Dillon: Bad Boys Series High School Hot Love Hate Relationship

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Dillon: Bad Boys Series High School Hot Love Hate Relationship Page 10

by Jessie Rose Case

  “Knows enough.” She told him quietly.

  He looked at her then. “I see but not all of it.” She tried not to get angry. He shouldn’t be in here.

  “He doesn’t need to know it all. Why upset him. He’s got enough on his plate.”

  He stared off in the distance for a moment. “Losing his mother was hard on Dillon. He has too big a heart buried under all that gruff bravado and fucked off attitude. I tried to harden him up and failed. Losing someone else he loves might finish him off.”

  She must have looked surprised. He smiled like he had all the answers. Maybe he did.

  “Yes lass, love.”

  Loves? She frowned. He was wrong right?

  Her voice was hard to find. “I…. can’t speak for Dillon’s feelings Mr Connolly and wouldn’t want to to be honest. I guess I better not die.”

  “You might not have a choice,” he told her gruffly. A slight frown creased his forehead.

  She knew that better than most and didn’t need him telling her. “Then I’ll make sure he’s ready for that.”

  “No one’s ever ready for that lass.” He sounded sad. She let out a sigh and closed her eyes, what he said was true and she wondered why he was being so nice.

  So she was honest with him. “I tried to keep him at bay. Tried to keep some distance but he wouldn’t have it. Kept coming at me even when I was really pissed off and rude, made threats and he still wouldn’t stay away. That he’s all in he says and if you’re here to tell me to make him, I won’t do it. For now, he feels he needs me, or I need him or both. Who the hell knows? But when he gets bored with that and I’m sure he will sooner or later or wants more than I can give, he’ll move on and hopefully, be a better person for having known me. That’s the best we can wish for when meeting someone Mr Connolly and maybe he can learn to love himself a little bit in the process. I hope so anyway. He doesn’t love himself very much right now.”

  “And what happens to you when he moves on?”

  She hesitated. He brought up questions she didn’t want to think about. She didn’t want to have to deal any of that. She wanted to be strong, confident, the one with fight in her veins but she was in it up to her neck now and hoped she wasn’t losing that battle.

  “I’ll do what I always do. Survive. How are you even in here?” she asked tiredly. “It’s family only.”

  “I told them I was your dad.” She burst out laughing.

  “Seriously? You got away with that?” He shrugged and grinned, nodding.


  A nurse came in and changed the IV bag. She patted her arm. “Doing good today Sam, no sickness or nausea?” She shook her head. “Okay looks like your system is accepting it. I’ll be back a little later.”

  The door closed. “Where are your parents?”

  “In the UK.” She sighed. “It’s complicated. Mum rejected it as too risky. Dad was supportive but didn’t want to be seen going against mum or taking sides. They feel guilty. But I’m old enough to make my own decisions and my aunt by marriage agreed with me. Dad put me in touch, and I felt it was worth the risk, so she asked her brother- in-law by marriage to put me up here.”

  “Why’d your parents object if it’s worth the try?”

  She fidgeted. “Well, it comes with the risk of….. taking more than it will give me.”

  He looked at her. Hard. Yeah, that was more that Dillon didn’t know.

  “That’s quite a gamble lass.”

  She waited for him to say something more, but he didn’t, just opened a paper and started reading. “You’re staying?” she asked looking at him aghast.

  “Yep nowhere else to be right now might as well be here.”


  He put the paper down and seemed to drift off for a moment.

  “The first time I met my boys’ mother she was walking with friends to a car. I was hanging out with some lads. We thought we were shit hot. I’d shouted out something cheeky and been rude to her and her friend in particular. She gave me a good mouthful which surprised the hell out of me. People didn’t do that, they knew who my family was. They started to drive off and do you know what she did?”

  Sam chuckled and shook her head. “Don’t tell me she gave you the bird.”

  “Yeah she did and like you, she knew exactly who I was and didn’t put up with any of that shit.”

  Sam sighed. Life was a strange companion at times. “Does Dillon know that story?”


  “You don’t talk about her much?”


  He opened his paper back up. Sam felt immensely sad, for Dillon, his brothers and his dad. His dad clearly missed his wife and couldn’t talk about it.

  “Maybe you should. I wish I’d met her. She sounds like my kinda lady.”

  She didn’t think he’d answer but he did. “She’d have loved you and made my life a fucking hell.”

  She chuckled a little and felt sleep creeping over her and yawned.

  “She sounds perfect. I’m sorry for your loss. I’m very tired, I’ll sleep now.”

  She drifted and as she did, she thought she heard his voice tell her, she was safe, and he’ll watch over her.

  Strangely, it didn’t sound menacing at all. It felt….. right.

  When she woke next, he was still there.

  She’d admit, it was nice to see someone there with her. A noise at the foot of her bed turned her attention that way. She blinked, then focused not quite believing what she was seeing. The brothers had dropped in too, they were playing cards across the bed table they’d commandeered. All three of them crammed into her treatment room.


  She guessed that was probably what woke her up. “You’ve got to be shitting me.”

  She blinked looking at all three of them as they turned to face her. The brothers and Mr Connolly still reading. It was a little surreal. She started to exaggerate looking around the room.

  “What you looking for lass?” Mr Connolly asked putting the paper down.

  “I’m looking for the strippers, the fight ring and the free booze otherwise what the fuck are you all doing here?”

  Mr Connolly smiled the brothers cracked up laughing. “This is not funny.” She told them but she couldn’t help but grin back shaking her head. “You are so bad, and this is so fucking weird.”

  Mr Connolly unwrapped a plate as calm as you like and passed it to her. “Nurse said to make sure you eat something and drink.”

  “You do know this is really weird right?” she asked taking the plate.

  “We are weird. You fit right in.”

  She snorted. “You can’t be serious. I won’t be used against Dillon to have him dragged in more than he already is. He wants out for now. Later who knows.”

  “You won’t be, and I know that.” He thumbed to his boys.

  She looked at the brothers who were grinning as she ate. “You have same very bad boy reputations.” She narrowed her eyes. “Not the nice kind so don’t go fucking off my nurses or doctors, I need them.” They just grinned wider. She shook her head.

  “That’s Tom and Paul. You should call me Gabriel or Gab. Either’s good.”

  The brothers gave her a wave and a wink. She stared at them in mock horror much to their amusement and shook her stunned head rolling her eyes, trying to make sense of it all turning back to dad.

  “Gabriel? As in the angel? Someone had a sense of humour.” He cracked up.

  “We were all angels before we were fallen lass.”

  Yep. She knew that.

  “Okay then.” She munched on her sandwich.

  “Dillon living with you now?” Gab asked.

  She shrugged. “It’s an open invitation. He stays cos he wants; Bill has no problem with that. He’s letting him use the den.”

  “He’s not fucking you?” Sam chocked on her sandwich. Taking the water, Gab passed her. She took several sips until her throat cleared. Her face flamed and frowned.

e of your business….. Gab.” He grinned at her.

  “She isn’t.” Paul told his dad.

  “Dillon has blue balls.” Tom chipped in.

  She pointed her finger at Paul then Tom narrowing her eyes. “Hey, stay out of my bis or I’ll break fingers.”

  Tom rubbed his chest. “It’s like the sis we never had!” Paul grinned. Sam rolled her eyes. Gab just tilted his head with a smile on it.

  And weirder still, they stayed with her. They were all sitting there when she woke next. She took the tea Gab offered and had to listen through a stream of idiotic jokes that Paul and Tom had prepared to entertain her. They were so bad they were good and only too glad to fall asleep once more until she woken next time and the nurse gave her the all clear to go home.

  Gabriel helped to her gain her footing from the bed.

  “You good?” She nodded. “You should know, in the last few years Dillon has fucked anything he could get his hands on but with you, he’s careful, protective and keeping his dick in his pants. That means something Sam. Think about it. See you next week lass.” The brothers rushed over and hugged and kissed her cheek much to her distaste, telling them to get off as they laughed. Gab kissed her head and they walked out.

  “You don’t have to.” She called out after them. They only laughed. Somehow, she knew no one was listening and fate was laughing her ass off once more.


  She sat in the waiting room till Dillon came on time and he escorted her to his truck parked illegally right outside.

  “How’d it go? Okay?” he asked eagerly opening the door. “You look better than last week for sure. You look good Sam.” He told her lying with a kiss to her forehead. He was trying to be positive and she smiled at him as he locked in her seatbelt and came round to get in his side slamming the door shut.

  “You’re such a good liar. Yeah the treatment was easier this time.” He grinned and she waited until they were on their way before speaking. Not sure how he was gonna take this. But she wasn’t going to hide it from him.

  “So don’t freak out okay.” He looked over at her frowning. She could see he was suddenly worried.

  Damn it.

  “Eyes on the road.” She told him and he turned back to the windscreen. “It was all good. Nothing to worry about. No issues. No problems. NO dramas. Treatment went well, they’re really happy. But err….. your dad and brothers paid me a visit.”

  The car was yanked to the side of the road and parked in the nearest space.

  “What the fuck did you just say.” He was breathing heavily and staring out the windscreen. So angry his body was shaking, he was so caught up in his own emotions she wasn’t sure he’d hear her, but she tried anyway.

  “Look, they didn’t do anything. He came to talk that was it. He talked they played cards which was dead weird. I could have lied and not told you, but I won’t do that Dillon. They found out I was having treatment. Your brothers saw you carrying me around and your dad was there when I first woke up. He was …. kind and thoughtful actually.” She frowned and bit her lip. “Your brothers told jokes.”

  He looked incredulous over at her. She nodded. “I know, I know but he was. They did. He wasn’t the guy of the pizza day at all. He asked politely about me and what was going on and about you and us. He said nothing harmful or hostile or made any threats. Actually, he said he wouldn’t interfere with you or what you wanted. That he wouldn’t use me to get to you either. It was good. Your brothers are nosey shits, but they were okay too although their joke material needs work. He stayed with me Dillon. The whole time. Made sure I ate and drank, that I could stand on my feet before leaving. It was weird as shit after all that, but they did nothing to harm me. I think….. they…… like me.” She grimaced.

  He was frozen. “You wouldn’t let me stay. I’ve been asking for weeks but he gets to.” He was gripping the steering wheel hard. Still not looking at her.

  She shook her head and sighed. “You need to look at me.” He continued to stare out the window. “Dillon look at me.” He turned his face but he was closed off and shut down. “I do not want anyone seeing me like that. No one. If your dad had asked, I’d have said no. But he didn’t okay, and you have practice when my treatment is happening. You need to go to that. It’s your scholarship, you’re ticket out of here, its important.”

  “You’re important!” He slammed his hand on the steering wheel several times.

  She grabbed his face and turned it to her. Putting both hands on his face she pulled him to her. Her lips hovering just above his.

  “I’m holding my shit together here.” She told him quietly. “He’s not trying to take me from you and if he was, I wouldn’t let him. You drive me crazy you know that? But for the life of me, I can’t seem to do without you.”

  He brushed his lips across hers. “You can’t?” his lips hovered over hers. She shook her head.

  “No I can’t Dillon. You got in and I can’t let that go.”

  He held her tighter to him kissing down the side of her face and neck. Nipping and sucking, mouthing her skin until his lips were at her ear and her body on fire. His hand slid up her thigh and stopped at her heat.

  “I got in? Fuck Sam. I want you so badly it hurts.”

  “I… don’t want you getting in too deep with me Dillon. I don’t know what’s gonna happen. I don’t want to hurt you.” she whispered.

  “Please baby. Don’t ever talk like that. Let me love you. You won’t regret it.”

  How do you say no to that?

  Chapter Four

  He came to her that night. It wasn’t unexpected.

  When she’d got home, she’d showered washing the clinic away using the last of her energy and fell asleep.

  She woke up a couple of hours later and they’d got through dinner on their laps in the living room so she could rest easy on the sofa. Bill asked her how her day had gone, and they talked a little. She didn’t elaborate on her visitors and she wasn’t really hungry, she never was after the treatment.

  The guys watched the game and some TV while she napped some more on the sofa until Bill called it a night. Dillon wrapped her in his arms, and they stayed like that watching nothing for half an hour or so, until it turned into a slow make out session.

  Getting hot and heavy and too tired to play fair she’d finally pulled away and gone to her room.

  She couldn’t sleep. She should have been exhausted but her mind wouldn’t switch off. Thoughts of Dillon’s hands and lips assaulted her. She was restless, and not ashamed to admit horny and needy. Dillon was killing her slowly keeping her at arm’s length.

  Her door opening quietly then clicking shut, wasn’t a complete surprise. She watched him pull off his T shirt in one tug from the back of his neck and watched it drop to the floor.

  “Okay,” she whispered with amusement. “That,” she circled her open hand towards his torso. “Needs to come with a warning sign.”

  She could see his grin in the moonlight filtering through the window as he kicked off his trainers, unbuttoning his jeans. “You can keep them on,” she squeaked.

  “Nope. Sorry babe. It’s all coming off. I want you to see what you’re getting.”

  He was still unbuttoning. She gulped. “I like the dark and surprises.” She told him in nervous energy, the semi darkness only showing the grin that got wider.

  He cocked his head at her. “Nervous? You worried about me Sam?”

  “Nervous yes, worried no.” she murmured.

  “Do you want me to stop?” He asked so quietly like he was afraid of her answer.

  She shook her head. “No.” The rest of his clothes all coming off in a rush. His large and heavy cock already rock solid.

  “Holy shit. No wonder the girls wet themselves seeing you come into the room. That really needs to come with a warning sign!”

  He chuckled coming towards her and slipped into the bed. He looked down on her. “I know you’re tired and you should be asleep. I expected you to be if I’m hone
st. I like that you’re not. We don’t have to do anything but,” he stroked her face. Then kissed her mouth hungrily before pulling back. “Touch me Sam. I want to feel your hands on me.”

  She lay on her back looking up at him raising her hand to trace the lines of his face, then collar bone, down his chest bone. Dillon grasped her hand and moved it over his pecs and nipples, circling them until they hardened. She felt his cock move against her leg. Getting bigger. She swallowed as he drew her hand down his six pack and V to the trimmed hair at his cock. Her breath coming in short shallow breathes as he opened her fingers and pushed her hand through his trimmed curls to the base of his cock and held her hand there.

  “I got my clinic results today.” He told her kissing the side of her neck.

  She blinked up at him trying to figure out what he was saying cos words did not compute through the lust and fog in her brain. “Huh?”

  He smiled down at her. “STD clinic. Results? Anything registering?”

  “Sorry Sam can’t come to the phone right now she’s a flaky cow easily distracted.”

  He laughed quietly as he peppered her neck with kisses and his cock jumped.

  “O my god….” Her eyes flared and her mouth gave that delicious o that he just had to kiss.

  “I’m clean Sam. Do you want to see it?”

  She chuckled. “I’m already seeing it.”

  He moved her hand up and down the length of his cock slowly. “Yes you fucking are.” He grinned. “Any chance you can take some of those clothes off. It’s okay if you don’t want to, I like you stroking me off, and we can just cuddle, that would be nice too and we don’t have to fuck. Don’t get me wrong I want in you badly but I’m also okay to wait but I’d really like to taste you but if you’re not ready for that either after the day you’ve had or too tired, I can wait for that too.”


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