The Battle for Endallen

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The Battle for Endallen Page 7

by Andrew G. Wood

  Frederick was thrown back as the wagon came to a sudden and abrupt halt. Barely having time to sit back up, the door was opened, and he was grabbed and hauled out and on to his feet where he was able to gaze upon the palace without anything blocking his view. Such a wonderful sight, he thought, before he felt the same vice-like grip on his arm and was again given the order to move. Evidently, they were not heading for the main entrance but for one of the side doors more often used by tradesman and staff.

  With more soldiers joining their small group as they entered the palace building, Frederick found himself completely encapsulated. Unable to see much of what was around him, he resorted to gazing up at the ceiling and higher parts of the walls to try and determine whereabouts in the palace he was being taken. At first, he didn’t recognise the plain white walls and assumed he must be somewhere in the staff quarters. Only when they emerged into another corridor did he notice the décor becoming somewhat more regal, indicating he was being moved into a part of the building used by those occupying the palace.

  After being turned one way, then the other, Frederick felt somewhat dizzy as he was eventually hauled in through a set of white doors and forced down onto his knees. Two of the guards remained alongside him while the others moved out of the way enabling him to see in front of him. Slowly lifting his head up he caught sight of a boy sitting on a large chair before him. A young man was standing alongside wearing a sword at his waist, and two other men whose faces he was familiar with. Lord Fallon’s son, Elliot and Lord Oakley of Scarwood. The boy sitting in the large seat he recognised as the young prince, the very person he and his father had failed to kill in their bid to take the throne. Frederick felt his heart sink as he thought this was going to be his trial, something he had not prepared himself for. However, just as he was beginning to fear the worst, the door to the left of him opened and in walked the one person he longed to see more than any other.

  “Elysia!” he gasped as she moved elegantly to the front of the room to stand beside Elliot Fallon. Frederick felt another sharp blow to the side of his head which left his ears ringing, and another warning not to speak again.

  Looking at nobody except the woman he loved, Frederick smiled as she stepped just a little nearer.

  “Frederick,” she said in her soft, almost seductive tone. “We need some information about Bargsea. Are you willing to tell us?”

  Feeling somewhat lost in her beauty Frederick didn’t really comprehend what he was being asked and merely nodded his head. Frederick watched as Elysia crouched down a little lower, so she was at his level, and gazed longingly upon her beauty.

  “We need to know the location of any secret entrances. Can you tell us where they are located?”

  While nobody actually expected much information to be given, the fact that the seed of their whereabouts was now in Frederick’s mind was hopefully enough. Edward glanced over to Luca and gave a nod of his head as he felt the now familiar chill on his skin, a sign that someone was using magic nearby. As a matter of fact, Lady Oakley, Samuel and Nerina were sat on there own in the very next room to their right, and if anybody should wonder as to why they were there, they were merely waiting for Lord Oakley.

  Frederick shook his head, “No, you know I can never reveal them to you…Please don’t ask such things of me my sweet darling Elysia.”

  Luca glanced over to where Elliot was standing and could see just how uncomfortable those words made him, and if truth be told, Luca probably felt the same. It was not the actual words being spoken, but the way they were said, which Luca thought sounded almost weird and creepy. However, it seemed Elysia was not going to give up at the first attempt and asked the question again, only this time adding a little more urgency to her words. Again Frederick seemed lost in his thoughts as he merely gawped at her and took several seconds before answering.

  Still having no luck, Elysia glanced back over to where Luca was sat as if checking something. Luca nodded his head, and his half-sister nodded back in reply.

  Taking a deep breath and lowering her voice to little more than a whisper, Elysia leaned even closer to the man she despised. Pushing her own hatred and feelings aside to try and aid her brother, she spoke softly and calmly, making it appear she was giving Frederick a friendly warning.

  “If you do not tell us, they will kill you,” Elysia said before moving her head back and away from the prisoner.

  “And if I do tell them, they will kill me anyway.”

  Elysia pulled a somewhat anguished looking face as she again moved in closer, “No, they won’t. The king has given his word that your life will be spared if you cooperate.”

  There was another long pause as all eyes in the room focused on the bedraggled looking man kneeling on the floor in the middle of the room.

  “You wish for me to betray my own family?” Frederick asked aiming his question at Elysia. He was so focused on her that it was almost as if he had blanked out everyone else in the room.

  Elysia stepped over to where Lord Oakley and Elliot were positioned and spoke quietly, just checking her next move, before returning her attention to Frederick.

  “Your family have left you, Frederick. Your father is hiding In his castle keep, and your aunt is dead!”

  Frederick’s head dropped, and it appeared for all intent and purposes as if he was a beaten man.

  Suddenly he lifted his head and looked directly at Luca. “I will tell you everything you want to know, providing you make me the following promises.”

  The guard was about to raise his hand and strike Frederick, but Luca quickly signalled for him not to.

  “What is it you want?”

  “Sire, you can’t mean to negotiate with him?” Elliot quickly added, voicing his concerns.

  “Let’s just hear what he has to say,” Edward replied on Luca’s behalf, wishing the young lordling would keep his opinions to himself.

  “Firstly, you must guarantee my freedom. Secondly, you must accept that Elysia is my wife…”

  Elliot immediately went on the defensive and would have spoken again but not for Luca turning his head and giving him a stern stare.

  “If you remove my father, I am to inherit Endallen and all its lands and properties,” Frederick continued.

  Luca glanced over to Lord Oakley who was looking directly back at him as if expecting some kind of advice. Lord Oakley slowly shook his head, just confirming to Luca that such conditions should and could not be met.

  Luca thought for a moment, glancing several times between Elysia and Frederick as if he was actually considering the offer. While in truth he had already made up his mind, Luca hoped to give the prisoner the impression he was serious about the negotiation. Eventually, Luca turned his focus solely on Frederick, before making his decision known.

  “I will offer you this only once, and it is not for negotiation.”

  Luca got to his feet and walked slowly across the room, circling around Frederick as he spoke.

  “You are not in a position to make demands Frederick Elthan. However, I am willing to offer you this,” Luca added pausing slightly to ensure he got the next part right.

  “You reveal to us, the secret entrances to Bargsea, and I will spare your life, and in due course, you will be released from prison. Your marriage to Elysia is being scrubbed from the records and is being annulled as we speak. All claim to Endallen has already been lost, and all the lands, wealth and property upon it will be divided up as I see fit. That is my one and only offer, accept it, or the next time we speak, it will be at your last.”

  Luca thought he delivered the message well and spoke in such a way that he hoped Frederick took him seriously. Knowing such an offer would not be exactly what some of the nobles would like, Luca knew he was already pushing things as far as he dared.

  “If you wish, I can give you an hour to consider the offer.”

  Luca walked back to his seat and resumed his earlier position.

  Frederick seemed to break his gaze and peer down at the
floor as if his mind was mulling over what was being said. Opening his mouth now and saying something stupid could well mean it the last thing he ever said, and so trying to keep his breathing calm, Frederick ran the options through his mind. Surely, his own survival and freedom were paramount? Then again, was life without Elysia a life he wanted to live? Should, and more importantly, could, he betray his family?

  “I would like time to consider,” Frederick eventually replied, “Sire,” he added as if an afterthought.

  Luca merely gave a single nod of his head and gestured for those in the room to leave.

  Luca walked out first, accompanied by his own guards and Edward, followed by Lord Oakley and Elliot and Elysia. The soldiers in the room remained to keep watch on Frederick while he deliberated his own future.

  No sooner was the door closed behind them when Elysia hurried up to her brother, “You have annulled the wedding?” she asked seemingly surprised.

  “Of course. It’s what you wanted isn’t it?” Luca replied caught somewhat off guard.

  “Yes. Oh, thank you,” Elysia replied her eyes already welling up with tears.

  Luca flinched slightly as Elysia flung her arms around him and gave him a big hug, “Thank you,” she sniffled again.

  Luca smiled, albeit a little awkwardly, “If you ever wish to marry it will be with a man of your own choosing, I will not tell you who you should or should not be wed to.”

  Luca watched as Elysia’s gaze was instantly diverted to Elliot as if she had already decided and afforded himself a smile. At least he had managed to make somebody happy.

  After explaining to Elyisa that she had played her part well and that she was no longer needed, she and Elliot headed back to their rooms. Leaving the Oakley family, Luca and Edward in the room next to the one where Frederick was being kept. After asking his guards to wait outside for a little while, Luca asked Edward to stand by the door to ensure they were not disturbed.

  “Any luck?” Luca heard Samuel ask, directing the question at his sister.

  Luca spotted several hastily drawn sketches and scribbled notes on a few pieces of paper and instantly knew that Nerina had managed to get something.

  “His mind is weak, the moment it was suggested to him, I got this image. I think it’s a cave on the beach, that has stone steps leading up into Bargsea,” Nerina said sounding quite pleased with herself.

  “But when he sleeps later, we can get a better idea,” Lady Oakley added.

  Luca just nodded with a smile, “Excellent. The more information you can get the better. And if you can get more than one, well that would be better still.”

  “Do you think he will tell us?” Edward asked.

  “I’m sure he will, but he will probably give the minimum of information, and probably the access that is hardest and most dangerous to reach,” Luca replied.

  “Oh, I thought you spoke really well by the way. You certainly don’t sound like a novice at this type of thing.”

  “Thanks,” Luca said with a grin, glad of the compliment, feeling it was a genuine boost to his confidence.

  Luca caught Nerina’s gaze for a moment or two, and although he was still a little annoyed at her behaviour in trying to use magic to influence his own thoughts, he couldn’t help but smile her way. He wasn't sure why, but whenever he caught those eyes of hers looking at him, it made him feel strange inside.

  Chapter 7.A deal is struck.

  Luca felt he had allowed Frederick Elthan long enough to dwell over the offer he had been given. Returning to the room next door, and taking up the same positions they had earlier, Luca was somewhat surprised to see the prisoner still on his knees.

  “I have given you ample time. Have you made your choice?” Luca asked as soon as he had sat himself down.

  Frederick slowly lifted his head up and looked Luca in the eye.

  “You give me little choice…but I ask that…”

  Luca held up his hand and stopped Frederick mid-sentence, “Remember, the offer is not up for negotiation. You either accept my terms or not. The choice is yours, and you only get one chance to answer so speak your next words very carefully.”

  Luca held Frederick’s gaze, determined not to be the one who looked away as if a battle of wills had started. If that was to be the case, Luca had no intentions of losing it. After several seconds of silence, Frederick eventually yielded and let his head drop, “Very well!” he said, sounding as if he were exasperated by the ordeal.

  “There is a small stone tower up on a hill just to the east of Bargsea. It will be lightly guarded. In the basement, there is a trap door that leads to a narrow tunnel. Follow the tunnel, and it brings you out directly into the garrison's cellar.”

  Frederick looked up and again held Luca’s gaze as if both were trying to judge the other’s thoughts.

  “You know if the information you give is a lie, I will have you executed?” Luca asked just making sure Frederick knew the consequences for misinformation.

  Frederick merely gave him a nod of his head that he understood.

  “Is there just the one?” Luca asked.

  “I have kept my part of the bargain, ‘Sire’ and have given you what you asked for.”

  Luca nodded his head, “Very well. Take him back to the dungeon. See that he gets some proper food. If the information you give is correct, you will be released in due course. Understood?”

  Again Frederick merely gave a single nod of his head to indicate that he did.

  Luca waited for Frederick to be escorted back out of the room before airing his views.

  “So that’s two ways in that we know about. You think he’s given us the hardest one?”

  “I wouldn’t bet against it, Sire!” Lord Oakley replied, his gaze fixed on the doorway that the prisoner had just departed.

  “Perhaps Nerina might be able to discover more,” Luca said more in hope than any real expectation. As to whether there were more than two secret passages into Bargsea, he had no idea. As a matter of fact, he had no idea how many there were into Miranor; that was usually information passed from one king to the next. As Luca’s father had met a somewhat untimely end, that particular fact had not been made available to him. While he was certain that there might have been others who knew of there whereabouts, perhaps the commander of the Royal Guard, and one or two high ranking palace officials, but being as Lord Elthan had seen fit to execute the former and remove the latter from service, such information would have to wait. While Lord Oakley had tried to re-instate some of the staff from Luca’s father's reign, tracking them all down, knowing which could be trusted and persuading them to return was a slow process, especially with so much going on at the moment.

  Feeling quite exhausted, Luca eventually headed back to his suite, and although Edward joined him for most of the journey, they said their goodbyes before he reached his rooms. With the reminder that Luca had promised to arrange a dinner date for the Oakley family and those from the Dalby family that still remained in the capital, his work was not done for the day just yet. Leaving his guards at the door, Luca trudged into his vast Royal suite and slumped down onto one of the cushioned chairs. Feeling tired and hungry, he thought that perhaps life had been easier when he had been on the run. True, there were times when he had missed all the nice things that living in the royal palace had given him, but life, in general, had been much less stressful. With everybody looking to him to make some decision on one thing or another, Luca also knew this was only the start. Tomorrow would more than likely be just as mentally tiring as today, and the days ahead probably just as much.

  Luca watched on as two members of his house staff placed his dinner out on the dining table. In truth, Luca wasn’t overly bothered what he was being given and felt so hungry that even the fish stew he had been forced to endure on Lord Dalby’s ship would have been a welcome sight. Before the staff left him to enjoy his dinner, he asked that invites be sent for the meal he had promised Edward, to be held in the smaller of the formal dining rooms t
omorrow evening. Only when he felt all the details had been understood did Luca eventually allow himself to switch off and relax.

  Although only one, there was quite clearly enough food to feed at least three or four people, maybe more if the portions were smaller. While this was something Luca was used to, only since his arrival back at the palace did he realise just how wasteful this was. Perhaps his time away had opened his eyes about many things, and now knowing that others were not so fortunate, having so much food made just for him did seem little more than opulence, and one he could live without. Making a mental note that he would need to speak to the kitchen staff at some point, Luca lifted the lid off the two main platters to see what was actually on offer. On one there was a white fish covered in a creamy sauce, while on the other there was a large piece of beef surrounded by roasted vegetables. If that wasn’t enough, there was also a small tureen of soup and two plates with various types of cakes and biscuits. As hungry as Luca felt there was no way he would eat more than a fraction of what was on offer.

  Despite the cakes and biscuits looking very nice, Luca leant back in his chair and placed his hand on his stomach, feeling extremely bloated and full. He turned his head and sighed as a knock sounded at the door, and the guard on duty peered in.

  “Sorry to bother you, Sire. Lord Fallon’s son wishes to see you.”

  As much as Luca thought he’d had enough for one day, he knew refusing to see Elliot would only likely cause insult both to his sister and the young lord.


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