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Taming the Warrior

Page 2

by Samantha Bates

  Eric was also waiting in his dressing room; his manager had been with him for nearly four years. He arranged everything, from tour dates, to interviews and photo shoots. All in all they had developed a working relationship that simply worked.

  "Luke you do it every time, the crowd is wild. Three people have already fainted; security has had to remove two others, you certainly have the Midas touch."

  Luke didn’t see it this way; he was paid to do something he loved. That he was paid well was an added bonus. Eric saw the casualties a show of his stardom. Luke did not. Slipping his shirt and black jeans off, he switched to his blue jeans and black t shirt. Running a hand through his wavy, black hair, he flicked it away from his amber filled eyes. Unusual in colour, most people assumed that he wore contacts to give the amber tint. He let them think that, it was better than the truth.

  Over the next few hours, he sang to the crowd. They joined him on his journey through his words and melodies. He had a band that joined him on his tours, one that knew how to pull a tune together, but on a day to day basis he worked alone. This way people were kept at a distance.

  By the end of the show he was pumping, the adrenaline was coursing through his veins as he left the stage. His body was itching, his skin was irritated. Left alone he had no doubt that sleep would evade him tonight, as it did most nights.

  He was shuffled into a waiting car where his driver of the last two years was ready, knowing the drill. Max smiled as they pulled away from the underground car park.

  "Hey boss, it sounded like a good crowd in there tonight."

  "New York is always a great crowd." Leaning back into the seats, he slipped the pills from his pocket. Knocking back three of the sleeping pills, Luke knew that he was travelling a slippery slope, unsure this time of what would happen when these pills stopped working as the others had.

  He would deal with that when he had to. Heading into the hotel, he saw the fans waiting behind the barrier. He wound down the window, smiling and waving. Every night he did the same thing, it was freezing in New York in October yet these people risked their health to wait here, the least he could do was acknowledge them.

  The hotel manager was waiting at reception on his arrival. It was the same thing where ever he went, people were always jumping to his every whim, smiling sweetly before selling his used toothbrush on Ebay. Tonight the manager seemed flustered, Luke could smell his anxiety, see his slightly shaking hands.

  Taking the elevator to the penthouse, he was somewhat surprised to find Eric waiting with two men who were undoubtedly police officers.

  "It seems that I have missed the invite to the party. Is there a problem Officer's?" He tone was flippant as he waited for an explanation.

  "Luke, I don’t want you to panic." He wasn't, but Eric was as he paced the floor in the lounge area.

  "Excuse me Mr Drakos, my name is Detective Robinson. We have been called by your man here; he received a threatening phone call this evening."

  Not again, this seemed to be happening on a more regular basis. Three months ago he received some threatening fan mail that just happened to make it into the local newspapers. Then he received three photos of him that had been photo shopped to depict his demise and now a phone call.

  They proceeded to play the message; from someone thinking that they were Darth Vadar based on the voice distortion, which was almost amusing. It's was not every day that Darth Vadar threatens to shoot you.

  Over the next hour Luke spoke in depth with the officers, going over people who might want to harm him. How did you answer that when your face is known to millions of people? As he yawned through the next question, he had to call it a night.

  "I am really sorry guys; I need to hit the sack. Do you need anything else from me?" He didn’t want to seem rude of complacent but right now the sleeping pills were demanding he sleep.

  "Uh no, that is all. Except um could you sign this for the wife, she is a huge fan and if she knows I met you and didn’t…." The young officer was embarrassed by the request.

  "Of course, hey Eric will sort you out with some tickets for tomorrow night's show. Thank you for all of your help."

  Eric was nodding enthusiastically. "Don’t worry Luke, by tomorrow I will have a team of security. No one's getting near you."

  Nodding as he yawned, he slipped off her jeans and shirt before sliding in the bed. He didn’t even look around the room as he settled into the plush, king size bed. The last thing Luke saw when he closed his eyes were the whiteness of the bedding.

  Chapter 5

  Ellie waited outside the door of the hotel that was busy with people rushing to get into the elevator. Danny was at the entrance to the stair well while Jason was in the car. Ellie was on the personal detail tonight meaning that right now she was waiting while the son of a multi-millionaire had a liaison with a married woman. Although not impressed, it wasn’t Ellie's job to judge hers was to protect.

  When she returned from her stint in the Air Force she had plans for Silver Inc. who was already a huge co-operation she had planned to develop the security side. It had taken her four months to get it up and running. Having initially trained fifteen of the pack members to her requirements, over the last two months they had started receiving some contracts, their first paying job had been a minor celebrity who was set to perform in Silver's Nightclub.

  From there the jobs had been trickling in, they were now regular security for a Senator, three middle level celebs and a high powered business man who had a disgruntled partner causing him some problems. To meet the demand she was now training another ten pack members.

  When the man who was their client left the room less than fifteen minutes later she had to smile, surely fifteen minutes were not worth destroying a marriage. Ellie used her radio to beep Danny and warn him they were on their way out. Danny would meet them at the elevator after telling Jason to bring the car out front.

  From there she hoped he was going home, Ellie checked the elevator before allowing the client entry. So far they had been working this job for six weeks, after the father informed them that he was worried that his son would be targeted because of the family money. They were contracted to provide security when the son ventured out at night, even at the time Ellie questioned why the night and not the day, the father stated that he felt that the threats were higher at night. Now though, Ellie wasn’t sure if the father's real concern was that his son was getting into bother at night, he certainly drank and partied enough. Most Security companies turned a blind eye to the goings on of the clients; Silver's Security did not, the contact made it clear that anything illegal would be reported to the police immediately, if the client harmed another person security would take appropriate action.

  This guy though was rude and arrogant. He chose not to speak to them, when they had first met him, he had tried to tell her to fetch him a drink, Ellie suggested he fetch his own or hired a performing monkey. Their role was to protect not fetch and carry for clients.

  She saw him watching her through the mirror, with her shoulder length dark brown hair, blue eyes and heart shaped smile she warranted a second glance, although no-one should take a third and fourth glance unless invited. Refusing to meet his gaze, she knew that he was now gazing over her trim figure and ample breasts. Although not overly tall, she wasn’t short at five foot seven and that was without heels.

  "So, what are……."

  With a sigh she faced him and cut him mid-way. "Save us both the embarrassment of me saying no by not finishing that sentence."

  At least he took the hint, the last thing she needed was a man interrupting her life. Fiercely independent, Ellie had no interest in relationships instead she planned to focus on building her own niche in the family business.

  Unfortunately the client wanted to party and headed into Dreams to meet his friends. This time she called in an extra staff member. Dreams was a local nightclub with a dubious reputation, it was also the same nightclub where he mom had been abducted from, and where I
mogen one of the pack members had been prostituted from. Even though Ellie was a child when these events had occurred, it was still a dump to be avoided, you never knew what could happen in this place.

  Taking a deep breath, her senses were overwhelmed immediately, the sweat, the thumping music, she could taste the blood in the air, humans openly feeding the vampires, sirens writhing against humans feeding on their emotions. She could feel eyes focussing on her as she followed the client through the crowds.

  Danny was behind her, affording Ellie a level of security. She also knew that Danny had used his telepathic link to the pack to call reinforcements, although these reinforcements were not for the client but Ellie. She was known to be pack yet not a wolf, Silver Pack was a strong force and in most circumstances other species avoided causing them problems, but here in this place the risks were high.

  Closely aligned to the vampires, the wolves and vampires had a strong hold over the city. However this had not prevented a member from each species being murdered with the murderer yet to be apprehended. Ben her stepfather fully supported her in developing this side of the business although not at a risk to Ellie. So when she found herself flanked by Theo and Darius she was not surprised.

  "Do you have to be so obvious?" With a wink Darius answered her.

  "Yes, the message needs to be a clear one." It certainly was Ellie noticed people backing off from them wary of her protectors. Inside she wanted to groan, if she were a wolf who had the telepathic link to the pack Ben would not worry as much.

  Ellie refused to look at them, her eyes on the client watching as he ordered a beer and surveyed the room. She watched a Siren making her way over to him, before she reached him, Ellie stepped closer shouting over the music."

  "She will feed from your emotions." The client clocked the woman taking in her curvaceous body, her long silver hair, short skirt and tiny pink top before shrugging.

  Well she had warned him, it was his choice so Ellie would only step in if he was at risk. Sure enough when she kissed him, he looked like a little boy with a special present from Santa. A few minutes later she left him, his eyes trailed her longingly though his pallor was lighter and his eyes a little more drawn. The man was smitten and welcomed her attention just as the next one would.

  Theo and Darius had wandered away from her even though she could still feel Danny's presence behind her. Ellie could feel rather than see a vampire coming towards her, widening her stance she planted her feet firmly on the ground and waited for Danny to step in, though he did the vampire wanted to push through.

  Nodding at Danny she slipped her hand to her belt where a stake sat nestled. Stepping further from the client, Danny moved in to cover him. When her team were in place she moved her eyes from the client to the vampire.

  With his curly red hair and green eyes tinged with red there was something sweet about him, although that in no way fooled Ellie who had more than enough knowledge of vampires to know how dangerous they were.

  "Whatever you want the answer is no."

  With a look of feigned surprise he responded to her. "I want nothing more than to feast my eyes on the sister of our queen."

  For god's sake, Beth was a pain in the ass. Why did her sister have to marry the head of the vampires and why did vampires seem to know they were sisters?"

  "Consider your eyes feasted, now can you please go."

  "If I may can I ask you a question?" His voice sounded whiney, all she wanted was for him to leave, Ellie was quickly becoming frustrated with this conversation.

  "If you must." Hopefully he wouldn’t feel any need to ask anything more than one question.

  "How is that not only is the queen beautiful but her sister too?"

  The atmosphere between them changed. "Are you for real?"

  A cool breeze touched her face with the air con kicking in. The vampire's eyes were drawing her closer as he waited for her reaction to his intentions. She gave no such reaction choosing to wait as he stroked her cheek, moving his hand to her neck.

  Looking past him, she could see both Darius and Theo closing in until Danny stopped them. The vampire dropped his head, letting his fangs slide down at the same time. When his mouth was inches from her neck she made her move. Swiftly pulling her hand from belt she slammed the stake into his chest. As Ellie felt it pierce clothing, then flesh before penetrating the bone, she watched his head jerk back and saw his green eyes wide with fear, she smiled.

  "The next time will be a killing one. Don't assume skin privileges that are not on offer. However do not worry I will inform your leader of your forgotten manners and that were about to break a vampire law." Her last remark received a reaction she expected while Vlad might adore her sister, but he could be harsh in his punishments.

  That the vampire was about to break a law, caused him great concern. When Other species started living openly in society, new laws were developed to govern each of the species. For vampires one of these laws prevented feeding from humans in a public place, and prohibited the use of compulsion to entice a human to allow them to feed from them. If a vampire was found breaking these laws the punishment was determined by the species leader which in New York was Vlad.

  As the vampire ambled off with the help of some friends, Theo and Darius watched with broad smiles. "I too can send a message."

  It was Darius that reached her first. "You certainly can do that sweetie. I just hope you never turn that stake on me."

  "Never Darius." The conviction in her statement was as strong as steel. Darius might be a vampire but he was part of Silver Pack, an unusual setup that worked, Darius and Ben were close and had been for over two centuries. He had lived with the wolves for as long and had treated her as a niece.

  Refocussing her attention on the client she felt weary, it was Dreams inducing that feeling, she hated it here, and not for the first time she yearned for the police to close the place down. Even the thought sent Ben's words tumbling through her head, as he reminded her that if you shut Dreams down you forced the scourge of society to hide. While Dreams was open society could monitor what was happening and protect the more vulnerable.

  Ellie felt her shoulder's droop a little as she watched the client take money from a vampire; she knew what was coming next. The client tilted his head barring his neck to the predator. Nodding at Danny she stepped into the middle of the interaction.

  "To feed a vampire in public is illegal." The vampire growled and the client frowned at her.

  "You are paid to protect not piss me off."

  Her anger rising as Ellie took a breath. "No, if you act illegally the contract is void, although your father will have to pay the bill in full. Your choice act like a spoilt brat and we walk away, or you leave with us now and we get you home safely."

  The man stomped his foot at her, causing Ellie to stifle her laughter for fear of infuriating a client. She was pleased that he made the decision to leave with them although it was still another two hours before she took him home.

  Chapter 6

  Luke woke with a headache, a fuzzy mouth and a sweet tang emanating from the back of his throat. All courtesy of the pills, which as he looked at the time on his alarm he realised were not lasting as long as normal. Throwing his hand over his eyes in an attempt to block out the sun, he groaned. Only two months left to go, thinking of his hectic schedule he tried to see where he could fit a weekend away in.

  As the door slammed, he groaned again as the over powering scent of aftershave hit his nostrils followed by the heavy steps of Eric heading to his room. Without knocking, the sound of Eric's good morning pierced his ear drums in annoyance.

  "Now, now Luke we need to talk so I suggest you get the butt into the kitchen where I will have coffee waiting."

  As his door shut, he rolled out of bed with heavy limbs. As he hit the shower he spun the tap to cold just to give his body a shock in an attempt to silence the growl in his head. It worked as it did every morning, glancing down at his flaccid member he sighed, his body needed
a break both inside and out.

  The smell of coffee was waiting for him as he headed to the kitchen where Eric waited for him.

  "Now that's more like it, smile I have a solution to your problem."

  Nodding, he tried to recall what the problem might be. The show went well; he had two interviews scheduled for the afternoon, a performance for a TV show tonight, a photo shoot for tomorrow and the awards tomorrow night. So far there was no problem that he could recollect.

  "Surprise me Eric." The look of glee on his Eric's face told Luke that Eric was pleased with himself.

  "Well, as usual I come to the rescue. I have ordered breakfast and in two hours we meet with the Silver Inc. Security Consult. See aren’t I good to you?"

  Clearly Eric thought he was, Luke wasn’t so sure. Why did he need to meet with a Security...... Ah, his stalker. Luke was not as convinced as Eric that he had a problem. Then again Eric only knew what Luke wanted him to know.

  "Look Eric, I think we should wait a while before we start meeting what did you call them, a Security Consult. I already have two security men that follow me everywhere. Why overload things?"

  "Why you ask me, you need to see this."

  Eric went to answer the knock on the door which Luke knew was the arrival of breakfast. Opening the paper Eric had tossed him, another groan emanated from his mouth as he read the headline.


  How the hell had the press got wind of this so soon. Great, now he would have to deal with not only the press, not only a stalker but a paranoid Eric.

  "Here's breakfast, now tuck inn we have a busy day ahead. And we ARE going to meet this Security Consult so don’t even try to say no. My job, no my life is about keeping you safe and if I have to piss you off to do that, then so be it."

  Damn it, Luke knew that Eric would not stop until he went so it was easier to go along with it.


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