Lawyer & Liar

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Lawyer & Liar Page 18

by T Wells Brown

  “I sure the hell can! And if not; I sure as heck will kill myself trying! Problem is there are too many of you to keep track of. Keeping track of you bitches is like herding cats!” Her voice broke and a tears streamed down her face. I grabbed her up and wrapped my sore bruised arms around her and whispered into her hair, “I love you. I’m fine, Isabella’s fine and we can’t bring Raquel back. You can’t carry this all around on your shoulders babe. It’s too much to burden yourself with and it’s not fair to you, or us.”

  I unwrapped my arms, grabbed her shoulders and looked her straight in the eye. The activity around us faded. “I need you to stay focused. We still have a gang of men murdering young girls and an asshole Deputy DA who isn’t going to do anything about it. A Russian mob guy who is following us,” I needed her to focus on something other than the danger that seemed to surround the wine tribe right now. “Stay with me yeah?”

  I knew I had her back with me when she used the back of her hand to wipe her nose and said, “Bitch, I need to kick someone’s ass and quick or I am going to lose my shit; let’s go find some Russians.”

  I looked to Roman who was still scanning the crowd, “Jules is going to be a while terrorizing the media. I need to get Becca out of here, before Jenna hears her calling us bitches. I’ll see you at the hospital.”

  “Whoa!” He responded and gently took hold of my bent elbow. “You aren’t going anywhere without protection.” Roman looked around the sea of people, most were first responders and media types, but there was also an increasing crowd of looky loos showing up and I didn’t want to wait.

  “I’ve got Susan, Sophie, Jenna and Becca with me and we’re heading to the hospital. It’s very secure there,” Roman looked at me like I was a two year old who was trying to run out into a busy street. I knew that look well, I gave it to my own clients when they were going to do something really foolish, so I said, “Okay, find me Lucas or Marcus but we want to go to the hospital so we can lay our hands on Isabella, and see with our own eyes she’s safe.”

  Just then Marcus and the other gals joined our group.

  Marcus asked, “I see a dangerous huddle happening here. What’s the new plan for world domination?”

  Roman looked to the sky and said, “Lord give me strength,” he looked at Marcus, “can you take the tribe to the hospital and stay with them?”

  “Sure, there hasn’t been enough excitement for today. Where are you going?” Marcus asked.

  Roman looked at me.

  He took my hand, kissed my knuckles and said, “I’m going to hunt a Russian.”

  Chapter 22

  Old Folks Home

  T he tribe descended on the hospital like a heard of elephants. I felt sort of bad that the medical staff had to deal with so much already on the day to day, and now had to deal with us too. On our best day we weren’t a quiet easy to manage group. On a day like today we were a loud, bossy demanding bunch of divas.

  We found Isabella by following Cabe’s voice. The man rarely uttered more than a few words normally but was now speaking nonstop, loudly. Okay, truth was he was yelling at anyone and everyone who walked by Isabella’s partitioned off room. We weren’t supposed to be in there but Becca had charged the emergency door before it could close after a staff member, and like a drug sniffing dog, led us right to where Isabella was arguing with Cabe.

  The poor girl was covered in blood and other matter I didn’t want to think about. I walked in as she was asking about her mother who had been sedated and taken to a real room. We found out Isabella’s mother had been drugged, held for days, and was in much worse shape that Isabella.

  Becca rushed into the room with all of us tagging along behind her. As soon as Isabella saw us she burst out crying, full on ugly crying and I knew right then she needed us more than Cabe. I pushed at Cabe to get him out of the room and into the hall on the other side of the curtain.

  “She needs her girls right now. Leave her to us,” I knew it wasn’t what he wanted to hear, but Isabella needed to be our focus.

  Cabe gave me a look I couldn’t quite decipher, leaned down and said in the softest voice I’d ever heard him use, “Bella is pregnant with my baby. Not one fucking thing can happen to her.” I stood still watching with big surprised eyes, as Cabe turned on his heel and walked to the wall across from Isabella’s curtain, and leaned against it. He was moving away to give us privacy, but he wasn’t leaving anything to chance, his body may have moved a few feet away, but his eyes were staying on her bed area.

  Oh, Lord Almighty! God help the poor soul who tried to come for Isabella again. That person was going to be in a world of hurt!

  I walked back in through the curtain that partitioned off the bed from the hallway and the other beds, and stopped. I watched Isabella from the end of her bed as the other tribe members fawned and fussed over her. Becca had crawled into her hospital bed and was wrapped around Isabella so tight she could hardly move.

  Isabella’s eyes met mine, and she knew, I knew.

  What felt like an endless supply of tears streamed down my face, as I thought how happy Raquel would be right now, knowing her legacy was being so beautifully continued on. This was, without a doubt, the best way Cabe and Isabella could honor Antonio and Raquel, but it also hurt. It hurt my heart to know they would never hold the babies who would grow up in the home they had built for the babies the two of them never had.

  Life was precious. So very precious.

  Isabella shook her head indicating to me she didn’t want me to let on what I knew was going to be HUGE to this group of women. I smiled at her through my tears and felt my heart swell.

  This is my family. Roman was right. These people, these crazy, loud, emotional women were my family and I’d do anything, for any one of them.

  I watched Sophie, who was like me; someone who had no blood ties left on earth, and saw how these amazing women had welcomed her, folded her into our tribe with one big warm comforting hug. She was the next generation of our group. We would need to educate her and make sure she was strong enough to shoulder the magnificent craziness that was us.

  The doctor eventually cleared Isabella to go home. Apparently, even though she was covered in blood (and other stuff I don’t want to think about), she was not injured in any manner. Her mother was another story, and had been admitted for dehydration. This was going to be a long interesting road for the two of them, but Isabella had her strength, and her tribe behind her, so nothing was impossible.

  With Isabella and Cabe sorted for now, and the plan in motion to gas light the new jerk Deputy DA. I was back to focusing on my business and new home with Sophie, Roman and Agatha. Sophie and Agatha had become thick as thieves and for the first time in six years, my sweet tabby side kick chose to sleep somewhere else; not next to me. I was a little tearful and happy, at the same time about this turn of events. It was good for Agatha and Sophie that they had each other, and were bonding wonderfully, but I was suffering from a little empty nester syndrome, and it made me emotional.

  The Manor was beautiful. Terra had truly outdone herself and I wasn’t sure how I was ever going to repay her. I decided to combine a going away party for Sophie, and a housewarming party for me, and invite the ladies over. And as a bonus we would be able to showcase Terra’s beautiful work. She had thought of absolutely everything.

  If measuring the level of excited squeals and screams was any indication, both Terra and Sophie thought a party was a great idea.

  Of course I put them in charge. Let it never be said I didn’t know how to delegate. Also, I was a terrible party planner.

  Jenna wanted to outfit everyone, cause that’s what Jenna did. Since she was really good at it, we all let her. Sophie however, was very sceptical, being a young lady, and Jenna not being a young lady, meant the two of them had very different styles indeed. Until Jenna took Sophie to her first ever professional beauty day at our local spa, Wine & Bloom. They were gone for hours, and when they got back I almost didn’t recognize the glamoro
us young woman who stood before me.

  She was stunning. Her black curly hair had been straightened and braided into what seemed like hundreds of beautiful braids that were so long they nearly reached her rear. Several of the braids had a beautiful light teal color braided into them and matched her long nails and painted toes. Jenna had outfitted her in a soft, barely blue short tank dress that was very simple but stunning on Sophie’s skin tone. The matching flip flops with crystals were in the same hue as the layers of glass beads she wore on her wrist.

  This stunning vision stood before my desk and I was gobsmacked by her beauty. I literally could not speak. She knew she looked good. I could tell by the way she was bouncing back and forth, and she wanted my approval.

  I stood up and said honestly, “You’re all grown up. You’re beautiful and grown up, and I came home too late!” and burst into tears. I didn’t know what the heck was wrong with me! I had turned into the biggest freaking cry baby I’d ever known! I didn’t even recognize myself anymore.

  Sophie came around my desk and laughed as she hugged me, “Sydney you’re a mess.”

  “I know!” I cried.

  “Suck it up buttercup or I’m calling Becca,” She was still laughing. I’m glad my tears made someone happy, geez.

  “You’ve given me so much Sydney. This is us now. We are each other’s family and we won’t ever be alone again. I’ll come home from college every chance I get, and I promise to come home when I graduate and live here with you. Shoot, Sydney, you couldn’t shake me off if you tried,” I looked up into her beautiful brown eyes, smiled at my girl and she went on, “Okay? And hey, now you have someone who will come visit you in the old folks home!” She thought she was so funny.

  “Babe, I’ll run that old folks home,” I replied through my own tears. She was right. We were each other’s family and as long as I drew breath nothing would change that. I pushed her back, so I could get a good look at her and said, “You’re stunning and I don’t want you to go. You’ll meet some handsome boy in Chicago and never come back home. Then who will come see me at the old folks home, I ask you?”

  Sophie pulled me back in and hugged me tight saying, “I’ll always come back to you Sydney. You don’t ever have to worry about that.” Was it any wonder why I loved her so dang much?

  Jenna cleared her throat from the doorway and said, “girl, I don’t remember you being such a big crier. Is this new?”

  “Yes, I think I need to get my hormones checked,” I replied and sat down in my chair.

  “I’ve got a doctor for you. She tries everything natural first before going to the hard stuff. I’ll get you her number.”

  Sophie, ran out of the room yelling, “I have more outfits to show you.”

  “I can’t thank you enough, babe. She’s never been happier. Her hair looks amazing.”

  “No thanks needed. You know I live for this stuff. Plus, she’s a delight. I wish she was just a few years older, I’d try to set her up with one of my sons.”

  “Yes.” I said nodding my head. That would be perfect. “Maybe after college?”

  “If one of them is still single when she comes home,” Jenna replied.

  Home. Such a magnificent word.

  Good, we had a solid plan. One that involved Sophie settling down here, where she belonged.

  At Home. With me.


  Roman stormed in to the stale, over decorated room and shouted, “WHERE IS HE?”

  “Romanov why are you yelling?” This came from a small female voice behind him in Russian.

  “tetya, where is Aleks and his goons?” Roman asked the small frail looking woman also speaking in his family’s native Russian.

  “plemyannik, he left this morning and said he wouldn’t be back until dinner. Why don’t you stay and join us?” she asked hopefully, clutching her hands under her chin. “Your cousins will be so happy to see you, my sweet boy.” Her sharp eyes watched Roman closely, gauging his every reaction. She was small and frail in appearance, but nothing could be further from the truth. This small woman was one of the shrewdest people he’d ever met. She had to be to survive her husband, Aleks.

  “I promise I will come back and see you and my cousins soon. And when I come I will bring the woman I am going to spend the rest of my life trying to convince we belong together. But right now, I need to know where he is. One of his men did something to hurt her and he is going to pay,” Roman watched his aunts face grow hard and knew she wasn’t going to sit by and let someone that might be part of her family, be disrespected or hurt if she had any say in the matter.

  “Which one hurt her?” She asked, continuing to speak in her native tongue.

  “The big guy with the black hair,” Roman replied.

  “Ah Sebastian. He is a good boy. Very gentle with your cousins.” Roman’s aunt shook her head and waved her hand dismissively.

  Roman leaned toward the small woman and barked, “He marked Sydney. He put his hands on her and marked her!” Roman was so upset he wasn’t aware he had shifted back to English. He also wasn’t aware of how loud he’d become. So loud, the other occupants of the house heard and hurried to see what the shouting was about.

  “Where. Is. He.” Roman ground out. He then straighten his body so he was no longer leaning over the small woman he had been shouting at when two of his three female cousins ran into the room.

  “Sebastian isn’t here, kezen. Otets had become worried because he hadn’t checked in all day and so they left to find him.”

  “Nadia!” her mother admonished.

  “What mama? I don’t want anything to happen to Sebastian!” Nadia answered in English.

  Roman turned to his cousin and said in English, “Prepare yourself Nadia. He has an ass whippin’ coming from me!”

  Chapter 23

  Total Annihilation

  R oman had disappeared and wasn’t checking in with me the way I would have preferred. He would text back short answers if I bugged him enough, but for the most part was incommunicado. He was gone before I woke up and would wake me only occasionally when he came home at night. Otherwise I didn’t see him.

  I didn’t like this. I knew whatever he was doing was important. I hoped it had to do with the Triple D case. That’s what I wanted to believe. But it didn’t feel right, and you know me and my gut; I liked to listen to it. My gut was doing some funny things and it was never wrong. For the first time in my life I was ignoring my gut, which was screaming at me to get more involved.

  There really wasn’t anyway for me to check on Roman except waiting for his stupid texts that didn’t tell me anything.

  I decided to make a few calls and see what my contacts at the sheriff’s department might have found out. I also thought I’d check and see where the U.S. Marshals were with their cases. Safe Haven, needed the funding the Marshal services paid to keep it going the rest of the year. Without the Marshals using Safe Haven we would need to find a replacement source of income or the house might be in trouble.

  Things went from bad to worse. The sheriff department wasn’t going to investigate a crime the District Attorney’s office refused to prosecute. I had this weird sensation of being on an alternate planet where everything was ass backwards.

  My next few conversations didn’t make things any better. I spoke with several of the U.S. Marshals I’d worked with regarding Safe Haven and they were all reporting the same thing. Since the future didn’t bode well for the human trafficking victims in this county, they would move their cases to other jurisdictions moving forward. There really wasn’t anything the Marshals could do. These agents were already overworked, and their first responsibility had to be the girls, of course.

  I must have spoken to twenty different people, and it all came back to that damn Deputy DA Jones. I decided I’d give him a call and see if he had gained an ounce of humanity, and lightened his stance.

  Surprisingly, I was put right through to him. I don’t think his secretary liked him very much. She chuckled
when I introduced myself and seemed gleeful that I was calling.

  I liked her.

  “Jones,” was his greeting. He knew it was me. How arrogant!

  “Hi Mr. Jones, this is Sydney Mathews. I’d like to speak to you about Safe Haven and the impact the Triple D case, and your new stance on crime, is having on its viability.”

  “My new stance on crime is based on facts, not emotions, something you might not understand, Miss Mathews.” came his clipped reply.

  “Deciding not to prosecute sex crimes and serial killers targeting children isn’t something you do based on facts, Mr. Jones. It is something you do if you don’t care about the victims of these crimes and want to focus on cases that get you the attention of the media and in front of cameras.”

  “There are no serial killers in our county, and I’ll warn you to tread carefully. There will always be your throwaways; every civilization from the beginning of time has them, and will continue to have them until the end of time. It’s unfortunate, but it is the way of humankind, Miss Mathews.” He was very condescending.


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