Griffin: Bad Boy MMA Romance

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Griffin: Bad Boy MMA Romance Page 8

by Ashley Hall

  I could still hear the low strains of jazz music playing from the restaurant beyond the curtain, reminding me that the man had me all but naked in a very public place. When he bit sharply at my nipple, a short cry escaped me.

  To my shock, Griffin withdrew to smack my breast with just enough pressure to sting, making me jump. “Hush.” He growled in a way that was all at once arousing and menacing. “Do you want someone to hear?”

  With that, he resumed his earlier ministrations, his tongue circling my opposite nipple until I swear the juices between my legs were soaking the tablecloth beneath me.

  It had never been like this – and not only the ‘carnal acts in so obvious a public place’ part. The entire experience was surreal – the pleasure so sharp it was almost painful. For the first time in my life, I had relinquished all control.

  And it was amazing.

  My fingers delved into the silky length of Griffin’s hair once more as he finally relinquished my breasts to start kissing his way down my bare torso. Of course, a man as violent as him couldn’t just kiss. He bit, he nipped, and he licked over my skin until there were almost as many red marks as freckles. When his tongue delved into my belly button, I gasped, arching off the table.

  He took the moment of distraction as an opportunity to shove my skirt even further up my body, before all but tearing my panties away. When the sound of ripping lace reached my ears, I sat up on my elbows abruptly, my eyes wide in shock.

  “Griffin, no!”

  He responded to my entreaty with a sharp smack against my thigh. The burning pain made me catch my breath as he stared down at me, his gaze challenging. “’Griffin no’ what?” He hissed, jerking my hips towards him. “Don’t spank me like the naughty little girl I am?” He smacked me again, and this time, I bit back a cry. “Don’t touch my wet, hot little pussy?”

  He cupped the heat between my legs brusquely and my head fell back as I choked out a soft moan. His thumb found the swollen, engorged bead of my clitoris and began to rub it in drugging, slow circles that had me all but thrashing on the table, all my propriety forgotten. “Don’t make me come, Griffin?” The words were growled hotly in my ear as I tried everything I could think of to prevent myself from screaming. “If you don’t want it, tell me so, Sadie.” As his thumb continued to torture my clit, his index and middle fingers slid into my slick haven to the knuckles. “Say ‘don’t make me come, Griffin.’’” He nipped at my neck sharply as his fingers began to thrust into me – high, hard and hitting a spot that felt impossibly good. “I’m listening.”

  I could no more have said those words than spontaneously metamorphosed into a butterfly. As he exploited that spot within me ruthlessly, my hips arched into his motions of their own accord and my orgasm crashed over me with such force that it left me gasping for air. I writhed in the man’s grip, riding out the pleasure until I sagged onto the table, my chest heaving with my exertions.

  Griffin gazed down at me with an expression of smug satisfaction on his face that made me want to slap him – at least, I would have wanted to if I hadn’t been recovering from the most glorious orgasm of my entire life.

  “Thought not.” Griffin’s smug statement made me moan lowly as his fingers finally slipped from me. He raised one to that decadent mouth of his, sucking it clean lasciviously, and I thought I might actually pass out.

  But what came next was worse. He touched his middle finger, still wet with my dew, to one of my nipples, thoroughly covering it in a thin sheen of moisture. Then, he leaned down to suck it clean, making my entire body quiver. “Mmm…Sweet Sadie.”

  When he straightened, it was to undo his belt, his eyes burning into me the entire time. “Sweet, sweet Sadie.” I gasped as he drew his erection from his pants – long, thick and dark red in arousal.

  He was going to rip me in half. I’d never been with anyone that could even begin to compare. However, I didn’t protest when he reached down to palm my breasts, his opposite hand rubbing his cock against me lewdly through my drenched panties. “You’re mine.”

  With his fingers, he jerked aside the remains of my panties and I felt the blunt, thick head of his erection before he pushed it into me.

  My back arched reflexively as he took hold of my hips, pulling me down onto his cock inch by glorious inch.

  I was panting – I was sweating – and I’d never been so divinely, gloriously filled in my entire life. I reached up to press a hand against his chest - though I didn’t know if it was to push him away or bring him closer. He pressed up inside me until I swore I could feel him in the back of my throat, and I could feel myself clenching tightly around him.

  When he was finally completely inside me, he took my wrist, raising my hand to put on his shoulder as he groaned through clenched teeth. “Fuck, that’s good.” He took hold of my hips once more and withdrew before thrusting in again – so deeply that a soft cry escaped me.

  All at once, Griffin hugged me to him in a tight embrace, pressing my mouth against his shoulder to muffle the sounds I made. “Take it.” He growled, pressing his hips against mine as I clawed at his back.

  The rhythm that he set was quick and brutal – the table biting into my hips every time he thrust into me and making me glad that my face was buried in his shoulder. The gesture muffled my moans and cries as he pounded into me, the table making sharp sounds every time he shoved against it. I was sure that his back was red and raw with the way I clung to him – his shoulder throbbing after I gnawed it in my desperation to remain quiet.

  It was intense, it was carnal, and it was more erotic than I could ever have imagined. Despite the fact that I had just come, Griffin’s precise, strong strokes were quickly taking me there again. I felt the coil low in my abdomen winding tighter and tighter until his hands finally gripped my behind almost bruisingly and growled a low order into my ear. “Come again for me, baby girl. Do it now.”

  I toppled helplessly over the precipice, my entire body quivering as my second orgasm of the evening took me. My inner muscles clenched down hungrily on Griffin and he thrust into me twice more before a strangled groan escaped him and I felt him pumping his seed into me in hot, delicious spurts.

  The aftermath of our sticky, secret encounter was oddly quiet.

  I was trying to catch my breath, and Griffin’s forehead was pressed against mine, our position oddly intimate.

  For about two minutes, I was enveloped in blissful, post-orgasmic haze, the likes of which I’d never known. Griffin had fulfilled every dark fantasy I’d had about him in the twelve hours in which I’d been assigned to his article – and then some. He was powerful, dominating, and sexy as hell.

  And he’d just screwed me literally senseless.

  From beyond the curtain came the sharp sound of glasses clinking – and that managed to startle me back to the present. I straightened slightly, my eyes widening as I realized what we’d just done.

  What I’d just done.

  I let Griffin fuck me on the table of one of the most expensive restaurants in town, with nothing but a curtain separating us from the rest of the world.

  And worse – I’d become exactly what I’d sworn to myself that I wouldn’t be: just another one of his conquests.

  Sucking in a breath, I pushed lamely at his shoulders as I cleared my throat. “I…I have to get up.” Despite the fact that all of my screams had been muffled, my throat was still hoarse.

  And the fact seemed to please him. Griffin raised his head and pecked my lips once more before I could stop him before moving away from me. The motion separated our bodies and I gasped at the sudden emptiness that ensued.

  For a split second, I almost begged him to return and fill me again – but then I realized exactly how exposed I was. Griffin was still staring at my bare breasts – my exposed nether regions…my face flaming, I immediately slid from the table to shove my skirt down. There was no way I could salvage the popped buttons of my shirt, so I just tugged my bra back up before folding it together and reaching for my su
it jacket.

  I swallowed thickly as I slid it on, feeling Griffin’s heated gaze on me the entire time.

  Goddamn it.

  I was supposed to have been professional – this story could have made my career. Instead, I’d gone and gotten a few glasses of champagne into me – my head was still spinning – and let all my inhibitions fly out of the window.

  So why didn’t I feel guiltier?

  I should have rushed out of the restaurant with my tail between my legs – but instead said legs only quivered and I relished in the sore, well-used feeling between them.


  I glanced up to see Griffin looking down at me, a brow arched as he tucked in his shirt. Rather than being condescending, however, his gaze seemed almost…concerned. “You alright?” He held out a hand to help me up and I hesitated only a moment before taking it. To my surprise, he pulled me right into his embrace, his mouth finding mine once more.

  Despite myself, I melted against him as his mouth dominated mine. When he took my lower lip between his teeth to suck, his hands curling into my behind, a soft moan escaped me, and, incredibly, I found myself starting to get aroused again.

  That heat, however, was doused the moment our waiter stuck his head through the curtain.

  The young man took one look at us – me with my mussed clothes, disheveled hair, and swollen lips, and Griffin looking like the cat that ate the canary – as well as the mess Griffin had made on the floor – and his face went bright red. He disappeared without a word.

  I might have turned almost as dark as him- and Griffin had the nerve to chuckle. That dark, sexy laugh of his that, somehow, made me want him all over again.

  “Maybe we should get out of here.” He suggested, taking my hand possessively to tug me towards the curtain. My eyes widened as I tried to yank my fingers from his grip.

  “Looking like this? Could we be any more obvious?”

  Instead of arguing with me, Griffin merely jerked me to him, cupping my chin firmly to plant another mind-blowing kiss on my mouth, melting away all of my reservations. “Let’s go, Sadie.” This time, his words booked no argument – and I let him pull me back into the restaurant.

  All the while wondering: what the hell had I gotten myself into?


  I tried not to grope her on our way out of the restaurant. After all, I wasn’t a complete animal, and she was obviously worked up enough already.


  Just the memory of how tight she squeezed my cock – the way she moaned, scratched, and squirmed as I fucked her…it was enough to make me hard again. Luckily enough, she was walking in front of me.

  By the time we reached the hostess’ stand, our skinny little waiter had, no doubt, shocked the shit out of everyone by telling them what we’d been up to behind our curtain. At that moment, I didn’t really want to cause a scene. I was too hell-bent on getting Sadie out of the restaurant and back to my place…where I could really make her mine.

  As the manager came over, I quickly handed him a handful of hundreds – more than enough to cover the bill and tip, as well as pay for anything I might have broken. “My bad.” I wasn’t feeling particularly chatty, and so, as soon as the shocked man took the money, I was tugging Sadie towards the door.

  “Griffin!” I loved the way she sounded so fucking scandalized by everything I did. She didn’t just giggle and go along with me, playing coy. I continued to shock her – and it showed on her face.

  Her sweet, sheltered, gorgeous face. “What was that?” I merely grinned at her, opening the door before I propelled her gently through it.

  “Tell you later.” I squeezed her ample ass suddenly and she gasped, eyeing me with a mixture of anger and arousal that had me biting back a moan. How the hell did she get to me so badly?

  But then, of course, the moment was ruined.

  The moment we got outside, at least five or six cameras went off, their flashes blinding us. “What the f-”

  My question was cut off by a bunch of reporters attempting to ram questions down my throat. My eyes adjusted quickly to the bright light and I scowled at the crowd that had formed. Who the hell told them where I was? I was prepared to shove through them to the fucking car and be done with it, but, next to me, Sadie froze, her eyes wide in horror.

  I could admit that she looked a mess – well-kissed and well-fucked, and I realized that I didn’t want anyone else to see it but me.

  “Back off!” I barked to the reporters, bringing my arm around her to shield her from the cameras protectively. “No fucking pictures!”

  But there were too many of them. They were too rabid to listen to me.

  “Who’s this, Griffin? The newest flavor?”

  “What’s her name?”

  “How long have you been together?” Several more cameras flashed and I started to get pissed. Turning to glare at the crowd, I narrowed my gaze as my temper rose. “Last warning. Back the fuck up.”

  I might have been speaking to a brick wall. The fuckers wouldn’t take no for an answer – and one of the bastards got bold. He attempted to duck under my arm to get a good picture of Sadie.

  That was all it took for me to lose it.

  Whirling on the small man, I snatched his camera from him to fling to the ground. When I brought my foot down on it, glass splintered and cracked, and he yelled in outrage. But, that was nothing. Next I grabbed the man himself and planted my fist in the middle of his face.

  Bones cracked. Blood spurted – and the idiot went down like a stone.

  But the only thing that concerned me was Sadie’s shrill scream of horror. While the other reporters continued taking pictures frantically, I turned to see her staring at me as if she’d never seen me before in her life, her mouth a wide O of shock.

  And it wasn’t the kind of shock I liked to see.

  “Fuck,” I snarled, my temper still humming as I reached out to snatch her hand and drag her toward the car. Unlocking it, I all but shoved her in before shutting the door and going to the driver’s side.

  I needed a minute. Just one goddamn minute.

  Slamming my fists onto the top of the car, I exhaled slowly, trying to calm myself down. The reporters were hot on our heels so I didn’t have much time, but I couldn’t get into the car like this.

  She’d already seen enough of my classic Griffin charm for one night.

  After about a minute, I finally slid into the car just ahead of the reporters, and for a moment, I just sat there, clutching the steering wheel tightly. I didn’t look at Sadie, but I could feel her staring at me.

  And it wasn’t with the awed, heated gaze that she had only half an hour earlier. She was terrified…and with good reason.

  Cursing under my breath, I started the car and backed out of the parking lot. As I made a U-turn to head back to the highway, Sadie turned away from me to stare out of the window.

  She didn’t say a word.

  And I knew I had fucked up royally.

  The ride back to the city was silent as a graveyard. I didn’t even dare to turn the music on – besides, I doubted that metal would lighten the mood.

  I didn’t do well with silence, so about ten minutes in, I broke it. “Where do you live? I’ll take you home.”

  She stiffened next to me, still staring out the window. “Just take me back to the office. I’ll drive home myself.”

  I scowled. Now she was just being stubborn. “You’ve had a lot to drink.”

  “So have you.” She snapped back, turning to glare at me a moment before her expression softened somewhat…. turning back into fear. There was a long beat before she finally spoke again, telling me her address.

  She lived in a little complex of condos uptown, in the kind of neighborhood I never could have imagined visiting as a kid. Of course, I’d lived in a penthouse in midtown for years now, but I hadn’t forgotten what it was like to be poor.

  The anger – the pain. I hit people to get rid of that pain.

  Only…at the res
taurant, I hadn’t hit that reporter for me. I’d hit him for Sadie. Because something about her made me want to protect her.

  When I pulled to a stop outside her duplex, she straightened, reaching for the door handle.

  But I couldn’t let her leave. Not like this. My fingers wrapped around her wrist in a firm grip that made her look at me, almost as if she was scared I might hit her.


  “Sadie...I’m sorry.” I had to force the words out. Once upon a time, I told myself that I would never apologize for who I was or where I’d come from. But, I was apologizing now. “I messed up, Ok?”


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