Devil's Due: Satan's Devils MC Colorado Chapter #3

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Devil's Due: Satan's Devils MC Colorado Chapter #3 Page 35

by Manda Mellett

  Lennox has assured me his plan is airtight, it’s worked before, no reason why it should fail now. Even getting her to the catering truck will involve switching vehicles a couple of times, a wig for disguise. Steph’s been well versed in what she has to do. She’s practiced swapping cars, so she can do so without help and give no suspicion she is blind.

  Ink, Mace, and Lizard have already gone down to LA and are staking out the courthouse. They volunteered due to the skills they picked up in the Army and Marines, namely the ability to merge into the background and remain undetected.

  Steph is being flown down, and Demon and I are going with her on the plane. As the nearest chapter of the Satan’s Devils is San Diego, my old friend Dart, now the San D VP, will be coming along with some of his brothers; Salem, their enforcer and Grumbler, their sergeant-at-arms, along with Pennywise and Kink. As Lennox has forbidden us to carry weapons on the plane—it had been hard enough to convince him to let Demon and I tag along—Dart is bringing weapons for us in case we need to use them.

  We do know, courtesy of RIP, that Mad Bull and the officers in the pen have been removed from the general population due to threats, hopefully isolated so they can’t contact the outside, but I wouldn’t stake Steph’s life on that. As they are on remand and not convicted, they’re being protected for now. We also know there are still Jokers in LA that Stinger and his crew haven’t been able to pick up. Too many of the motherfuckers still breathing. Hopefully Steph’s testimony will get them put away for a very long time, and the feds will round up everyone else.

  The only outcome from the trial that I’m worried about, is a lack of a conviction. If the Warped Jokers walk free, they’ll want revenge for having been locked up in the first place. And, of course, losing their charter from the Wretched Soulz could be laid at Steph’s door.

  “It’s time, Beef.”

  As Steph used her speaking watch, I’m only too well aware. At least I’ll be with her until the last moment.

  Descending the stairs to the clubroom, Max scampering ahead, the only sound that can be heard is the ticking of his claws on the floorboards. The solemnity of the situation has got to everyone.

  “We wanted to wish you good luck. When you get back, we’re going to have a party.”

  “Might not be anything to celebrate, Vi,” Steph warns her.

  “Whatever happens it will be over, and you’ll be able to get on with your life.” Melissa, Skull’s woman, who now seems to have found her place here, makes a good point. Whatever the outcome, we’ll know what we’re dealing with and won’t be hanging in limbo.

  “Good luck, Stevie. Steph.” Jayden gives her a hug, a quick self-deprecating smile, but we’re all getting used to calling her by her real name.

  Pyro comes over. “I’ll take good care of Max. We’ll all be waiting for you.” His eyes come to mine, a slightly pained look in them. They’re all being positive for my woman, but there’s still a risk. We all know the Warped Jokers are crazy, and loyal to their officers inside. Everything hangs on Steph making it to the court safely. If she doesn’t give her testimony, it’s likely Mad Bull and his cohorts will walk free. No one wants that, well, except for the Jokers of course.

  “Ready?” Marshal Lennox walks into the clubhouse escorted by Beaver.

  “As I’ll ever be,” Steph replies.

  “Come on, babe.” I take her hand and squeeze it, trying to convey a confidence I don’t feel.

  I’ve made Lennox go over the plans with me, threatening I won’t let Steph anywhere near LA today if I wasn’t involved. He threatened a subpoena, but she’s disappeared once and can do it again and he knows that. I’ll do anything to keep my woman safe. In the end he relented. Demon and I have poured over his plans, trying to see any weakness, but it seems as watertight as it can be.

  Doesn’t ease my mind any.

  Vi’s helping Steph put on her blonde wig, hiding her auburn hair, making sure it’s straight, and being the mirror Steph can’t see herself. Blonde, red head, she looks perfect to me.

  “What do you think, Beef?” She turns to me, a small smile on her face.

  “Hmm.” I consider. “Not sure I like you as a blonde. But I’m willing to give it a try,” I answer in the light-hearted way she needs.

  Even leaving the clubhouse I glance up at the roof where Bomber and Paladin are waiting, the wave of the latter’s hand showing they’ve seen nothing suspicious. I still keep my body in front of her while Lennox puts her in the car with blackout windows that will take her to the airport. Demon and I get on our bikes to follow behind. In the front, Buzzard, Cad and Sparky are ready to get going too.

  I’m tense all the way to the airport where Skull, Rusty and Thunder are waiting for us, relieved to see they give the all clear as we arrive.

  Leaving my bike I approach Lennox, pulling him away from Steph so she can’t hear.

  “Could anyone have tampered with the plane?” I ask him, tersely.

  “No. It’s only just arrived, and no one would have known where it was flying from until the flight plans were filed. The pilot will only have just filed them here for the flight to LA. All’s good, Beef.”

  “And your marshals? They’re meeting us in LA?”

  “They are. And we’re not flying into La Guardia like they’d expect, we’re using a private airport, and my team is already there.” He sighs as he patiently repeats the arrangements I already know by heart. I just want to know everything is going smoothly, and that nothing has been changed without me being prepared for it.

  If I could have avoided this for Steph, I would have done it. All too soon the plane is in the air, and we’re heading for Los Angeles, and there’s no turning back. Lifting the middle armrest, I put my arm around her and tug her to me.

  “When this is over, how about you start planning the wedding?”

  “You sure, Beef?”

  My lips nuzzle her hair. “Never been surer about anything.”

  “I’d like to go see my mom and dad, and my sisters. Will I be able to do that?” Her lips press together as she waits for my answer.

  Whatever the outcome, somehow, I’ll make that happen. “Yeah, babe. I suppose I ought to meet the in-laws before we get hitched.”

  “They’ll love you.”

  Will they? She’s been able to learn the man inside the exterior. Will her parents dislike me on sight as it’s impossible to hide what I am, a scary looking tattooed biker?

  She’s not shared much about them before, probably because she misses them. Now is a chance to look forward instead of back. To give her a hope to cling onto. “Tell me about them, darlin’.”

  “Mom and Dad are both teachers. Mom teaches little kids, Dad 11th grade. He’s into history and will bore your head off if you give him a chance. Selina, she’s my older sister, she’s married. Susanna has a boyfriend, but when I last talked to her, it wasn’t serious.”

  “All ‘s’ names?” I smile.

  “Yes.” She grins back.

  “Any nieces or nephews?”

  Again her lips thin. “Retinitis Pigmentosa is hereditary. My sisters grew up with me losing my sight and didn’t want to risk their own children going through it. I’m the youngest, Mom and Dad didn’t know there was a risk until they had me. We’ve been lucky in the family for a couple of generations, and before that, no one knew it could be passed on. There’s a big risk. One we all agreed we didn’t want to take.”

  No grandchildren for her parents. That seems a pity. Stevie is such a wonderful person, I don’t know what my own feelings are about taking such a big risk. I’m just grateful that her parents hadn’t known, and she’s able to be here with me today.

  “I didn’t influence them, Beef.” She justifies herself without being asked. “Sometimes I think it was harder for those around me to accept than me. You have to just get on with it, you know? But it is something I’ve lost. I’ve managed to cope, but what if a child of mine found it harder?”

  She’s obviously thought about
this a lot.

  “Fasten seat belts for landing.”

  As the pilot’s words come over the speaker, I give her one last reassurance. “You giving testimony is the end of this Steph, I promise. Whatever happens, and however we do it, you will see your family again.”

  “And we’ll be getting married.”

  I have to ask, to make sure. “You sure you want to be with me and not return to your old life?” I hold my breath while I wait for the answer.

  “You are my life, Beef.”

  As she is mine. It’s the right answer.

  We touch down with a slight bump, guess private runways aren’t quite so well maintained. Before we disembark, I pull Steph into my arms, smash my lips down on hers and ravish her mouth. She responds with the same desperation. A loud pointed cough is ignored until it comes for a second time, then, slowly, with final pecks, we part. She looks flushed and slightly dazed.


  Her hand reaches up and caresses my cheek. “I’ll see you soon,” she promises, stopping anything I was going to say.

  She’s right. There’s no need for pointless comments like, be safe. Instead, with a direct look toward Lennox, I tell her, “Do everything the marshals say, okay?”

  She nods and fingers the necklace I’ve given her—the one with the tracker in it, which only Demon, Cad and I know about.

  Then, without further delay, she’s hustled off the plane and into a waiting SUV.

  “She’ll be alright.” Demon’s hand lands on my shoulder. “Lennox and the feds want her to testify, so they’ll do what they have to do.”

  “Thanks, Prez. Thanks for being here and having the club support me today.” He didn’t have to do that. I’m not part of his club after all.

  “What else would we do? You might be wearing a nomad patch, but you’ve sat around our table for a while now, Beef. Steph, we’ve adopted her too. She’s good people, a good fit for you and for the club. We’ve been through this Beef. I know Drummer said he’d send guys from Tucson, but we’ve been involved in all the planning. Made sense for us to be here with you.”

  Another SUV comes into sight. It stops just in front of us.

  The driver’s door opens and Dart steps out, already moaning about his mode of transport. “Fuckin’ hate drivin’ a cage.”

  Stepping forward, I take his outstretched hand. “Hey, you old fucker. Christ, I can’t remember when I last saw you.”

  “Been a while for sure.”

  “You’re doing me a solid here, you know.”

  “What else could I do? You were there for me, Beef, when I had problems with my own ol’ lady. Now you’ve got one of your own.” He breaks off and looks around. “Thought I might meet her.”

  “Nah, the marshals have already taken her off.”

  “Good to see you, Dart.”


  After the greetings are complete, Demon and I get into the SUV Dart’s driven. To pass time, I explain how Steph’s getting to court.

  “They are taking a circuitous route to make sure they’re not followed, changing cars a couple of times, before going to the catering company that deals with the court. Then she’ll go in the back of the catering truck.”

  “I always wondered how the marshals got their witnesses to court.”

  “Yeah, seems like they’re pretty practiced in being sneaky.”

  My leg starts to bounce. Demon notices. “We’ll be there soon, Beef.”

  While my brothers will be keeping watch outside, Demon and I will be in court, watching the proceedings. Just in case someone starts something inside.

  Chapter Forty-Three

  I was proud as fuck watching my old lady give her testimony in court. Nothing fazed her. Of course, it probably helped that she didn’t see the threatening glances being sent her way by the defendants. She was unwavering as she answered questions from both the defence and the prosecuting attorneys, scornfully facing down any accusation that her testimony wasn’t as credible as that of a sighted person. Her voice remained calm, and probably only I could hear the slight tremor in it. She did need water handed to her as she recalled the shots and the screams she’d heard. I was gutted she had to go through it over and over again, recognising the strain on her face as she relived it.

  I’d cast sideways glances at the jury, pleased they appeared to be exchanging admiring glances as she explained clearly and concisely exactly what happened, and how she could recognise those responsible. When she’d been helped to the stand, I’d seen dubious looks as if they doubted she could give reliable testimony. But those misgivings seemed to disappear as her strong, clear voice rang through the courtroom.

  When it was over, it seemed anti-climactic. There’d be no verdict that day, the jury would hear more and then take their time to deliberate their findings. But she’d done it. She’d given her testimony. There was no reason for anyone to immediately come after her, retaliation at this point wouldn’t do anything other than point fingers toward the guilty parties.

  For now, Steph as I’m now free to call her, is safe.

  As we walk out of the clubhouse into a warm but cloudy day, there’s an excited squeal behind us.

  Steph spins around, her head tilted in the direction the sound came from. Almost under her breath is the word, “Susie?” Then it comes again louder. “Susie?”

  “Sis!” A woman comes up at a run, her arms going around Steph whose arm I’m holding, tugging her away from me. “Steph, it’s so good to see you!”

  “You came?”

  “I had to, how could I stay away? Mom and Dad wanted to be here as well, but they’re working, Selina too. I was able to take a few hours off. I’ve been following the trial. Knew you were due to testify.” She pulls back a bit and holds her at arm’s length. “You look good, baby sister.”

  “I am good. Now that’s over, at least.”

  I clear my throat.

  “Susie, this is Beef. Er, Dwayne Carson. He’s my fiancé.”

  Fuck me, but it’s good to hear her introduce me like that.

  “Dwayne.” Susie’s eyes narrow suspiciously. I’m not surprised. On looks I’m not much of a catch for any woman.

  “I prefer Beef but take your pick.” I try to soften my expression but it’s not easy. Inside I’m preparing for a fight over whether I’m good enough or not for her family. The anticipation is making me tense.

  “And what do you do, Beef?”

  How the fuck do I answer? Whatever my club wants me to? Tell her at the moment I’m acting as an enforcer?

  Steph answers before I do, “He’s a biker, Susie, like out of Sons of Anarchy.”

  Shit. Way to make it easier.

  “Not like that lot inside the court?” Her sister jerks her head back over her shoulder and looks concerned.

  “Nothing like. He and his club have been working with the marshals to keep me safe.”

  Susie gives me an appraising look. “Well, you’re built like a bodyguard.” Then to Steph she asks, “You sure about him?”

  “I love him.”

  “And I love Steph.” Taking the step needed to regain my position beside my old lady, I put my arm possessively around her. My eyes flash a warning to her sister. She’s mine.

  She looks from Steph to me, then back again. Then surprises the fuck out of me when she asks, “Do you ride a Harley, or one of those plastic imports?”

  Now I grin. It seems she speaks my language. “You ride?”

  “Yeah. I’ve got my own Sportster. Didn’t Steph tell you? Dad rides too. He’s restoring an old Norton.”

  “I didn’t tell him anything about the family, Susie.” Steph’s eyes glisten with emotion. “I had to become Stevie Nichols, and never refer to my old life. I could only keep in character if I never forgot who I was supposed to be.”

  “Are you safe now?” She addresses the question to Steph, but her eyes find mine.

  Quickly I decide platitudes wouldn’t work. “I’ll keep her safe, but we don’t
know what we’re dealing with until the verdict comes in.” It’s the truth. I’ll be holding out no false hope that everything will be rosy. Thinking it might help win her family over, I add, “Whatever we need to do, I’ll be at Steph’s side. I won’t leave her to face anything alone.”


  “Hate to interrupt this family reunion, but our plane’s ready and waiting. You coming?”

  I raise my chin toward Demon. “Susie, this is my prez, Demon. Steph’s staying at the Colorado chapter with me for now. Demon’s offered his protection while she needs it. We’ve got to get back.”

  “Susie, I’ll try and make it home soon…”

  “I’ll make sure she does.”

  Her sister nods, then winks at me. “And I’ll prepare the family.”

  With perfect timing, Dart draws up beside us in the SUV. Susie and Steph hug, both have tears running down their cheeks, but Demon’s right. We need to get out of LA before the verdict comes. Probably won’t be today, but if the jury has heard enough to make their minds up fast, it could be. If the Warped Jokers go down, wouldn’t be good for Steph to be out in the open, at least while we know some are still on the loose.

  I give the sisters a moment alone, then go and take my woman’s arm. She’s crying freely, and I let her weep on my shoulder. She’d have given into tears whether or not she’d seen her sister. Today’s been the culmination of a difficult few months, and now it’s over. I just let her cry it all out.

  Demon has a last few words with the brothers who’d ridden to LA to provide their support. It will only take us a couple of hours to fly to Pueblo, but brothers riding have a nineteen-hour journey in front of them, and will no doubt spread their long ride over a couple of days. It’s Wednesday today, which means church has had to be cancelled. I overhear him telling them to take their time, but to be sure to be back by Saturday, when he plans to reschedule our meeting.


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