and comforter, tiny sleep shorts rising high on her ass, leaving her cheeks on display and emphasising her crack. Oh boy. My hands itch.

  Does she like being spanked?

  Oh, what I could do to that ass.

  “Stop staring.” She stands, straightens, and turns toward me.

  How does she fucking know?

  Then I realise. Two steps take me straight to her. I haul her up tight against my body, leaving her in no doubt how hard I am for her. “Minx. You did that on fuckin’ purpose.”

  She doesn’t even try to deny it. “I want, need, you, Beef. Have you any idea how long it has been since I’ve been with a man? Show me what I’ve been missing, please.”

  “Stevie, this is a bad idea. I’m not in the market for a woman…”

  “I’m not in the market for a man,” she parrots.


  “Beef. Just tonight. Give me tonight. Talking about what happened has dredged up all the bad memories, help me put them to the back of my mind. Tomorrow can take care of itself. I just need you, now.”

  She’s so fucking tempting. But still I try to walk away. “This is a bad idea, Stevie. You and me? There’s no future. You’ll be off fuck knows where, and I’ll be back in Tucson getting on with my life. Sleeping together will only complicate things. We do this? Fuckin’ sure we’ll regret it in the morning.”

  “It’s only as complicated as you make it, Beef. I’m a woman, you’re a man. Tonight, I need you. I’m not asking for a ring or a commitment. I know you’re not looking for a wife. Please.”

  Please. It’s that word that does it. Unleashes something inside of me.

  Pushing her back toward the bed, her hands trustingly resting on my biceps, I pause at the edge. “Sit.” If my voice doesn’t sound quite normal, there’s a good reason for that, the constriction of my jeans around my swollen dick.

  Clearly wanting to be an active participant, her hands start to move toward me, zooming in at a point below my waist.

  “Uh uh.” Bending over I speak into her ear. As I admonish her, moving her hands and placing them at her sides, I continue in a low, but firm voice, “I’m in charge.” Her sharp intake of breath suggests she likes the idea.

  Keeping my mouth by the side of her head, I instruct, “Arms up.”

  She obeys without hesitation. That flimsy tank top is easy to pull off, revealing ample, perky breasts. Her nipples are erect and perfect, her aureole pink and quite large.

  “Wanna play with your tits. Offer them to me.”

  In the light of the lamp she’s lit, presumably for my benefit, I see her cheeks pinken. But she does what I ask, cupping her hands around those smooth round globes and raising them to me.

  Careful not to touch her anywhere else, I lower my mouth and suck a nipple right in between my lips. There’s no finesse as my tongue traps it to the roof of my mouth.


  I’m watching every reac
tion. She pushes against me as if wanting more, so I close my teeth applying a little pressure until it becomes almost a bite. She writhes, moans, making me think of possibilities as I release that nipple and pay the same attention to the other.

  “Beef, I…”

  Yeah, baby. Incapable of forming words. That’s what I like. I’ll be fucked if she isn’t getting enjoyment from me playing with her tits. Tits or ass? I’ve never known what I like best, but I’d be content to play for hours. That she seems happy enough to let me is just what I want.

  “Undo my zip, darlin’. Free him for me. But don’t touch.”

  A moan of protest, but she does exactly what I’ve requested. I palm my cock once it’s able to breathe, feeling the drop of pre-cum at the end. I wipe it up with my finger and press my digit to her mouth. “Lick.”

  She does, and groans appreciatively, the sound making my dick twitch.

  Her skin looks so pure, so white and tender. I begin palming her breasts with my calloused hands, my tanned skin looking dark, used. The combination of innocence and biker making my cock swell more.

  Again, she leans into my touch. Lowering my head once more, I suck, lave and bite one nipple then the other.

  “Beef! You’re making me so wet.” She squirms, her hips moving against the bed as though seeking relief.

  “You need something, baby?”

  “Yes. You. I need you!”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  She needs me? If only she knew how much I fucking need her too. I push her back down on the bed, then using my strength, haul her up until she’s lying across it, giving me space to kneel over her legs. In one movement I yank away those tiny shorts which had taunted me.

  The contrast between her small naked body and me still fully clothed does something to me. I feel like a marauding beast taking something I shouldn’t, but I’ll be fucked if I can stop. Since I met her, although I tried to deny it, I’ve been dreaming about this moment.


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