Italy: influence on English manners
It’s in Good Taste (TV show)
James I, King of England (James VI of Scotland): Basilikon Doron
James, Clive
Japan: behavioural conformity; manners; table manners
Jefferson, Thomas
Jeremy Kyle Show, The (TV programme)
John of Salisbury
Johnson, Samuel; Dictionary of the English Language
Jones, Inigo
Kama Sutra
Kant, Immanuel
Keats, John
Keen, Maurice
Kelland, Philip: Transatlantic Sketches
Kelling, George L.
Kielmansegge, Friedrich
King, Ryan
Kingsland, Florence Burton: Etiquette for All Occasions
kissing: as greeting and farewell
Kitano, Takeshi
Knigge, Adolph
Knigge Society (Germany)
Knollys, Beatrice: The Gentle Art of Good Talking
Koch, Robert
Kolbert, Elizabeth
Koslofsky, Craig
Kynaston, David: Austerity Britain
Ladies Complete Letter-Writer, The (1763)
Ladies’ Sanitary Association
Landor, Walter Savage
Landry, Geoffroy de la Tour: The Book of the Knight of the Tower
Lane, Allen
Langford, Paul
language: ‘correct’ and ‘incorrect’; of manners; polite; and verbal gaffes; see also euphemism
Lanier, Jaron
Lavater, Johann Kaspar
Le Grand, Jacques: The Book of Good Manners
l’Enclos, Ninon de
Lessing, Doris
Lesuire, Robert Martin: Les Sauvages de l’Europe
letters and letter-writing
Lewis, C. S.
Licensing Act: ends (1695)
lies: acceptable
Lisle, Arthur Plantagenet, Viscount and Honor, Viscountess
Lisle Letters
location: and behaviour
Locke, John; Some Thoughts Concerning Education
London: dominant influence; sewage system; street lighting
London Journal
Lorris, Guillaume de and Jean de Meun: Roman de la Rose
Louboutin, Christian
Louis XIV, King of France
lunch: for women
Lydgate, John; The Dietary (poem)
McEnroe, John; Serious
McGinn, Colin
Machiavelli, Niccolò
Mackenzie, Henry: The Man of Feeling
mail coaches
Major, John
Mallock, William Hurrell: Social Equality: A Short Study in a Missing Science
Mandeville, Bernard: The Fable of the Bees
manners: American; Burke on; English; and feeling good; guides to; McEnroe on; modern; and morality; national differences; origins and history; and power relationships; and primal urges; principles and conventions; supposed decline; as symptoms of repression; as virtue; vocabulary of; word and meaning; see also table manners
Manners, Miss see Martin, Judith
Manners and Rules of Good Society
Mannersmith (US etiquette firm)
Marie Antoinette, Queen of Louis XVI
Martin, Andrew
Martin, Judith: Miss Manners’ Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior
Martineau, Harriet
Mary II (Stuart), Queen
Mass Observation
Meaden, Deborah
medieval period: and acceptable behaviour; childhood; formal assemblies; lifestyle; and meeting; public and private life; violence
meetings: and duels; formal assemblies; greetings and conventions
Meyer, Stephenie: Twilight novels
Middle Ages see medieval period
Mikes, George; How To Be An Alien
Mill, John Stuart: ‘The Subjection of Women’
Mitford, Nancy; Noblesse Oblige
Mitterrand, François
mobile phones
molly houses
monasteries: and mannerly behaviour
Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat, baron de
Moody, Eleazar: The School of Good Manners
morality: and aesthetics; and manners
More, Hannah; Thoughts on the Importance of the Manners of the Great to General Society
Morgan, John
Morgan, John Pierpont
Moritz, Carl Philip
Mortimer, Roger, 1st Earl of March
Muralt, Béat-Louis de
Murdock, George P.
Murray, Charles: Coming Apart
Muthesius, Hermann
Myddle, Shropshire
names (personal): use of
Nash, Richard (‘Beau’)
Nashoba, Tennessee
National Viewers’ and Listeners’ Association
National Vigilance Association
New Chesterfield, The (1830)
newspapers and magazines: in eighteenth century
Nicolson, Sir Harold: Good Behaviour
Nivelon, François: The Rudiments of Genteel Behaviour
Norman Conquest
Obama, Barack and Michelle
Oprah Winfrey Show, The (TV programme)
Orwell, George; ‘England Your England’
Osborne, Francis: Advice to a Son
Oxford, Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of
Oxford English Dictionary (OED)
Oxford University: student behaviour
Packington, William
Palmer, John
Parry, Hubert
parting: language of
Peacham, Henry: The Art of Living in London; The Compleat Gentleman
peers: in Tudor England
Penguin books
Pepys, Elizabeth
Pepys, Samuel
Petrow, Steven
Phillips, Timothy
Piñera, Sebastián
Pinker, Steven
Piozzi, Hester: British Synonymy
Pitt, William, the Younger
Pizarro, David
place see location
Place, Francis
Playford, John: The English Dancing Master
please and thank you (words)
polite, politeness
population: changes in
pornography: on internet
Post, Emily: The Blue Book of Social Usage; Etiquette
postal service
Pratt, Samuel: The Pupil of Pleasure
Present for an Apprentice, A (1838)
privacy: and behaviour; and desire for space; in home; and marriage
prostitutes: directories of
Prynne, William
Ptahhotep (Egyptian vizier)
public houses (pubs)
public schools
Puritans: object to good manners; sexual repression
Putnam, Robert
Quakers: handshakes
Quickborner (German company)
Raban, Jonathan: Soft City
Ransone, L. J.: ‘Good Form’ in England, by an American Resident in the United Kingdom
Reagan, Ronald
religion: and behaviour; and civility; see also Christianity
Renier, G. J.: The English: Are They Human?
Respect Action Plan (2006)
Richard II, King
Richardson, Samuel; Clarissa; Letters Written to and for Particular Friends, on the Most Important Occasions
p; riots
Robinson, J.: A Manual of Manners; or, Hints for the Proper Deportment of School Boys
Rochester, John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of
Roland le Pettour
Ross, Alan
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
Royal Society
rudeness (word)
Ruskin, John: Modern Painters
Russell, Bertrand; ‘Good Manners and Hypocrisy’
Russell, John: Boke of Nurture
St George, Andrew
Salgado, James
Savile, Lady Elizabeth (later Countess of Chesterfield)
Savile, George see Halifax, 1st Marquess of
Savile, Sir William
savoir vivre
Scott, Sir Walter; Tales of a Grandfather
Scruton, Roger
Scudéry, Madeleine de
Seinfeld (TV programme)
Select Society (Edinburgh)
Sellar, W. C. and R. J. Yeatman: 1066 and All That
Seneca; De beneficiis
Sennett, Richard
servants: decline; earlier prevalence; influence on children; Swift on; tipping
Sévigné, Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, marquise de
sex: and deviant practices; and dress; English attitudes to; and euphemisms; and manners; manuals; misconduct
Shadwell, Thomas: The Humorists
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3rd Earl of; Characteristics of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times
Shakespeare, William: foreign view of; As You Like It; Hamlet; Henry V; Much Ado About Nothing; Othello
Shaw, George Bernard
Shils, Edward
Shipton, Eric
shoes and footwear
Sidney, Sir Philip
Silex, Karl
Simmel, Georg
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Smith, Helen Huntington
Smith, Philip
Society for the Reformation of Manners
sorry (word)
Souderne, Thomas
speaking; see also conversation
Spectator (magazine)
Stanhope, Philip
‘Stans puer ad mensam’ (poem; attrib. Robert Grosseteste)
Steele, Sir Richard
Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle)
Sterne, Laurence
stereotypes (national)
stiff upper lip
Stohr, Karen
Stone, Lawrence
Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, 1st Earl of
Strauss, Neil: The Game
Street, George Slythe
street lights
Stubbes, Philip: Anatomie of Abuses
Sully, James
Sunday schools
Swift, Jonathan; A Proposal for Correcting, Improving and Ascertaining the English Tongue; Directions to Servants; Polite Conversation
table manners
table placings
Tatler (magazine)
tea and tea-drinking
technology: effect on conduct
teeth: condition
Tegg, Thomas
television: effects
Terry, Ellen
Thatcher, Margaret, Baroness
theatre: Puritan view of
Thesiger, Wilfred
Thomas, Edward: The Heart of England
Thomas, Keith
Thomasin of Zerklaere
Thoreau, Henry David
Thoroughly Mannerly Millicent (romance novel)
Tilman, Bill
tips and tipping (gratuities)
Tocqueville, Alexis de; Democracy in America
Toleration, Act of (1689)
tourism (abroad)
towns see city life
Trollope, Anthony
Trollope, Frances; The Domestic Manners of the Americans
Troubridge, Laura, Lady
Trusler, John (ed.): Principles of Politeness
Truss, Lynne: Talk to the Hand
Tuke, Thomas
Tunbridge Wells
Tupper, Martin
Turkle, Sherry
Twain, Mark; Notebooks
‘U’ and ‘non-U’ speech
United States of America: belief in decline of manners and civility; children’s upbringing; Fanny Trollope on manners in; literature of manners; see also America
unmannerly (word)
Upton, Nicholas
Urban II, Pope
urbane (word)
urbanism see city life
van Dyck, Sir Anthony
Vanderbilt, Amy
Vauxhall Gardens, London
Veblen, Thorstein; The Theory of the Leisure Class
Vecellio, Cesare
Victoria, Queen
Victorian period: children; dining arrangements; values
violence: diminishing acts of; English; medieval
Vipont, Elfrida: The Elephant and the Bad Baby (children’s book)
Voltaire, François-Marie Arouet: Essai sur l’histoire générale, et sur les moeurs et l’esprit des nations
Walker, John: A Critical Pronouncing Dictionary
Wallace, Marcellus (character in Pulp Fiction)
Wallace, Robert
‘Walter’ (Victorian diarist)
Ward, Ned
Washington, George
Waugh, Evelyn
Wesley, John
Westin, Alan F.
Westwood, Dame Vivienne
Whitehouse, Mary
Whyman, Susan
Wilkes, John
Willet, Deborah
William III (of Orange), King
Wilson, Edmund
Wilson, Edward O.
Wilson, James Q.
Wilson, Thomas
Wilton Diptych (painting)
Winchester, Simon
Winthrop, John
Wodehouse, P. G.
Wollstonecraft, Mary
Wolsey, Cardinal Thomas
women: in Castiglione’s Book of the Courtier; Chesterfield on; and chivalry; and contraceptive pill; deference to; domestic management and duties; dress; equality and liberation; fashionable; freedom in sixteenth century; guides to behaviour; middle-class; recreation and leisure; role in society; sexual vulnerability; working; as writers of US literature of manners
Wordsworth, William
work: changing nature and conditions
World (journal)
Wright, Frances
Wright, Lawrence
Wykeham, William of
Yoffe, Emily
Young, Arthur: Travels
Young Foundation
Young Lady’s Book, The (1829)
Young Lady’s Companion, The (1740)
youth: behaviour
Zeldin, Theodore
Defining the World
The Secret Life of Words
The Language Wars
Farrar, Straus and Giroux
18 West 18th Street, New York 10011
Copyright © 2013 by Henry Hitchings
All rights reserved
Originally published in 2013 by John Murray (Publishers), Great Britain
Published in the United States by Farrar, Straus and Giroux
First American edition, 2013
Library of Congress Control Number: 2013945368
ISBN: 978-0-374-26675-2 •
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