by Penn Rhodeen
view of IRA ceasefire in, 155
Belfast Telegraph, 84–85
Biaggi, Mario, 7
Blair, Cherie, 229
Blair, Tony, 164, 206–208, 210, 215, 217–220, 229, 232, 236
Bloody Sunday Massacre, 4, 37
Boyne, Battle of, 32, 43
Brabourne, Baroness, 37
British army, 30, 69, 82
British embassy, 60–62
British Foreign Office, 184
British government. see also Great Britain
and Gerry Adams’s access to US, 173–174
“exploratory talks” of Sinn Féin and, 176
importance of all-party talks to, 197–199
and IRA ceasefire by, 157–170
loyalist paramilitaries’ response to ceasefire vs., 169–170
meetings of IRA with, 130
and Mitchell report by, 194
opposition to Gerry Adams’s visa by, 134–137, 139
peace talks among approved parties by, 204–206
and “permanent” ceasefire, 158–160
preconditions for all-party talks from, 160–163, 168, 169
previous involvement in Northern Ireland by, 166–167
protection of Prime Minister’s position in, 163–166
resistance to Bill Clinton’s visit from, 177–178
during the Troubles, 29–30
warfare between Irish and, 30–37
British Irish Association meeting, 111–120
Brown, Jerry, 26, 46–47, 51
Bruton, John, 113, 119–120, 174, 177–178
Bush, George H. W., 14, 26, 43, 45, 52, 53, 56
Cahill, Joseph, 153–154
Cameron, David, 241
Canada, Fenian Brotherhood’s invasion of, 34
Canary Wharf attack (1995), 193–194, 197–199
Carey, Hugh, 91
Carson, Edward, 34
Carter, Jimmy, 49
Castlereagh Holding Centre, 3
Castro, Fidel, 104
Catholics, 2, 7, 29–31, 41
IRA (see IRA ceasefires) loyalist, 169–170
Charles, Prince of Wales, 229
Charles I, 31
Christopher, Warren, 135, 136, 138
Cibes, William, 17
Clinton, Bill, and administration, 6
and Gerry Adams/Sinn Féin’s access to US, 172–174
and Gerry Adams’s visa, 64, 125–126, 135–136, 138–139, 144
on British response to IRA ceasefire, 165, 167
and Joe Cahill’s visa, 154
contributions to peace process by, 232
economic conference sponsored by, 174–175
economic envoy to Northern Ireland, 172
and end of IRA ceasefire, 195, 199–200
and Ray Flynn’s canceled trip, 65–67
follow through on campaign promises of, 57–67, 116–117, 125–126, 173
and Good Friday Agreement, 218–219, 222
and 1994 IRA mortar attacks, 146
and Irish American Round Table, 57–62
Irish-American support of, 44–45
Irish Americans’ views of, 64–65
and John Major, 53–54, 174, 179
and Bruce Morrison, 39, 41, 48, 51, 84
new Northern Ireland policy, 25–27, 44–51, 53–56
Northern Ireland visit, 175–188
on Omagh bombing, 227, 229
presidential campaign of, xiii, 39, 41–56
Albert Reynolds’s opposition to peace envoy of, 62–64
support for all-party talks by, 171–178
and unofficial peacemakers’ trip, 80–81, 104–105, 106–108
Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 6, 25, 180, 229
Collins, Michael, 36
communication, 108–109
Connecticut gubernatorial campaign of 1990, 15–19
Connolly, James, 35
Conservative and Unionist Party, 163
Conway Mill event, 102–103
Corrigan, Mairéad, 38
Craig, James, 86
Creighton, Jimmy, 245
Cromwell, Oliver, 31
Crowe, William J., 135–136
Daring Diplomacy (O’Clery), 232
Dearie, John, xiii
de Chastelain, John, 189, 204, 215, 216, 239
decommissioning, of weapons. see Weapons decommissioning
DeLauro, Rosa, 19
Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), 76, 77, 217–218
Department of Justice, 134
Derry, Northern Ireland, 1–9
de Valera, Éamon, 35, 36
Dinkins, David, 124, 126
Dodd, Christopher, 136
Donaghy, Gerry, 4
Downey, Roma, 145
Downing Street Declaration, 45, 130–131, 135, 147, 157, 166, 167, 170
Dublin, Ireland, 71–72
Dukakis, Michael, 26
Dunlop, John, 116
DUP. see Democratic Unionist Party
Easter Rising, 35
economic change, 90, 91, 115, 132–133
economic development, 49, 174–175
economic envoy, 172
Edwards, Anne, 180, 184–185
Eire, 36
elections, in Northern Ireland, 190–192, 196–197, 200–201
Elizabeth II, 229, 241
Empey, Reg, 220
Enniskillen bombing (1987), 70
Ervine, David, 97–101, 244–245
Europa Hotel, 186
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 56, 134, 135
Federal Housing Finance Board, 175, 232–233
Feeney, Chuck, 70–71, 125, 145, 152, 171, 172, 194, 195, 213
Fenian Brotherhood, 34
Flowers, Gennifer, 44, 46
Flynn, Ray, 44, 65–67, 71
Flynn, William “Bill,” 110, 125, 130, 132, 140, 142, 145, 152, 169, 195, 213
Foley, Thomas, 7, 133, 134, 136, 138, 145, 232
Friends of Ireland, xiv, 6–7
Frost, David, 194
Galvin, Martin, 50, 128–129
Galway, James, 145
Gearan, Mark, 184
Giuliani, Rudy, 172
Glencairn meeting, 42, 233
Good Friday Agreement, 223–233
and Downing Street Declaration, 131
drafting of, 215–221
international recognition of, 230–232
and Omagh bombing, 227–230
ratification of, 223–226
response in Belfast to, 232–233
Gore, Al, 172
Grant, Hugh, 135
Grasso, Ella, 15
Great Britain
Gerry Adams’s visa and political events in, 126–127
political process of US vs., 212
US relationship with, xiii, 24–25, 136–137, 179
and US involvement in Northern Ireland, 24
Great Hunger (Great Famine), 33–34
The Greening of the White House (O’Clery), 232
Haass, Richard, 242
Hamill, Catherine, 180–181
Henry II, 30
Henry VIII, 30–31
Herndon, Joe, 85
Higgins, Michael, 241
Hispanic Congressional Caucus, 12
Hitchens, Peter, 172
Holkeri, Harri, 189, 204, 215, 216
Holy Cross demonstrations, 238–239
Home Rule Act, 34
Howell, Ted, 208, 209
Hume, John, 145–146, 167
Gerry Adams’s meetings with, 21, 38–39, 52
American influence of, 52, 73, 127, 133
Bill Clinton’s meeting with, 183, 186
at National Committee on American Foreign Policy conference, 142, 143
Nobel Peace Prize for, 230
at Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, 205
and Gerry O’Hara, 4–5
/> on Omagh bombing, 229
on response to Mitchell report, 191
support for Gerry Adams’s visa from, 132–134, 230
support for elections from, 200
unofficial peacemakers’ meeting with, 90–92
Hussein, Saddam, 26
Hutchinson, Billy, 97–101, 213
Hyland, Christopher, 44–45, 58, 59
Ickes, Harold, 50
Immigration Act (1990), 11–15, 74
Immigration Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee, 11
International Body on Decommissioning, 203–204. see also Mitchell report
IRA. see Irish Republican Army
IRA ceasefires
of 1994, 145–155
Gerry Adams’s ability to produce, 147–148
and all-party talks, 209–210
American work to reestablish, 199–203
announcement of, 154–155, 157–158
British response to, 157–170
end of, 193–208
for Ray Flynn’s trip, 65, 67
Kashmir Road meeting on state of, 182–184
and Mitchell report, 189
reestablishment of, 197
and unofficial American peacemakers, 71–72, 107–108, 120, 148–153
and visa for Gerry Adams, 135, 139, 144–145
and visa for Joe Cahill, 153–154
and White House St. Patrick’s Day party, 145–147
Irish, warfare of British and, 30–37
Irish America, 22
Irish American Forum, 47–51
Irish American Round Table, 57–62
Irish Americans
on Bill Clinton and administration, 27, 47–53, 64–65, 129–130
importance of Northern Ireland to, xiii
interest in immigration reform bill, 12
political power of, 34
self-image of, 24
support for Gerry Adams’s visa by, 125–129
support for new Northern Ireland policy by, 23–24, 44–45
Irish-Americans for Clinton-Gore, xiv, 57
Irish Citizen Army, 35
Irish Civil War, 36
Irish Free State, 36
Irish News, 85
Irish Northern Aid Committee (Noraid), 7, 128, 145, 153
Irish Peace Process, 39
Irish Republic, 35
Irish Republican Army (IRA)
and Ad Hoc Committee on Irish Affairs, 7
British government’s meetings with, 130
British view of, 24
Bill Clinton’s analysis of, 199–200
creation of, 30
decommissioning of, 228, 239, 240
Enniskillen bombing by, 70
in Irish War of Independence, 36
Ted Kennedy’s relationship with, 132–133
loyalist paramilitaries vs., 95–97
John Major’s understanding of, 203–204
mortar attacks on Heathrow Airport by, 146
power of, 197–199
and RUC, 2
and Shankill bombing, 121–123
and Sinn Féin, 1–2, 92
Special Category Status in prison for members of, 37
stand down of, 240
as terrorist organization, 105
during the Troubles, 37
Irish Voice, 22–23
Irish Volunteers, 34
Irish War of Independence, 36
James II, 32
James VI of Scotland (James I of England), 31
Jamison, Joe, 150
Jefferson-Jackson-Bailey dinner, 19
John Paul II, pope, 76
Joint Declaration, 159
Kashmir Road meeting, 182–184
Keaton, Michael, 145
Kelly, Sean, 121
Kennedy, Edward “Ted,” 14, 52, 73, 78, 91, 132–134, 136, 145, 146, 172, 194
Kennedy, John F., 15, 26
Kerry, Bob, 135
King, Peter, 140
Labour Party, 164, 206–207
Lake, Tony, 135, 145, 176
Larry King Live, 142
Larsen, Don, 110
Lawlor, Richard, 7–8
Lenahan, Bill, 150
Lieberman, Joe, 16
loyalist paramilitaries, 95–101, 169–170, 206
on all-party talks, 210–211
in Belfast, 82–83
beliefs of, 29
on Bill Clinton’s Northern Ireland visit, 180–181
decommissioning preconditions for, 161
unofficial peacemakers’ meetings with, 92–101
views of British by, 43
Luther, Martin, 30
Mackie International, 180
Maginnis, Ken, 220
Major, John
and Tony Blair, 206–207
and Bill Clinton, 53–54, 174, 179
and Bill Clinton’s Northern Ireland trip, 189
and Downing Street Declaration, 130
and end of IRA ceasefire, 195–197
and IRA ceasefire, 151
and IRA ceasefires, 201–204
and loyalist ceasefire, 169–170, 173–174
and loyalist paramilitaries, 206
on Mitchell report, 191–192
reception of Mitchell report by, 190
and Albert Reynolds, 39, 62, 72, 245
on twin-track approach, 177–178
understanding of Sinn Féin and IRA by, 203–204
unofficial peacemakers’ influence on, 171
Making Peace (Mitchell), 205
Making Sense of the Troubles (McKittrick and McVea), 191
Man and Superman (Shaw), 33
Mary II, 32
Maskey, Alex, 211
Maxwell, Paul, 37
Mayhew, Sir Patrick, 86–88, 173
Mazzoli, Roman, 13
McBride Principles, 49, 50
McCormack, Inez, 112, 115–117, 225
McCurry, Mike, 46, 49–50, 134–135
McGimpsey, Christopher, 42, 77–79, 89, 90
McGrory, Mary, 187–188
McGuinness, Martin, 85, 92, 228, 240, 242
team and friendship with Ian Paisley, 240, 245
McKittrick, David, 109–110, 118–119, 191, 241
McMichael, Gary, 211
McVea, David, 191
media coverage
of Gerry Adams US visa, 134
of Bill Clinton’s Northern Ireland visit, 187–188
of unofficial peacemakers’ trip, 84–88, 92–93
MI5, 83, 243
Mitchell, George, 101, 145
and Gerry Adams’s influence on IRA, 203–204
at all-party talks, 211–215
contributions to peace process by, 232
as economic envoy to Northern Ireland, 172
and end of IRA ceasefire, 194, 195
and Good Friday Agreement, 215–221
at peace talks among British-approved parties, 204–206
and twin-track approach, 176, 177
Mitchell report, 189–192
Moakley, Joe, 13–14
Molyneaux, Jim, 77–78
Moore, Richard A., 43
Morrison, Bruce, 145. see also unofficial peacemakers’ trips to Northern Ireland
on Gerry Adams, 140, 148, 226
and all-party talks, 209, 212, 214–215
on ANIA, 60
background of, 5–8
in Belfast after the peace, 232–233, 236, 244
at British Irish Association meeting, 111–120
on British response ceasefire, 160, 161, 163–165, 168
on change, 112
and Bill Clinton/Clinton administration, 39, 41, 48, 51–52, 65, 84, 175, 182, 187, 200
Connecticut gubernatorial campaign of, 15–19
on Downing Street Declaration, 131
on economic conference, 174–175
on elections, 201
br /> on end of IRA ceasefire, 194, 196
on Chuck Feeney, 70
on Good Friday Agreement, 223–225
on John Hume, 90, 91, 134
immigration reform bill of, 11–15
and IRA ceasefires, 151, 154–155, 182–184, 201–204, 207–208
and Irish American activists, 64–65, 125–128
legacy of, 21–22
on 1992 New York Democratic primary, 47
on Nobel Peace Prize, 230–232
Northern Ireland analysis by, 45–46
Northern Ireland visits of, 41–44
Niall O’Dowd’s meetings with, 21–27
on Omagh bombing, 227–229
on paramilitary groups, 96–97
political projects of late 1980s, 9
on Albert Reynolds, 63–64
RUC stop of, 1–9
and Sinn Féin, 102–103, 197–199
and Nancy Soderberg, 52–53, 195
on Margaret Thatcher, 37
on the Troubles, 36–37
on US visa for Gerry Adams, 126–127, 139, 140, 143, 144
UVF meeting with, 98–100
on White House St. Patrick’s Day party, 146
Morrison, Drew, 208
Morrison, Nancy, 207–208, 235, 236
Morrison, Van, 185
Morrison visas, xiv, 23, 44, 48
Mountbatten, Louis “Dickie,” 37, 229
Mountbatten, Nicholas, 37
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 91, 133, 146
My Life (Clinton), 181
National Committee on American Foreign Policy, 130–132, 142–143
nationalists, 29, 82–83, 225
National Security Agency (NSA), 172
National Security Council (NSC), 138
new American Northern Ireland policy, 39
at British Irish Association meeting, 117
Clinton’s letter outlining, 54–55
in general election, 53–56
Irish American support for, 44–45
and 1992 New York Democratic primary, 45–51
New Haven Legal Assistance, 6
Newman, Paul, 145, 146
New York Democratic primary (1992), 45–51
New York Times, 134
Nixon, Richard, 17
Nobel Peace Prize, 230–232
Noraid. see Irish Northern Aid Committee
northern Catholic rebellion (1641), 31
Northern Ireland
after Irish Civil War, 36
in British politics, 164
Bill Clinton’s visit to, 175–188
creation of, 29
economic conference on investing in, 174–175
economic envoy to, 172
Ray Flynn’s canceled trip to, 65–67
Bruce Morrison’s visit to, 41–44
new elections in, 176
power of politicians in, 165–166
in 1980s, 2
violence during the Troubles in, 30
Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association, 29
Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, 205
Northern Ireland Policing Board, 226