The Game of Luck

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The Game of Luck Page 10

by Catherine Cerveny

  He laughed. “Sounds interesting. It must be nice to have such a big family.”

  “Big, yes. Interesting—not exactly the word I’d use.”

  “Well, if you ever need any help, let me know. I did some negotiations work while on Venus. I could come in handy when it comes to managing drama.”

  I eyed him speculatively. If my father really was missing and had last been seen on Venus, maybe Caleb was the edge I needed to solve luck’s puzzle. “You shouldn’t offer yourself like that,” I said, teasing. “I might take you up on it. You’ll wish you’d never heard the name Sevigny by the time they’re done with you.”

  He laughed. “Families are my specialty. See you and, again, thanks for the opportunity. Can’t wait to start working with you.”

  Nodding, I left him in the hall and hurried to catch my ride.

  * * *

  As his wife, you’d think I’d know where Alexei spent his time when he left for work.

  Wrong. I didn’t—mostly because I never knew which of the many projects the Consortium funded he’d be working on. The Consortium had offices all over Mars as well as off-world, but ever since the Phobos incident, Alexei stayed close to Elysium City. Some sols, he even worked from home. Those were the times I’d find him in the kitchen, having dismissed the staff so he could create some exotic Russian feast I either liked and ate or didn’t like but still ate. It surprised me how much he enjoyed the chopping, sautéing, and whisking. And while he created, Feodor watched in adoration—usually in the hopes some food scraps would fall to the floor for him to wolf down. Who knew crime lords liked cooking when they weren’t thinking about world domination? I certainly hadn’t.

  Today Alexei was an hour outside of Elysium City at Soyuz Park, the launch site for the Callisto mission, Ursa 3. The first two missions had been exploratory and unmanned. This one would be manned and transport the equipment needed to terraform the moon—even though Callisto would be a domed environment. As Alexei had explained it, it was too cold to live there without domed protection. He envisioned Callisto as a jumping-off point to the outer solar system rather than a fully terraformed world like Mars or Venus. It would be a self-sustaining colony and spaceport, all of which I understood. However, when he started talking about gates and wormholes and folded space, or waxed poetic on the project’s technical specs, it was as good as tucking me in for a nap.

  The flight-limo kept to the ring road around Soyuz Park, so I couldn’t get a full view of the launch site. From this distance, I could see Baikonur launch pad and the frame of the scaffolding that would support Ursa 3 at lift-off. I couldn’t tell if the overall construction was on schedule, but I knew how fast the Consortium crew could hustle to meet a deadline. The cloudless blue sky was absent of everything but the patrolling drones that kept the area free of birds. If birds got in the way during lift-off, the results were catastrophic.

  The flight-limo stopped at the cluster of buildings that made up the office complex. A sidewalk extended from the central office to the ring road. When the flight-limo’s door slid open, Alexei leaned in—flanked by his ever-present chain-breaker security—to offer me a hand and a wicked smile.

  Sometimes it was easy to forget how physically big he was, especially when he stood next to his security detail who were designed to be imposing as well as expendable. But even in my high heels, my eyes barely came level with his shoulder. He pulled me out of the flight-limo and into his arms, which felt very nice after the sol I’d had so far. At our feet, Feodor danced around on his leash, barking with his need to be noticed and petted.

  “Me first, then the dog,” Alexei said when I’d been about to crouch down to give Feodor some love.

  “Sorry. I forgot you were jealous of the puppy. Here, this should tide you over.” I hugged him tightly. Then I stood on tiptoe so I could press a kiss to his jawline. I couldn’t reach any higher unless he bent to accommodate me, which he did so that his lips brushed mine. I pulled back enough to look up at him. “While I like the personalized greeting service, you didn’t have to meet me on the sidewalk.”

  “It’s not every sol my wife comes to see me at work. I wanted to ensure she had a proper welcome so she’d feel compelled to return.” He looked pleased and, in a tone that made my insides start to melt, added, “You’re wearing the emeralds. I love how they bring out the green in your eyes.”

  He referred to the string of two dozen thumbnail-sized emeralds around my throat and matching drop earrings. Alexei seemed determined to keep me outfitted in sparkly things. At first, I’d been too terrified to wear any of it. I was used to cheap costume jewelry and had visions of losing a stone or, more irrationally, getting mugged in the street. I’d been assured anything I lost could be replaced, and my security detail would prevent anyone from mugging me. I’d been drowning in sparkle ever since.

  “I do like them,” I admitted, touching the necklace. “But maybe you could spend the gold notes on something besides more jewelry than I can wear in a lifetime. Maybe there’s an underdeveloped economy you could bail out instead.”

  “I’m already bailing out Venus. You getting emeralds is merely a bonus.”

  He followed up with a grin before removing my hands from his chest. Somehow, they’d crept up under his suit jacket to skim his stomach and points higher. Seeing him like this in one of his suits, so powerful and commanding, always captivated me. Now was no exception and his grin took on a seductive edge; he knew exactly what effect he had on me. That paired with the feel of him under my hands and the scent of his subtle cologne—it all seemed designed to drive me to distraction and push any other concerns out of my head.

  “Come inside and tell me what’s happened. It must be something if it’s brought you here to Soyuz Park,” Alexei said after I’d bent down to give Feodor some attention. Leash in one hand, Alexei slipped his other arm through mine and we started up the sidewalk. I leaned into him, appreciating the hard swell of bicep under my fingers.

  “Maybe if it didn’t feel so isolated I’d be here more often.”

  “We’re launching rockets, not building housing developments,” he teased, tugging my thick fishtail braid where it draped over my shoulder. “No one is going to build a shopping complex the next field over from a launch pad.”

  “I just meant there isn’t much to see. And let me rush to add, in case I sound like an uncaring wife, I’ll be by your side to support you when the Ursa 3 launch takes place—whenever that is.”

  “We’ll meet our launch window with time to spare,” he assured me. “The Consortium engineers say we’re on track, and the accountants forecast we’ll turn a profit sooner than expected. Ursa 3 will be a success on all fronts.”

  “I wish I could add some Tarot card reader wisdom to that, but I don’t have any,” I said, appalled. Other than Celeste’s christening, I’d barely touched the Tarot for anything outside of work. There was a yawning, empty void inside me, all prickly and uncomfortable, demanding a gut feeling to fill it. But there wasn’t one. No answers. No instant understanding. Nothing.

  “You know I never want you to feel like you need to run the cards for me. That isn’t what we’re about.”

  “I know but…I don’t feel anything. I don’t know anything,” I said, hearing panic in my voice.

  He paused, stopping to look down at me with those fathomless blue eyes. Chain-breakers surrounded us, backs to us, assessing threats I couldn’t begin to guess at. Alexei’s hand cupped my face, his thumb stroking my cheek. “You’ve been learning to use the CN-net in a way that’s foreign to you. Mastering a new skill requires time. If you take a break from the cards, it doesn’t mean you’ll lose those skills, even if I think they’re going to waste on One Gov.”

  I let the comment slide. “But I’m not getting anything from my gut.”

  “Maybe there’s nothing happening you need to get.” He looked like he might lean in and kiss me again before he stopped. His eyes narrowed in suspicion. “And when you get home, I forbid you to obses
sively run Tarot spreads to make up for what you think is lost time.”

  “I…” I closed my mouth to bite off the protest wanting to spill out. He really did know me too well. “How are you going to stop me?”

  “I’m excellent at keeping you distracted. I’ll come up with something.”

  He walked us the rest of the way to the main building, a phalanx of chain-breakers following. The building cluster making up the office complex formed a loose U-shape. Most were only a few stories high, while the central building was double the height, all glass and gleaming steel, reflecting the sunlight like a winking diamond. The overall look was sleek and modern, especially with the addition of the manicured grounds and pristine landscaping around them. Since this was the main headquarters for the Martian space program, it needed to look impressive. In my opinion, they’d succeeded.

  Inside, the crush of chain-breakers eased until, by the time we reached Alexei’s office, only two remained. I knew Alexei was concerned about security, but this felt like overkill. Then again, considering my conversation with Suzette, maybe his paranoia was justified.

  Soon it was just the two of us and the dog in his office on the top floor of the main building, the door seals locked behind us. Aside from Feodor’s dog bed, toys, and food and water bowls, this room was the opposite of my office. Mine was a cluttered, colorful mess of papers, pictures, and scents. It was comfortable and I liked it. This office looked like some executive powerbroker had decorated with an eye to intimidate and awe anyone who dared enter. Very virile, very male. I felt like I’d entered some dark, secret underworld of power, debauchery, and decadence off-limits to me.

  The thought made me shiver in ways that had nothing to do with being cold. In fact, I felt flushed and overheated, and almost started to fan myself. Gods, was I getting turned on by Alexei’s office? Expensive-looking desk of dark wood. Massive conference table circled by a dozen chairs in a butter-soft leather. All of it was real raw material, not synth, which cost a fortune. There were also holo-pics on the walls depicting scenes of Old World Russia with such foreboding and dramatic subjects as snowstorms, mountains, and animals so wild, they looked ready to leap from the canvas. I thought of him sitting behind that desk, in this office, running the Consortium and gods knew what else…Yes, definitely getting turned on.

  “This is my first chance to look around,” I said, clearing my throat and not fanning myself. I stepped to one of the six large windows that took up the far wall. I could see all the way to the main event—the Baikonur launch pad and the half-finished scaffolding. I offered a low whistle. “I couldn’t appreciate it before when everyone was here for the open house but this view is amazing.”

  “Yes, it is. There are times when I enjoy nothing more than standing here and watching it all come together,” he admitted as he stood close beside me at the window. “I created this on my own, without it being weighed down by any of the Consortium’s more underhanded influences. Everything is legitimate and aboveboard. I love that feeling of accomplishment.”

  I grinned at him. “You should feel that way,” I said, taking his hand in mine and squeezing. “You’re changing the entire future of Mars, and that’s amazing. You’re going to pull it out from Earth’s control and make it a powerhouse on its own.”

  “Which is what you’re doing with the Venus proposal,” he reminded me.

  “Not quite. I’m not exactly the master of my own destiny. It’s still a One Gov–sponsored program with Felipe nominally in charge. Which reminds me—he plans to turn my proposal into something broader. In fact, he told me today he wants to work on repealing the Shared Hope program.”

  Alexei was silent a moment before he said, “That would change everything in the tri-system. Is this what you wanted to see me about?”

  I shook my head, almost wishing it was, though I had no desire to look like Felipe’s errand-girl and a tool to reel in the Consortium. I recalled what I’d said earlier to Caleb about family drama. Maybe it was selfish, but for once it would be nice to turn off the obligations and not have to deal with the never-ending crises. Grandmother and the Nine of Swords had rattled me. Her expectation that I jump to her demands after years of indifference annoyed me. Why should I help her—or my father, for that matter—when the two of them had all but turned their backs on me? Then there was my continuous lack of progress with the CN-net frustrating the hell out of me. Turning off all the bullshit for a few minutes and forgetting about everything seemed like an inspired idea. And standing beside me, as he’d pointed out earlier, was the world’s greatest distraction.

  “I know it would be a huge turning point for the Consortium if One Gov rolled back Shared Hope, but honestly, no. That’s not why I’m here,” I said, then looked around the room and back to him. “You know, it’s occurred to me your office hasn’t been properly christened.”

  He gazed down at me and his lips quirked in amusement. “No, I suppose it hasn’t. Did you have something in mind?”

  “As a matter of fact, I do.”

  My awareness of everything in the world faded—everything but him, of course. I went from being vaguely turned on to an instant, alert, and almost painful arousal. I leaned into him, my hands roaming over the lines of his suit jacket and to his shoulders. I used them to pull myself up and closer to him. His amused look faded, becoming raw and intimate.

  “Tell me what you want, Felicia,” he said, his lips a breath away from mine.

  “I really like your office. And the view through these windows. And I especially like your desk. It’s very big. Since it’s never been just the two of us here, maybe you could give me a personalized tour of the facilities.”

  “You want a tour of the building?”

  “Maybe not the entire building,” I decided, considering. “Maybe we can just start with your office.”

  “I could do that,” he said and pressed a line of kisses to my skin, running his lips and tongue along the curve of my throat. “A tour of the office is an excellent starting-off point.”

  If I hadn’t been aroused before, this would have done it. There, I did shiver, feeling loose-limbed and pliant as he continued brushing his lips over my skin. And with my hair in its fishtail braid and out of his way, nothing interfered with those kisses. I sighed and let myself go, my body craving his, growing frantic with the need to have him.

  He turned me to face the window, surprising me.

  “What are you doing?” My voice came out breathy. To my own ears, I sounded nervous and unsure.

  “Because you said you liked the view” was his answer.


  “Don’t move,” he said. The tone was soft but in it, I heard an order. “I want you on display like this.”

  “What if someone is walking by and looks up?”

  “No one can see you here but me,” he murmured, lips at my ear. “Do you think I’d allow anyone else to look at you when you’re like this? This is only for me. This view is all mine.”

  When his hands went to my hips and eased my body back against his, I didn’t resist. Didn’t even know how. Pressed into him, I was again aware of how big he was, how powerful. The gentleness disappeared as his hands became more insistent and so much more demanding as he rocked my hips. There was a strength in his fingers I couldn’t refuse, nor did I want to. I may have started this seduction, but as with almost everything he did, he’d taken control. He wanted me, planned on having me, and nothing was getting in his way. And given how my body responded to his, it was completely on board with his demands.

  “I barely tasted you this morning. It wasn’t enough,” he said almost conversationally. “You know how much I want you, and it’s never enough.”

  His hands rose to cup my breasts, kneading them through my off-the-shoulder blouse. The caress was one of pure possession. Then he was under my blouse, having untucked the contour-shaping smart fabric from my skirt, and my bare breasts were in his hands. He played with my nipples and stroked my breasts until they fel
t heavy and achy for him. I pushed them farther into his hands, breathless at how good his touch felt.

  I moaned and arched into him, stretching my arms up over my head to reach back and circle around his neck. He jerked my hips into his, and I felt him rigid with arousal. The display might have been crude if I hadn’t already been turned on from the moment he’d met me outside at the flight-limo. Everything about him was so hard and formidable. Knowing that all he wanted was me left me helpless to resist.

  Wetness pooled between my legs, coming in an almost embarrassing flood. I flushed with it, always shocked how he could transform me into this creature filled with nothing but need. I tried to turn in his arms so I could face him, hoping to put us on more equal footing. Instead, he caught my wrists in his left hand. He pinned them over my head and against the glass, bracing himself on his forearm so his body trapped mine. The move forced me to my toes. My breasts were pressed hard to the glass and I had to cushion my cheek on my bicep.

  His free hand ran over my ass and down my thighs. Then he was under my skirt and easing down my soaked panties until he’d tangled them around my thighs. Instead of removing them, he positioned the panties so I couldn’t widen my legs, trapping me in my own clothing. At the same time, his hand slipped between my legs with practiced ease.

  “You’re mine, and only I can touch you like this. Only I can make you come. Say it, Felicia. Your body knows what it wants. Tell me only I can make you feel this way.”

  “Yes,” I whispered as his fingers dipped into my wetness, spreading it over me with a circling motion of his thumb. He pressed against my clit with each circling pass and I strained against his hand and the glass, wanting nothing more than for him to take me. “Only you.”

  He removed the hand from between my legs and I heard the rustle of clothing behind me. I held my breath, aching, desperate to know what would happen next. When I tried to turn and look back at him, I couldn’t. He kept me pinned with his body. All I could do was hang in his grip, wrists pinned, on my toes, my body burning for his.


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