Deserving You

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Deserving You Page 12

by Amanda Siegrist

  He picked up his menu the waiter had placed in front of him and opened it. “I read a review that this place has great chicken Alfredo.”

  She glanced at him over the rim of her menu. “I don’t feel like pasta.”

  Okay. In terms of trying to start a conversation, that was pretty lame. Talking would be harder than he imagined. He was starting to doubt the brilliant plan to talk about their issues in a restaurant. When he made the reservations, he did request a table in a quiet, secluded part of the restaurant. They were tucked away in a corner. A few people sat near them, but not close enough to hear anything. Of course, if the conversation turned heated it could turn into a different story.

  Now what did he say? He wanted to be thankful she didn’t have any sorrow in her eyes. But when it came to Deja, she rarely displayed that heartbreaking emotion. Only recently, since her brother was released, had she let the pain show. Generally, she hid her feelings well. Behind a huge barrier she had erected probably early on in childhood. How did he break that barrier down? Slowly could take forever. Tearing it down with a wrecking ball might be his best option. It made him nervous as shit to do it.

  He made these reservations to show her what they had was more than sex. He wanted everything. Her companionship. Her friendship. Her love. He went about it all backwards last night, letting his body speak louder than his mind. He didn’t regret last night. He just wished it had turned out a little differently. Mainly, he wished she would’ve told him the truth.

  He lowered the menu. “I heard the steak’s pretty good, too.” Still lame, but that’s all the bravery he had at the moment.

  Her eyes peeked over the menu again. “I don’t feel like steak.”

  Nodding his head, he pretended to look at the menu once more. Food wasn’t a priority. He wasn’t sure he would be able to take one bite. Why did he think this was a good idea?


  Emmett pushed in Sara’s chair and took a seat across from her. The ring in his pocket was starting to burn a hole. He could do this. He loved her. She loved him. Two years of dating was almost overkill. Time to pop the question. At least, that’s what Ethan and Gabe told him. He couldn’t explain it to them, or even to himself, why he kept putting it off. He just wanted it to be right. To be perfect.

  Ethan bulldozed over all his reasons and forced him to buy a ring. His exact words were, “Marry her or dump her, two years is ridiculous, man. Mom and Dad barely waited five months before getting engaged. She’s either the one or she’s not. Time to decide.”

  Sara was the best. She worked as a receptionist at a doctor’s office. Everyone loved her there. She was sweet, kind, friendly. Perfect for him.

  She was twenty-three. He was twenty-seven. Ethan was right. It was time. He just wanted to be sure. He just wanted the moment to be right. Decisions like this shouldn’t be made lightly. Once he married, it’d be forever. He wouldn’t have it any other way.

  Ethan was one to talk. He was almost like Austin, a player. A man who needed a woman on his arms at all times. He went through women so frequently it was hard to keep up with whom he was dating at any given time. Maybe that made him more knowledgeable about women. Emmett wasn’t a novice, but he floundered at times when it came to women.

  He loved Sara. That’s all that mattered.

  They ordered food. Emmett asked for the best bottle of wine they had. Sara smiled at him and rested her arms on the table. “The best bottle of wine, Emmett? What’s the occasion?”

  “What, I can’t buy my beautiful girlfriend the best there is.” He smiled as he reached for her hand. His other hand hid under the table, tapping the box in his pocket.

  A smile graced her face, but there was no happiness in her eyes. She slowly pulled her hand away. “We should talk.”

  Talk? That didn’t sound good the way she said it. Why did she pull away? His hand slowly moved away from his pocket. “What do you want to talk about?”

  “I slept with my boss.”

  Emmett’s smile froze. To anyone it would probably look like he was smiling at his girlfriend with adoration. Far from it. He just couldn’t move a muscle from the shock coursing through him. The ring now felt like heavy lead, weighing him down. Weren’t they supposed to love each other? This didn’t sound like she loved him at all. Not that they used the “L” word yet. It was just sort of assumed. Or, at least, he thought so.

  “It was one time and a total mistake. I’m sorry, Emmett. Please forgive me.” Her hand lingered on the table, just in reach of his. It almost looked like she wanted to reach for him.

  “Forgive you?” His smile finally vanished as confusion took its place. “Why?”

  She bit the bottom of her lip. “I don’t know. I didn’t mean to do it. It happened at the office after hours.” She touched the tips of his fingers. “I want to work through this. I don’t want to lose you. I didn’t want to hide this from you. It’ll never happen again. I swear.”

  He moved his hand away. “You cheated on me, Sara. For no good reason, apparently. How am I supposed to trust you now? You say it won’t happen again, but how can I be sure?”

  Tears formed in the corner of her eyes. “Because I love you. We can work through this.”

  Now she finally says she loves him. All this time, he had assumed, not really needing to hear it. She obviously didn’t know what love meant.

  Before he could respond, the waiter approached the table with their food and the wine meant to celebrate their engagement. Now, it would just dull his emotions. Without missing a beat, Sara started to eat, talking to him as if he had forgiven her. Hell, no, he wouldn’t be forgiving her. But he wasn’t one to make a scene. He’d survive this dinner and then wipe her from his life.


  Shit. He hated how Sara told him in a crowded restaurant that she cheated on him. He had wanted to shout, release his anger for the way she broke his heart. But ever the gentleman, he finished through the meal, took her home, and told her they were through with little fanfare. She tried to put up a fight, spewing words of love, but he shut her down with little effort. He couldn’t continue to love a woman who did something like that to him. He never felt more relieved that he hadn’t professed his love like he had planned. He didn’t end up being a complete fool. Just a partial one. He still couldn’t understand why she cheated on him. What did he do to make her do that? Or, what didn’t he do?

  Here he was, in love with another woman, trying to do what he hated Sara for doing. Having a serious conversation should take place in private. What had he been thinking? Deja could potentially cause a scene. She wasn’t one to hold back. One of the many reasons he loved her.

  Simple way to solve that problem. He’d enjoy this meal, hopefully, anyway. Then take her home and talk to her there. He wouldn’t bring anything up about last night yet. Besides, she wasn’t responding too well to his simple talk.

  He glanced at her, her eyes glued to the menu. More like, actively trying to ignore him. Her long blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail. Nothing dramatic, just simple and cute. She never had to do anything special. He always found her so beautiful.

  He should’ve skipped the restaurant and went straight home. His house, preferably, to avoid Dare. The things he wanted to talk about needed to be said without any interruption. He wanted to talk about these things. Now. What would she say if he said he wanted to leave?

  “Deja, I—”

  “Oh, my. Emmett McCord, is that you?”

  Emmett glanced to his right to see the last person he ever wanted to deal with. Did his thoughts about Sara conjure up this woman? He never cared for Chelsea Bridget, one of Sara’s closest friends. His brother Ethan always laughed at her name. He thought it was so funny she had two first names.

  “Hello, Chelsea.”

  She walked right up to him, not once glancing toward Deja, and placed a hand on his shoulder. “It’s been ages. How are you?” Before he could answer, her eyes trailed to Deja. “Holy shit, Deja Wilson. How in the world do you
know Emmett?”

  Deja’s brow rose, then she smiled so innocently. Emmett knew better. There was nothing innocent in her look. “I was wondering the same thing about you.”

  Not good. At. All. There was history between these two, and Emmett wasn’t getting the good kind of vibe. Was Chelsea one of the people who hurt Deja with her words? He wouldn’t be surprised. While Sara had been sweet and caring, Chelsea was the exact opposite. He always got the impression she wanted to hook up with him. Not that he ever implied he wanted her sexually or encouraged anything of the sort. Her hand on his shoulder was telling him she still wanted him. He lightly shrugged her hand off. She backed up a step.

  “Emmett dated Sara. You remember Sara Bergen? They were practically engaged.” Chelsea smiled wide, then turned to him. “What are you doing with Deja? I don’t mean to sound rude or anything, but her brother is bad news. A very dangerous guy.” She glanced at Deja. “You have to admit that. I’m still shocked at what he did.”

  Deja’s face turned hard, the look in her eyes said she wanted to grab her tire iron and bash Chelsea over the head. Emmett was tempted himself. He knew Chelsea could act like a bitch, but to this extent? Blatantly say that to Deja. How dare anyone speak to her that way.

  “Dare has more courtesy than you, Chelsea. That was uncalled for.” Emmett pierced her with a stare that said she would do well not to say anything else. “You owe Deja an apology.”

  Chelsea bristled as if he slapped her. Deja just stared at him as if he lost his mind. Maybe he did. And he was about to really lose it if she didn’t leave. What was he thinking? Chelsea was the last person to ever offer an apology. He’d die holding his breath waiting for one.

  When Chelsea continued to stand there and say nothing, Emmett said, “I’d appreciate it if you left us alone. We’re trying to enjoy our meal.”

  Clucking her tongue in distaste, she pursed her lips. “I always respected you, Emmett. Thought you were such a catch. I guess you decided to lower your standards if you’re with someone like Deja. Dumping Sara for someone like her.” Chelsea waved a hand in Deja’s direction.

  Emmett stared at Deja for a moment, her face difficult to read now. The anger was gone, replaced with indifference. More of her shield erected. Damn Chelsea for just making his job even harder. Well, screw that.

  “Sara doesn’t even compare to a woman like Deja—or you, for that matter.” Emmett grinned as Chelsea’s face fell into a frown. “Which is why I’m the happiest man on earth that she agreed to marry me. So please let me eat dinner with my fiancé in peace before I have you removed.”

  Chelsea huffed in indignation and walked away. Wow. That was easier than he thought. She didn’t put up a fight at all. Shocking, really.

  Unsure of what Deja would think of him for saying that, he stared at the menu instead of looking at her. He was honestly surprised Chelsea walked away without more of a fight. “I guess that paints quite a picture of your childhood. What a bitch.”

  “You were engaged to Sara Bergen?”

  He looked up. She still looked indifferent. Like nothing bothered her with what just happened, even him calling her his fiancé. “No.”

  “But she said—”

  “She said practically engaged. We dated for two years. I never asked her. I thought about it, especially with Ethan bugging me, but then she opened my eyes. She cheated on me.”

  Her shock was swift as she leaned toward him. “She didn’t? I know she could be ditzy, but dumb? She was an idiot for losing a great guy like you. Wow.”

  A smile touched his face as he leaned closer, getting near her lips. “How do you know them?”

  She sunk back in her chair. “I went to high school with them. I’m surprised you know them.”

  “I’m sorry to say I do now. I wish I would’ve met you first. Now that we’re getting married, I’m the happiest man on earth. They don’t matter.” His smile grew as he stayed leaning over the table, her eyes round with shock again.

  “You were just playing with her, calling me…saying that…it’s not real.”

  “Sure it is. I love you. I’m ready for that step. I think I never asked Sara without Ethan prodding me because I must’ve known I didn’t love love her. But you, I know I love love you. I’ll get you the most gorgeous ring there is. I promise.” He winked as he finally sat back.

  Her mouth opened and closed like a fish. Clearly, he rendered her speechless. Yep. The way to show Deja how he felt was to exert his dominance so she had no reason to doubt him. Marriage? He never thought about it before, but now the idea was planted firmly in his mind. He had no doubts or reservations whatsoever. Not like he had with Sara.

  “You didn’t even ask me, Emmett. You can’t just assume I’ll marry you. Stop joking around. That’s all this is. I’m not the type of woman—”

  He stood up, leaning over the table without a thought or care about anything in his way and silenced her words with a kiss. He kept it short and brief, but long enough to let her know, hopefully anyway, that he wasn’t kidding. “I wouldn’t lie or joke around about something like this. I love you.”

  He sat back down with a smug grin on his face. He could see the protest on her lips when the waiter stopped at their table.

  “Have you decided what you’d like?”

  Emmett tapped the menu. “The chicken Alfredo. I hear it’s delicious. We’ll also have the best bottle of champagne you have. We’re celebrating our engagement.”

  The waiter smiled. “Congratulations.” He beamed his thousand-watt smile toward Deja. “Your fiancé is a lucky man to have snagged such a beautiful woman. What can I get for you?”

  Emmett thought Deja was about to argue and throw a fit that his words were all lies when a slow smile crept over her face. “Thank you so much. I’ll have the most expensive steak you have. I hear it’s the best.”

  The waiter nodded and walked away.

  “I don’t like games, Emmett. But I’ll play along and empty your wallet.”

  He set his elbows on the table, folded his hands together, and grinned. “I’m not playing games. You’ll figure it out soon enough. You can have anything you want from me. What are you so afraid of? Is it so hard to imagine that someone might actually love you for you? Because I do. With every breath in my body. I see I have a lot of work ahead of me to prove it.”

  Chapter 12

  Deja looked at all the ingredients covering the counter. What did Sophie want her to do? Because she needed something to occupy her mind. Thinking about what happened last night and this morning wasn’t helping to calm her down.

  Dinner had been—wonderful. Surprisingly. Once the shock of seeing Chelsea after so many years, and Emmett boldly saying they were getting married, they had morphed into a comfortable conversation. She had decided it was best to ignore what he said. He was only kidding, and making a scene in the middle of a restaurant wasn’t on her to-do list. So she changed the topic.

  She figured once the meal was over Emmett would insist on coming inside her house like the night before. He didn’t. He walked her to the door, kissed her with a kiss that had her wishing he followed her inside, and left. He didn’t even wait for an invitation. He just left.

  Which confirmed he was only messing with her. Playing some sick mind games. It pissed her off. Dare had been lounging on the couch watching something on TV when she got home. She didn’t glance once at it, barely even said goodnight to him. She had rushed to her room and locked the door. Not that she worried Dare would bug her, but who knew. She had hoped he would, like when they were younger. He didn’t. That hurt almost as much as Emmett playing games with her did.

  Then this morning came. She forced Dare out of bed, telling him they were helping on the farm today. She didn’t give him a choice in the matter. Another surprise again, he didn’t argue too much. When a knock sounded on the door, she opened it expecting to see Sophie and Austin. Nope. Standing tall and proud, with the sexiest smile yet, was Emmett.

  He gave her a kiss t
hat spoke of such promises for later, flashed a shy smile, and then slipped a ring onto her finger. Too shocked to speak, she let him usher her out of the house without arguing. Dare had glanced at the ring, but didn’t say anything. The ride to the farm had been awkward.

  Of course, not as awkward as Emmett announcing their engagement once they arrived at the farm. Hugs and congratulations went rampant until Zane finally said it was time to get to work.

  Engaged. This ring. He was either still playing this game to the extreme, or he actually wanted to marry her.

  She fingered the ring with her thumb, watching as it sparkled, connecting with the sunlight streaming through the window over the sink. It didn’t look like a cheap ring. At least two carats, a princess cut, with tiny diamonds trailing down the band. It was gorgeous, more than she would’ve ever imagined when she dreamed as a little girl getting whisked away by a knight in shining armor.

  She had no idea what to do. Part of her still thought he was joking. He had to be. They didn’t match at all. She was nothing compared to him. Trailer trash as some of the kids used to tease. A criminal, even though her record didn’t display it. She wasn’t good enough for a man as sweet, caring, and handsome as Emmett.

  “Are you okay, Deja?”

  She tore her gaze away from the ring, dropping her hand to her side. Gabe stood near the fridge. “I’m fine. How’s the corral coming along?”

  “Good. The drinks Sophie passed out were a lifesaver, but not enough. We’re all a little more parched than we realized. I’m just grabbing some more water bottles.”

  Deja nodded, then looked away. She should start measuring out flour or something. Do anything to make it look like she wasn’t scared or a chicken or anything. She should’ve walked outside with Sophie and helped pass out drinks instead of staying hidden in the kitchen. Not that Sophie gave her a choice. Her words had been, “Get the dough started for the pies. I can handle the drinks.”


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