Taming the Warrior

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Taming the Warrior Page 14

by Samantha Bates

  "Ellie what are you thinking in the pretty head of yours? This place is as safe as the pack land."

  He could feel the afternoon coming to a close, he was home and immediately he felt the tension of the last few months seep into the ground under his feet, and out of his body.

  "What if she doesn’t like me?" It was the first time he had heard any sort of uncertainty in Ellie's voice, he had never seen her unsure or lacking in confidence as she was now.

  He had no choice, he tried to contain the laughter, but it didn’t help. Ellie hit him on the arm.

  "It's not funny, I am serious."

  Inside he felt light and fluffy when he realised that this confirmed that she did have feelings for him.

  "She already does, my mom has few things that concern her except me. When I was a kid her concerns revolved around supporting us, when I got older her concerns were about protecting me, when I became famous a whole new lot of worries hit her, including how I had started suppressing my animal form. Now though she believes that I have someone else looking out for me, she feels better. That she knows I am interested in someone who is not superficial or after my money makes her feel even better."

  Ellie was digesting this as Luke grabbed their bags, with a little gait in his walk he headed to the house.

  "She didn’t like your previous girlfriends then, huh." This thought made her feel a little better until Luke decided to answer and increase her anxiety with his words.

  "She never met them, I never trusted anyone not to betray my life here or put her at risk."

  As he walked away she wanted to climb back in the car and drive home, she had never wanted anyone to like her. As far as she was concerned if they didn’t like her then that was okay as long as they didn’t mess with her family. Now the pressure was on to make someone like her, and she didn’t know where to start so she did what most children did and called her mom. This turned out to be a fruitless conversation when her mom proceeded to laugh and tell her how lovely Luke's mom was, before saying that she just had to be herself.

  Well how the hell did that help, what was that meant to mean? With no new ideas, Ellie did what she did best and tried to help with dinner, well she helped with the salad which she proceeded to drop on the floor to her complete embarrassment. She then asked Albert about the grounds, when he offered to take around the perimeter she declined the offer as she didn’t want to put him out, he then took that as her saying he was too old which in fairness he was, he then proceeded to be insulted to everyone but Ellie's amusement.

  Following this she spilt the sauce on the table failing to notice the big dollop on her top. She had never noticed how socially awkward she was until now; finally Luke put her out of her misery by offering to take her for a look around while he let his Jaguar run, this she could deal with. As he padded alongside of her, she felt peaceful as she always did when with his animal; she would take the animal over the annoying man on any day.

  She loved the wooded area; even though it was more of a forest than a wood. Many of the trees were different species to what she was used to, and she was fascinated as Luke lopped up the trees and across thick, heavy branches. There was another world feel here; it felt somehow tranquil and fresh.

  As they reached another gate which was locked, Luke shifted and keyed in the code allowing them to enter some stables. There had to be at least fifteen horses housed here, and an orchard in the distance along with a riding ring.

  "When we arrived here mom was searching for work, she had and continues to have an affinity with horses which the then owner saw straight away, so he hired her and gave us the cottage over there to live in. After a while mom had a share in the business and brought a few acres of land for me to run in. The horses have never feared us; though don’t ask me why, so in return for a modest salary we lived here rent free. Albert came in to help mom out, when I was in my teens he saw me shift which scared the shit out of me, anyway the old guy took it in his stride and decided I could be extra security and gave me a little pocket money to 'roam the lands and check for intruders'. We have never had one yet."

  She was now walking side by side with him into the stables. "Anyway, when I made my first significant contract I brought the place off the owner's son who had put him in a home, and built the main house where Albert lives with us. Mom then turned the stables into a not for profit Equestrian Centre for disabled children."

  "Wow." She was in awe, the horses were of top quality and the stables gave each horse more than average space. They were clearly well looked after, loved and put to excellent use. She loved riding, mainly because it brought her as close to an animal's freedom as she was ever going to get. Horses were powerful and strong which were both attributes she respected.

  "This Ellie is my haven, my pack land." As she moved to the end stable, Luke stopped her.

  "That hellion is Devil so don’t go any closer because he is vicious. Alberts been asking mom to shift him on for nigh on two years, but she still sees something in him even though he has bit her numerous times."

  Luke placed his hand out towards him before snatching it back in confirmation. "Crazy animal."

  Taking the long way round she understood his feelings, this was a truly lovely place. Different to pack which was a community, this was a haven somewhere to block everything else out and escape to.

  "So, why is everything so secure here, is it just for your benefit or for some other reason? I mean I have looked and according to your bio you have no family and you have never spoken to me of one, yet here is your mom."

  Without doubt it was a loaded question. "Where to start, no it is not for me, but it is for my mom."

  He wasn’t ready for this conversation, he would rather enjoy the closeness of being with her so he shifted and ran ahead of her. Sensing her annoyance for his elusive answer he looped back, pushing at her hand with his nose prompting her to stroke him. When she ignored him, he ran off climbing a tree before jumping off and just missing her, prompting her to chase him while muttering obscenities.

  When they finally returned, Ellie found Claire and Sandy playing chess which was the one game that bored her to tears. Excusing herself, she went for a shower with every intention of joining the others downstairs, however when she took five minutes on the bed she fell into a sleep that was so heavy she didn’t hear the door open, nor did she hear Sandy tell Luke that Ellie was just perfect for him for she could feel it in her bones.

  Chapter 26

  While Claire thrived at Sandy's, Ellie withered as she continued to act clumsy and stupid; therefore to save herself further embarrassment, she had taken to hiding herself in the den with her laptop so she could run her business from there, citing to Luke that her absence just meant more work for her.

  Every evening Ellie and Luke walked together, which actually meant that Ellie walked while Luke ran. She was amazed at the difference in him, his Jaguar no longer tried to control him for here they had a truce, here he could be both the man and the Jaguar.

  Pacing the den she was starting to feel claustrophobic, she had to get out for a while; she needed to take some time to herself where she could be the confident co-ordinated woman that she really was. Heading to the stables, she picked up the bridle for Juicy whose name came from her love of apples, even though they gave her a stomach ache.

  The whining from the end stable caught her attention as it did every afternoon when she stole away to here at the end of the days classes. Heading his way she stood watching this colossal beast snarling and stomping his hoof. She understood his frustration, he was magnificent with his deep chestnut coat standing at least three hands bigger than any horse she had seen, and she had seen a few.

  "I get you boy, it's not pleasant being tamed is it?" As if he heard her, he settled moving a little closer to Ellie. Moving to grab some oats she confidently held out her hand showing no fear.

  "Don’t you dare bite me young man, if you do I will be pissed." Catching herself, she muttered under her breath. "W
hy the hell am I talking to a horse?"

  Slowly though, Devil came closer seemingly as scared of her as she was of him, yet he sensed her determination in the same way as she sensed his. As he sniffed her, she relaxed as she became a little more confident that he would not hurt her. When he finished she waited to see what he would do. Over the last week she had taken to watching him, observing his movements and moods, Ellie recognised that he was a damn magnificent horse. Every morning before the class started Sandy let him run the paddock, she didn’t try to engage him, but allowed him to roam undisturbed before calling him back, Ellie was amazed to see that he did indeed return, albeit reluctantly.

  He sniffed her hair and tickled her ear at the same time, before snorting at her when she giggled. "You grumpy devil." Her voice was playful, and Devil repeated the gesture causing her to giggle again.

  When he stepped back she stood for a moment confused before realising that he was inviting her into what was his home. Opening the gate a little hesitantly in case he was astute enough to trick her, she waited as did he. As she entered she curtsied a little.

  "Why thank you your majesty." He snorted at her while Ellie questioned her sanity for thinking that horses understood sarcasm, maybe she was losing her mind.

  Luke watched from the door with his heart in his mouth, he would have gone charging in there if his mom hadn’t stopped him. While Luke had been looking for Elllie, his mom had been quietly watching her ready to step in, yet now she cautioned him with a smile.

  He waited, posed to rescue her until he heard her giggle again, a sound that had him smiling with pleasure. Since she had arrived at his home, Ellie had been tense and not like her, gone was the calm, confident woman and in her place was a nervous and clumsy replica, in a way Luke was amused to see her demeanour shot and her control gone, making her seem more human and just a little vulnerable.

  Startled by movement from his mom, she motioned for him to stay where he was and slipped into the stables lifting a saddle off the wall which she silently hooked over Devil's door. She didn’t actually expect Ellie to ride him, did she? He was not only amazed he was more than a little concerned that Ellie had gotten this close to Devil, his mom appeared confident in Ellie's ability which was something he had never questioned, until now.

  Ellie heard a rustling behind her, but in an attempt to keep Devil calm she refused to move. When the silence returned, she slowly turned to see a saddle and blanket waiting for her. Looking from the saddle to Devil, she wasn’t sure that it was a good idea. Luke must have more confidence in her than she did, so must Devil for that matter as he moved and nudged the saddle.

  "Really you want me to ride you. I don’t know why you do, although maybe Luke bought you to kill me so that I stop embarrassing him with what appears to be a newly developed clumsiness."

  He nudged it again, so she moved towards the saddle with a sigh. "I must be insane. Remind me to get my mental health checked when I go home, that is if I make it home. I suspect that the only place I will be going today is to the emergency room."

  As she placed a blanket on his back, she waited for him to settle before she positioned the stirrups and heaved the saddle over his well-muscled back, taking the opportunity to stroke him feeling the sinew beneath her fingers she sighed at his strength. Horses were to Ellie such magnificent animals and this one was in a league of its own. As she sheathed the saddle she could feel his anxiety spike so she stepped back to allow Devil space to calm down.

  "Now, now don’t start being difficult you wanted this not me." Her voice was both firm and light. She wanted to be soothing except that wasn’t her, that was Claire or her mom and even at times Beth. May was similar to her yet different, she soothed with her knowledge and understanding, yet she wasn’t the type to coddle someone. Ellie wasn’t a remarkably soothing person, but she was generally a calm person which is what Devil was responding to.

  With Devil settled she opened the door to his stable where rather than lead him, Ellie let him lead the way. Ellie conceded that Luke had a point; she did like to be in control which appeared to be the same for Devil so they had to reach a compromise. She expected him to bolt outside of the door, he didn’t and as she followed him out she looked for Luke, when she couldn’t see him anywhere she faced the realisation that she wanted him to share her triumph.

  Lost in her own thoughts Devil jerked away from her with a more than a harsh nudge.

  "Behave, give me a minute you beast." Casting a glance at the humongous beast next to her, she took a deep breath before hooking her foot in the stirrup to hoist herself onto Devil's back, she wasn’t overly short, but due to his height Devil was still a struggle to mount.

  "Right, here we go, now take your time and be gentle with me." Giving him a nudge with her foot she was not prepared for the immediate gallop. Had she been overly nervous and inexperienced he would have toppled her, as it was, she was holding tight enough to maintain her balance.

  Her first thought was to rein him back until an image of Luke's Jaguar and the claustrophobia he must have felt at being suppressed flashed before her, so instead she charged on with Devil as he headed straight for the ring. His strength was exhilarating; she had always appreciated the individual gifts of animals, marvelling in their characteristics so today was no exception.

  Stood next to a tree Luke felt as though his heart had fallen out of his ass and hit the floor, when Devil raced off he had partially shifted only to find his mom stood in front of him.

  "No Luke, she needs this freedom and exhilaration. Have you ever questioned why she understands how your Jaguar feels? That girl is a caged animal fighting for its place, never have I seen a woman as strong and wild as Ellie, yet as controlled and cunning as her. Step back and let her have her wild moment, trust that she knows her strengths and listens to her instincts."

  Instead of racing after her, he waited in the shadows alternating between pacing and watching through half closed eyes. She was graceful and intuitive; her instincts were sound enough to control Devil who seemed to be wild yet conscious of the woman on his back. Strangely, until now his protective instincts had never seriously been tested, yes he was protective of his mom, but there had only ever been the two of them for as long as he could remember, until Ellie who elicited a fierce protectiveness from his Jaguar as well as the man.

  He watched them slow down and canter towards where he and his mom were. Suddenly he felt alone which he was except for Ellie and Devil who snorted in derision at him. Ellie's face was flushed and excited, she was relaxed and confident again as she swatted at Devil playfully.

  "Well look at you two, you tamed the beast Ellie."

  She was so proud of herself; her excited tone portrayed this in an almost childlike manner. "I did, didn’t I, although you knew that didn’t you?"

  He didn’t understand her question, which appeared to be evident in his facial expression. "You gave me the saddle didn’t you?"

  Watching him think of an answer she now knew that he had not given her the saddle.

  "Who gave me the saddle Luke?"

  "Mom did."

  As a breeze closed over him, he wasn’t sure how she would feel about his mom having seen her. The earlier confidence left her in a split second.

  "Is she cross?"

  "Of course not she was astounded and incredibly impressed."

  As her chest puffed up he wanted to hug her, she was so cute though he wouldn’t tell her that, he would likely receive a kick from Devil at her urging.

  "I have to say that you on a horse with your hair all over was extremely sexy to watch." Her cheeks reddened at his words.

  "Behave Luke." She used the tone that she had taken with Devil causing him to chuckle as Devil wobbled her a little as she dismounted and bounded back to the stables. He was waiting for her when she had finished stabling the previously wild horse, as she wandered towards him with a cheerful walk and am enormous smile he melted a little. A swift wind knocked some leaves from the tree above her causin
g them to flutter to the ground via Ellie. She removed all but one which remained tangled in her hair, so lifting his hand he removed it as their eyes locked.

  He couldn’t have stopped himself from kissing her if god had come down to stand between them, he bent his head and kissed her gently waiting for the rebuff, when none came, he kissed her again this time adding more pressure to force a response from her. She kissed him back prompting him to pull her closer.

  Ellie's heart was hammering as though she were cracking open concrete with a jack hammer; her ears were closing out the sounds around them as Luke pressed his lips to hers. A spark of lightening hit her body as their lips came together. His scent hit her, his closeness erupted a flame deep insider her. Without conscious thought, Ellie opened her mouth to touch his mouth intimately; birds suddenly flew into Ellie's stomach as the sensations sent her body into an amazing frenzy.

  Heaven had just entered his mouth, which was more than Luke had ever imagined a kiss could do. He could literally stand in this spot and kiss her forever. He wanted to write a sonnet dedicated to her as the creativity inside of him threw out words such as blissful, sinful, addicting, and lastly more. He needed more, he needed her mind, her body, her heart and her soul and now he had tasted the delights he had to have her.

  Ellie broke the kiss, not because she wanted it to stop but because she would combust if she didn’t. No-one had told her that it would be like this, and now she couldn’t breathe. Luke had literally kissed her breath away.

  She was gasping which embarrassed her, no wonder he was a hit with the ladies. Looking up at him, she felt a little relieved to see that he too was more than a little flustered, his eyes were wide, his hands were clenching as he tried to clear his head.

  Luke spoke first. "We have a problem."

  Her head screamed that she was a fool that had known that this would happen. She knew she wasn’t right for him.

  "Luke let's just pretend it didn't...." He growled at her, he actually growled at her, and then before she had a chance to growl back he grabbed her and did it again. Damn the man, she had no strength to stop him, everything had turned to jelly.


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