The Bear's Seer (The Dragon Ruby Series Book 7)

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The Bear's Seer (The Dragon Ruby Series Book 7) Page 10

by Leilani Love

  Emily couldn’t help but smile. "No, I’m what is known as a seer. I see glimpses of the future and connections between people. Me putting them to sleep required a little bit of magic. I get that partially through my family line and partly because my family, my children, are wolf shifters."

  Madison stopped moving, her eyes two giant saucers. "Wolf shifters? As in werewolves?"

  "Werewolves in movies only change because the moon compels them. My children control when they change. The wolf is part of who they are. They don't go around randomly biting or attacking people." Emily paused to study Madison’s reaction.

  For a moment, Emily wondered if Madison was going to run into the woods screaming. "You have been surrounded by monsters—human monsters," Emily said in a firm voice. "Yes, what you just saw were two women who had the ability to use magic in a bad way, but there are others who use it for good...for healing. The people in the magical realm all have different strengths and abilities, and they are just as varied as humas. Some will hurt while others will protect."

  Madison shifted her weight from one foot to the other. "You’re taking Hunter to a witch, aren't you?"

  "Yes. A healing witch who has just come into her powers."

  "You aren't afraid she’ll try to hurt him?"

  "No. She is with my children. She is a young witch but is destined for great and wonderful things."

  Madison kept silent after that as they made it to the truck. Talon stood next to the driver’s door. "I thought I would drive for a bit and let Dad rest in the back."

  Emily nodded, and Madison looked wide-eyed at Talon before swallowing. "Will it be okay if I go back and sit with them in the trailer?" she asked as Liam came around the back of the trailer. "I wanted to ask you before you closed the door,"

  Liam started, and Emily smiled softly. "He should sleep until we get to Colorado. We only really have a few more hours to go.”

  Liam’s shoulders relaxed. “Just be careful. He’s still not well.” Madison followed Liam to the back of the trailer.

  Emily turned to see Talon watching them. "How is she doing with what...just happened?"

  "She just found out witches, seers, and shifters exist. Overall, I think she is taking it better than most."

  "Does she know we’re bear shifters?" he asked, frowning.

  Emily shook her head. "No. When she asked if I was a witch, I explained I was a seer with some magical ability helped out by the fact that my children are wolf shifters."

  He chuckled and looked her in the eyes. "That didn’t send her running into the woods?"

  "No. She’s already seen that some monsters are human. Hopefully, she believes maybe supernaturals wouldn’t be so bad."

  Before Talon could reply, Liam poked his head around the corner. "Come help me move the tree from behind us, then I can help guide you out."

  Talon gave a nod, and Emily sat in the back seat, deciding she could rest some with Liam.

  Emily watched from the side mirror as Liam and Talon easily moved the tree behind them over to the side. Talon jogged back and climbed into the driver’s seat while Liam helped guide them out. When Liam opened the door and his eyes met hers, he gave her a lopsided grin.

  She felt like a silly teenager all over again. "I thought I would rest with you."

  Without a word, he climbed in, wrapped an arm around her, and pulled her close. "Madison seems to be handling what she just saw better than I thought she would."

  "She’s stronger than she looks," Emily said.

  Liam brushed her hair back from her face. "Most women are."

  Her cheeks heated as she leaned into his touch. Her eyes closed, and she felt him shift under her as he brushed his lips against hers. "Get some rest. I know using your magic takes a lot of out you."

  Emily snuggled into his arm and let out a deep sigh. Since her mate’s passing, Emily got her strength from the bond she shared with the pack through her children. It still made her stronger than she would have been on her own but not as strong as she was when her mate had been alive. She hated needing to rest after using her abilities, but Liam was right. She was exhausted. It didn’t take long after her eyes closed to fall asleep listening to the sound of his steady heartbeat.

  Chapter 18

  Liam enjoyed the feel of her in his arms and the way she snuggled closer to him in her sleep. He wanted to be sure they were safe until they reached Colorado, but the last twenty-four hours took its toll, and he drifted off to join her in sweet bliss.

  When Liam awoke, he was glad to see Emily was still sleeping soundly. Rubbing his eyes, he looked out the window. "Where are we?"

  "We should be about an hour from the border of Colorado."

  "Damn. I slept that long, huh?" Liam carefully adjusted, so he wouldn’t wake Emily.

  "We haven't had any more trouble, and the two of you needed the rest."

  Liam looked down at the woman in his arms as he stroked her hair. He never imagined he’d have another mate—especially not one so petite. He almost worried he would hurt her when he finally claimed her. He found himself wondering if he would have the strength to be gentle if the time ever came.

  "Do you need a break?" Liam asked his son as his stomach rumbled. Emily shifted, and he smiled at her obvious displeasure when her brow wrinkled.

  Talon said, "Yeah. There’s a gas station up here. Let’s fill up and grab some food, and maybe all of us can trade places. I’ll sit in the back for a bit."

  "I could use some food," Emily mumbled as she rubbed her eyes and stretched, pressing her body more fully against his.

  Kissing the top of her head, he chuckled. "I didn’t mean to wake you."

  Her soft giggle made him smile. "No, I just woke up and didn't know if it was your stomach or my stomach grumbling."

  Talon laughed. "Dad’s has been known to wake the neighbors."

  Liam grumbled under his breath, "Ungrateful kids. I swear, you give them life and—"

  “It was pretty loud,” she teased, a smile lightening up her whole face.

  Narrowing his eyes, he tickled her side. "I'll show you loud."

  Her soft laughter filled the air as she wiggled in his arms. What was meant to be playful had his cock rock hard. When he stopped and looked down at her, he saw the way her pupils had dilated, and her breath came in a soft pant. Her nipples poked through her shirt, showing he was not the only one affected by their play.

  With a low moan, he adjusted his arms and lifted her, so her face was close enough for him to kiss. It was meant to be light, but the second his lips touched hers, he was lost. It was just the two of them as her lips parted on a breathy sigh, and his tongue slipped in for a taste.

  His hands slid up under the back of her shirt as his tongue dueled with hers. At this rate, he would have a permeant imprint of his zipper on his cock. She eagerly returned the kiss, her fingers tugging on his hair.

  A loud cough brought him back to the fact that they weren't alone. When he opened his eyes, Emily’s cheeks were a lovely shade of pink, her lips parted and swollen from their kiss.

  Unable to resist, he gave in to the temptation and kissed her forehead before whispering, "Sorry."

  He loved her shy smile as she tucked herself back into his arms. A glance up at the rearview mirror showed Talon with a silly grin on his face as he shook his head.

  “Stop somewhere safe-looking. I’m pretty sure we aren’t the only ones hungry,” Liam instructed.

  His son chuckled and mumbled just loud enough for him to hear, "At least for food."

  Liam narrowed his eyes.

  Talon laughed then mumbled, "Yes, sir."

  Despite all that was going on, Liam felt relaxed and hopeful. They were far from safe, but with Emily in his arms, he felt like he could take on the world—and win.

  It wasn't long before Talon pulled into a small gas station. Liam and Talon got out, and Liam reached back to help Emily out of his side of the truck. A yawn escaped her, and she covered her mouth as she looked away.

  Liam went around to the back to let Madison and Dominic out so they could stretch too. He was careful opening the door, even though no one was around. He didn’t know how he would explain it if they were seen on tape with Hunter tied up in the back. He was still sleeping, and Emily seemed to think he would sleep almost the entire way.

  Madison rubbed her eyes and stretched as she walked slowly to the door. Liam offered her his hand and helped her down from the back. Dominic followed behind her, pulling out pieces of stray grass that had gotten stuck in his hair as he laid in the back.

  "We thought we could get some food and stretch our legs before we finish the last part of the journey," Liam said as he grabbed a piece of hay from the back of his Dominic’s head.

  They took turns staying by the trailer just in case but got sandwiches from the deli inside, some snacks to replenish the supplies, and took a quick trip to the bathroom.

  When it was time to go, Dominic offered to drive.

  Liam said, "Why don’t you three go sit in the trailer? Emily can help me navigate and the rest of you can stretch out back there."

  "Trust me, you don’t want to be up there with Dad and Emily," Talon teased, giving Emily a wink when she looked up from across the truck.

  Dominic chuckled. "If you need a break, let me know, and I'll take over."

  "I will," Liam said. Dominic raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms in front of him, making Liam chuckle. "I promise I will. We can't afford to get in an accident, so I promise I’ll be smart."

  Dominic and Talon headed back to the trailer, and when Madison returned from her trip to the restroom, she instantly followed, leaving Liam and Emily to sit in the cab of the truck. "What, the boys get tired of hanging out with us up here?" Emily asked before getting in the passenger side.

  "I thought they might all be more comfortable if they could stretch out in the trailer."

  Emily settled deeper into her seat, fingers tapping to the beat of the music while Liam enjoyed being alone with her. "What do you think your kids are going to do when they see you?"

  Emily grinned. "Probably yell at me for not letting Lazzaro tell them about me sooner, but I knew it would be dangerous—and hug me while they’re yelling."

  "Lazzaro? You mean the Vampire King?" Liam asked, forcing himself to look at the road.

  She gave a small laugh and turned in her seat to look at him. "To be honest, he was the prince when I arranged for everything. His future was tied to my children’s. I knew him being forced to look after them would be as good for him as it was for them."

  Rubbing the back of his neck, Liam shook his head. "I’ve heard stories about him over the years, and none of them spelled out doting father."

  "No. I’m sure not. He had quite the reputation before this all happened, but like the rest of us, he is more than what he appears," Emily stated, making him pause.

  "Will they be upset when we show up with witches chasing us?" Liam asked.

  Emily was silent for a moment, and Liam reached out and took her hand. Without a word, she scooted across the bench seat and sat closer, placing her head on his shoulder. "The witches will be between us. I can feel them trying to put a barrier between us. It will stop my children from seeing us coming."

  "I wish you knew their phone number, so we could call them." Liam looked down at her and smiled before bringing his attention back up at the road. "I don’t suppose you can use your magic so we can ask them to come get us?"

  "That’s not how this works. I can feel them as we get closer. It’s faint, but I feel them both. This is the first time in so long, I hope they can feel me too."

  Emily’s words were barely a whisper, and he detected a small catch in her voice.

  "It must have been hard to leave your children…even knowing what you know," Liam said, realizing he wouldn’t have had the strength to do it.

  She smiled and nodded. "It was, but the hardest part was knowing my mate was going to die and not being able to tell him."

  There was silence after that declaration. There was nothing Liam could say to make what she’d gone through better, but he wanted to spend what time he had left helping her get past the pain of everything and making the rest of her life a wonderful adventure.

  When they crossed over the Colorado border, Emily became restless. Her foot tapped, and she fidgeted a lot. "Get off at the next exit. We need to take that side road to those mountains over there."

  Putting his blinker on, he checked for traffic and got over smoothly. The night had given way to millions of stars in the sky, and he started to catch her excitement. "Do you have any insight on where the witch will try her next attack?"

  There was a long pause, and he looked over to see her eyes were closed. "All I can see is a barrier between us and my children. She is only after me. Maybe we can find a way for us to get Hunter to the witches, who can help him by distracting her with what she wants."

  "We have already used you as bait once. I'm not doing that again," Liam said, gripping the steering wheel tightly as he prepared to argue with her.

  "Maybe we can think of a way for you to get passed them. That way, you can go to my pack and get help. I just want to make sure we get Hunter the help he needs before it’s too late." Emily turned to look at him directly.

  She had a point about being able to get help. He just didn't like the idea of leaving her alone. "I thought you said she was able to track you by her hold on Hunter."

  "Yes, she can. But if she sees me first, she will no longer care about your son. That’s when you can take him and get him help."

  "I won't leave you alone. Maybe we can send Madison and Talon out to get help. We can be the distraction for them," Liam suggested.

  When Liam first mentioned it, he didn’t know if it would work, but the more he thought about it, the more it made sense.

  "We would need to find a map and a way for them to travel. Just because we’re not with them doesn't mean the witches won’t try to intercept them," Emily stated.

  "We should stop somewhere. Do you have any ideas on where we can while keeping Hunter hidden?"

  "Let’s pull in at the next gas station and get some supplies and a map."

  Liam heard the excitement in her voice and smiled. "Yes, ma'am."

  It felt like time itself had paused before they finally reached a gas station. Once he pulled over and stopped, he quickly got out of the truck and went inside to get what they needed. This time of night, theirs was one of the only vehicles on the road.

  The old man behind the counter narrowed his eyes as Liam advanced. "Kind of late for you to just now figure out you need directions."

  "I decided on a detour and wanted to see what’s around. Yours is the first gas station I've seen a while," Liam said as he pulled out his debit card to pay.

  "Most people stick to the highways. Only locals and those trying to avoid the law usually use this highway."

  "Good to know," Liam said before putting away his card and leaving the store with the map. He wasn't surprised to see Dominic standing outside the driver’s side talking to Emily. He held up the map. "You should get back in the trailer. I don’t think those cameras are for show."

  Dominic glanced up, taking in the three cameras surrounding the gas station. "I'll let the others know we’ll be stopping soon."

  Liam got in the truck, feeling the old man watching as he pulled out. The entire interaction had been odd. It was true the road they were on probably had very few travelers. The newer highways would have detoured most away, connecting the larger cities and probably taking most of their business. You would think when customers showed up, they would be happy and not make them feel like they were about to be reported.

  Liam was pretty sure he saw the store owner on his phone as he looked back in the rearview mirror. He wondered what that was about.

  Emily pointed to a sign that was coming up. "That state park has cabins. We can pull into one for the night, and we’ll be fine while we come up with a plan and get some

  "How do you know that?" Liam asked, curious what she saw.

  Flipping over the map, she pointed to an ad. "Book one of our lovely cabins in the woods and enjoy fresh air and many outdoor activities. Once I saw that, I just knew where we had to go."

  Liam chuckled. "It's a good idea. And this time of year, it shouldn’t be crawling with people. A few hours out of this truck would do us all good. Do you really think Hunter will sleep through it all?"

  "He's a lot weaker than he was. That hit from the witch really knocked a lot out of him," Emily pointed out.

  Following her directions, Liam was happy when they pulled off the highway. This road would take them directly to the state park and the forestry cabins.

  Frowning, she bit her lip. "I don't know which road to take exactly, but there’s mile marker seven before it."

  Passing mile marker three, Liam shifted in his seat. "I'm glad it’s not far. I still have a weird feeling about the gas attendant. Did you sense anything from him?"

  Emily shook her head. "No. But I didn't meet him. I trust your gut feeling, though."

  Keeping his eye on the small signs, Liam turned onto a dirt road that obviously didn’t get traveled on very much. Long grass brushed the underside of the truck. Since they were only going to be here for the night, he wasn’t too worried about someone noticing it being flattened.

  They drove for more than a mile before he saw a cabin between the trees. There was a small covering housing several ranger Jeeps next to it. He smiled. "This is one of the ranger stations. They must keep supplies for when they have to go out and do search and rescues. There should be gas in that shed and, I bet, several sleeping bags clean and ready for us to use."

  Emily smiled. "I’m happy to be able to lie down on something besides this truck."

  Liam chuckled and pulled up in front of the cabin. He debated taking Hunter out of the back, but he doubted there would be a more secure place to tie him up than where he already was. Plus, if he did wake up, they risked not being able to get him back into the trailer.


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