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The Battle for Endallen

Page 6

by Andrew G. Wood

  While Samuel could take up his post when the former occupant was ousted, Luca wanted Edward by his side a little longer. Although he thought it might appear somewhat selfish to ask, Edward had readily agreed to stay as long as he wanted. In the meantime, suitable staff would need to be found to run Edward’s estates in his absence, a task he had already set Lord Oakley. With the trials over, at least for now, Luca had one more problem to try and sort before focusing on the much larger matter at hand; that being trying to extract the necessary information from Frederick Elthan.

  As many of the soldiers had now left the area around the capital, having been divided into their respective groups for the advance on Endallen, some of the lesser nobles had travelled with them. One lordling that had not was Lord Felton, and one who Luca aimed at trying to help. Being no older than Luca, and having inherited his title and lands after the death of his father, the young lord was still having problems with his uncle, who appeared to want them for himself. While Luca could have just had the man arrested, without hard proof, there was little he could do legally to stop him. However, being the king did mean that certain protocols could be overlooked, at least if he chose to. Being intent in wanting to help Jack Felton, Luca had made a few requests from other nobles in and around the area of Sheperton.

  With the help of Lord Romley, Luca had learned how just a few gold coins could loosen the lips of most people. Having sent just a small group of men to Sheperton while Jack was in Miranor, Luca now apparently had several eyewitnesses willing to stand up in court to testify against the man causing the young Lord Felton trouble. With a spring in his step, Luca made his way down the corridor to the room given to Jack and his small entourage. With Edward at his side, they stopped about halfway down, and Luca waited while one of his guards tapped on the door.

  A tall, stocky man answered, wearing a soldier’s uniform but bearing the colours of Jack’s family, a depiction of a fox in motion. Although unarmed and not permitted weapons in the palace, the man was of such a size that he would certainly deter most would-be attackers; not that there were any now the palace was retaken. Edward, an exception to the rule being as he was still also Luca’s bodyguard, followed him into the room and sat down beside him on one of the cushioned seats. Although much smaller than the larger royal suites, the room was still of a reasonable size and more than ample for Jack and the two guards he had left remaining with him.

  Jack had the look of concern on his face as he took the seat opposite Luca and Edward.

  “Has something happened, Sire?”

  Luca shook his head, “And you know not to call me that, at least not in here in any case.”

  Jack apologised, although in truth Luca wasn't sure it was necessary. Seeing that the young lordling was slightly anxious, Luca started explaining what he had managed to achieve since last they spoke. Giving details of how a few men working with Lord Romley had ventured to Sheperton and started asking questions as to who was behind the trouble.

  “A few gold coins, and apparently there were more than a few willing to explain what was really happening,” Luca added with a smile.

  “So we have some evidence against him now?” Jack asked, just making sure he understood things correctly.

  “Well, if it comes to that, yes. I’ve ordered an arrest warrant for your uncle. He’s being brought to the capital as we speak.”

  “Oh, Thank you, Luca,” Jack said, his voice almost sounding exasperated, such was the relief.

  “Well, if it goes to trial, you know he will deny it all, and you will have to stand and testify against him?” Edward added. “Are you willing to do that?”

  Jack took a deep breath and nodded, “If that is what must be done.”

  Luca and Edward remained with Jack for only a short while, and although they hadn’t actually resolved his problem, they had set the wheels in motion about making life easier for the young lordling. It was apparently clear that Luca had made a new friend in Jack, which was somewhat all the more puzzling as to why Nerina had taken an instant dislike to the lad. Happy he had been able to do something positive, Luca and Edward left the young Lord Felton and headed for the suite being utilised by the Oakley family. No sooner did it seem that one problem was solved than another needed to be dealt with, and this was a big one.

  Chapter 6.The Prisoner.

  Quite how he was going to persuade Elysia to talk to Frederick was something Luca had not considered when coming up with the idea. While this part of the plan may have only been as a cover to allow Nerina and her mother to use their magic, it was still something that needed to be done. However, being as she was petrified of the man and wanted nothing whatsoever to do with him, would make matters slightly more difficult. Knowing that his half-sister had become re-attached to Elliot, Lord Fallon’s son, it was to him that Luca now looked to for help. With Elliot and Elysia having once shared feelings for each other before all this mess, Luca was surprised by just how quickly, despite all that had gone on, things seemed to be forgotten and the two had re-kindled all their old feelings.

  With Lord Fallon already away travelling with the army of soldiers slowly making their way towards Endallen, the young lordling was now allowed much more time alone with the princess. It was true that she still had her old rooms available if she wanted them, but it seemed she was insisting on remaining close to Elliot, and as a result, she was staying in the suite assigned to his family. Having already overseen the trials of the southern lords who had sided with Lord Elthan and visited Lord Felton to try and sort out his problems, the day was certainly a busy one.

  “I must admit, I never thought being King would be so tiring!” Luca gasped as he and Edward were escorted down the corridor leading to Lord Fallon’s suite.

  “I agree, and I apologise,” Edward replied.

  “What for?” Luca asked, unsure as to what he was saying sorry for.

  “Well, I always thought that you lot sat in your palace all day, eating, drinking and having wild parties. I have to admit it’s nothing like that at all. I mean, I’ve barely even had a chance to see Clarrisa. I know she’ll probably be heading off home soon.”

  Luca stopped suddenly. “I’m sorry. I’ve been thinking of myself all this time. Do you want to go and see her now?”

  “No, it’ll be fine. Let’s get this out of the way. To be honest, I’m not yet sure how to approach her. I’ve been trying to think of an excuse to call and see her, but with Lord Dalby away, I’m not sure Lady Dalby will want me skulking around her daughter.”

  Luca thought for a moment, before slowly smiling. “I’ll invite them and the Oakleys to dinner.”

  “What if they don’t want to come?”

  “Not going to happen. I am King don’t forget. People don’t refuse a dinner invite from the king,” Luca said with a smirk.

  “I’ll have it arranged for tomorrow,” Luca added as they continued walking again.

  Luca found Elysia sitting contently on one of the cushioned chairs in the suite being used by Lord Fallon and his son, although the former was now away leaving the two alone.

  “Luca!” Elysia said, sounding pleased he had called round to see her. While this was a pleasant surprise for Luca, he wasn’t so sure she’d be so glad when he asked her to talk to Frederick Elthan. However, he accepted the hug she gave him and duly sat down opposite her. Edward took the spot next to him while Elliot did likewise alongside Elysia, only much closer.

  “How are you feeling?” Luca asked, thinking it a good way to start the conversation.

  “Not too bad, thank you. Thankfully, I don’t recall much of what happened, perhaps it is best that way.”

  Luca knew there was no way he could ask without bringing up the past, and knowing he needed Elysia onside, he was left with little option but to do so. Taking a deep breath, Luca explained the reasoning behind him being there, and although a little shocked at his request, he thought his sister didn’t seem overly appalled by the idea.

  “We just need you to ask Fre
derick to reveal the location of the secret entrances into Bargsea, if there are any of course.”

  “If it makes you uncomfortable then it doesn’t matter!” Luca added trying to reassure Elysia that she wasn’t being forced into it.

  It was actually Elliot who suggested it wasn't for the best, and while Luca knew he was only trying to defend Elysia from any more grief, he did wish he would keep quiet. Being interrupted all the time and suggesting to Elysia it was a bad idea was being counter-productive, and just as it seemed she might do as he had asked, Elliot appeared to give her some element of doubt.

  “Lord Fallon,” Edward said sensing Luca’s annoyance, “Perhaps we should allow the king and his sister a little time together, without interference.”

  Only after checking Elysia was okay did the young lordling walk over to the windows overlooking the garden, although did glance over to where Luca and Elysia were sitting.

  “If you truly have the interests of the princess at heart, perhaps it would be wise not to interfere. The quicker we can defeat Lord Elthan, the sooner we can all return to normal.”

  The young lord glanced Edward’s direction as if trying to suss him out. While Edward might have been a commoner, the fact he was now a lord in his own right and advisor to the king carried some significant respect.

  “Moreover, if you have romantic inclinations towards her, you will at some point require the blessing of the king, perhaps it might be best if you help and not hinder him.”

  As to whether Elliot took the words as a threat or just a bit of friendly advice, Edward was not sure, but after a long hard stare, he nodded his head.

  “I only have Elysia’s interests at heart. I did not mean to appear awkward, you do understand don’t you?”

  Edward smiled and nodded his head, “Love is a powerful thing,” he replied, although unsure as to why. It wasn't as if he had much experience in that department himself, but as strange as those words had sounded as they left his mouth, it seemed the right thing to say.

  Luca tried to reassure Elysia once more that she need not put herself in any kind of danger. Frederick was imprisoned and would remain that way for the foreseeable future, although deep down, Luca already knew the day he got out was likely to be the day of his execution. As things stood, there was no apparent alternative other than to have Frederick executed for his part, although using his life as a bargaining tool might yet come in handy.

  In a dark, dank and very gloomy prison cell, Frederick Elthan sat huddled up on the floor. Although not cold, there was a certain chill about the place that only added to the overall discomfort. With a wooden bucket in the corner to use as a latrine, Frederick had at least been afforded a rough straw-filled mattress on which to sleep; something he knew prisoners did not ordinarily have. Only being fed twice a day, and then only being given what he thought passed as slop was the one thing that bothered him more than anything else. More used to fine dining and eating whenever he wanted, Frederick found the food he was given difficult to swallow and just as hard to keep down. He felt dirty, and still wearing the same clothes he had been wearing on the day of his incarceration, Frederick was also aware that he now stank as well.

  Looking down at the strange metal bangle he had been forced to wear he pondered over its purpose. Almost decorative it appeared like any other cheap trinket, but why would they place it on his wrist in prison? Such a strange thing to do, yet bizarrely he had no desire to remove it, even though he could do so with ease if he truly wanted to. Frederick turned sharply towards the thick wooden door as he heard the sound of keys rattling in the lock. The door opened with a loud creak as the hinges appeared to struggle with the weight, and Frederick was forced to shield his eyes slightly from the lamp being held up by a figure standing in the opening.

  Two guards moved in, making the room appear somewhat overcrowded, and placed something down on the floor before him.

  “Warm water and soap, and some fresh clothes. Get yourself cleaned up, you’re meeting someone later,” one of the soldiers said in a deep voice that seemed to echo off the stone walls.

  “Who?” Frederick asked, his voice sounding croaky and raspy.

  “None of your business!” the other soldier said before placing a single lit candle down on the floor before him.

  “Now do as your told!”

  Frederick felt a sudden sense of hope that perhaps something was happening that may yet see him freed from this living hell. All sense of being defiant had long since passed, and any chance, no matter how small, of getting out of his prison cell had to be grasped with both hands. No sooner had the guards left and relocked the door when Frederick immediately started stripping off his clothes, before tossing them down onto his mattress. With his eyes now accustomed to the light of the candle, he cupped his hands and dipped them in the bowl of water. The warmth felt so good, and as he splashed some up onto his face, he savoured the moment and the pleasure such a simple thing gave him.

  Unsure of how much time had passed since washing and changing his clothes, Frederick watched the candle slowly burning down to little more than a stub. The flickering light it gave off eventually stopped as the last of the wick fizzled out in the pool of warm wax. Whoever he was meeting was obviously in no hurry, yet Frederick still held some small amount of hope that this could only be a positive thing. Not wanting to dirty his new clothes, Frederick averting leaning up against the wall of his cell, opting instead to sit on his mattress. He felt his heart racing a little quicker as he heard the sound of rattling keys once more and the now familiar squeaking door to his cell opening.

  “Stand up!” said the same deep voice that had visited him earlier.

  Not wanting to give the guards an excuse to beat him, Frederick did as was asked, and even held his hands out in front of him when requested to do so. A pair of iron manacles were placed around his wrists linked together by a short chain.

  “Walk!” said one of the guards, grabbing his upper arm in a vice-like grip. Frederick had neither the strength nor the desire to resist the force being applied and did as was asked. Squinting his eyes slightly to shut out the light of the lamps on the walls, Frederick noticed two more guards waiting for him to take him up the stone steps that led up from the dungeon.

  Although having been in the capital for some time, the city dungeons was not a place he had visited. After feeling his legs tiring from the relentless number of stone steps, he and the guards eventually emerged into a large bright room. With a row of windows running high up on one wall it was far brighter than anything Frederick had experienced for some time and was left with little option but to close his eyes. Very slowly he opened them to allow just a little light in and was glad when everything in the room soon became visible to him.

  With plain whitewashed walls, this was a room lacking any kind of decoration. It had iron bars on the windows and another large oak door barring them from going any further. There were also another two soldiers, who joined the two that had escorted him up the steps, one taking a position in front and the other behind while the two original guards remained either side of him. Feeling the tight grip on his arm once more he was ushered forward towards the door, and after a slight delay, it was unlocked and opened for them to pass through. After passing through another room that had several more soldiers within, and a large desk that had an officer sitting behind, Frederick was forced to stop.

  The officer from behind the desk got to his feet and slowly meandered his way around towards him. Frederick was unsure whether he was going to receive some advice or a beating and actually felt his body tensing up as he expected the latter.

  “You will remain unharmed providing you obey these rules. Understand?” the officer said in a tone that somehow did not fit the size and stature of the man.

  “I understand,” Frederick said weakly.

  “You speak only when asked to do so. You do not move unless told to do so. You keep your arms down in front of you at all times. Understood?”

  Frederick n
odded his head that he did and seemingly happy that was sufficient enough, the officer gave the signal for him to be escorted out through another door.

  The feeling of the wind on his face felt good as Frederick inhaled the cool fresh air as they stepped out into a large courtyard. Unsure as to where exactly in the city he was, Frederick looked through squinted eyes to try and pick out any buildings of note. Unable to spot anything that might suggest where he was, he allowed himself to be moved forward towards a waiting wagon. Unlike anything he had seen before it was enclosed on all sides, resembling some type of mobile prison cell, only smaller.

  “Where are you taking me?” He asked already forgetting to heed the words of warning he had just been given.

  Frederick felt a sharp blow to the side of his head that caused him to let out a rather feeble sounding cry.

  “Only speak when you’re told to,” came an angry sounding voice.

  Being bounced around in the wagon, with his hands still bound together made for an uncomfortable ride through the city. However, peering through the small gap in the rear that had metal bars running vertically within it, he was able to spot a few buildings of note. After a few minutes, he realised which direction he was heading in, and felt a sudden mixture of nerves and excitement about who he was meeting. Confirming his theory, he noticed the now familiar sight of the palace as he passed through the entrance gates. Could his beloved Elysia have returned to release him from his imprisonment?


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